<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project default="main" basedir=".">
<echo message="pulling in property files" />
<property file="" />
<echo message="calling the RPM Build Ant" />
<target name="main">
<rpm specfile="example.spec" topdir="${basedir}" command="-bs" />
Summary: xxx
Name: cdplayer
Version: 1.0
Release: 1
Copyright: xxx
Group: Applications/Sound
Source: xxx.tgz
URL: http://xxx.html
Distribution: xxxx
Packager: xxx
make install
Buildfile: /home/user1/workspace/antdemo/build.xml
[echo] pulling in property files
[echo] calling the RPM Build Ant
[rpm] Building the RPM based on the example.spec file
[rpm] -bs: unknown option
[rpm] 'rpm' failed with exit code 1
Total time: 848 milliseconds
I had this issue too. In my case the OS did not have the 'rpmbuild' command installed, so the ant task was calling 'rpm' instead as Aaron suggested.
While I'm not sure what "-bs" option is, you might try changing it to "-bb", which is the default. My own builds, plus a few I've seen, usually use -bb (
Also see:
So I have a basic Java program I am trying to package as an RPM using Ant's rpm task. I am running this through Cygwin. My problem is when I run the ant build script, it seems to be trying to use the rpm command instead of the needed rpmbuild command. From what I have read, the ant rpm task should use rpmbuild unless it is not found, in which case it then uses rpm. I know for a fact both are installed properly, as I can manually create RPMs using the command line just fine. I am not sure if there is something I need to change in the build script or the spec file to get this working, as I am new to this sort of thing. Or if this is a Cygwin dependency issue?
Proof of rpm and rpmbuild install in Cygwin:
$ which rpm
$ which rpmbuild
Here is my build.xml file:
<project name="SimpleJavaApp" default="all">
<property name="src" value="${basedir}/src" />
<property name="output" value="${basedir}/output" />
<property name="classes" value="${output}/classes" />
<property name="jars" value="${output}/jars" />
<property name="build.dir" value="${basedir}/build"/>
<target name="clean">
<delete dir="${output}" />
<target name="compile">
<mkdir dir="${classes}" />
<javac srcdir="${src}" destdir="${classes}" />
<target name="jar">
<mkdir dir="${jars}" />
<jar basedir="${classes}" destfile="${jars}/app.jar">
<attribute name="Main-Class" value="Main"/>
<!-- Create directories -->
<mkdir dir="${build.dir}/BUILD"/>
<mkdir dir="${build.dir}/SOURCES"/>
<mkdir dir="${build.dir}/RPMS/noarch"/>
<mkdir dir="${build.dir}/SPECS"/>
<!-- copy spec files -->
<copy todir="${build.dir}/SPECS" preservelastmodified="true" failonerror="true">
<fileset dir="${basedir}" includes="*.spec"/>
<target name="rpm" description="Compile single binary rpm by spec file">
command = "ba"
<target name="all" depends="clean, compile, jar, rpm" />
And here is my spec file, pretty simple:
Summary: An RPM Spec example
Name: Application-Example
Version: 1.0
Release: 1
Group: Applications/Sample
Packager: Name <>
BuildArch: noarch
This is a sample SPEC file for the RPM project
demonstrating how to build, package, install(deploy)
And finally, here is the output of the ant build (only the rpm portion):
[rpm] Building the RPM based on the project.spec file
[rpm] RPM version 4.1
[rpm] Copyright (C) 1998-2002 - Red Hat, Inc.
