Twitter Bootstrap displays strange on local machine, fine in production - ruby-on-rails

I've got a strange problem. My rails app looks fine in prod, but I recently started working on it on a different computer, and the front page seems to have forgotten about it's margins. When I commit everything and push it out to production, there are no problems.
I'm using twitter-bootstrap-rails and have not customized the stylesheets at all.
This picture has everything crammed against the left side of the browser, on my local machine
This picture shows production, where everything is properly aligned

This could be due to the mode you are running the server. My guess is that you will see the difference when you run rails s development vs rails s production.
I ran into this before, and it was an issue where my CSS was compiling incorrectly because I had some bad CSS floating around.
It can be pretty insidious to track down, so first look through your assets hierarchy and look for anything that is out of place. After that, you'll have to investigate using a browser and inspection tools like through Chrome.

Had similar issues with the fixed header bar which lost it's style. Looks like it was the update to the twitter-bootstrap-rails gem from 2.0.3, which I was using to the new 2.1.6.
With the update I then got an error about twitter-bootstrap-rails v2.1.6 break with error "rails app: method_missing': undefined methodless'
There has been a lot of discussion on the twitter-bootstrap-rails issue list: see v2.1.6 breaks app which explains a lot of the revised Gemfile configurations.
So far applying the suggestions hasn't resolved my issue of the header bar, which was dark, as per the Twitter Bootstrap examples, now appearing with a grey background like the LH nav bar. Suspect that it's something to do with the less compiling or linking of the assets.

I'm not sure exactly what the problem was still, but once I linked the app to Pow on my Mac everything displays normally. Strange. Anyway, I'm not having a problem anymore.


Rails server hanging even with even freshly created app

My rails server started hanging today, so I tried running different apps to see if the issue was caused by my app, even created an empty app and with that even the default page doesn't come up.
I've been using it as just an http server, testing front-end with adding files into the public folder, so, I don't even compile any actual ruby code, just plain HTML, CSS and JS.
When I try to browse localhost:3000, the page is unresponsive, I can't even view source and I'd like to add that this happens with Chrome, Safari, IE and Edge, so I don't think it's a caching issue on the browser front.
I tried running the server on a specific ip and port, also tried the trick mentioned on some other questions, doesn't help me so far.
I'm using ruby 2.2.3p173 (2015-08-18 revision 51636) [x86_64-darwin15] and Rails 4.2.5.
Any ideas?
Well, I ended up resolving the issue by uninstalling and reinstalling the whole stack. Couldn't find the reason behind the issue but if you get stuck with the same problem, apparently a complete reinstall fixes it...

Blank Page Hosting Wordpress in Heroku

I've followed Ry Walker's instructions in Setting up a Wordpress blog on Heroku as a subdirectory of a Rails app also hosted on Heroku.
Everything seemed to work fine at first (I was able to access the Wordpress app through the /blog subdirectory), however after a few minutes I started getting a blank page as result of both /blog and [blog-app]
I have gone through the steps twice and the same problem persists. Unfortunately, Heroku logs does not show any errors. I am afraid that this is related to the RewriteBase directive.
Has anyone faced similar problem?
I was having a similar problem, and it ended up being related to a bug in the rack-reverse-proxy gem where the content length header was getting corrupted.
There have been two people that have offered up fixes to the gem, but the fixes haven't been merged into the master branch. I forked the branch, copied the fix somebody had suggested, and used my version of the gem in the Gemfile. It's been working great ever since.
Here's the change you'll need to make in lib/rack/reverse-proxy.rb
# ensure content length header is correct
res.content_length = body.bytesize

Bootstrap 3.1.1 with iOS Emulator

In my site I used Bootstrap 3.0.2. All is working pretty great both on desktop and in my iOS emulator, where I test it for iPhone users.
However, when I tried to changed to Bootstrap 3.1.1, I can't seem to click on anything in my Web App (not links, not buttons, etc.). The site with 3.1.1 works pretty good on my desktop (with safari).
Any thoughts on why this happens?
Did a little debugging, and the problem seems to be with this line I use:
This is a hack I use to clear a modal that .modal('hide') didn't take care of for some reason. Can anyone think of why this makes the iOS stop responding to clicks?
As it turns out, iOS has a problem with "modal fade", so I just changed it to "modal".
This is probably not effecting bootstrap before 3.0.3, but when I changed it, the remove probably made the touch disabled somehow.
Works now.

jazz_hands gem breaks history in rails console

I've started using jazz_hands to make my Rails console more useful, but now line/history editing is broken. When I run over the end of the line (ie, wrap), or use up arrow to go into history, the output is garbled.
Terminal settings are fine for everything else, Ubuntu 12. Any ideas? I'm hoping it's something simple and I'm not the first developer to bump into this, but there's nothing in the FAQ, or in the various related Gems (pry etc), and I'm loathe to raise a bug on the project until I check this isn't a well known issue.
It's fixed in the latest update, but here's a few workarounds if for some reason you can't update.

How can I prevent cache/cookies from affecting the path of ckeditor javascript files in a production rails app?

I have a built a rails app in which I am using the ckeditor 3.5.1 together with the ckeditor gem.
When running in development, everything works fine. But when I run in production, I get errors.Sometimes, the text_area with the ckeditor does not show up. But when I clear my cache and cookies, everything works fine. Then after a while, the error comes up again. The error comes up more often than not.
Closer investigation reveals that when the error occurs, some files like are instead being requested from which is naturally non-existent
(posts is from my Post model)
How can the cache/cookies affect which path the files are served from?
Does anyone know what else might be wrong and how I can fix it?
P.S. I am using Phusion passenger in production.
It would seem the problem was being cased by mod_pagespeed which was activated. By disabling it, everything came back to normal.
I am curious though, about how this was happening.
