Autofac and injection of instances -

In a ASP.NET MVC project I'm working on I have the following piece of code that basically inject instances to specific methods within my assemblies.
So in the application root I have a class that register the instances like this and finally handles the injection.
ApplicationServiceProvider serviceProvider = ApplicationServiceProvider.CreateDefaultProvider();
Now when I want to access these instances from the assemblies, I have to create some handler (method) and mark it with the following attribute 'ApplicationServiceHandler' like in the following example.
public static class RouteConfiguration
public static void Register(RouteCollection routes)
This is part of the extensibility layer in the project which is currently working pretty good.
Now, I'm new to Autofac and I wonder whether I can use Autofac to do the work for me rather than using my own implementation (which I provided below) that probably does it less efficient and handles less cases that are already covered by Autofac.
I noticed Autofac have a RegisterInstance method but I'm not sure how to tell it to inject the instances to methods flagged with 'ApplicationServiceHandler' attribute, I'm not not sure it's even the correct method but based on the name it seems like the right one.
Any kind of help is greatly appreciated, thank you.
EDIT: Here is the code that I'm using to achieve this without Autofac in my project.
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Method, AllowMultiple = false)]
public sealed class ApplicationServiceHandlerAttribute : Attribute
public sealed class ApplicationServiceHandler
private readonly MethodInfo _method;
private readonly object[] _args;
public ApplicationServiceHandler(MethodInfo method, object[] args)
Contract.Requires(method != null);
Contract.Requires(args != null);
_method = method;
_args = args;
public void Invoke()
_method.Invoke(null, _args);
[System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Performance", "CA1822:MarkMembersAsStatic", Justification = "Required for code contracts.")]
private void ObjectInvariant()
Contract.Invariant(_method != null);
Contract.Invariant(_args != null);
public sealed class ApplicationServiceProvider
private readonly IEnumerable<Assembly> _assemblies;
private readonly Dictionary<Type, object> _instances;
public ApplicationServiceProvider(IEnumerable<Assembly> assemblies)
Contract.Requires(assemblies != null);
_assemblies = assemblies;
_instances = new Dictionary<Type, object>();
public static ApplicationServiceProvider CreateDefaultProvider()
Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<ApplicationServiceProvider>() != null);
return new ApplicationServiceProvider(PackageLoader.ReferencedAssemblies);
public void Distribute()
foreach (var handler in GetHandlers())
Contract.Assume(handler != null);
public IEnumerable<ApplicationServiceHandler> GetHandlers()
Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<IEnumerable<ApplicationServiceHandler>>() != null);
if (_instances.Count == 0)
yield break;
foreach (var asm in _assemblies)
IEnumerable<MethodInfo> methods = GetMethods(asm);
foreach (var method in methods)
ParameterInfo[] #params = method.GetParameters();
if (#params.Length > 0)
int instanceCount = 0;
object[] args = new object[#params.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < #params.Length; i++)
ParameterInfo param = #params[i];
var instance = GetInstance(param);
if (instance != null)
args[i] = instance;
if (instanceCount > 0)
yield return new ApplicationServiceHandler(method, args);
public bool RegisterInstance(object instance)
Contract.Requires(instance != null);
return AddInstance(instance);
private static ApplicationServiceHandlerAttribute GetApplicationServiceHandlerAttribute(MethodInfo method)
ApplicationServiceHandlerAttribute attribute = null;
attribute = method.GetCustomAttribute<ApplicationServiceHandlerAttribute>(false);
catch (TypeLoadException)
// We don't need to do anything here for now.
return attribute;
private static IEnumerable<Type> GetDefinedTypes(Assembly assembly)
Contract.Requires(assembly != null);
Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<IEnumerable<Type>>() != null);
return assembly.DefinedTypes;
catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException ex)
return ex.Types.Where(type => type != null);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the methods that are marked with <see cref="ApplicationServiceHandlerAttribute"/> from the assembly.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// Eyal Shilony, 21/11/2012.
/// </remarks>
/// <param name="assembly">
/// The assembly.
/// </param>
/// <returns>
/// The methods that are marked with <see cref="ApplicationServiceHandlerAttribute"/> from the assembly.
