How can I get jqzoom position absolute? - jqzoom

I'm trying to make JQzoom's zoompad absolute positioning on my page. I did try to change the CSS but it doesn't work.
Can anyone please help?

problem solved, I have found another image-zoom plugin to solved the position need. The plugin call Easyzoom if you like to know. link:


How to add PDF-Viewer Tab to Channel in Microsoft Teams?

Adding a PDF-Viewer tab to present/show a Sharepoint document has been working before.
I've tried this in January and it seemed to be an easy task - just get the DriveItem ID and URL (from GET /groups/{group-id}/drive/items/{item-id}) and edit the sample from the API Reference with these values (
Now, that i want to use this, it doesn't work anymore ;-( The tab is created, added to channel, the name of the file shows BUT there is no document!!! What am i missing? Has the format changed? Has someone lately gotten this to work???
Please let me know, how! ;-)
ps: there is no description of the property "entityID" that makes any sense, can anyone explain it?
result in teams
Got the answer, was a Syntax problem!
The "contentURL" property needs to be unescaped (in this case the "%20"). It is that simple after all ;-)
Also i found out, the "entityID" property has no meaning for the File used. It can be "null" actually! I still use the ItemID i got from the DriveItem of the File.
For unescaping i used:
string contentUrl = Uri.UnescapeDataString(webUrl);
If it wasn't for this post I would have not gotten it figured out, so thank you!
For me I ended up having to make entityID null, just unescaping the contentURL didn't do it for me alone.
Thanks for your comment. leaving entityID null fixed my isse also.
I opend an issue to have the docs fixed!

Anyone know how to disable polymer iron-autogrow-textarea input?

Can't find any info on this.
Simply trying to use 'disabled' on my iron-autogrow-textarea with no avail. Doesn't work anyway i try it, javascript or directly on element. Documentation also doesn't seem to give any insight.
Anyone have any info? Am i missing something simple?
<iron-autogrow-textarea disabled style="border:none; width: 80%;" bind-value="{{bookingDetails}}"></iron-autogrow-textarea>
Thanks everyone,
Ok guys,
Here's the solution, i noticed there is a child textarea which i need to select directly, in my situation i used the code below. 'job_details' is the id of the autogrow-textarea.
this.$.job_details.querySelector('textarea').disabled = true;
Thanks for checking it out.

nokogiri and the href label

I am not sure how to access the label part of the anchor href tag. The other question that looks at this doesnt really answer it for me.
I have this code:
#name = page.css("#content").css("a")[1]
Which gives this result
generation xerox
I want to get at the "generation xerox" bit
I wouldnt mind getting at the href, I dont understand that either. I have read several other SO questions but I can't get it to work
Thanks in advance all
You can access the label with #name.text and the link with #name['href']
See doc

DNN jQuery conflict - pop up window won't close

I'm working on a DNN site that has been set up before my time here.
There's some conflict with the jQuery I believe, which prevents the modal pop up window in the attached calendar (link) events to not close properly:
I tried eliminating one script call at a time to see which one could be messing this up to no avail.
When I test this with the default theme it works like a charm.
Any ideas? Anyone came across something like this before?
Thank you!
You've got plenty of 404 errors on that page, ensure first, that files are in their place.
For example, was not found. Ensure this path exists.
I agree with Anrie that your references are broken. For example, is showing 404 but
You can just use links like :
/Portals/_default/Skins/SimTwo/includes/css/custom-theme/jquery-ui-1.8.9.custom.css in order to fix this in skin file or use <%= SkinPath %>.
Try adding return false; on your event after calling the

How do I stop links from wrapping in DNN 4.9.x

I am having a problem with links wrapping. How do I prevent this?
You might try the <nobr> tag.
for example:
<nobr>my long link</nobr>
