How to tell an iphone app user what will happen before opening Facebook login dialogue - oauth-2.0

Apps that allow users to log in over a 3rd party authentication provider (e.g. Facebook, Google, Twoitter,...) should open a browser window to let the user authenticate against the provider. That means, at some point, an app is backgrounded and the user interacts with a browser window. Just before the browser opens, it's a recommended pratctice to inform the user about what will happen (see e.g. Getting Started with OAuth 2.0 - O'Reilly), let's say an alert window with something like "you will leave now the XYZ app and a browser window will open where you can enter your credentials safely".
My question: How can that be done if I use the facebook SDK for ios? Looking at the SDK, there seem to be no notifications and no designated states that would allow me to detect that the sdk is about to background my app and about to opening either Safari or the Facebook app.

Use a simple alert that explains what will happen when pressing the button (or however you choose to do it). And when the user has pressed the OK on the alert sign them in.
However I'm quite certain that in Facebook terms of service you have to have some sort of Facebook trademark before interacting with facebook and it seems like standard practice to mention facebook in some way on a button and then log-in the user without mentioning it, since it plays on the user expectation.
Especially when using iOS 6.0 and Facebook SDK 3.1 for iOS, then Facebooks SDK takes care of most of that in it's own.


iOS 11 Facebook SignIn is showing an initial system alert

Preparing an app for iOS 11, I noticed there is a system alert showing up every time the user click on the "Facebook login" button. Does somebody know how to prevent this alert from appearing?. Now Social Networks integrations have been removed from the system and together with the Safari View Controller cookies storage changes (to not be shared) it sounds Apple has also added this extra alert to the sign up - sign in flow whenever you try to connect with Facebook. Has some body experienced the same issue in your apps?. Thanks for your comments.
It's not an issue. It's by design. Part of the authorization workflow when working with SFAuthenticationSession in iOS 11+ and you can't avoid it since it's a user permission request.
If an application uses SFAuthenticationSession, users are prompted by a dialog to give explicit consent, allowing the application to access the website's data in Safari.
SFAuthenticationSession docs

Use Google-Signin to log into App but stay signed out on Safari

I have integrated Google-Signin into an iOS Application and it works well as far as signing in or signing up is concerned.
The only problem is that, I dont want the user to be logged into Google on iOS Safari after I have used Google-Signin.
I have verified that, before I log into my app, I am signed out of google in iOS Safari. Then I go to my app and I use Google-Signin to log into my app, once that is done I then go back to iOS Safari and refresh the google page and all of a sudden it shows me signed in with the same account that I used to log in to the app.
How do i just use Google-Signin to simply log into the app and stay logged out of iOS safari?
I've researched the topic and it seems the only way to perform logout is to use SFSafariViewController to open provider's logout page
For Google this is
This way requires some additional UX changes, because this action will open Safari window for a second and user should not be confused.
Try to use GIDSignIn it will open safariviewcontroller inside the app.
You can change which content from your Google Account syncs with the Apple apps on your device. You can also remove your Google Account from your Apple apps at any time, which stops syncing.
To change what syncs or remove your Google Account:
On your iPhone or iPad, open the Settings app.
Select Mail, Contacts, Calendars or Safari
Choose the account you'd like to edit or remove.
Make the changes you want.
To change what content syncs: Next to the content you want to sync, turn on the switch. Turn it off for content you don't want to sync.
To remove your account: Select Delete Account.

Facebook iOS SDK - open session and request read permissions

I'm using
(void)openWithBehavior:(FBSessionLoginBehavior)behavior completionHandler:(FBSessionStateHandler)handler
to open my session, which works fine. After open, I then get my read permissions with:
(void)requestNewReadPermissions:(NSArray*)readPermissions completionHandler:(FBSessionRequestPermissionResultHandler)handler
This works fine, but for users signing in through Mobile Safari (or likely the Facebook iOS app, haven't tested), users get jumped back and forth twice (tap login in my app, jump to Mobile Safari, log in there, jump back to my app, jump back to Mobile Safari, approve permissions, jump back to my app.
Returning users - those who have signed out of my app (and token removed), also get a double-jump - each time Mobile Safari tells the user they've already approved the app.
I'm using openWithBehavior because I prioritize the native iOS login using FBSessionLoginBehaviorUseSystemAccountIfPresent. I don't see a version of this combined with an initial permissions request (such as openActiveSessionWithReadPermissions...).
I was hoping that, for subsequent logins, permissions would already be known via session.permissions but in testing that value is null until requestNewReadPermissions is called.
Is it possible to remove the double-jump from either or both scenarios (first user login, subsequent user login) yet still achieve the same permissions?
You can "init" your session with read permissions by calling the initWithPermissions: method. Then call openWithBehavior:completionHandler: which will do only 1 open call with the permissions you've already set.

iOS Facebook switches back to app between login & permissions

I'm trying to setup my app to publish a simple post to a user's Facebook feed (image url, link, description). They don't need to use Facebook for anything else so the first time they click "Share" it needs to authorize the app, and the publish permissions.
If they have their credentials stored in the device as of iOS 6 they simply get two alert boxes and it's done with. But if they don't, or have an older version, it switches out to Safari for login. My problem is that it is then switching the user back to my app, then immediately back again to Safari to accept the publish permission. It's very jarring and unprofessional.
What I would like is for the page in Safari to change after the login to the permissions page so they can accept it, and THEN switch back to my app. I know this can be done because the popular Mixology app does exactly this behavior. Unfortunately Facebook keeps changing their SDK and all the information I find online is outdated.
I wrote up a solution here: FacebookSDK presents login UI twice to avoid the double switch.
Basically, you can use openActiveSessionWithPublishPermissions: to do what you want. However, you have to handle the special case where the user has signed in to Facebook from the device settings, which requires requests for read and publish permissions into two separate calls.

How to prevent auto-launching of our iOS app from links in FB iOS app?

We have an iOS app that publishes certain activity to Facebook that contains links to pages on our domain. Our intention is for friends to click on those links and view them as webpages.
However, when you click on links in these published stories in the FB iOS app, it's auto launching our app instead of going to an embedded Web View or kicking out to safari.
Note: We still want to have single sign on (SSO), so just want to change the behavior of clicking links in published stories.
To clarify, this is what I'm talking about:
My app is able to publishes into the FB newsfeed for a particular user that opts in.
That person's friends see the link, but when they click it, it just goes to in the browser instead of launching my FOO app. This is because my app doesn't yet handle incoming context from FB iOS app.
I still want FB SSO to work from my FOO app. That is, when clicking on FB sign in in my FOO app, it jumps out to the FB iOS app (if installed) and does a single sign on and redirects back to my app. IOW, I don't want to break this authentication scenario that currently works.
What setting in the FB developers App Settings controls this? It's not clear from the documentation. I see sections for Native iOS app and Website which I currently have set but it's unclear which sub-setting affects the behavior in question. Also, it's not clear even if I was to find the setting, can I affect it without affecting SSO.
The setting you want in the Facebook App dialog is under the iOS Native section (see the screenshot below) - set both the highlighted sections to Disabled.
This won't affect Facebook login/SSO in the app, so you'll still be able to do the OAuth dances.
