Is there fogbugz integration with Splunk, similar to the Jira integration? - jira

The Jira integration is mentioned in

I see that you can submit bugs to Fogbugz via HTTP Post.
In Splunk there is a feature called Workflow actions.
And you could use this to HTTP Post a bug to Fogbugz in response to certain event types or presence of certain fields.


API to fetch last login date jira cloud

Is there any JIRA REST API which can give information about last login time of all users for jira cloud platform?
If yes, then please provide me the details of the request URL.
it is not available (as of June 2022), they have a request but they are not considering it yet:
there might be some custom plugins extending the REST API for server but I doubt they would allow such a plugin on the cloud side

Creating Requirement based Test Suite fails through TFS API but works through Web Portal

Unable to create a Requirements based Test Suite using TFS .NET API nor the REST API in TFS 2015. Using the TFS web portal this is possible.
I understand the reason why the API's fail, which is that the EPIC work items I'm using are not in the "Requirement Category." However, the TFS web portal lets me use these same EPIC work item as the requirement for a requirements based test suite. Go figure?
Since the project I'm working on involves a Fortune 500 company it is no simple feat to add EPICs to the "Requirement Category." Since the TFS web portal uses some kind of work-around I'm wondering if someone can clue me in as to how it's being done, and if I can take advantage of it using the .NET or REST APIs.
I could reproduce your issue on my side. According to the REST api of Create a test suite, parameter requirementIds supports categories of requirement type are: Epic, Feature, Requirement, and Bug. But REST api can not support Epic work items actually:
I have report a feedback at website below, we will get response soon:

How to get all the available email handlers in jira?

I am writing a java plugin for jira and I am require to list the mail handlers currently active in jira. How can I do so?
I am unwilling to hit Database.

JIRA Integration with external systems

I'm working on a POC to automate downstream processes in external systems based on JIRA processes and have hit a wall with the API. It appears to have great integration for pulling data about tickets out of JIRA and for the ability to externally generate tickets into JIRA.
However I don't see how to trigger external calls as a part of my workflows. For example if a ticket should be prevented from being routed to the next stage of a workflow without accessing a database to ensure availability of inventory first how could I do that in JIRA?
Based on attributes in the JIRA ticket upon final completion of the workflow we'd like to send a JMS or REST message or possibly update an external database. Is this possible?
Thanks all in advance for the help!
If you want to do a "before" check, use a Validator on the Workflow Transition.
I strongly suggest deploying the (free) Script Runner add-on. There you can implement a ton of things. For example, you'll get a new validator option "Script Validator", where you can specify a Groovy script that decides if it lets through the transition or aborts it.

Synchronize Issues in Mantis and in JIRA

We are moving from Mantis to JIRA and wish to keep Mantis alive for some time until the migration is complete and all the users are migrated.
All users (esp. the dev team) that have been migrated to JIRA shouldn't continue with Mantis (maybe deactivate accounts) and concentrate on JIRA alone.
Thus if a Mantis issue that was migrated to JIRA gets fixed/commented (in JIRA) the new status should be synchronized to the still existing Mantis issue.
And (if possible) new issues that are created in Mantis should be automatically be added to JIRA (if this is not possible then thats OK too)
Does anybody know of a tool or plugin that can do this?
I do not know any tool that does it, but in our company we have successfully implemented sync tool for Jira<->Footprints and Jira<->CRM. It would use Jira SOAP API (or REST starting from 5.0) and Mantis SOAP API. This tool can regularly check issues in both systems and update them accordingly.
you can implement your own sync using Jira's REST API as #Daria replied above, or you can use Task Adapter for manual data synchronization between Jira and Mantis.
Sorry I have no immediate answer, but we are developing an internal tool for exactly this purpose:
migrate existing issues from Mantis -> JIRA
ability to enter new issues in Mantis and have them synced to JIRA
activity in JIRA issues replicated back to Mantis
workflow disabled in Mantis (issues are slaved to JIRA state)
keep Mantis alive for N months while users are trained and migrated
It is using their SOAP and REST APis respectively.
If there is interest and it works well (looking really good at this stage) I will seek permission to open source it.
