When I receive a notification from Paypal, I send it back to Paypal to be sure it is from Paypal.
The code works well and I have no problem:
# payment_notifications_controller.rb # notification_validation, line 90
response = RestClient.post(PAYPAL_CONFIG["url_validate"], params.merge({"cmd" => "_notify-validate"}), :content_type => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
The problem is when the user has a Japanese name. The notification (from Paypal) received is like:
Parameters: {"last_name"=>"\x8F\xBC\x8C\xB4", "payment_cycle"=>"Daily", "next_payment_date"....
When I'm trying send it back to Paypal (to be sure it came from Paypal), I have this error:
ArgumentError (invalid byte sequence in UTF-8):
app/controllers/payment_notifications_controller.rb:90::in `notification_validation'
It's like if RestClient doesn't like "\x8F\xBC\x8C\xB4".
I tried to add :content_type => "shift_jis" and also "utf-8", but I always have this error.
If I do something like:
params[:last_name] = params[:last_name].encode("UTF-8", "Shift_JIS")
# now params[:last_name] is 松原
Then my RestClient.post is send to Paypal, but Paypal return an error (INVALID) probably because Paypal was waiting to get "\x8F\xBC\x8C\xB4" and not "松原".
Do you have any idea of how I can resolve that ?
I also post on paypal forum
So I think I have the solution.
In the seller paypal account go to :
Profile > My selling tools > PayPal button language encoding > More options
Use the following drop-down menu to select the encoding used on your
Encoding: Shift_JIS
Do you want to use the same encoding for data sent from PayPal to you
(e.g., IPN, downloadable logs, emails)?
NO, use:
Now I'm able to get "VERIFIED".
I have implemented a platform using rails, and the goal is to send thousands of emails to customers with one click. The concept is that an email array runs each loop and inside each loop runs send email functionality like below.
#emails = ['abc#gmai.com', 'abc#example.com'] # More than 3 thousands
#emails.each do |email|
aws_email_sender(email, #email_subject, #email_body_html)
And the email function is like below:
def aws_email_sender(recipient, subject, htmlbody)
sender = "hello#example.com"
awsregion = "ap-west-1"
# The HTML body of the email.
htmlbodycontent = "#{htmlbody}"
# The email body for recipients with non-HTML email clients.
textbody = "This email was sent with Amazon SES using the AWS SDK for Ruby."
# Specify the text encoding scheme.
encoding = "UTF-8"
# Create a new SES resource and specify a region
ses = Aws::SES::Client.new(region: awsregion)
# Try to send the email.
# Provide the contents of the email.
resp = ses.send_email({
destination: {
to_addresses: [recipient]
message: {
body: {
html: {
charset: encoding,
data: htmlbodycontent
text: {
charset: encoding,
data: textbody,
subject: {
charset: encoding,
data: subject,
source: sender,
# If something goes wrong, display an error message.
rescue Aws::SES::Errors::ServiceError => error
puts "Email not sent. Error message: #{error}"
The email is sending well by AWS but my rails application has gone down like
A timeout occurred, error code 524
I couldn't get the breaking point, why has my application gone down every time?
Thanks in Advance
If 524 is an HTTP status code then it means...
Cloudflare was able to make a TCP connection to the website behind them, but it did not reply with an HTTP response before the connection timed out.
Meaning your Rails app is behind a Cloudflare proxy. Cloudflare received an HTTP request, forwarded it to your app, waited around for your app to respond, but your app never did. A more detailed explanation can be found here.
Probably because it's trying to send emails to 3000 people one-by-one.
There's two strategies to fix this.
Use Bulk Email
Since the content of the email is the same for everyone, use an email template to send bulk email using the #send_bulk_templated_email method.
You can send to up to 50 addresses at a time, so use #each_slice to loop through emails in slices of 50.
This will be more efficient, but your app will still be waiting around for 3000/50 = 60 AWS API calls. At worst it will still time out. At best the user will be waiting around for a form submission.
Use A Background Job
Anytime your app needs to do something that might take a lot of time, like using a service or a large database query, consider putting it into a background job. The Rails app queues up a job to send the emails, and then it can respond to the web request while the mailing is handled in the background. This has other advantages: errors calling the service won't cause an error for the user, and failed jobs due to a temporary service outage can automatically be retried.
In Rails this is done with ActiveJob and you could write a job class to send your mail.
Use ActionMailer
However, Rails also offers a class specifically for sending email in the background: ActionMailer. You can have ActionMailer use AWS with the aws-sdk-rails gem.
config.action_mailer.delivery_method = :ses
iam using gmail api, in my rails application to send emails. a user can authenticate to google and send emails(it will ask for user consent. upon user approval he can send emails from his account)
my requirement is i want to show the logined user, how many emails sent from his email id in my rails app. for that im using using the below end point. but im getting an error
require 'net/http'
require 'uri'
in controler
def sent_email_count
api_key = "api_key_contains_smal_case_capital_case_letters_and_special_symbols"
uri = URI.parse("https://www.googleapis.com/gmail/v1/users/#{current_user.email}/messages?labelIds=SENT&q=newer_than%3A1d&key={api_key}")
#gmail_response = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri)
in views :-
response <%= #gmail_response >
but getting unauthorized error.
sent email count :- #Net::HTTPUnauthorized:0x00007f6f5e3e2158
i tried like below also. but its not working.(string interpoltion changes for api key)
uri = URI.parse("https://www.googleapis.com/gmail/v1/users/#{current_user.email}/messages?labelIds=SENT&q=newer_than%3A1d&key=#{api_key}")
#gmail_response = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri)
uri = URI.parse("https://www.googleapis.com/gmail/v1/users/#{current_user.email}/messages?labelIds=SENT&q=newer_than%3A1d&key=api_key")
#gmail_response = Net::HTTP.get_response(uri)
can some one help me with this
You are missing the token in your code, that's why your requests are HTTP 401 Unauthorized, I strongly recommend you to use the Official documentation Quickstart In your case, you should use the list_user_messages method.
