SONAR - Analyzing source code in an Incremental way - jenkins

I am using sonar for the last few months and want to know that do sonar works in an incremental way or not i.e if i do soanr analysis for the first time on my project code it will definitely analyze all the code but if i do some enhancement on my core source code and update some files then after updation do sonar analysis again on the same code then will sonar analyze all the files OR only analyze files which i have updated?
I am using "Sonar way with Findbugs" as my default quality profile.
Is there any way to use sonar in an incremental way, to analyze only updated files?
Is this possible in sonar or not?
Kindly revert your help will be appreciated..
Thanks in advance..

Sonar does not currently handle incremental analyses.
If you want, you can watch and vote for the following ticket:

If your task if code quality metrics in a general way, then you can use these tools directly on Jenkins. See FindBugs Plugin , PMD plugin or Checkstyle Plugin. They independently give what you need in the form of "incremental code" reports. But if you have to use SONAR only, then Fabrice's answer is the correct one.

Here the post where the ticket that #fabrice-sonar-team comments was born:
does Sonar support Incremental code quality analysis
You can read Freddy Mallet's explanation about why this functionality is not trivial to be implemented. It requires lot of effort, so as Fabrice said, vote for the ticket! :)

Just adding on since this is the first google result for 'Sonar incremental preview analysis' in stack, and the answers are way too old.
Sonar has plugins available for IDEs such as Eclipse and NetBeans that can run incremental analysis on the changed files alone. This still needs a connection the SonarQube server though.
You may also run the analysis right from Jenkins by passing an additional sonar analysis property - sonar.analysis.mode=incrementalin your Sonar scan build step. This will report the code quality in a full report - will all code issues as well as a light report containing only new issues (since last full scan as recorded in server).
To take one step further use sonar.issuesReport.html.enable=true and publish the generated html reports to your Jenkins build page - Neat and Trim
Sonar documentation here


What version of Checkstyle is getting used in warnings next generation plugin 6.1.1 from jenkins?

I am trying to configure static code analysis on my jenkins server for maven project. I want to use google checks for Checkstyle based code analysis. To use appropriate google checks xml file I want to know the version of checkstyle used in warnings next generation plugin 6.1.1.
Can anyone please help me with this?
Warnings-ng plugin is not analyzing your code, it just creates visualization of checkstyle analysis results.
So you need to perform analysis by some other tool (e.g. maven) first and after than warnings-ng can show you results.

Extracting SonarQube Report (preferably for Jenkins)

apologies if this has been covered, there have been a couple similar questions on SE - but struggling to find an explicit solution:
Does anyone know how to access the reports from SonarQube? I want to put some logic in Jenkins that will only proceed to do more stuff if quality gates are passed. This is something I wish to automate, and not login to sonarqube manually.
I have seen references to a possible, Gerrit plugin solution or using a curl step to use the API but neither explained how to replicate that approach.
You've got to use the SonarQube Scanner for Jenkins.
Specifically, check the "Analyzing in a Jenkins pipeline" section: it allows you to run a SonarQube analysis, and wait for the Quality Gate to be available so that you can decide (in your pipeline script) what to do based on the status of the quality gate.
sonarqube reports can be extracted using webapi
for example : http://sonarserver:9010/api/issues/search?componentKeys=sonarProject&severities=BLOCKER,CRITICAL,MAJOR,MINOR,INFO&s=SEVERITY&asc=false&ps=100
convert the json output to csv and to xls using online tools

How to use exclude the analysis of all other language and do analysis for required one in sonarQube

I am using SonarQube 5.1.2 and maven 3.0.4.I run sonar analysis for one of my project and it gives me all the result.But the issue is it is showing the analysis for all the languages and I need only for Java.Is there a way we can exclude other and keep only java
Current analysis is
Property sonar.language is what you're looking for, see Analysis Parameters

Free alternatives to Atlassian Clover?

Reasking my older question:
Java test coverage: who covers what?
Background: I look at sonar's coverage report for a class and want to know, which test contributes to the coverage of a specific line / branch, so that it easy to got to that test and add the test for the newly introduced if-branch.
Are there other (preferably free) alternatives to clover in the IDE? Perhaps even such that they can be included into sonar ?
Or maybe tricks to enhance, accumulate information with some scripting in emma-reports ?
Or even further, patch emma or cobertura to log the required info (instead of logging a "1" for counting, one could well log the names of class under test and the test, I assume)
You should definitely give a try to JaCoCo. Its integration with Sonar allows to benefit from new features, for example :
merge coverage by unit and integration tests. See
track the relations between tests and tested code (since sonar 3.5). You can find a screenshot on the documentation page:

How to display performance test results on Jenkins

We've written a framework to test the performance of our Java application (none of the existing frameworks, eg JMeter, were appropriate). The framework produces various metrics, e.g. mean/min/max transactions per second.
We'd like each Jenkins build to display these metrics so that we can keep track of whether a commit has improved performance or not.
I can't figure out how to do this.
One idea is to modify our performance test framework to output a HTML file, then somehow make Jenkins display/link to it on the build results page.
Any advice gratefully received.
The Peformance Plugin can show the results of JMeter and JUnit test in the nice, graphical fashion. And on the plugin page there is a description on how to use it.
This is an open-source plugin hosted on GitHub. The JUnit and JMeter parser are already there, but You can implement your own just by subclassing PerformanceReportParser. It's pretty easy and you can just fork the repo and start your implementation.
I agree that it is hard (if not impossible) to squeeze all the information into standard formats, like JUnit. They are good for quick identification of problems. Once you know there is a problem - you need more information that is usually free-form or custom-formatted to fit your particular needs. So we use both: JUnit that can be immediately processed by Jenkins to decide if the build is stable or not, draw the nice trend graph, etc. We also produce an HTML report that is much more detailed.
Now to your immediate question: you can simply archive your HTML file as an artifact (there is a standard post-build step to do that). Then a link to it will be displayed among the artifacts for the build. There are permalinks to the latest artifacts and latest successful build artifacts:
You may bookmark those links and have quick and easy one-click access to your results.
You could use the HTML Publisher Plugin to publish the resulting HTML page. That would be pretty straightforward.
If you want better integration you could try to create output that follows the same format JMeter produces, and use the Performance Plugin.
For best result you could take Ɓukasz advice and modify the Performance Plugin to your needs. That requires the most effort on your part, of course.