[rpm] This program may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU GPL
[rpm] Usage: rpm [-a|--all] [-f|--file] [-g|--group] [-p|--package] [--specfile]
[rpm] [--whatrequires] [--whatprovides] [-c|--configfiles] [-d|--docfiles]
[rpm] [--dump] [-l|--list] [--queryformat=QUERYFORMAT] [-s|--state]
[rpm] [--nomd5] [--nofiles] [--nodeps] [--noscript] [--addsign]
[rpm] [-K|--checksig] [--import] [--resign] [--nodigest] [--nosignature]
[rpm] [--initdb] [--rebuilddb] [--allfiles] [--allmatches] [--badreloc]
[rpm] [-e|--erase <package>+] [--excludedocs] [--excludepath=<path>]
[rpm] [--force] [-F|--freshen <packagefile>+] [-h|--hash] [--ignorearch]
[rpm] [--ignoreos] [--ignoresize] [-i|--install] [--justdb] [--nodeps]
[rpm] [--nomd5] [--noorder] [--nosuggest] [--noscripts] [--notriggers]
[rpm] [--oldpackage] [--percent] [--prefix=<dir>] [--relocate=<old>=<new>]
[rpm] [--repackage] [--replacefiles] [--replacepkgs] [--test]
[rpm] [-U|--upgrade <packagefile>+] [-D|--define 'MACRO EXPR']
[rpm] [-E|--eval 'EXPR'] [--macros=<FILE:...>] [--nodigest] [--nosignature]
[rpm] [--rcfile=<FILE:...>] [-r|--root ROOT] [--querytags] [--showrc]
[rpm] [--quiet] [-v|--verbose] [--version] [-?|--help] [--usage]
[rpm] [--scripts] [--setperms] [--setugids] [--conflicts] [--obsoletes]
[rpm] [--provides] [--requires] [--info] [--changelog] [--triggers]
[rpm] [--last] [--filesbypkg] [--redhatprovides] [--redhatrequires]
[rpm] [--buildpolicy=<policy>] [--with=<option>] [--without=<option>]
Total time: 1 second
if you'd like to see what is happening in ant run, you should understand the sources of the task you're interested in. Not sure what ant version you have but the latest sources can be seen here:
The method of your interest seems to be:
* Checks whether <code>rpmbuild</code> is on the PATH and returns
* the absolute path to it - falls back to <code>rpm</code>
* otherwise.
* #return the command used to build RPM's
* #since 1.6
protected String guessRpmBuildCommand() {
Map/*<String, String>*/ env = Execute.getEnvironmentVariables();
String path = (String) env.get(PATH1);
if (path == null) {
path = (String) env.get(PATH2);
if (path == null) {
path = (String) env.get(PATH3);
if (path != null) {
Path p = new Path(getProject(), path);
String[] pElements = p.list();
for (int i = 0; i < pElements.length; i++) {
File f = new File(pElements[i],
+ (Os.isFamily("dos") ? ".exe" : ""));
if (f.canRead()) {
return f.getAbsolutePath();
return "rpm";
the reffered constants are:
private static final String PATH1 = "PATH";
private static final String PATH2 = "Path";
private static final String PATH3 = "path";
So as you mentioned, it basically just tries to find the rpmbuild on your path. If it can't be found it goes for rpm.
The thing is, that I don't have cygwin installed (as I'm a linux user), but let me propose, what I'd try.
try to run ant with -verbose option (as suggested here: and see if it tells you something useful
if not, try to download ant sources (of the version you use), import them to your favourite java ide and do the remote debugging to see what's happening. I'd put breakpoint somewhere around line 333 to see if rpmbuild has been found. If you're not sure how to setup remote debugging for ant, see:
I don't know how executables look in cygwin, but the question is if they have .exe extension. And another important question is if Os.isFamily("dos") will be evaluated to true in cygwin.
have fun :)
I'm running TeamCity 7 on Ubuntu 12, and I'm trying to deploy a war file to a tomcat server on machine with IP x using Ant.
The thing is - this worked on a different machine with TeamCity 7, and the only thing I've changed is the machine (moved to Ubuntu running on KVM), and the TC version (upgrade).
I've set ANT_HOME to the correct location, and I see the TC is using it in the build log:
... -Dant.home=/usr/share/ant ...