/// </returns>
private static IEnumerable<MethodInfo> GetMethods(Assembly assembly)
Contract.Requires(assembly != null);
Contract.Ensures(Contract.Result<IEnumerable<MethodInfo>>() != null);
const TypeAttributes STATIC_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES = TypeAttributes.AutoLayout | TypeAttributes.AnsiClass | TypeAttributes.Class | TypeAttributes.Public | TypeAttributes.Abstract | TypeAttributes.Sealed | TypeAttributes.BeforeFieldInit;
var methods = (from type in GetDefinedTypes(assembly)
where type.Attributes == STATIC_TYPE_ATTRIBUTES
from method in type.GetMethods().AsParallel()
where GetApplicationServiceHandlerAttribute(method) != null
select method).ToArray();
return methods;
private bool AddInstance(object instance)
Type type = instance.GetType();
return AddInstance(type, instance);
private bool AddInstance(Type type, object instance)
if (!_instances.ContainsKey(type))
_instances.Add(type, instance);
return true;
return false;
private object GetInstance(ParameterInfo param)
object instance = null;
Type paramType = param.ParameterType;
if (_instances.ContainsKey(paramType))
instance = _instances[paramType];
foreach (var type in _instances.Keys.Where(type => type.IsSubclassOf(paramType)))
instance = _instances[type];
return instance;

i hope , i have understood you correctly.if what you mean is marking a class as dependency with attributes then you can do it by creating custom attribute.following is an example of implementing such an attribute :
public class DependencyAttribute : Attribute
public DependencyAttribute()
//The type of service the attributed class represents
public Type ServiceType { get; set; }
//Optional key to associate with the service
public string Key { get; set; }
public virtual void RegisterService(AttributeInfo<DependencyAttribute> attributeInfo, IContainer container)
Type serviceType = attributeInfo.Attribute.ServiceType ?? attributeInfo.DecoratedType;
Containerbuilder builder = new ContainerBuilder();
attributeInfo.Attribute.Key ?? attributeInfo.DecoratedType.FullName);
then you must find all types marked with this attribute and call the RegisterService method of these attributes.
public class DependencyAttributeRegistrator
public DependencyAttributeRegistrator()
public IEnumerable<AttributeInfo<DependencyAttribute>> FindServices()
//replace this line with you'r own
var types = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes();
foreach (Type type in types)
var attributes = type.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DependencyAttribute), false);
foreach (DependencyAttribute attribute in attributes)
yield return new AttributeInfo<DependencyAttribute> { Attribute = attribute, DecoratedType = type };
public void RegisterServices(IEnumerable<AttributeInfo<DependencyAttribute>> services)
foreach (var info in services)
//replace following two line with you'r own global container
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();
IContainer container = builder.Build();
info.Attribute.RegisterService(info, container);


ASP.NET MVC 5 SignalR, SqlDependency and EntityFramework 6 - the sqlparameter is already contained by another sqlparametercollection

I am beginner with SignalR and SQLDepedency. I am trying to implement SignalR using EF Code First Approach. I am getting the error The sqlparameter is already contained by another sqlparametercollection if I am using where condition in LINQ class.
