How do I make my highstock's graph y axis is just absolute value? - highcharts

Hello I'm original using highcharts
because my clients has need to see different view based on time,
like 1day,2day,3day,7day,1month, so I figure out highstock is more resemble
to this, but using highstock is missing some feature.
while I successfully figure out how to add legend(legend), change point display
(tooltip:formatter), change xaxis display and navigator display(dateTimeLabelFormats),
I see the display of line just like stock, which means:
it doesn't consider the absolute value of which too much, like I have connected terminals varying from 8-10, registered terminals varying from 2-3, unfornately it will draw registered terminals above connected terminals, which doesn't quite make sense, (besides the yAxis display is not correct, when it draw 5, the point above which actually says 4..), I also tried
plotOptions: {series: {compare: 'percent'}},
plotOptions: {series: {compare: 'percent'}},
but doesn't work, the y Axis is still quite confusing,
does anybody has a good solution? Thanks.

Had the same issue recently. It basically come from leaving useless parts of the example code in :D
Taking out the
plotOptions: {series: {compare: 'percent'}},
part should make it use the absolute values.
I assume taking out the compare parameter alone should be enough as well but since its the only thing you set from the plotOptions there is no need to keep the rest.


Highcharts graph remove existing ticks in interval on a category (x-axis)

I have a live graph that updates every x time. Included below is an image using a dummy variable. What I would like is for Highcharts to only label the first, middle, and last. Or anything to where I don't spam my graph label with ticks.
Presently my xAxis looks like so:
xAxis: {
crosshair: true,
type: "categories",
categories: xaxis
Nothing out of the ordinary. I have tried adding a tickInterval, however, that does not really solve the issue over the long run. Essentially what I need is the opposite of a tickInterval, where ticks are removed after a certain interval. Not unlike the datetime API that highcharts currently has. The difference here is that this data cannot be generated by myself, but by an API that I am using, which spits out the as-shown x-axis label.
After a while, in case there is too much xAxis labels displayed on a chart, the number of them is automatically reduced (the first example). Although, if you want, you can use couple of solutions. The best way, would be to use tickPositioner to display only the first, the middle and the last labels and format them using Highcharts.dateFormat inside xAxis.labels.formatter (the second example). You could also set bigger step of xAxis.labels (the third example).
API Reference:
Example: - default behaviour - using tickPositioner - using step

How to prevent Highchart from severely change declines?

The problem is that, if I try to change the lowest point to somewhere higher, the entire chart will be lowered severely.
How do I adjust each point with no above mentioned issue?
P.S. I use Highchart's Highstock.
It would be helpful if you could show a JsFiddle with the actual working code. Without knowing what exactly is going on with your chart it's difficult to figure out what the issue is and how to fix it.
Have a look at the yAxis - Highstock API Reference, you could potentially make use of min or max to counteract the scaling. Again though, without seeing your code it's tough to know.
If I understand your problem, you are trying to set the 7th point from currently at ~150 to something really high, say 5000? I did not notice any real change in the position of other points if the new value was under 1500 (or something around twice the first point)
Appears that your chart is set to comparison mode, hence, I believe, the default max and min are (100% & -100%) by default, this is w.r.t. to first point of the series. Highcharts would auto adjust these extremes if any of the points were to lie outside this range, you could force an override using yAxis.min & max.
For instance, you can set yAxis.min to -100 and yAxis.max to 100 like this
yAxis: {
Play around with the min and max to get to the values that suits your data the most, do remember these are % comparison to the first point. Any points outside these ranges would not show in the chart.

Highcharts :: Need to split y-axis from primary body of chart. Can I display this axis separately from the Highchart?

I have a situation where I need to remove all margins from a highchart and remove the x/y axis so it fills a series of columns in a table completely.
I did that, no problem. Chart goes to the extremes as needed.
What I need now is that pesky yaxis I already removed...but displayed in a table cell outside of the existing highcharts object.
It would seem easy, as though I could just set the overflow property of yaxis to 'visible' and play with the offset...which would work however this would only work if I wanted to re-position the axis within the boundaries of the highchart object. I want him in a different cell entirely.
Is there anyone who has had experience in this situation? Is it going to require me to have a secondary highchart with only a y-axis?
Best answer gets a green check.
EDIT :: I now have dispersed each 'day' into their own column (more bars coming per day [scheduled,actual,etc...]). In order to keep the scales lined up, I manipulate the yAxis:max property and set them all to a derived value.
In the open column (currently w/ text Hourly Trends) is where I would put an additional highchart module with no series data but with the same min/max/tickInterval.
The next big leap will be to see the data is alive and changes w/ schedule. May have to start another thread for that one, no?
Create a new HC object with no data but only the yAxis (making sure it is the right scale, etc). Perhaps add the same series of data to it but hide the series? Add it to the location you want. This seems kludge and not very good practice. Each business use is different but why would you want this?
EDIT based on comment of business rules:
Why not come at this from a different direction and have the individual chart elements (the bars/points/etc) be a single point chart. This way you have one chart per column. You can then set up the yAxis to be text and not worry about the position. If we could see an example of the page layout and the desired result that would help.

Highcharts highstocks - candlestick graph has last value partially cut

In a candlestick graph i am building, the latest bar is cut-off partially such that even the bar is not visible. Thus it's difficult to judge the high and low by seeing the bar.
I'm unable to post a pic now but it's like the last rectangle being cut in half.
I'm tried a lot of options in the api but can't figure out why this is not showing correctly. The chart margin and axis offset options havent' helped. Is there a way i can set the series margin from the plot area so that it displays right.
For this problem, the best solution is to insert a dummy series which should be hidden from every aspect of the chart. So try this, insert a dummy series from the last point of the data series to some extra buffer(as per need). Then remove this series from the chart by explicitly removing it from the legends (using showinlegend),chart(setting linewidth to 0) and from tooltip by having a check in formatter. Hope this solves your problem.
I had the same problem and couldn't figure it out, because no matter how I changed the xAxis.maxPadding or changed the xAxis.max, it would always cut off the last candlestick when I clicked on the range selector.
To solve it, (hack) I just added an extra data point in my series and set it 1 day past the last day and set all values to null.
Without any code or a pic, it's hard to tell the problem, but it sounds like you need to use the max padding option. You may also want to look at endOnTick as well as whether you are setting max on the axis.

Non-zero fill centerpoint for highcharts/highstock?

I have searched for answers to this using various combinations of the following search terms, with no results to speak of: highcharts, highstock, area, centerpoint, zero, center.
I am simply wondering if, when configuring an area-chart, it is possible to change the point around which the plot's fill is centered. By default, charts fill from zero to the data-line, but there are situations where a user may wish to see how their plot varies around a non-zero base-line.
Is there a way to accomplish this in the highcharts/highstock API?
If I understand correctly, you are just talking about the y axis min:
If that doesn't do what you are asking for, then perhaps threshold will:
