Adding stuff to a list in f# - f#

I'm doing a project called "2D Shape editor" in f#. I have done this project in c# before so I've got all the logics for how to connect two shapes. So I know that i will need a list to hold all theese shapes that I will be adding. But I simply can't get my addToList method to work.
My ShapeList:
let mutable ShapeList:List<RectangleZ> = [RectangleZ(100,100)]
My add methods:
let addToList (listan:List<RectangleZ>) (element:RectangleZ) = let ShapeList = ShapeList#[element] in ShapeList
//Method to add into the ShapeList
let addToList (listan:List<RectangleZ>) (element:RectangleZ) = element::ShapeList
//Other try on adding into shapeList
the button that should be adding rectangles to the ShapeList:
btn.Click.Add(fun _ -> new RectangleZ(500, 100) |> addToList ShapeList |>ignore |> saver)
//Button click method that should be adding the RectangleZ(500, 100) to my ShapeList
And ofcourse my rectangle:
type RectangleZ(x:int, y:int)=
let mutable thisx = x
let mutable thisy = y
let mutable thiswidth = 50
let mutable thisheight = 20
let brush = new SolidBrush(Color.Black)
member obj.x with get () = thisx and set x = thisx <- x
member obj.y with get () = thisy and set y = thisy <- y
member obj.width with get () = thiswidth and set width = thiswidth <- width
member obj.height with get () = thisheight and set height = thisheight <- height
member obj.thisColor = Color.FromArgb(167, 198, 253)
member obj.draw(paper:Graphics) = paper.FillRectangle(brush, thisx, thisy, 50, 20)
member obj.ShapeType = "Rectangle"
The element dosn't get added into the list for some reason in neither of my addToList functions. My Question is why?

List in F# are immutable. This means that when you add item to list like this:
let newlist = elem :: tail;;
old list (tail) doesn't changes, instead of that new list created. So, you need to return new list from your addToList function and than update mutable variable:
let addToList (listan:List<RectangleZ>) (element:RectangleZ) = element::listan
ShapeList <- addToList ShapeList newElement
In your code let ShapeList is local and doesn't affect global ShapeList variable.

let newList = oldList # [newElement]

You can use List.append with mutable lists, the below example worked fine with me:
let mutable season_averages = []
for i in 0 .. n_seasons do
season_averages <- [i] |> List.append season_averages
printfn "Seasons Average: %A" season_averages


Carrying out same function on different F# record types with identical labels

Suppose I have following record types and their lists:
type Employee = {
type Project = {
let el = [{ = 1; name = "E1"};{ = 2; name = "E2"};{ = 3; name = "E3"};]
let pl = [{ = 5; name = "P1"};{ = 6; name = "P2"};{ = 7; name = "P3"};]
I want to apply the same function(as defined below) to both type lists but the type inferred is Project.
let CreateFormattedStringList l =
l |> x -> ( |> string) + "#" +
//function signature:
//val CreateFormattedStringList : l:Project list -> string list
let res_1 = el |> CreateFormattedStringList //error
let res_2 = pl |> CreateFormattedStringList //ok
I found this helpful link which shows a simple value returned. So, the following works for both types of lists in my case:
let inline CreateFormattedStringList (l: ^T list) =
(^T: (member id:int) (l.Head))
Now I am unable to wrap my head around how to apply the more elaborate function in same way. Something like:
let inline CreateFormattedStringList (l: ^T list) =
l |> (^T: (member id:int) (x)) -> ( |> string) + "#" +
I am trying to find examples but aren't able to. How can I use inline to be able to apply the same function to both types? Also, how to add constraint for 'name' and 'id' both?
Firstly, I think it's simpler to write a function that works on a single item instead of a list and then use it with other higher order functions like if necessary.
The syntax for this is confusing, but what you had working so far was actually a function that contains an expression that uses the id member, while also asserting that the input type has an id member. So you need to add another expression for name. It's easier to tell what's going on if you bind those to names:
let inline formatIdName (x: ^T) =
let id = (^T: (member id:int) x)
let name = (^T: (member name:string) x)
sprintf "%i - %s" id name
formatIdName { = 1; name = "E1"} // "1 - E1"
formatIdName { = 5; name = "P1"} // "5 - P1"

