Is it possible to sava data in an eBook on iBooks? - ios

I have to develop an eBook for iBooks, and there's a requirement to allow the user to save data, either to local storage to be retrieved when plugged into a computer, or to upload the data to the cloud somewhere, and retrieve from a website.
I know that you can do all sorts on non-book-like things in an eBook, but I can't seem to find anything about whether this kind of data exchange is possible.


For making a database free app for iOS using Core Data and dropbox, google drive and other storage providers?

I'm developing an iOS application which allows the user to take photos, record videos and take notes and show them in timeline view. I don't wanna use any backend or database support.
I've to implement this using Google Drive, Dropbox and other storage providers.
Can you suggest me logic for maintaining the data and relationship between them. Also I need suggestion grouping the images based on location, I'm really confused because am a fresher to development.

Online Data Storage and Transfer with Swift

I am trying to make a series of applications which require the user to make an account and login, therefore they could use the application on multiple devices and have the same data (e.g.. amount of virtual money and player score is about it), however, I have no idea how to go about this, I have decided it would be best for my app not use the apple GameKit (game centre) as it has a lot of limitations (e.g not showing usernames). What methods could I use to do this? Do I need to learn another language
Thank you
You can try Firebase, which serves as a backend especially for mobile applications. Basically, send a kind of a POST request to Firebase when the values you want to store have been changed in your game and send a kind of a GET request to fetch the said values to your mobile app(s). By this way, you can store data on Firebase and fetch it via multiple devices when the same user logs in from different devices.
For more information and a quick start, check this link:

Core Data - Savings and sharing images via iCloud

I have an app that allows a user to either take photo or point to a photo on from their camera roll. This record must be peristed locally. A record consists of text and an image. Savings this data on a single device seems simple, as I can persist the link to the image or store the image locally in the file system if taken via camera.
Problem is how to share this record via iCloud to make record available to all instances of the app on multiple devices. I.e iPhone creates a record with an image, which is then available to view on iPad or Apple TV.
Is it efficient to store a UIImage in a Core Data record and make this available via iCloud? Many people saying not for local storage
My concern is this could potentially be some large quantities of data?
Does anyone have any thoughts on how to solve this issue?
I´m working on a similar app, for me working with is a solution.
If your user have an internet connection and can wait to upload the images/text files you can save it directly using Parse (with a fancy progress Bar!) But if you want to make it network-less proof, you might work as whatsapp. I mean using Core Data to save your files locally, then try to upload the imagens whenever there is internet available.
There are some others clouds DB you can use, but I´m familiar with this one.
You can upload to iCloud using NSFileManager.
There is a complete walkthrough on how to do that.

Is there any way to Protect Document Directory in IOS

Is there any way to Protect Document Directory in IOS. Any other can not show it's data via any other software? Any encrypted method Or Password Protected for we can protect Data.
My Application is related to Music App. In My app we download songs in Document Directory.
Any user can listen songs via my application. but they can not access that song via any software.
For ex. If we use iFunbox From Mac we can get every data. We don't want to access my data from that kind of software.
Any way to protect my data?
I don't know any way to encrypt an entire directory on iOS devices but you could take a look at RNCryptor to encrypt the songs that your app downloads.
RNCryptor - Github
You can user it to enrypt the songs individually and decrypt the data before you play them in your app.

iCloud Integration for uploading and downloading files

I want to design an app which stores documents on iCloud. But there are some question which has answer before doing actual implementation.
The question are as follows,
What is maximum file size to upload on iCloud?
Can I programmatically calculate/know the available space on user's
iCloud account?
How can I get the event for uploading and Downloading files from
Can anyone please help me here ? I read the apple documentation but not understood all the things completely.
Thanks In Advance.
Although you mentioned you've read the apple icloud documentation, the designing for icloud documentation page from Apple is still a good starting point for this question.
File Size Limits
The documentation doesn't specify a Document file size limit, nor a Core Data storage limit, other than a user account icloud storage allowance. There is a limit for Key Value storage which is 1Mb for a value (in a value-key pair), which could be an issue for you, but otherwise it seems you can store large files as long as the user has enough space available.
Given the 5gb default amount and accounting for the default user storage needs (photos, contacts, calendars and the like), you may encounter limits for Document and Core Data storage, like any other app. The file management for icloud page mentions good app behaviour:
Apps that take advantage of iCloud storage features should act
responsibly when storing data in there. The space available in each
user’s account is limited and is shared by all apps. In addition,
users can see how much space is consumed by a given app and choose to
delete documents and data associated with your app. For these reasons,
it is in your app’s interest to be responsible about what files you
Check Available Space Programmatically
Upload/Download Events
The file uploading and downloading is handled by the OS. All files are stored locally, it's from this local store that you request/modify/save documents. From the icloud fundamentals page:
When you adopt iCloud, the operating system initiates and manages
uploading and downloading of data for the devices attached to an
iCloud account. Your app does not directly communicate with iCloud
servers and, in most cases, does not invoke upload or download of
See this app coda tutorial for an example of key-value store integration, this Tim Roadley tutorial for Core Data store integration or this Ray Wenderlich tutorial for Document store integration.
Edit: The Document-Based App Programming Guide for iOS provides code snippets for moving files to/from iCloud, uploading and downloading as well as monitoring file changes. See "Downloading Document Files from iCloud" and "Moving a Document to iCloud Storage".
