jquery-mobile create dynamic controlgroup and apply jquery-ui css [duplicate] - jquery-mobile

This question already has answers here:
Dynamic controlgroup and checkboxes unstyled
(6 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
This is my code:
I would create a controlgroup with values that are in my array (name).
The problem is that when I click load button the values are added in a controlgroup but the jquery-ui styles are not loaded like in the image.
The controlgroup is not styled with jquery-ui mobile css.
var name=["one","two"];
var html='<fieldset id="listPlayers" data-role="controlgroup"><legend><h1>Choose as many players as youd like to remove:</h1></legend>';
for ( var int = 0; int < 2; int++) {
html+='<input type="checkbox" name="checkbox-'+int+'a" id="checkbox-'+int+'a" class="custom" /><label for="checkbox-'+int+'a">'+name[int]+'</label>';
alert('<legend><h3>Choose as many players as you would like to remove:</h3></legend>'+html+'</fieldset');
What I am doing wrong?

From: jqm docs
if you generate new markup client-side or load in content via Ajax and inject it into a page, you can trigger the create event to handle the auto-initialization for all the plugins contained within the new markup. This can be triggered on any element (even the page div itself), saving you the task of manually initializing each plugin (listview button, select, etc.).

I do applogies if this post is too old and if my post isn't by the correct standard since it's the first time ever posting so please correct me if it's horribly bad :-]
But in case someone else comes across it, I had similar problems with how the dynamic data is displayed and I used the jsfiddles and comments above as a help, and this is what got mine to work, well somewhat near my solution, I don't have a button to load the data it's loaded automatically when the page is loaded.
Updated In my .html-file:
<div id="members"></div>
<input type="button" id="load" value="test"/>
Updated In my .js-file:
var name = ["NameOne","NameTwo", "NameThree"];
var fset = '<fieldset data-role="controlgroup" id="members-ctrlgroup"><legend>This is a legend:</legend>';
var labels='';
for ( var i = 0; i < name.length; i++) {
labels += '<input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="c'
+ i
+ '"><label for="c'
+ i
+ '" data-iconpos="right">'
+ name[i]
I know the "field" looks a bit weird how I divided it but I find it somewhat easier when it comes to getting the whole html-string correct in these cases.
Updated In order to have the rounded corners and have it as one controlgroup you'll have to have this approach instead. Just like the former posters showed.
Do note that the id with the checkbox and the label for= can tend to screw the output if they're not the same :-]

In order to replace the content you should use .html(); instead of .append(), which adds the new content after the existing one.
After adding content to a jQuery Mobile Page you need to enhance the content, using for instance $("input[type='radio']").checkboxradio();

I was using
for( var i=0 ; i < html.length ; i++ ){
var spline = html[i].split("|");
inHTML = inHTML + " <input type=\"checkbox\" name=\"checkbox-"+i+"a\" id=\"checkbox-"+i+"a\" class=\"custom\" /> <label for=\"checkbox-"+i+"a\">"+ spline[0] +" , "+ spline[2] +"</label> ";
jq("fieldset#myFieldSet" )
// Append the new rows to the body
.append( inHTML )
// Call the refresh method
.closest( "fieldset#myFieldSet" )
// Trigger if the new injected markup contain links or buttons that need to be enhanced
.trigger( "create" );