Functional way to add to Lists that are Class-Members

I want to sort items of a class and collect them in Collection-Classes that beside a List-Member also contain further information that are necessary for the sorting process.
The following example is a a very simplified example for my problem. Although it doesn't make sense, I hope it still can help to understand my Question.
type ItemType = Odd|Even //realworld: more than two types possible
type Item(number) =
member this.number = number
member this.Type = if (this.number % 2) = 0 then Even else Odd
type NumberTypeCollection(numberType:ItemType , ?items:List<Item>) =
member this.ItemType = numberType
member val items:List<Item> = defaultArg items List.empty<Item> with get,set
member this.append(item:Item) = this.items <- item::this.items
let addToCollection (collections:List<NumberTypeCollection>) (item:Item) =
let possibleItem =
|> Seq.where (fun c -> c.ItemType = item.Type) //in my realworld code, several groups may be returned
|> Seq.tryFind(fun _ -> true)
match possibleItem with
|Some(f) -> f.append item
|None -> NumberTypeCollection(item.Type, [item]) :: collections
let rec findTypes (collections:List<NumberTypeCollection>) (items:List<Item>) =
match items with
| [] -> collections
| h::t -> let newCollections = ( h|> addToCollection collections)
findTypes newCollections t
let items = [Item(1);Item(2);Item(3);Item(4)]
let finalCollections = findTypes List.empty<NumberTypeCollection> items
I'm unsatisfied with the addToCollection method, since it requires the items in NumberTypeCollection to be mutual. Maybe there are further issues.
What can be a proper functional solution to solve this issue?
Edit: I'm sorry. May code was too simplified. Here is a little more complex example that should hopefully illustrate why I chose the mutual class-member (although this could still be the wrong decision):
open System
type Origin = Afrika|Asia|Australia|Europa|NorthAmerika|SouthAmerica
type Person(income, taxrate, origin:Origin) =
member this.income = income
member this.taxrate = taxrate
member this.origin = origin
type PersonGroup(origin:Origin , ?persons:List<Person>) =
member this.origin = origin
member val persons:List<Person> = defaultArg persons List.empty<Person> with get,set
member this.append(person:Person) = this.persons <- person::this.persons
//just some calculations to group people into some subgroups
let isInGroup (person:Person) (personGroup:PersonGroup) =
let avgIncome =
|> (fun p -> float(p.income * p.taxrate) / 100.0)
|> Seq.average
Math.Abs ( (avgIncome / float person.income) - 1.0 ) < 0.5
let addToGroup (personGroups:List<PersonGroup>) (person:Person) =
let possibleItem =
|> Seq.where (fun p -> p.origin = person.origin)
|> Seq.where (isInGroup person)
|> Seq.tryFind(fun _ -> true)
match possibleItem with
|Some(f) -> f.append person
|None -> PersonGroup(person.origin, [person]) :: personGroups
let rec findPersonGroups (persons:List<Person>) (personGroups:List<PersonGroup>) =
match persons with
| [] -> personGroups
| h::t -> let newGroup = ( h|> addToGroup personGroups)
findPersonGroups t newGroup
let persons = [Person(1000,20, Afrika);Person(1300,22,Afrika);Person(500,21,Afrika);Person(400,20,Afrika)]
let c = findPersonGroups persons List.empty<PersonGroup>
What I may need to emphasize: There can be several different groups with the same origin.
Tomas' solution using groupby is the optimal approach if you want to generate your collections only once, it's a simple and concise.
If you want to be able to add/remove items in a functional, referentially transparent style for this type of problem, I suggest you move away from seq and start using Map.
You have a setup which is fundamentally dictionary-like. You have a unique key and a value. The functional F# equivalent to a dictionary is a Map, it is an immutable data structure based on an AVL tree. You can insert, remove and search in O(log n) time. When you append/remove from the Map, the old Map is maintained and you receive a new Map.
Here is your code expressed in this style
type ItemType =
type Item (number) =
member this.Number = number
member this.Type = if (this.Number % 2) = 0 then Even else Odd
type NumTypeCollection = {Items : Map<ItemType, Item list>}
/// Functions on NumTypeCollection
module NumberTypeCollection =
/// Create empty collection
let empty = {Items = Map.empty}
/// Append one item to the collection
let append (item : Item) numTypeCollection =
let key = item.Type
match Map.containsKey key numTypeCollection.Items with
|true ->
let value = numTypeCollection.Items |> Map.find key
let newItems =
|> Map.remove key
|> Map.add key (item :: value) // append item
{Items = newItems }
|false -> {Items = numTypeCollection.Items |> Map.add key [item]}
/// Append a list of items to the collections
let appendList (item : Item list) numTypeCollection =
item |> List.fold (fun acc it -> append it acc) numTypeCollection
Then call it using:
let items = [Item(1);Item(2);Item(3);Item(4)]
let finalCollections = NumberTypeCollection.appendList items (NumberTypeCollection.empty)
If I understand your problem correctly, you're trying to group the items by their type. The easiest way to do that is to use the standard library function Seq.groupBy. The following should implement the same logic as your code:
|> Seq.groupBy (fun item -> item.Type)
|> (fun (key, values) ->
NumberTypeCollection(key, List.ofSeq values))
Maybe there are further issues.
Probably. It's difficult to tell, since it's hard to detect the purpose of the OP code... still:
Why do you even need an Item class? Instead, you could simply have a itemType function:
let itemType i = if i % 2 = 0 then Even else Odd
This function is referentially transparent, which means that you can replace it with its value if you wish. That makes it as good as a property getter method, but now you've already saved yourself from introducing a new type.
Why define a NumberTypeCollection class? Why not a simple record?
type NumberTypeList = { ItemType : ItemType; Numbers : int list }
You can implement addToCollection like something like this:
let addToCollection collections i =
let candidate =
|> Seq.filter (fun c -> c.ItemType = (itemType i))
|> Seq.tryHead
match candidate with
| Some x ->
let x' = { x with Numbers = i :: x.Numbers }
collections |> Seq.filter ((<>) x) |> Seq.append [x']
| None ->
collections |> Seq.append [{ ItemType = (itemType i); Numbers = [i] }]
Being immutable, it doesn't mutate the input collections, but instead returns a new sequence of NumberTypeList.
Also notice the use of Seq.tryHead instead of Seq.tryFind(fun _ -> true).
Still, if you're attempting to group items, then Tomas' suggestion of using Seq.groupBy is more appropriate.