public class MessageHub : Hub
internal NotifierEntity NotifierEntity { get; private set; }
private MyDbContext db = new MyDbContext();
public void DispatchToClient()
public void Initialize(String userName)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userName))
NotifierEntity = db.GetNotifierEntity<Messages>(db.Messages.Where(x=>x.ApplicationUser.UserName== userName && !x.Status));
if (NotifierEntity == null)
Action<String> dispatcher = (t) => { DispatchToClient(); };
PushSqlDependency.Instance(NotifierEntity, dispatcher);
The NotifierEntity Class
public class NotifierEntity
ICollection<SqlParameter> sqlParameters = new List<SqlParameter>();
public String SqlQuery { get; set; }
public String SqlConnectionString { get; set; }
public ICollection<SqlParameter> SqlParameters
return sqlParameters;
sqlParameters = value;
public static NotifierEntity FromJson(String value)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
throw new ArgumentNullException("NotifierEntity Value can not be null!");
return new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize<NotifierEntity>(value);
public static class NotifierEntityExtentions
public static String ToJson(this NotifierEntity entity)
if (entity == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("NotifierEntity can not be null!");
return new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(entity);
public class PushSqlDependency
static PushSqlDependency instance = null;
readonly SqlDependencyRegister sqlDependencyNotifier;
readonly Action<String> dispatcher;
public static PushSqlDependency Instance(NotifierEntity notifierEntity, Action<String> dispatcher)
if (instance == null)
instance = new PushSqlDependency(notifierEntity, dispatcher);
return instance;
private PushSqlDependency(NotifierEntity notifierEntity, Action<String> dispatcher)
this.dispatcher = dispatcher;
sqlDependencyNotifier = new SqlDependencyRegister(notifierEntity);
sqlDependencyNotifier.SqlNotification += OnSqlNotification;
internal void OnSqlNotification(object sender, SqlNotificationEventArgs e)
public class SqlDependencyRegister
public event SqlNotificationEventHandler SqlNotification;
readonly NotifierEntity notificationEntity;
internal SqlDependencyRegister(NotifierEntity notificationEntity)
this.notificationEntity = notificationEntity;
"CA2100:Review SQL queries for security vulnerabilities")]
void RegisterForNotifications()
using (var sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(notificationEntity.SqlConnectionString))
using (var sqlCommand = new SqlCommand(notificationEntity.SqlQuery, sqlConnection))
foreach (var sqlParameter in notificationEntity.SqlParameters)
sqlCommand.Notification = null;
var sqlDependency = new SqlDependency(sqlCommand);
sqlDependency.OnChange += OnSqlDependencyChange;
if (sqlConnection.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
void OnSqlDependencyChange(object sender, SqlNotificationEventArgs e)
if (SqlNotification != null)
SqlNotification(sender, e);
public delegate void SqlNotificationEventHandler(object sender, SqlNotificationEventArgs e);
If I am using the same query without any parameters, the code is working perfectly. I can see the database changes instantly in frontend. The issue is coming after added a parameter in Where clause.
I got this idea from below link
Sourcecode link

Inject into the Startup class

Is it possible to use an IOC framework like Castle Windsor to inject into the Startup method. I mean something like this:
public class Startup()
IMyObject MyObject = new MyObject();
public Startup(MyObject myObject)
MyObject = myObject();
I am trying to drop and create a database on startup using NHibernate. Alternatively is there a "better" place to drop and create the database using NHibernate?
I do something like this for integration tests using specflow.
I have a NHibernateInitializer class that I inherit in all my projects that looks like this
public abstract class NHibernateInitializer : IDomainMapper
protected Configuration Configure;
private ISessionFactory _sessionFactory;
private readonly ModelMapper _mapper = new ModelMapper();
private Assembly _mappingAssembly;
private readonly String _mappingAssemblyName;
private readonly String _connectionString;
protected NHibernateInitializer(String connectionString, String mappingAssemblyName)
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(connectionString))
throw new ArgumentNullException("connectionString", "connectionString is empty.");
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mappingAssemblyName))
throw new ArgumentNullException("mappingAssemblyName", "mappingAssemblyName is empty.");
_mappingAssemblyName = mappingAssemblyName;
_connectionString = connectionString;
public ISessionFactory SessionFactory
return _sessionFactory ?? (_sessionFactory = Configure.BuildSessionFactory());
private Assembly MappingAssembly
return _mappingAssembly ?? (_mappingAssembly = Assembly.Load(_mappingAssemblyName));
public void Initialize()
Configure = new Configuration();
Configure.EventListeners.PreInsertEventListeners = new IPreInsertEventListener[] { new EventListener() };
Configure.EventListeners.PreUpdateEventListeners = new IPreUpdateEventListener[] { new EventListener() };
Configure.DataBaseIntegration(db =>
db.KeywordsAutoImport = Hbm2DDLKeyWords.AutoQuote;
db.IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.ReadCommitted;
db.ConnectionString = _connectionString;
db.BatchSize = 20;
db.Timeout = 10;
db.HqlToSqlSubstitutions = "true 1, false 0, yes 'Y', no 'N'";
public virtual void InitializeAudit()
var enversConf = new Envers.Configuration.Fluent.FluentConfiguration();
public void CreateSchema()
new SchemaExport(Configure).Create(false, true);
public void DropSchema()
new SchemaExport(Configure).Drop(false, true);
private void Map()
Configure.AddDeserializedMapping(_mapper.CompileMappingForAllExplicitlyAddedEntities(), "MyWholeDomain");
public HbmMapping HbmMapping
get { return _mapper.CompileMappingFor(MappingAssembly.GetExportedTypes()); }
public IList<HbmMapping> HbmMappings
get { return _mapper.CompileMappingForEach(MappingAssembly.GetExportedTypes()).ToList(); }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the domain entities.