jquery mobile selectmenu not working in chrome

I have a jquery-mobile selectmenu that has previously worked fine in both Safari and Chrome, but just recently the selectmenu won't select the option choice. It still works fine in Safari. When using development tools either from an emulator or chrome on my desktop, I get no errors. I do have an issue with glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff2 not loading and I have tried all of the suggestions found here on stack, but none of those seem to work and most all research I've done comes up with answers that are >4 yrs old.
I'm using jquery mobile 1.4.5 and bootstrap 3.3.6 and the application resides on Azure.
Here's what I've got right now...
<div class="ui-field-contain" id="regionDiv">
<label for="region">Region:</label>
<select class="text-left" name="select-region" id="region" data-native-menu="false" data-mini="true" onchange="changeRegion();"></select>
<div class="ui-field-contain">
<label for="projectmob">Project:</label>
<select class="text-left" name="select-proj" id="projectmob" data-native-menu="false" data-mini="true" onchange="dwmChange();"></select>
Both the region and the project selectmenus do not select the item, they just leave a blank box or won't let you select the item.
The .js that runs when selected (I think it is fine)...
function changeRegion()
var regid = Number($("#region").val());
var projsel = $("#projectmob");
projsel.append("<option id='selproj' value='placeholder' data-placeholder='true'>Select Project...</option>");
var projNumber = 0;
var projValue = -1;
for (var i = 0; i < proj.length; i++) {
if (proj[i].region == regid) {
projsel.append("<option id='oc1-" + proj[i].id + "' value='" + proj[i].id + "'>" + proj[i].wono + ': ' + proj[i].name + "</option>");
projValue = proj[i].id;
$("#projectmob").selectmenu('refresh', true);
if (projNumber == 1) {
function dwmChange()
var projid = Number($("#projectmob").val());
if (projid > 0) {
var regValue = findRegion(projid);
getFilteredEvents(); hits the azure sql database and sets up the screen with the data retrieved.
This all ran fine up until about a week ago as far as I know. I have made changes and updates, but none that I think should affect the selectmenus from working.
Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated.
It seems a problem with Chrome 50.0.2661.89.
Looking further into this...
I have to question the logic behind JQuery Mobile hiding the toolbars on select >element focus by default. The native browser select elements overlay the page in >their various special ways, and even the non-native select popup (which you get >when specify the data attribute data-native-menu="false" in html or nativeMenu: >false in the selectmenu options) is absolutely positioned as a dialog. This >means that the toolbars really do not intrude on the real-estate given to the >selectmenu options as they'll always overlay everything including the toolbars. >To me, this makes the code from line 12664 - 12692 commented as: this hides the >toolbars on a keyboard pop to give more screen room rather unnecessary for >select elements.
Workaround/solution: thankfully jQuery-Mobile does nicely allow you to override >this setting in your header/footer with the data-attribute data-hide-during->focus - simply set this to:
data-hide-during-focus="input, textarea"
and it won't try to hide the toolbars anymore when a select element gets focus."
From https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mobile/issues/8429

MVC "Editfor" Element for a "List<string>" with the option to add new elements

I need way to display a "List" property with the option to add new elements to the list.
So Basically
Value 1
Value 2
Button: Add new
I created an editfor template for it, where I display all the values with a foreach loop. However, each item get's an index, so when I add a new input field with javascript, the index is wrong.
Any suggestions how to achieve this.
PS: the adding of new elemens mustbe done on the client, since it is a simple form
var abccounter = 1;
$("#abcbutton").click(function () {
$('#itemlist').append('<p><input class="text-box single-line" id="listofstringname_' + abccounter + '_" name="listofstringname[' + abccounter + ']" type="text" value=""></p>');
<p>#Html.EditorFor(model => model.listofstringname)</p>
that is what I did and it worked. the only problem I'm having (and it may be solved eventually) is I want to wrap each element with a tag but I'm not sure how. this JS just adds a new "text box element" assuming 1 as the start as my model loads 1 example by default.