Access lists defined in constructor on override onPaint method F#

I want to override the onPaint method to make it draw the objects in two lists defined in the constructor, problem being I can't access the lists from the overrided onPaint method, I get the error saying the list or constructor is not defined when trying to use listOfSquares or listOfCircles. So basically, how do I access these lists from that override?
type MainForm = class
inherit Form
val mutable g : Graphics // mutable means its not read-only
val mutable position : Point // position of the rectangle
new () as form = {g=null;position = new Point(0,0)} then
// double buffering
form.SetStyle (ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);
form.SetStyle (ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true);
form.SetStyle (ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);
form.Width <- 900
form.Height <- 500
form.BackColor <- Color.White
form.Text <- "2D Graphics Editor";
let listOfSquares = ResizeArray()
let listOfCircles = ResizeArray()
let menu = new MenuStrip()
let file = new ToolStripDropDownButton("File") // Menu
let create = new ToolStripDropDownButton("Create") // Menu
let square = create.DropDownItems.Add("Square")
let circle = create.DropDownItems.Add("Circle")
let newFile = file.DropDownItems.Add("New file")
let saveFile = file.DropDownItems.Add("Save file")
let openFile = file.DropDownItems.Add("Open file")
square.Click.Add(fun _ -> listOfSquares.Add(new square(5.0, 5.0)) |> ignore)
circle.Click.Add(fun _ -> listOfCircles.Add(new circle(10.0, 10.0)) |> ignore)
newFile.Click.Add(fun _ -> MessageBox.Show("newFile") |> ignore)
saveFile.Click.Add(fun _ -> MessageBox.Show("saveFile") |> ignore)
openFile.Click.Add(fun _ -> MessageBox.Show("openFile") |> ignore)
let dc c = (c :> Control)
form.Controls.AddRange([|dc menu|]);
// show the form
// override of paint event handler
override form.OnPaint e =
let g = e.Graphics in
// draw objects in listOfSquares and listOfCircles
If you did want to use a primary constructor then you could do it like this, using let bindings for all your private fields and do bindings for the constructor's code. The let bindings are accessible to all non-static members.
See the F# documentation on classes to read about this syntax.
type MainForm() as form =
inherit Form()
let mutable g : Graphics = null
let mutable position : Point = Point(0,0)
let listOfSquares = ResizeArray()
let listOfCircles = ResizeArray()
form.SetStyle (ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);
// ... your other initialization code
// show the form
override form.OnPaint e =
let g = e.Graphics
// draw objects in listOfSquares and listOfCircles
You defined their scope as being the constructor rather than the object. Move their declarations up to where position and g are defined.
I think this satisfies your requirements:
type test =
val mutable private temp:int
new() as this = {temp=5} then
this.temp <- 6
The important bits are the private access modifier, the assignment of the private field in the secondary constructor using the {..} syntax and the use of this to access private members.
Here is your code rewritten to properly initialize your lists:
type MainForm =
inherit Form
val mutable g : Graphics // mutable means its not read-only
val mutable position : Point // position of the rectangle
val listOfSquares : ResizeArray
val listOfCircles : ResizeArray
new () as form = {g=null;position = new Point(0,0)} then
// double buffering
form.SetStyle (ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);
form.SetStyle (ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer, true);
form.SetStyle (ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true);
form.Width <- 900
form.Height <- 500
form.BackColor <- Color.White
form.Text <- "2D Graphics Editor";
listOfSquares <- ResizeArray()
listOfCircles <- ResizeArray()
let menu = new MenuStrip()
let file = new ToolStripDropDownButton("File") // Menu
let create = new ToolStripDropDownButton("Create") // Menu
let square = create.DropDownItems.Add("Square")
let circle = create.DropDownItems.Add("Circle")
let newFile = file.DropDownItems.Add("New file")
let saveFile = file.DropDownItems.Add("Save file")
let openFile = file.DropDownItems.Add("Open file")
square.Click.Add(fun _ -> listOfSquares.Add(new square(5.0, 5.0)) |> ignore)
circle.Click.Add(fun _ -> listOfCircles.Add(new circle(10.0, 10.0)) |> ignore)
newFile.Click.Add(fun _ -> MessageBox.Show("newFile") |> ignore)
saveFile.Click.Add(fun _ -> MessageBox.Show("saveFile") |> ignore)
openFile.Click.Add(fun _ -> MessageBox.Show("openFile") |> ignore)
let dc c = (c :> Control)
form.Controls.AddRange([|dc menu|]);
// show the form
// override of paint event handler
override form.OnPaint e =
let g = e.Graphics in
// draw objects in listOfSquares and listOfCircles
As #leafgarland demonstrated, if you don't need to use a secondary constructor, then use the primary constructor for much cleaner syntax.
type test() =
let mutable temp = 6
override form.OnPaint e =
let g = e.Graphics
printfn "%i" temp