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
/// <remarks>by default anything that derives from EntityBase and isn't abstract or generic</remarks>
protected virtual IEnumerable<System.Type> GetDomainEntities()
List<System.Type> domainEntities = (from t in MappingAssembly.GetExportedTypes()
where typeof(EntityBase<Guid>).IsAssignableFrom(t)
&& (!t.IsGenericType || !t.IsAbstract)
select t
return domainEntities;
Then in my global.asax Application_Begin event handler I configure it
public class MvcApplication : HttpApplication
private const String Sessionkey = "current.session";
private static IWindsorContainer Container { get; set; }
private static ISessionFactory SessionFactory { get; set; }
public static ISession CurrentSession
get { return (ISession) HttpContext.Current.Items[Sessionkey]; }
private set { HttpContext.Current.Items[Sessionkey] = value; }
protected void Application_Start()
Version version = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version;
Application["Version"] = String.Format("{0}.{1}", version.Major, version.Minor);
Application["Name"] = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ApplicationName"];
//create empty container
//scan this assembly for any installers to register services/components with Windsor
Container = new WindsorContainer().Install(FromAssembly.This());
//API controllers use the dependency resolver and need to be initialized differently than the mvc controllers
GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.DependencyResolver = new WindsorDependencyResolver(Container.Kernel);
//tell ASP.NET to get its controllers from Castle
ControllerBuilder.Current.SetControllerFactory(new WindsorControllerFactory(Container.Kernel));
//initialize NHibernate
ConnectionStringSettings connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings[Environment.MachineName];
if (connectionString == null)
throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(String.Format("Connection string {0} is empty.",
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(connectionString.ConnectionString))
throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(String.Format("Connection string {0} is empty.",
string mappingAssemblyName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["NHibernate.Mapping.Assembly"];
if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mappingAssemblyName))
throw new ConfigurationErrorsException(
"NHibernate.Mapping.Assembly key not set in application config file.");
var nh = new NHInit(connectionString.ConnectionString, mappingAssemblyName);
SessionFactory = nh.SessionFactory;
AntiForgeryConfig.UniqueClaimTypeIdentifier = ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier;
protected void Application_OnEnd()
//dispose Castle container and all the stuff it contains
protected void Application_BeginRequest() { CurrentSession = SessionFactory.OpenSession(); }
protected void Application_EndRequest()
if (CurrentSession != null)

Sitecore Microsoft Dependency Injection error "Service has been disposed, cannot create object"

I am using Sitecore 8.2 Update 4 with Helix framework also using Microsoft Extension Dependency Injection. I have performed few steps for DI:
1. Created DI project in Foundation layer.
2. I have created on pipeline with name Habitat.Foundation.DI.RegisterControllers inside
<configuration xmlns:patch=""><sitecore> <services> <configurator type=" Habitat.Foundation.DI.RegisterControllers, Habitat.Foundation.DI" /></services></sitecore></configuration>
namespace Habitat.Foundation.DI{ public class RegisterControllers : IServicesConfigurator
public void Configure(IServiceCollection serviceCollection)
namespace Habitat.Foundation.DI.Extensions{
public static class ServiceCollectionExtensions
public static void AddMvcControllers(this IServiceCollection serviceCollection, params string[] assemblyFilters)
var assemblies = GetAssemblies.GetByFilter(assemblyFilters);
AddMvcControllers(serviceCollection, assemblies);
public static void AddMvcControllers(this IServiceCollection serviceCollection, params Assembly[] assemblies)
var controllers = GetTypes.GetTypesImplementing<IController>(assemblies)
.Where(controller => controller.Name.EndsWith("Controller", StringComparison.Ordinal));
foreach (var controller in controllers)
controllers = GetTypes.GetTypesImplementing<ApiController>(assemblies)
.Where(controller => controller.Name.EndsWith("Controller", StringComparison.Ordinal));
foreach (var controller in controllers)
public static class GetAssemblies
public static Assembly[] GetByFilter(params string[] assemblyFilters)
var assemblyNames = new HashSet<string>(assemblyFilters.Where(filter => !filter.Contains('*')));
var wildcardNames = assemblyFilters.Where(filter => filter.Contains('*')).ToArray();
var assemblies = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().Where(assembly =>
var nameToMatch = assembly.GetName().Name;
if (assemblyNames.Contains(nameToMatch)) return true;
return wildcardNames.Any(wildcard => IsWildcardMatch(nameToMatch, wildcard));
return assemblies;
/// <summary>
/// Checks if a string matches a wildcard argument (using regex)
/// </summary>
private static bool IsWildcardMatch(string input, string wildcards)
return Regex.IsMatch(input, "^" + Regex.Escape(wildcards).Replace("\\*", ".*").Replace("\\?", ".") + "$",
}public static class GetTypes {
public static Type[] GetTypesImplementing<T>(params Assembly[] assemblies)
if (assemblies == null || assemblies.Length == 0)
return new Type[0];
var targetType = typeof(T);
return assemblies
.Where(assembly => !assembly.IsDynamic)
.Where(type => !type.IsAbstract && !type.IsGenericTypeDefinition && targetType.IsAssignableFrom(type))
private static IEnumerable<Type> GetExportedTypes(Assembly assembly)
return assembly.GetExportedTypes();
catch (NotSupportedException)
// A type load exception would typically happen on an Anonymously Hosted DynamicMethods
// Assembly and it would be safe to skip this exception.
return Type.EmptyTypes;
catch (ReflectionTypeLoadException ex)
// Return the types that could be loaded. Types can contain null values.
return ex.Types.Where(type => type != null);
catch (Exception ex)
// Throw a more descriptive message containing the name of the assembly.
throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture,
"Unable to load types from assembly {0}. {1}", assembly.FullName, ex.Message), ex);
As I am using Glass Mapper so I want to use ISitecoreContext, for that I have register ISitecoreContext in Foundation/ORM for that I have performed these actions:
1. Created patch file inside Foundation/ORM
<configuration xmlns:patch=""><sitecore><services>
<configurator type="Habitat.Foundation.ORM.DI.RegisterContainer, Habitat.Foundation.ORM" />
</services> </sitecore>
public class RegisterContainer : IServicesConfigurator
public void Configure(IServiceCollection serviceCollection)
serviceCollection.AddTransient<ISitecoreContext, SitecoreContext>();
Accesssing in controller like this
private readonly ISitecoreContext _sitecoreContext;
public TestController(ISitecoreContext sitecoreContext)
_sitecoreContext = sitecoreContext;
I accessing in two classes one way is _sitecoreContext.GetItem(Context.Site.ContentStartPath) and another way is _sitecoreContext.GetRootItem() then it started throwing error “{"Service has been disposed, cannot create object"}” in _sitecoreContext.GetItem(Context.Site.ContentStartPath) but working for
When I update AddTransient to AddSingleton then it works for some time for both but for after some time it started giving me null value of _sitecoreContext.
Please help me.

