Adjusting a Child ViewController inside another viewController - ios

I am trying out an application using a child ViewController inside another viewController.
I have a VC and I am instantiating another VC with its own xib inside the outer VC.
I am adding it as a child using the new iOS 5 method addChildViewController and also I have added its view as a subView.
But how do I control its position and size inside the parent view controller ?
should I modify the frame of the child controller's view ?
or I have to adjust the freeform view in the xib itself ?
Also in my current implementation, the child view starts behind the status bar of the parent viewcontroller's view.
Any idea on how to systematically implemement something like this ?

#define SUBVIEWS_FRAME CGRectMake(0,20,100,100) // whatever frame you need
- (void)addChildViewController:(UIViewController *)childController{
[childController.view setFrame:SUBVIEWS_FRAME];
[super addChildViewController:childController];

Simply just add a view in parentViewController #synthesize that view like childView. now add your childViewController as a subView in childView of parentViewController. it will simple to adjust using parentViewController View on nib file. If you have a large childViewController then please use UIScrollView instad of UIView


How to set a view over a child view controller's view?

I am wondering if it is possible to set a view controller's view over one of its child view controller's view ?
Let's explain that with an example :
Let's say I have two UIViewControllers : parentVCand childVC. childVC is a child of parentVC.
Now, I have a UIButton ( called button ) which is a subview of parentVC.view.
I set childVC from parentVC like that :
childVC.view.frame = CGRectMake(0, 0, self.view.bounds.size.width, self.view.bounds.size.height
Now, I want button to show up even if childVC.view covers parentVC.view.
Do you guys think there's a way to do that ? I tried to play with button.layer.zPosition but I couldn't succeed.
Yes, you can, you just need to add the button to the view hierarchy or move the button up in the hierarchy after you add the child view controller.
yes you can do that first of all when you load a childview on a viewcontroller make a view like. There is a container on top covering almost 90% screen and at bottom there is a button,So when you load the view on container and sub view show's you on top if you tap a button then add a subview and bring that subview to front.

UIViewControllers in uiscrollview calling viewdidappear

I'm adding 5 viewcontrollers to a scrollview with a page control so I can swipe from one viewcontroller to another.
At initialization I'm loading 3 viewcontrollers (left, middle, right)
My problem is that my three viewcontrollers are firing a viewDidAppear but only the center viewController is visible...
Is there a way to avoid the view controllers that aren't visible to call viewdidappear?
I'm adding my viewcontrollers to my scrollview like so :
if (controller != nil){
[self addChildViewController:controller];
[controller didMoveToParentViewController:self];
[scrollView addSubview:controller.view];
No, the viewDidAppear method is not related to the visibility of the view, if you get the documentation you will see
Notifies the view controller that its view was added to a view hierarchy.
So this method will be called when the view is added to the hierarchy. So the view was loaded, and added to the hierarchy, even in a non visible space of your mainView, it will call viewDidAppear.
To achieve what you want, you should implement the delegate of the scrollView, check the offset, and see in which page you are, then you can call a method on your viewController to do the job you want.

Adding a child viewcontroller

I have 2 views, ParentViewController and ChildViewController; I want to nest ChildViewController inside ParentViewController. I have designed ParentViewController and ChildViewController in Storyboard. ParentViewController.m contains the logic for the parent and ChildViewController.m contains the logic for the child. In ParentViewController.m I add the child like so:
ChildViewController *childVC = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"ChildSBI"];
[self addChildViewController:childVC];
My Question: How can I position childVC within ParentViewController (i.e. set it's origin).
It seems like I want to do something like the following:
Alloc init child
Call (void)addSubview:(UIView *)view on the view of the child
How can I position childVC within ParentViewController (i.e. set it's origin).
Remember that a view controller doesn't have an origin -- only its view does. To make a view controller's content appear on screen, you need a view to draw it in. You can have one view controller's view appear in another view controller's view hierarchy, and it's quite easy to do with storyboards.
To set up a parent/child relationship between view controllers in a storyboard, do the following:
Add a container view to the parent view controller's view hierarchy.
Drag an "embed" segue from that container view to the child view controller.
You can use the usual -prepareForSegue:sender: method to let the parent controller pass data to the child.
You can also set things up programmatically, if you prefer, and the code you've got is a good start:
ChildViewController *childVC = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:#"ChildSBI"];
[self addChildViewController:childVC];
After that, your parent view controller should set the child's view's position and add it to the parent's view, like this:
UIView *childView = childVC.view;
childView.frame = CGRectMake(150, 300, 100, 100); //use whatever coordinates you want
[self.view addSubview:childView];
There's a lot more detail in Creating Custom Container Controllers, but the basic answer to your question is that the container controller should set the size and position of the contained controller's view.

popover content view doesn't display while viewcontroller has a child VC present

I have a container view controller that consists of a navigation view at top, and a content view for the remainder of the screen. The navigation menu consists of several buttons, some of which present a popover with UITableView for secondary navigation. This all worked until I assigned a child view controller and set it's view as subview of the content view. Now, the popover appears, but has nothing inside it (no tableview, just black).
Why is this?
Here's the code I added for the child vc in container view:
- (void)viewDidAppear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewDidAppear:animated];
ContentWebViewController *initialVC = [[ContentWebViewController alloc] init];
[self addChildViewController:initialVC];
initialVC.view.frame = self.view.bounds;
[self.containerView addSubview:initialVC.view];
self.currentController = initial;
See the screenshot below. I added a vc with a simple webview showing google (just as a placeholder for now). The popover was working fine before I assigned the child VC.
Maybe it will help other in other cases -
If you are using size classes (probably you are since you are developing this to iPad) -
Design your popover view controller in Any-Any size and it should be OK - after that you can return to your wanted size.
(You can also uninstall the size classes of any object in that view controller instead of redesign the VC)
I somehow (don't ask me how) changed the class that my table view controller was inheriting from. It should have been (obviously) UITableViewController, but was UITableViewController, so initWithStyle was not being called....

Navigation controller with two views

I have a navigation controller that controls view switch. How can I show a view without removing the current view?
if your new view has a view controller use
[self.navigationController presentModalViewController:newController animated:YES];
This will add a view to the viewcontrollers view.
[parentView addSubview:subView];
This will add the view in variable subView into the view in variable parentView. In your case this would mean parentView is the viewcontroller's view and the subView is the view you want to add.
You can change the position of the subView in the parentView by setting the subview's subview.frame property.
If you are talking about a viewController you want to show take a look at the answer of Andiih.