How to perform actions on tables row in JQuery mobile

I have a table which displays results like the image posted below. Now I need to do some actions on each row by selecting it. There are two options I can think of,
1) We can provide a radio button for each row & a drop down on the right side to perform an action. But here i need to generate this code dynamically from a javascript file like below
function getMessage(result){
for (var j = 0; j < result.invocationResult.resultSet.length; j++) {
var tmp = "<tr>";
var resSet = result.invocationResult.resultSet[j];
for(res in resSet){
tmp += "<td>" + resSet[res] + "</td>";
$("#mytable > tbody").append(tmp+"</tr>");
2) Provide a link to a particular item in the row like Dispute Number & when clicked it should take me to another page where I can perform those action with a drop down. But here the links should be applied dynamically to the items in the rows. As per my knowledge we should not navigate using href as i am using worklight.
Please help me with approach and also examples.
So I'm not sure what is the issue you are facing with option 1...
As for option 2,
There is no problem navigating to another "page" using Worklight and jQuery Mobile, as long as you're doing it responsibly (definitely not use href). That is, not lose the Worklight context, at which point stuff will stop working.
The idea is this:
In the app's index.html you (will/should) have a <div data-role="page"> and in the case of Worklight, you will need to switch its contents with another from some other HTML file.
Here's a simplified Worklight 6.2 sample project: https://github.com/IdanAdar/Multipage-Navigation-Using-jQM
In the HTML:
load page1
In the JavaScript:
function changeToSomePage() {

Dynamically Add Buttons Via JQuery Mobile

I am working on a JQuery Mobile app. I am dynamically adding HTML when the page loads. A trimmed down example is shown here:
var h = "";
for (i=1; i<=5; i++) {
h += "<div>Entry #" + i + "</div>";
h += "<div class='ui-grid-a'>";
h += "<div class='ui-block-a'><input type='button' value='Approve' onclick='return approveButton_Click(this);' /></div>";
h += "<div class='ui-block-b'><input type='button' value='Reject' onclick='return rejectAbuse_Click(this);' /></div>";
h += "</div><hr />";
$("#entries", "#myPage").append(h);
My HTML is appearing in the UI. However, the buttons are not rendered as a typical JQuery Mobile buttons. Instead, they look like traditional HTML buttons. How do I get my dynamically added buttons to apply the JQuery mobile styling?
Thank you
Here's an working example out of your code: http://jsfiddle.net/Gajotres/NuCs2/
Before you can refresh the button/s it first must be initialized with .button() function. Just like this:
There's also another solution but you should use it only if you are recreating a whole page:
And here's an example for the second solution: http://jsfiddle.net/Gajotres/mpFJn/
If you want to find out more about methods of markup enhancement take a look at my other ARTICLE, let me be transparent, it is my personal blog. Or find it HERE.
Use "Refresh" method in Jquery mobile for dynamic appearance of Jqm UI...

Dynamically added input field in ui:repeat is not processed during form submit

I am trying to make a input form for answers in my application and I start with four "empty" answers which the view loops over and make input fields for. I have an add answer button which I add one question to the array of answers and then the view render the answers again, but now with an additional input field. The backing bean is viewscoped. However if I submit the form without pressing the add answer button it all works. The data is saved in the database. But if I add an answer after the four is filled out the last one does not get the data from the inputfield (answer.description). If I press the add answer first (without filling out any input fields) the data from the fields are not captured at all leaving all 5 empty so no data is saved in the database.
I have this in the form:
<ui:repeat var="answer" value="#{bean.answers}">
<div class="field">
<h:outputLabel for="answerAlternative-#{answer.serialNumber}"
value="Svaralternativ #{answer.serialNumber}" />
<h:inputText id="answerAlternative-#{answer.serialNumber}"
value="#{answer.description}" size="40" />
This is the method for creating a new input field:
public String addAnswer() {
if (answers.size() + 1 < 6) {
Answer answer = new Answer();
answer.setSerialNumber(answerSerialNumber + "");
return null;
Used for initializing the answers array with four empty input fields:
public void initBean() {
answers = new ArrayList<Answer>();
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
This look to match the current problems of <ui:repeat> in Mojarra. It is totally broken in Mojarra.
You have basically 2 options:
Replace Mojarra by MyFaces which has a way more stable implementation of <ui:repeat>.
Use an UIData component instead of <ui:repeat>, e.g. <h:dataTable>, Tomahawk's <t:dataList>, PrimeFaces' <p:dataList>, etc.