I've added the following jars to my ANT_HOME/lib:
catalina-ant, tomcat-coyote, tomcat-juli, tomcat-util
The build is running on an agent which has the default Ant settings
My ant file looks like this:
<target name="">
<property name="port" value="${tomcat.port}"/>
<property name="tomcat.manager" value="manager/text"/>
<property name="url" value="http://${tomcat.server}:${port}/${tomcat.manager}"/>
<property name="path" value="/${}"/>
<echo message="Deploying application to ${url}"/>
<antcall target="undeploy.from.tomcat"/>
<sleep seconds="3"/>
<antcall target=""/>
<taskdef name="deploy" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.DeployTask"/>
<taskdef name="undeploy" classname="org.apache.catalina.ant.UndeployTask"/>
<target name="" description="Install web application">
<deploy url="${url}" username="${username}" password="${password}"
path="${path}" war="${work.dir}/${path}.war"/>
<target name="undeploy.from.tomcat" description="Remove web application">
<undeploy url="${url}" username="${username}" password="${password}"
I've got this in the TC log:
[Step 1/2] Starting: /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java -Dagent.home.dir=/home/system/dev/TeamCity/buildDeployAgent Agent -Dagent.ownPort=9091 -Dant.home=/usr/share/ant -Dbuild.number=131 -Dbuild.vcs.number.Nutrino_Monitor_sources=588 -Dbuild.vcs.number.Nutrino_build_scripts=590 -Dfile.encoding=ANSI_X3.4-1968 -Dfile.separator=/ -Dos.arch=amd64 -Dos.version=3.5.0-19-generic -Dpath.separator=: -Dteamcity.agent.cpuBenchmark=684 -Dteamcity.agent.dotnet.agent_url=http://localhost:9091/RPC2 -Dteamcity.agent.dotnet.build_id=45574 -Dteamcity.auth.password=mlTjdmhOxwfxuM6vGfcQPsKg81q29rFU -Dteamcity.auth.userId=TeamCityBuildId=45574 -Dteamcity.buildConfName=Deploy to Integration -Dteamcity.projectName=Nutrition Builds -Dteamcity.runtime.props.file=/home/system/dev/TeamCity/buildDeployAgent/temp/agentTmp/ant7992360137092769527runtime -Dteamcity.tests.recentlyFailedTests.file=/home/system/dev/TeamCity/buildDeployAgent/temp/buildTmp/testsToRunFirst5600043147441131768.txt -Dteamcity.version=7.1.2 (build 24170) -Dtomcat.server=integration -Duser.home=/home/system -Duser.language=en -Duser.timezone=Asia/Jerusalem -Dwork.dir=/home/system/dev/TeamCity/Builds/DeployNutritionServer -classpath /usr/share/java/ant-launcher-1.8.2.jar -lib /home/system/dev/TeamCity/buildDeployAgent/plugins/antPlugin/ant-runtime.jar:/home/system/dev/TeamCity/buildDeployAgent/lib/runtime-util.jar -listener jetbrains.buildServer.agent.ant.AgentBuildListener -buildfile /home/system/dev/TeamCity/Builds/DeployNutritionServer/build/deploy.xml deploy.nutrino.server
[15:06:21][Step 1/2] in directory: /home/system/dev/TeamCity/Builds/DeployNutritionServer
[15:06:21][Step 1/2] taskdef
[taskdef] taskdef class org.apache.catalina.ant.DeployTask cannot be found
using the classloader AntClassLoader[]
[Step 1/2] The following error occurred while executing this line:
/home/system/dev/TeamCity/Builds/DeployNutritionServer/build/tomcat.tasks.xml:9: taskdef class org.apache.catalina.ant.DeployTask cannot be found
using the classloader AntClassLoader[]
[15:06:21][Step 1/2] Process exited with code 1
[15:06:21][Step 1/2] Ant output
[15:06:21][Ant output] Buildfile: /home/system/dev/TeamCity/Builds/DeployNutritionServer/build/deploy.xml
[15:06:21][Ant output]
[15:06:21][Ant output] BUILD FAILED
[15:06:21][Ant output] /home/system/dev/TeamCity/Builds/DeployNutritionServer/build/deploy.xml:8: The following error occurred while executing this line:
[15:06:21][Ant output] /home/system/dev/TeamCity/Builds/DeployNutritionServer/build/tomcat.tasks.xml:9: taskdef class org.apache.catalina.ant.DeployTask cannot be found
[15:06:21][Ant output] using the classloader AntClassLoader[]
[15:06:21][Ant output]
[15:06:21][Ant output] Total time: 0 seconds
[15:06:22][Step 1/2] Step Deploy (Ant) failed
Now, this is extremely weird, as when I run this from the command line it works perfectly:
ant -buildfile deploy.xml -Dtomcat.server= ...
There is no apparent difference between the two - running it from the CL and through the TC agent should both be running Ant from ANT_HOME (usr/share/ant), and loading the libraries in $ANT_HOME/lib.
Any help would be appreciated.
Just answering the question,
Thanks to #timomeinen - adding the catalina-ant.jar to $ANT_HOME/lib did the job.
That means it is not seeing the lib catalina-ant.jar
You can add:
It will solve this reference problem, but I guess you will face similar problems in the future with other libraries, so in the long term you will still need solve the reference problem.
I'm try to run a MonkeyTalk script for my iOS app from command line. The script is successfully running in the MonkeyTalkIDE and get executed on the Simulator.
I have build.xml and Monkey-tal.jar files in the same directory of
The build.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="TEST3" xmlns:monkeytalk="antlib:com.gorillalogic.monkeytalk.ant">
<target name="myScript">
<monkeytalk:run agent="iOS" script="" />
I'm running the command:
ant -lib monkeytalk-ant.jar
and I get the error message:
MacBook-Pro-2948:TEST3 Developer$ ant -lib monkeytalk-ant.jar
Buildfile: /Users/Developer/Downloads/monkeytalk 2/MonkeyTalkIDE/
Target "" does not exist in the project "TEST3".