Make WebSharper generate simple field access

I need a type that will be translated into a plain JS object so that F# field access will be translated into simple JS field access (this is necessary, since the object will be sent through postMessage, so it'll lose all its methods).
Again, I need
let x = a.b
to be translated into
var x = a.b;
without any method calls.
Here is a slightly modified example from the F# Reference:
namespace T
open IntelliFactory.WebSharper
module A =
type MyClass =
val a : int
val b : int
new(a0, b0) = { a = a0; b = b0; }
let myClassObj = new MyClass(35, 22)
let x = myClassObj.b
This won't translate with
x: error : Failed to translate property access: b.'
Ok, let's make those vals mutable:
namespace T
open IntelliFactory.WebSharper
module A =
type MyClass =
val mutable a : int
val mutable b : int
new(a0, b0) = { a = a0; b = b0; }
let myClassObj = new MyClass(35, 22)
let x = myClassObj.b
This will be successfully translated, but… MyClass.New returns an empty object. The question now starts looking much like a bugreport, right? So, back to the question.
Are there any other ways to achieve what I want?
There are additional issues with record-style constructors "{x = y}". I will have to look into this again on F# 3.0, the older F# did not produce sensible quotations for those and we did some partial workarounds in WebSharper. Right now your example breaks. So here is the working code with a static method instead of a constructor:
type MyClass private () =
val mutable a : int
val mutable b : int
static member Create(a0, b0) =
let c = MyClass()
c.a <- a0
c.b <- b0
let test () =
let myClassObj = MyClass.Create(35, 22)
let x = myClassObj.a
let y = myClassObj.b
JavaScript.Log(x, y)
Trivially, a record would also work.
In some cases where you want to go really low-level you can annotate members with the Inline attribute. When this is too much overhead you can use untyped API:
let x = obj ()
x?a <- 1
let y = x?a
JavaScript.Log(x, y)
try this:
type MyClass (a, b) =
member val A = a with get
member val B = b with get
let myClassObj = new MyClass(35, 22)
let x = myClassObj.B

extending fsharpchart

I would like to use FSharpChart but there is no basic Chart for what I would like to display : a correlation matrix.
I therefore wrote some functions to draw on a bitmap, along the way that Tomas Petricek does for charting a pie-chart.
Is there any easy way for me to use this to extend FSharpChart ?
let drawCorrelation (udls:seq<'T>) (mapcorrel:Map<('T*'T), float>) =
let mainForm = new Form(Width = 1250, Height = 1050, Text = "Correlation matrix")
let boxChart = new PictureBox(BackColor = Color.White, Dock = DockStyle.Fill,SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.CenterImage)
let matrixbm = new Bitmap(1200, 1000)
let gr = Graphics.FromImage(matrixbm)
draw2D gr (drawCorrelationInner mapcorrel) 1200 1000 udls mapcorrel (mapcorrel |> (fun kv -> kv.Value ) |> Seq.average)
boxChart.Image <- matrixbm
