Metaprogram Squeel to search on keypaths - ruby-on-rails

The question
I'm trying to wrap my head around arel and squeel, but I feel like I lack the vocabulary to ask Google what I'm looking for.
TL;DR: Does anyone know how to mimic Squeel's Model.where{related.objects.field.matches string} syntax out of composed Squeel::Node objects?
The problem
This question demonstrates how to build a Squeel KeyPath from a string, like so:
search_relation = 'person.pets'
# Mimics User.joins{person.pets}
The plot thickens in this post, where I learned how to metaprogram a search across multiple columns. Cleaned up with a documented Squeel trick (the last line on the page), it looks like this:
search_columns = %w[first_name last_name]
search_term = 'chris'
User.where{ do |column|
column_stub =, :matches, "%#{search_term}%")
# Mimics User.where{(last_name.matches '%chris%') | (first_name.matches '%chris%')}
What I want is to be able to combine the two, mimicking the syntax of
User.joins{person.pets}.where{ '%polly%'}
by building the squeel objects myself.
The first part is easy, demonstrated in the first example. The second part I can do for columns directly on the table being queried, demonstrated in the second example.
However, I can't figure out how to do the second part for columns on joined in tables. I think I need to use the KeyPath object from the first example to scope the Predicate object in the second example. The Predicate object only seems to work with a Stub object that represents a single column on a single table, not a KeyPath.
Previous attempts
search_relation = 'key.path'
search_column = 'field'
search_term = '%search%'
keypath ='.') << search_column)
I've tried calling the matches method on the KeyPath:
Model.where{keypath.matches search_term}
#=> NoMethodError: undefined method `matches' for Squeel::Nodes::KeyPath
I've tried using the matches operator, =~:
Model.where{keypath =~ search_term}
#=> TypeError: type mismatch: String given
And I've tried building the Predicate manually, passing in a :matches parameter:
Model.where{, :matches, search_term)}
#=> ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql2::Error: Unknown column
#=> 'model.key.path.field' in 'where clause':
#=> SELECT `model`.* FROM `model`
#=> INNER JOIN `key` ON `key`.`id` = `model`.`key_id`
#=> INNER JOIN `path` ON `path`.`id` = `key`.`path_id`
#=> WHERE `model`.`key.path.field` LIKE '%search%'
Here, it successfully generates SQL (correctly joining using Model.joins{search_relation} like above, omitted for readability) then assumes the KeyPath is a field instead of traversing it.

You're on the right track. Simply calling the matches method on the KeyPath object will create a matches predicate with the keypath on the left side and the argument to matches on the right. Squeel's visitor will traverse the keypath on the left, arrive at the attribute in question, and build the matches ARel predicate against it.

While the KeyPath in the first example is sufficient for joining tables, a KeyPath to be used in WHERE clauses needs to be constructed a little more carefully, by ensuring the last value is indeed a Stub.
search_relation = 'key.path'
search_column = 'field'
search_stub = Squeel::Nodes::Stub(search_column)
search_term = '%search%'
keypath ='.') << search_stub)
Model.where{, :matches, search_term)}
#=> SELECT `model`.* FROM `model`
#=> INNER JOIN `key` ON `key`.`id` = `model`.`key_id`
#=> INNER JOIN `path` ON `path`.`id` = `key`.`path_id`
#=> WHERE `path`.`field` LIKE '%search%'


how to match all multiple conditions with rails where method

Using active record, I want to perform a lookup that returns a collection of items that have ALL matching id's.
Given that the below example matches on ANY id in the array, I am trying to figure out the syntax so that it will match when ALL of the id's match. (given that in this example there is a many to many relationship).
The array length of the id's is also variable which prohibits chaining .where()
x.where(id: [1,2])
Note: this question got removed before and there are a lot of answers for performing a sql "where in" but this question is about performing a sql "where and"
You can use exec_query and execute your own bound query:
values = [1, 2]
where_condition = { |_, index| "id = $#{index}" }.join(" AND ")
sql = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE #{ where_condition }"
binds = { |i|, i, }
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.exec_query(sql, nil, binds)
I completely agree with #muistooshort's comment
where(id: [1,2]) doesn't make sense unless you're joining to an association table and in that case,..."where in" combined with HAVING [solves your problem].
But for the sake of answering the question and the assumption that id was just and example.
While #SebastianPalma's answer will work it will return an ActiveRecord::Result whereas most of the time the desire is an ActiveRecord::Relation.
We can achieve this by using Arel to build the where clause like so:
(I modified the example to use description rather than id so that it makes more logical sense)
table = MyObject.arel_table
values = ['Jamesla','Example']
where_clause = {|v| table[:description].matches("%{v}%")}.reduce(&:and)
# OR
where_clause = table[:description].matches_all( {|v| "%#{v}%"})
This will result in the following SQL query:
my_objects.description LIKE '%Jamesla%'
AND my_objects.description LIKE '%Example%'

rails : how can I use find_each with map?