MVC 5 Entity Framework 6 Execute Stored Procedure

I'm stuck. I have an existing application with an extremely large database and extensive library of stored procedures and functions. All I want to do is use a DbContext to execute a stored procedure and return a set of data or map to one of the entities in the context. Is that something magical I haven't discovered on the net somewhere? Someone, anyone, please help. Here's what I've got so far (and it doesn't return anything, the result is -1):
var contacts = db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("Contact_Search #LastName, #FirstName",
new SqlParameter("#LastName", GetDataValue(args.LastName)),
new SqlParameter("#FirstName", GetDataValue(args.FirstName)));
Executing that returns -1. I also tried something to the effect of this with no success:
DbRawSqlQuery<Contact> data = db.Database.SqlQuery<Contact>
("EXEC Contact_Search #LastName, #FirstName",
I understand that I could add an edmx and map to a stored procedure that way, but that is not the preferred method. Again, our database contains nearly 450 million records and a library of almost 3,000 stored procedures and functions. It would be a nightmare to maintain. Am I even starting in the right direction? Is Entity Framework the right choice?
Wow, it seems right after I give up, I somehow stumble upon the answer. I found a FANTASTIC post about executing stored procedures and after reading up, this was my solution:
var contacts = db.Database.SqlQuery<Contact>("Contact_Search #LastName, #FirstName",
So, many thanks to Anuraj for his excellent post! The key to my solution was to first use SqlQuery instead of ExecuteSqlCommand, and also to execute the method mapping to my entity model (Contact).
This code is better than SqlQuery() because SqlQuery() doesn't recognise the [Column] attribute.
Here it is on a silver platter.
public static class StoredProcedureExtensions {
/// <summary>
/// Execute Stored Procedure and return result in an enumerable object.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TEntity">Type of enumerable object class to return.</typeparam>
/// <param name="commandText">SQL query.</param>
/// <param name="parameters">SQL parameters.</param>
/// <param name="readOnly">Determines whether to attach and track changes for saving. Defaults to true and entities will not be tracked and thus a faster call.</param>
/// <returns>IEnumerable of entity type.</returns>
public static IEnumerable<TEntity> GetStoredProcedureResults<TEntity>(this DbContext dbContext, string query, Dictionary<string, object> parameters, bool readOnly = true) where TEntity : class, new()
SqlParameter[] sqlParameterArray = DbContextExtensions.DictionaryToSqlParameters(parameters);
return dbContext.GetStoredProcedureResults<TEntity>(query, sqlParameterArray, readOnly);
/// <summary>
/// Execute Stored Procedure and return result in an enumerable object.
/// </summary>
/// <typeparam name="TEntity">Type of enumerable object class to return.</typeparam>
/// <param name="commandText">SQL query.</param>
/// <param name="parameters">SQL parameters.</param>
/// <param name="readOnly">Determines whether to attach and track changes for saving. Defaults to true and entities will not be tracked and thus a faster call.</param>
/// <returns>IEnumerable of entity type.</returns>
public static IEnumerable<TEntity> GetStoredProcedureResults<TEntity>(this DbContext dbContext, string commandText, SqlParameter[] sqlParameterArray = null, bool readOnly = true) where TEntity : class, new()
string infoMsg = commandText;
//---- For a better error message
if (sqlParameterArray != null)
foreach (SqlParameter p in sqlParameterArray)
infoMsg += string.Format(" {0}={1}, ", p.ParameterName, p.Value == null ? "(null)" : p.Value.ToString());
infoMsg = infoMsg.Trim().TrimEnd(',');
var reader = GetReader(dbContext, commandText, sqlParameterArray, CommandType.StoredProcedure);
List<TEntity> results = GetListFromDataReader<TEntity>(reader);
if(readOnly == false)
DbSet entitySet = dbContext.Set<TEntity>(); // For attaching the entities so EF can track changes
results.ForEach(n => entitySet.Attach(n)); // Add tracking to each entity
return results.AsEnumerable();
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception("An error occurred while executing GetStoredProcedureResults(). " + infoMsg + ". Check the inner exception for more details.\r\n" + ex.Message, ex);
//========================================= Private methods
#region Private Methods
private static DbDataReader GetReader(DbContext dbContext, string commandText, SqlParameter[] sqlParameterArray, CommandType commandType)
var command = dbContext.Database.Connection.CreateCommand();
command.CommandText = commandText;
command.CommandType = commandType;
if (sqlParameterArray != null) command.Parameters.AddRange(sqlParameterArray);
var reader = command.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection);
return reader;
private static List<TEntity> GetListFromDataReader<TEntity>(DbDataReader reader) where TEntity : class, new()
PropertyInfo[] entityProperties = typeof(TEntity).GetProperties();
IEnumerable<string> readerColumnNames = (reader.GetSchemaTable().Select()).Select(r => r.ItemArray[0].ToString().ToUpper()); // uppercase reader column names.