Total time: 0 seconds
Any Idea?
I found the error in the way I was launching the script.
ant -lib monkeytalk-ant.jar myScript
I am having trouble getting my Ant script (for BlackBerry build) to run the preverify.exe command & pass the correct parameters to it.
In the command prompt (Windows 7), this works 100% - the parameters as given work properly:
preverify -verbose -classpath C:\development\tools\bb-jde\jde5.0\components\lib\net_rim_api.jar -d build\classes\preverified build\classes\preverified build\classes\unverified
I tried to put this into my Ant script using the following target - trying to use the same parameters:
<target name="preverify">
<mkdir dir="${dest.dir}/classes/preverified" />
<exec executable="${jde.home}/bin/preverify">
<arg value="-verbose" />
<arg value="-classpath C:\development\tools\bb-jde\jde5.0\components\lib\net_rim_api.jar" />
<arg value="-d build\classes\preverified" />
<arg value="build\classes\unverified" />
This does not work. I get the following error:
Illegal option
-classpath C:\development\tools\bb-jde\jde5.0\components\lib\net_rim_api.jar
this classpath was perfectly acceptable from the command line (often java commands accept JAR files as directories, since they are basically ZIP files).
How can I get Ant to send the correct parameters to this command, as in the command line version? There must be something about exec that I'm missing?
Here is the full Ant output from running this target in verbose mode, if it helps:
Apache Ant(TM) version 1.8.2 compiled on December 20 2010
Trying the default build file: build.xml
Buildfile: C:\development\ant\test_using_javac_jar_preverify_then_rapc\Cobi\build.xml
Detected Java version: 1.6 in: C:\Java\jdk1.6.0_24\jre
Detected OS: Windows 7
parsing buildfile C:\development\ant\test_using_javac_jar_preverify_then_rapc\Cobi\build.xml with URI = file:/C:/development/ant/test_using_javac_jar_preverify_then_rapc/Cobi/build.xml
Project base dir set to: C:\development\ant\test_using_javac_jar_preverify_then_rapc\Cobi
parsing buildfile jar:file:/C:/development/tools/apache-ant/lib/ant.jar!/org/apache/tools/ant/antlib.xml with URI = jar:file:/C:/development/tools/apache-ant/lib/ant.jar!/org/apache/tools/ant/antlib.xml from a zip file
Importing file C:\development\ant\common\constants.xml from C:\development\ant\test_using_javac_jar_preverify_then_rapc\Cobi\build.xml
Overriding previous definition of reference to ant.projectHelper
parsing buildfile C:\development\ant\common\constants.xml with URI = file:/C:/development/ant/common/constants.xml
parsing buildfile jar:file:/C:/development/tools/bb-ant-tools/bb-ant-tools.jar!/bb-ant-defs.xml with URI = jar:file:/C:/development/tools/bb-ant-tools/bb-ant-tools.jar!/bb-ant-defs.xml from a zip file
Overriding previous definition of reference to ant.projectHelper
[property] Loading C:\development\ant\test_using_javac_jar_preverify_then_rapc\Cobi\
[property] Loading C:\development\ant\common\
[property] Loading C:\development\ant\common\
[pathconvert] Set property net_rim_api.jar.dos = C:\development\tools\bb-jde\jde5.0\components\lib\net_rim_api.jar
Build sequence for target(s) `preverify' is [preverify]
Complete build sequence is [preverify, javac, build, sign, clean, ]
[mkdir] Skipping C:\development\ant\test_using_javac_jar_preverify_then_rapc\Cobi\build\classes\preverified because it already exists.
[exec] Current OS is Windows 7
[exec] Executing 'C:\development\tools\bb-jde\jde5.0\components\bin\preverify' with arguments:
[exec] '-verbose'
[exec] '-classpath C:\development\tools\bb-jde\jde5.0\components\lib\net_rim_api.jar'
[exec] '-d build\classes\preverified'
[exec] 'build\classes\unverified'
[exec] The ' characters around the executable and arguments are
[exec] not part of the command.
[exec] preverify: Illegal option -classpath C:\development\tools\bb-jde\jde5.0\components\lib\net_rim_api.jar
[exec] Usage: preverify [options] classnames|dirnames ...