I have a form that has nested field (habtm and accepts_nested_attributes_for). That form contains with a field "keywords", that autocompletes keywords that come from a postgresql table.
All that works well. This is in params :
"acte"=>{"biblio_id"=>"1", "keywords"=>{"keywords"=>"judge, ordeal, "}
What I now need to do is take those keywords and get their keywords_id out of the table keywords. Those id must be added to the join table.
I'm doing this :
q = params[:acte][:keywords].fetch(:keywords).split(",")
a = {|e| Keyword.find_by keyword: e }
As per the guides, find_by returns only the first matching field. I guess I would need to use find_each but I'm not certain about that and I can't get it to word. I have tried this:
q = params[:acte][:motclefs].fetch(:motclefs).split(",")
a =
Motclef.where(motcle: q).find_each do |mot|
a <<
This also finds only the first result like : [251].
What I'm looking to get is something like [1453, 252, 654]
thanks !
Putting find_by in a loop means you will be executing a separate SQL query for each SQL keyword.
You can instead just get all the ids in a single SQL call by doing keyword in.
After you do q = params[:acte][:keywords].fetch(:keywords).split(","), your q will be an array of keywords. So q will be ["judge", " ordeal"].
You can simply do Keyword.where(keyword: q).select(:id) which will generate a query like SELECT FROM keywords where keyword in ('judge', 'ordeal').

building a dynamic where clause in model with ruby, iterating over activerecord object

I have a model with an has_many association: Charts has_many ChartConditions
charts model has fields for:
name (title)
table_name (model)
The chart_conditions model has fields for
assoc_name (to .joins)
name (column)
value (value)
operator (operator
Basically my Chart tells us which model (using the table_name field) I want to run a dynamic query on. Then the chart_conditions for the Chart will tell us which fields in that model to sort on.
So In my models that will be queried, i need to dynamically build a where clause using multiple chart_conditions.
Below you can see that i do a joins first based on all the object's assoc_name fields
Example of what I came up with. This works, but not with a dynamic operator for the name/value and also throws a deprecation warning.
def self.dynamic_query(object)
s = joins({|o| o.assoc_name.to_sym})
object.each do |cond|
s = s.where(cond.assoc_name.pluralize.to_sym => { => cond.value})
How can i then add in my dynamic operator value to this query? Also why can I not say:
s = s.where(cond.assoc_name.pluralize : { : cond.value})
I have to use the => and .to_sym to get it to work. The above syntax errors: syntax error, unexpected ':' ...ere(cond.assoc_name.pluralize : { : cond.value}) ... ^
What if you store the query in a variable and append to that?
def self.dynamic_query(object)
q = joins({|o| o.assoc_name.to_sym})
object.each do |cond|
q = q.where(cond.assoc_name.pluralize : { : cond.value})
q # returns the full query
Another approach might be the merge(other) method. From the API Docs:
Merges in the conditions from other, if other is an ActiveRecord::Relation. Returns an array representing the intersection of the resulting records with other, if other is an array.
Post.where(published: true).joins(:comments).merge( Comment.where(spam: false) )
# Performs a single join query with both where conditions.
That could be useful to knot all the conditions together.

How does "select column as" work?

I have a Deal model with a lot of associations. One of the associations is Currency. The deals table and the currencies table both have a name column. Now, I have the following ActiveRecord query:
where("privacy = ? or user_id = ?", false, doorkeeper_token.resource_owner_id).
select(" as deal_name, as deal_creation_date, deals.amount as deal_amount, as currency_name, currencies.symbol as currency_symbol")
This query doesn't work, its result is an array of Deal objects with no attributes. According to someone on IRC, the "as" parts are incorrect because the ORM doesn't know how to assign the columns to which attribute (or something like that) which is fair enough. I tried to add attr_accessor and attr_accessible clauses though but it didn't work.
How can I make the above query work please? What I expect the result to be is an Array of Deal objects with deal_name, deal_creation_date, etc. virtual attributes.
Most likely the query is working correctly, but the returned Deal objects appear not to have any attributes when you print them out because of the way that Deal implements the inspect method.
So if you assign the result of the query to a variable you will see that this appears empty:
v.each do |deal| ; puts deal.inspect ; end
While this shows the attributes you want:
v.each do |deal| ; puts deal.to_yaml ; end
More details are in this question.

Rails ActiveRecord Join

I'm using rails and am trying to figure out how to use ActiveRecord within the method to combine the following into one query:
def children_active(segment)
parent_id ='id').where('segment' => segment)
Category.where('parent_id'=>parent_id, 'active' => true)
Basically, I'm trying to get sub categories of a category that is designated by a unique column called segment. Right now, I'm getting the id of the category in the first query, and then using that value for the parent_id in the second query. I've been trying to figure out how to use AR to do a join so that it can be accomplished in just one query.
You can use self join with a alias table name:
Category.joins("LEFT OUTER JOIN categories AS segment_categories on = categories.parent_id").where("segment_categories.segment = ?", segment).where(" = ?", true)
This may looks not so cool, but it can implement the query in one line, and there will be much less performance loss than your solution when data collection is big, because "INCLUDE IN" is much more slower than "JOIN".