List<MappingPropertyToColumn> propertyToColumnMappings = GetPropertyToColumnMappings<TEntity>(); // Maps the entity property names to the corresponding names of the columns in the reader
var entityList = new List<TEntity>(); // Fill this
while (reader.Read())
var element = Activator.CreateInstance<TEntity>();
foreach (var entityProperty in entityProperties)
MappingPropertyToColumn mapping = propertyToColumnMappings._Find(entityProperty.Name);
if (mapping == null) // This property has a [Not Mapped] attribute
continue; // Skip this one
var o = (object)reader[mapping.ColumnName]; // mapping must match all mapped properties to columns. If result set does not contain a column, then throw error like EF would.
bool hasValue = o.GetType() != typeof(DBNull);
if (mapping.IsEnum && hasValue) // Enum
entityProperty.SetValue(element, Enum.Parse(mapping.UnderlyingType, o.ToString()));
if (hasValue)
entityProperty.SetValue(element, ChangeType(o, entityProperty.PropertyType));
return entityList;
public static object ChangeType(object value, Type conversion)
var t = conversion;
if (t.IsGenericType && t.GetGenericTypeDefinition().Equals(typeof(Nullable<>)))
if (value == null)
return null;
t = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(t);
return Convert.ChangeType(value, t);
private static List<MappingPropertyToColumn> GetPropertyToColumnMappings<TEntity>() where TEntity : new()
var type = typeof(TEntity);
List<MappingPropertyToColumn> databaseMappings = new List<MappingPropertyToColumn>();
foreach (var entityProperty in type.GetProperties())
bool isEnum = entityProperty.PropertyType.IsEnum;
// [Not Mapped] Not Mapped Attribute
var notMapped = entityProperty.GetCustomAttributes(false).FirstOrDefault(attribute => attribute is NotMappedAttribute);
if (notMapped != null) // This property has a [Not Mapped] attribute
continue; // Skip this property
// Determine if property is an enum
Type underlyingType = null;
if (entityProperty.PropertyType.IsGenericType && entityProperty.PropertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition().Equals(typeof(Nullable<>)))
underlyingType = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(entityProperty.PropertyType); ;
if (underlyingType != null && underlyingType.IsEnum)
isEnum = true;
// [Column("tbl_columnname")] Column Name Attribute for mapping
var columnMapping = entityProperty.GetCustomAttributes(false).FirstOrDefault(attribute => attribute is ColumnAttribute);
if (columnMapping != null)
databaseMappings.Add(new MappingPropertyToColumn { PropertyName = entityProperty.Name, ColumnName = ((ColumnAttribute)columnMapping).Name.ToUpper(), IsEnum = isEnum, UnderlyingType = underlyingType }); // SQL case insensitive
databaseMappings._AddProperty(entityProperty.Name, entityProperty.Name, isEnum); // C# case sensitive
return databaseMappings;
//====================================== Class for holding column mappings and other info for each property
private class MappingPropertyToColumn
private string _propertyName;
public string PropertyName
get { return _propertyName; }
set { _propertyName = value; }
private string _columnName;
public string ColumnName
get { return _columnName; }
set { _columnName = value; }
private bool _isNullableEnum;
public bool IsEnum
get { return _isNullableEnum; }
set { _isNullableEnum = value; }
private Type _underlyingType;
public Type UnderlyingType
get { return _underlyingType; }
set { _underlyingType = value; }
//======================================================= List<MappingPropertyToColumn> Extension methods
#region List<MappingPropertyToColumn> Extension methods
private static bool _ContainsKey<T>(this List<T> list, string key) where T : MappingPropertyToColumn
return list.Any(x => x.PropertyName == key);
private static MappingPropertyToColumn _Find<T>(this List<T> list, string key) where T : MappingPropertyToColumn
return list.Where(x => x.PropertyName == key).FirstOrDefault();
private static void _AddProperty<T>(this List<T> list, string propertyName, string columnName, bool isEnum, Type underlyingType = null) where T : MappingPropertyToColumn
list.Add((T)new MappingPropertyToColumn { PropertyName = propertyName, ColumnName = columnName, IsEnum = isEnum, UnderlyingType = underlyingType }); // C# case sensitive
#endregion }

Get custom attribute for parameter when model binding

I've seen a lot of similar posts on this, but haven't found the answer specific to controller parameters.
