Delphi DBGrid disable clicking on another row when editing - delphi

I have a dbgrid displaying data from a Ttable and my problem is that when
editing a row in the grid the focus is on the row that I want to edit but I can
still click on another row and edit it. How do I disable clicking on another row
or keep focus on the same row?
Second question is (still on the dbgrid) when I edit a column and double click on that column,
the focus moves to the end of the text line therefor not showing the original text but only showing maybe the last character and spaces.
Please help...

After a while of playing around with this, I've discovered that there's no easy way
to disable the user from moving from the highlighted row (row to edit) when clicking another row.
The best way is to cancel when he clicks on another row, I'm using a TTable and TQuery, so
on the BeforePost event, just do a cancel on your table or query. But you also need to do the
same on the AfterScroll even, just in case.
Thanks for all your help.


Need to Update a file after a DBGrid Double-Click

I seem to have a mental block with this one.
I need to save recent changes to a Record. I am doing it OK with buttons for "New" "Edit" "Post" "Next" etc but when a user double-clicks a DBGrid, it is now too late to make changes as the DBGrid selection has moved the database cursor to the selected record.
I can't use AutoUpdate as the data that may have been changed is not something the user would have directly entered, it is a value that is changing all the time.
I'll try to describe it better: While the user is reading a Test-page, a timer is counting down or up. When they click the "Next" or "Prior" buttons I can save the timer setting. But, if they Double-Click the DBGrid I have no way of first changing the current Record before the selection moves to the clicked-Record.
I tried using the
Procedure TForm1.tblTestOnBeforeScroll(...
But, that crashed the database, not surprisingly, but I thought I would give it a try before asking here.
How do I deal with the current record? I do not want to disallow the double-click if possible as it seems nice and intuitive for the user.
I'm afraid that what you do on DBGrid is a wrong in concept action.
Key point is DBGrid is a data aware control. So everything you do on it must based on it's datasource then it's dataset.
There is a DblClick event on TDBgrid. But still you have to check it's dataset to see what record is active.
The code you shown above clearly lead you to an endless loop.
When you doing a scroll, the dbgrid will call OnBeforeScroll event, moving the active record
and call OnAfterScroll. Your OnBeforeScroll code does an data update. Then dbgrid abort its operation cause of data change. Then after data update, it try to scroll again, and the data change happen again. Endless loop happen here.
best regard
Apologies in advance if I'm misunderstanding you, but it seems to me that either the premise of your question is wrong or there is something relevant you haven't told us about what you're doing. Please try the following:
If you don't have one already, please temporarily add a DBNavigator to your form and connect it to the same DataSource as your DBGrid. The point of doing this is so that you can more clearly see what's going on.
Then, in your DBGrid's Options, set dgEditing to True.
Finally, comment out or disable your BeforeScroll handler, save and run your program.
Now, click once in some cell in your DBGrid that contains a value which it's ok to change. Click it a second time so that it selects the value in the cell rather than the cell per se.
Make some change to the cell value, but do nothing else for the time being. You should notice that a) the current record indicator of the DBGrid has changed from a black triangle to an I-Beam graphic, like ][ and b) that the tick and cross buttons of the DBNavigator are now enabled.
Now, without doing anything else on the form, click in another row of the DBGrid. You should find that a) the change to what was the current record in step 5 has been saved and b) the current row indicator reverts to the black triangle and the DBNav's tick and cross buttons are disabled.
(If you don't get the behaviour I've just described, create a minimal new project and try that instead, as some other change you've made in your existing project may be interfering with it).
What I've described in 5 & 6 is the default behaviour of a DBGrid and insofar as I understand your q, that seems to be the behaviour you're trying to achieve. If that's not the behaviour you want, please explain exactly how what you do want differs. It's not clear to me where the user double-clicking on the grid comes into your q, except that that action may move the dataset's cursor (if the dbl-click is on a different row than the current one), but as the default DBGrid behaviour will save changes to the current row before it moves the dataset's cursor, it will do what you seem to want automatically.
Btw, what "AutoUpdate" do you mean? Did you mean TDataSource's AutoEdit property?

How to select just one row, prevent to unselect item in singleselect mode

My question is very simple but I really didn't find any solution here.
I have a Table setSelectable(true), setMultiselect(false), setImmediate(true).
It works fine by first click and moving through the table using arrows.
But if I click again to the row already having been selected,
then it becomes unselected. How to prevent it?
I'd like to have kept just one row always selected.
As from the Vaadin Book here:
If the user clicks on an already selected item, the selection will deselected and the table property will have null value. You can disable this behaviour by setting setNullSelectionAllowed(false) for the table.

I need a DBGrid OnAfterCellClick

I have three DBGrids and three Tables, and two of them are linked with Master Fields and work as expected. When the user clicks on grid-1, it shows three items in grid-2.
When the user clicks on grid-2, I want to use Locate to select the Row in grid-3
Problem is that the grid-2 OnCellClick event is fired before the data has changed to the appropriate Row. e.g.
Flowers <-- this has focus and Dirt has focus in grid-3
Trees <-- then I click here
Gum <-- and using Locate in the grid-2 OnCellClick I
want it to show Gum but grid two is still
internally on Flowers and stays on Dirt
It seems that the grid does not change to the Row until after the OnCellClick event.
I need an AfterCellClick event.
Can someone please shed some light on how to go about that?
You shouldn't be using OnCellClick. Use the TDataSet.OnAfterScroll instead. It's called automatically when the record (row) pointer is moved, after the movement is done. This means that when the grid attached to the second table is clicked and the record pointer is moved from Flowers to Trees, the second table's OnAfterScroll event will be fired after the row changes, and in that event handler you can do the appropriate Locate in the third table.

Titanium Mobile editable row moves inner row elements

I have a tableView with multiple TableViewRow objects, always 4.
When the edit button is clicked the row can be reordered, which is working.
But when the edit button is clicked the elements inside of a row seem to be moved with margins from left and right.
The items in a row should not be moved, so I was hoping someone could tell me how I can make sure the labels inside a row element are not being moved around when edited.
I have included some images, hoping to clarify my question:
Rows when not edited
Rows when edited
The solution was easy, but I didnt know.
The way to achieve this; Add a view to each row and do NOT set the left or right properties.
This way the delete button and move icon are not pushing the inner view away.
Its a default behavior. I dont think there's any way defined in Titanium API to override the moving of inner elements. So you cannot change this default behavior.

listgrid smartgwt select deselect feature

I use SmartGwt Listgrid to show a list of objects, each object contains many subobjects. So when I click on a specific row, I show a popup that allows me to update this subobject's list.
The second constraint is to allow the user to select many rows, to be merged into one row. For that I use checkbox selection type like the following code :
All work perfectly for the first load. The problem is when I show / hide the popup, the select/deselect feature of the Listgrid stops functioning. Once the checkbox is clicked, it remains unchanged.
Thank you for your suggestions.
I answering my own question,
After many hours of investigation, the problem is that I mix listGrid of smartGwt and dialogBog of GWT, when I changed DialogBox with Dialog of smartGwt the problem is solved