[exec] where options include:
[exec] -classpath <directories separated by ';'>
[exec] Directories in which to look for classes
[exec] -d <directory> Directory in which output is written (default is ./output/)
[exec] -cldc1.0 Checks for existence of language features prohibited
[exec] by CLDC 1.0 (native methods, floating point and finalizers)
[exec] -nofinalize No finalizers allowed
[exec] -nonative No native methods allowed
[exec] -nofp No floating point operations allowed
[exec] #<filename> Read command line arguments from a text file
[exec] Command line arguments must all be on a single line
[exec] Directory names must be enclosed in double quotes (")
[exec] Result: 1
Total time: 1 second
This doesn't look like an ANT issue. The error message is being returned by the preverify command, proving that ANT is executing it...
I don't understand what this command is supposed to be doing, however the usage message gives a hint as to the root cause:
[exec] Usage: preverify [options] classnames|dirnames ...
[exec] where options include:
[exec] -classpath <directories separated by ';'>
[exec] Directories in which to look for classes
You haven't specified a list of directories as the "classpath" parameter.... You've supplied a jar file. Is the command able support jar files?
The way you are passing the parameters is incorrect. The space between the -classpath tag, and the JAR name is not allowed.
You must break that line (and the -d below it) onto 2 lines. This works:
<exec executable="${jde.home}/bin/preverify">
<arg value="-verbose" />
<!-- classpath to the RIM api -->
<arg value="-classpath" />
<arg value="C:\development\tools\bb-jde\jde5.0\components\lib\net_rim_api.jar" />
<!-- destination folder -->
<arg value="-d" />
<arg value="build\classes\preverified" />
<!-- source folder -->
<arg value="build\classes\unverified" />
I solved this problem by including the jdk\bin directory path in environment variable PATH.
I've just started with Jenkins and I'm just trying to use it to execute phpunit tests.
My steps are: create the file build.xml as here says:
<project name="mbp2" default="build">
<target name="clean">
<delete dir="${basedir}/build"/>
<target name="prepare">
<mkdir dir="${basedir}/build/logs"/>
<target name="phpunit">
<exec dir="${basedir}" executable="phpunit">
<arg line="-c app --log-junit ${basedir}/build/logs/phpunit.xml src/MyFirm/FrontendBundle/Tests" />
<target name="build" depends="clean,prepare,phpunit"/>
So, I executed ant and I got this:
javier#javier-mbp:~/programacion/mbp/myfirm$ ant Buildfile:
clean: [delete] Deleting directory
[mkdir] Created dir: /home/javier/programacion/mbp/myfirm/build/logs
[exec] PHPUnit 3.6.4 by Sebastian Bergmann.
[exec] Configuration read from /home/javier/programacion/mbp/myfirm/app/phpunit.xml
[exec] ...............
[exec] Time: 6 seconds, Memory: 157.50Mb
OK (15 tests, 18 assertions)
BUILD SUCCESSFUL Total time: 6 seconds
Then I created a new job in Jenkins choosing as git repository as below:
Finally I built the project, so I expected to see the same output as when I executed ant without Jenkins, but nothing about that..
In the "Console Output" section showed as below:
Started by user anonymous Checkout:workspace /
/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/mbp2/workspace -
hudson.remoting.LocalChannel#76996f0c Using strategy: Default Last
Built Revision: Revision 9aafeea09cdb23317f2426f8209c75341565c070
(origin/HEAD, origin/master) Checkout:workspace /
/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/mbp2/workspace -
hudson.remoting.LocalChannel#76996f0c Fetching changes from 1 remote
Git repository Fetching upstream changes from
file:///home/javier/programacion/mbp/myfirm Seen branch in repository
origin/HEAD Seen branch in repository origin/master Commencing build of Revision 9aafeea09cdb23317f2426f8209c75341565c070
(origin/HEAD, origin/master) Checking out Revision
9aafeea09cdb23317f2426f8209c75341565c070 (origin/HEAD, origin/master)
Warning : There are multiple branch changesets here Finished: SUCCESS
You need to add an Ant build step. Jenkins doesn't do anything you don't tell it to.
Ant configuration in Jenkins:
Run Jenkins and browse it
Click the link of your project/job name --> Click Configure link at the left
Click "Add build step" combo and select "Invoke Ant" from combo
Fill up necessary fields for Ant configuration and save it
OR, You can execute ant.bat in Windows as below instead of "Invoke Ant":
Run Jenkins and browse it
Click the link of your project/job name --> Click Configure link at the left
Click "Add build step" combo and select "Execute Windows batch command" from combo
Write the proper command (In my case it was: C:\apache-ant-1.8.4\bin\ant.bat) and save it