Capybara: page_find doesn't seem to be working with double slash (//) - capybara

Trying to validate the 2nd link in the following HTML:
<div id="navigation">
with the following expression:
page.find(:xpath, "//div[#id='navigation']//a").should have_content('Radio')
and I'm getting the following error:
expected there to be content "Radio" in "TV"
Should'nt the find method research in all the A elements inside the DIV node as I'm using a double slash? Could this be a bug or am I doing something wrong?
And is there any other way to be able to validate the 2nd link?
Thanks for the help guys!

In your case find will find first a in Capybara < 2.0 and will raise an Ambiguous Match exception in Capybara 2.0 as there are more than one elements with such locator.
I suggest you to do the following:
page.should have_selector('#navigation a', text: 'Radio')


Capybara: how to retrive the Test Services code value(F603YPW) of an element from below html page

I want to retrieve the value of Test Services code
<span class="floatLeft w30p">Test Services code:</span>
<span> <strong>F603YPW</strong> </span>
The rest of the page will really affect what selector(s) you would need to use to get that text, however given only the HTML specified you can use the css adjacent sibling selector to get the element
value = find(:css, 'span.floatLeft.w30p + span').text
if there are a bunch of other elements with the floatLeft and w30p classes then you could get more complicated using xpath selectors and do something along the lines of
value = find(:xpath, XPath.descendant(:span)['Test Services code:')].next_sibling).text
or with multiple finds
value = find(:css, 'span', text: 'Test Services code:').find(:xpath, XPath.next_sibling).text
If you are able to edit the HTML to
<span class="floatLeft w30p">Test Services:</span>
<span class="your_class"> <strong>F603YPW</strong> </span>
(so by adding a class to the span),
you will be able to find its value doing
value = page.find('.your_class').text
If you are not able to edit the HTML, do
value = find(:css, 'the css selector').text

Get a value of element in ruby cucumber

i am making my first steps in writing cucumber features in Ruby On Rails application and am struggling with getting a value of an element.
The structure is something like this:
<div class="selectize-dropdown-content">
<div data-value="test1" data-selectable="" class="option">TEST 1</div>
<div data-value="test2" data-selectable="" class="option">TEST 2</div>
I would like to get the value of the div element when the data-value is "test1" ... so, TEST 1
Currently I am doing it this way:
within(:xpath, '//div[#class="selectize-dropdown-content"]') do
find(:xpath, '//div[#data-value="' + value + '"]')
But it fails for not finding the "within" div.
So, I guess I am doing it wrong.
How does one go about it?
You need to call text method on the desired element
within('.selectize-dropdown-content') do
find(:xpath, "//div[#data-value='#{value}']").native.text
if there's a parent element for your block of code with ID you can do it like:
text = page.find('#parentID div:nth-child(1) div:first-child', visible: true).text
if you don't try it with javascript

How to click_link with no text?

How can I click below link with Capybara's click_link method?
<a data-method="delete" href="/users/sign_out" rel="nofollow">
<span title="Sign out" class="glyphicon glyphicon-off"></span>
You could locate the element using its href attribute:
page.click_link('', :href => '/users/sign_out')
Note that the first parameter of click_link is the links text, id or name. We use '' since the text is blank.
Alternatively, use the find method to find the link using the href attribute (or any other attribute) and then click it.
page.find(:css, 'a[href="/users/sign_out"]').click
Add id to link and use its id.
More info here
For the applications, which use JS it is useful the following call:
find(:css, 'a[href="/users/sign_out"]').trigger('click')

how can i make cucumber test on multiple 'a' tag with image

this is my view code where i have make multiple 'a' tag and want to test third element from li. and we can uniquely identified with offer id as per below code ...
<div class="search_data_outer_div">
<li class="small_preview">
<div class="image_area">
<a href="/offer/show/334">
<span class="artist_name">Artist 1</span>
<span class="remaining_time">Remaining Time: 7 days</span>
<i id="334" class="icon-remove pointer" style="position:absolute;right:0;display:none;"></i>
and i have tried make one step defination ... it is working fine with cucumber but when execute with selenium (WebDriver) then page not open after click.
When I press third offer
Then I should see "YOUR OFFER"
and its step defination file
When /^I press third offer$/ do
page.execute_script %Q{ $(".search_data_outer_div ul li .image_area a").eq(2).click(); }
let me know right solution if anybody can help
IIRC CSS style selectors have issues with some version of Web Driver. Ideally you'd have PageObject variables set up for this so you're not using raw webdriver code in your steps but something like this should work:
browser.div( :class => 'search_data_outer_div').div( :class => 'image_area')

How should I update the pagination links in an AJAX call?

So I've implemented AJAX pagination. The problem is that since the <%= paginate #videos %> code is not inside the partial that I render, the pagination links are not updated. What jQuery code should I use to update the pagination links?
Btw I tried $(".pagination").replaceWith('escape_javascript(<%= paginate #videos %>)');;
but i get this error: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL
$(".pagination").replaceWith("escape_javascript(<%= paginate #videos %>)");; throws this error: Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier
Here is the JS code the browser sees:
$(".pagination").replaceWith(" <nav class="pagination">
<span class="prev">
« Prev
<span class="page first">
<span class="page current">2</span>
<span class="page last">
<span class="next">
Next »
Ideally, the new pagination links should be included in the HTML response of the ajax call. If that is not possible - presumably because the links reside elsewhere in the document, then I would suggest creating a context/link/URI/action/whatever (disclaimer: I'm not a ROR guy) which returns a JSON string, structured something like:
[{"data": "The HTML output"}, {"pageLinks": "pagination HTML"}]
and replace your ajax call with one which expects JSON as the return dataType. Then it should be easy, e.g.:
url: 'theURL',
dataType: 'json',
success: function(json) {
The problem looks to be the quotes in your use of replaceWith. You need to escape the characters of that string before trying to use it.
You have double quotes starting and ending your string argument in the replaceWith function but the string you are feeding it also has double quotes throughout that don't look to be escaped. Every time a double quote is encountered it is terminating the string and trying to parse the rest as javascript statements and not a string.
I know this is an old question, but I faced a simmilar problem using will_paginate gem, and I tryed a lot of complicated stuffs to update the pagination. However, I did it with a simple solution, that maybe can help someone else.
In summary, create a partial where you put the call to will_paginate helper inside a div, and after your ajax request, just render this partial again. For instance:
The _pagination.html.erb:
<div id="paginate">
<%= will_paginate #results %>
The your_template.js.erb (where #results should be available):
$('#paginate').html('j(render "pagination.html.erb")');
That should be enough.