I've written a custom attribute called AliasAttribute that allows me to define aliases for parameters during model binding. So for example if I have: public JsonResult EmailCheck(string email) on the server and I want the email parameter to be bound to fields named PrimaryEmail or SomeCrazyEmail I can "map" this using the aliasattribute like this: public JsonResult EmailCheck([Alias(Suffix = "Email")]string email).
The problem: In my custom model binder I can't get a hold of the AliasAttribute class applied to the email parameter. It always returns null.
I've seen what the DefaultModelBinder class is doing to get the BindAttribute in reflector and its the same but doesn't work for me.
Question: How do I get this attribute during binding?
public class AliasModelBinder : DefaultModelBinder
public static ICustomTypeDescriptor GetTypeDescriptor(Type type)
return new AssociatedMetadataTypeTypeDescriptionProvider(type).GetTypeDescriptor(type);
public override object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
var value = base.BindModel(controllerContext, bindingContext);
var descriptor = GetTypeDescriptor(bindingContext.ModelType);
// this next statement returns null!
AliasAttribute attr = (AliasAttribute)descriptor.GetAttributes()[typeof(AliasAttribute)];
if (attr == null)
return null;
HttpRequestBase request = controllerContext.HttpContext.Request;
foreach (var key in request.Form.AllKeys)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.Prefix) == false)
if (key.StartsWith(attr.Prefix, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.Suffix) == false)
if (key.EndsWith(attr.Suffix, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
return request.Form.Get(key);
return request.Form.Get(key);
else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(attr.Suffix) == false)
if (key.EndsWith(attr.Suffix, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
return request.Form.Get(key);
if (attr.HasIncludes)
foreach (var include in attr.InlcludeSplit)
if (key.Equals(include, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
return request.Form.Get(include);
return null;
[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Parameter | AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = false, Inherited = true)]
public class AliasAttribute : Attribute
private string _include;
private string[] _inlcludeSplit = new string[0];
public string Prefix { get; set; }
public string Suffix { get; set; }
public string Include
return _include;
_include = value;
_inlcludeSplit = SplitString(_include);
public string[] InlcludeSplit
return _inlcludeSplit;
public bool HasIncludes { get { return InlcludeSplit.Length > 0; } }
internal static string[] SplitString(string original)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(original))
return new string[0];
return (from piece in original.Split(new char[] { ',' })
let trimmed = piece.Trim()
where !string.IsNullOrEmpty(trimmed)
select trimmed).ToArray<string>();
public JsonResult EmailCheck([ModelBinder(typeof(AliasModelBinder)), Alias(Suffix = "Email")]string email)
// email will be assigned to any field suffixed with "Email". e.g. PrimaryEmail, SecondaryEmail and so on
Gave up on this and then stumbled across the Action Parameter Alias code base that will probably allow me to do this. It's not as flexible as what I started out to write but probably can be modified to allow wild cards.
what I did was make my attribute subclass System.Web.Mvc.CustomModelBinderAttribute which then allows you to return a version of your custom model binder modified with the aliases.
public class AliasAttribute : System.Web.Mvc.CustomModelBinderAttribute
public AliasAttribute()
public AliasAttribute( string alias )
Alias = alias;
public string Alias { get; set; }
public override IModelBinder GetBinder()
var binder = new AliasModelBinder();
if ( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( Alias ) )
binder.Alias = Alias;
return binder;
which then allows this usage:
public ActionResult Edit( [Alias( "somethingElse" )] string email )
// ...