First of all list all the messages using the q parameter as in:sent which means read all the sent messages from my Gmail and then count your array of messages. Here's an example:
# ...
# Previous quickstart code
user_id = "email#example.com"
result = service.list_user_messages(user_id=user_id, q="in:sent")
puts "count : #{result.messages.length()}\n\n"
Ruby Google API Client
Method: users.messages.list
I put this into my terminal
uri = URI('https://api.madmimi.com/mailer/to_list')
res = Net::HTTP.post_form(uri,'username'=>'test#example.com',
'api_key' => 'xxxxxx2ce1ac9eb91c75f5933283eb6c ', 'promotion_name' =>
'bulletin', 'subject' => 'Your Daily Bulletin Update', 'from' =>
'noreply#matsu-namibiaflood.opensciencedatacloud.org/', 'list_name' => 'bulletin')
The result was
#<Net::HTTPBadRequest 400 Bad Request readbody=true>
On the Mad Mimi API they talk about putting in your user name and API key https://madmimi.com/developer/mailer/methods
What am I doing wrong? Should I put the username and API key elsewhere?
James here from Mad Mimi, would you mind popping an email to us and I can have a look at your account and check the settings, list names and the promotion.
I would say remove the / at the end of the your "from" email and just check there are no spaces in your API key.
If that doesn't work, I would need to check the promotion but make sure there are no {placeholder} in your bull
Thank you,
We are trying to integrate Google Wallet for digital goods with or php app and 2 days ago, on 15 November we've managed to get it working. However, when checking again the next day and even today, although the code remained the same, we didn't change a letter in it, it is still not working, giving us this error:
Uh oh. There was a problem.
We couldn't complete your purchase because of a technical issue.
Details of the problem below: Unfortunately, we could not confirm your purchase with the merchant's server. Your order has been canceled. Please contact the merchant if this problem continues.
The code we're using is this:
$response = isset($HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA) ? $HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA : file_get_contents("php://input");
$response = substr_replace($response, "", 0, 4); //remove "
$response = JWT::decode($response, $sellerSecretKey);
header("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
and like I said it worked fine two days ago and I have the feeling it's working now also, because in our log file we get printed this response
stdClass Object
[iss] => Google
[request] => stdClass Object
[name] => Product 1.
[description] => You are purchasing a total of 1 products from our Store. Thank you.
[price] => 9.99
[currencyCode] => USD
[sellerData] => client name,email address
[response] => stdClass Object
[orderId] => GWDG_S.c7a66f5b-4674-43f0-be16-2b72f69a7445
[typ] => google/payments/inapp/item/v1/postback/buy
[aud] => 03083876603093172875
[iat] => 1384689627
[exp] => 1384689647
The postback url is correctly specified and we are using sandbox to do the tests.
Is this a problem from Google? Are they working on the software or something and this is what's causing the problem? Or are we doing something wrong here?.
Any help would be much apreciated. Thank you.
Meant to comment but it won't fit...
That error points to something in your Postback handler. I just tried sandbox and things seem fine.
I'm not a php dev so this maybe inaccurate - are you responding to Postback with the orderId? Again, this is only based on my read of the code above (I think I only see http 200?)
The only other thing I can think of is that the lag for you to respond is more than 10 seconds(?) - which could explain why could be another reason you have logged data, but Google still cancelled it.
*Strike through text: you'd get data to log because Google will send you the data, it's whether or not you respond properly that matters
Once you decode the JWT with your Seller Secret, you can make sure that the cake purchase is OK and record it. Within 10 seconds of receiving the postback, your server must send a 200 OK response where the only content is the value of the "orderId" field. If it doesn't, Google cancels the transaction.
REF: https://developers.google.com/commerce/wallet/digital/docs/postback#responding
I have the following snippet to post to a user's feed on Facebook:
require 'httparty'
token = "..."
message = "..."
url = URI.escape("https://graph.facebook.com/me/feed?access_token=#{token}")
response = HTTParty.post(url, body: { message: message })
This posts to the wall, but no message is included. Any ideas what's wrong?
I tried changing out the message for a caption or description and both failed as well.
Solution is to change HTTParty from using body to query for posting form data:
require 'httparty'
token = "..."
message = "..."
url = URI.escape("https://graph.facebook.com/me/feed?access_token=#{token}")
response = HTTParty.post(url, query: { message: message })
Based on the link cited above, it appears message functionality has been completely removed from the feed connection since July 12.
This is a problem for my current app as it is specifically a public opinion site. Asking users to express their opinions authentically is an important part of our design and we'd like to give them the option to post that to their feeds on Facebook as well.
Per the Facebook terms of use IV.2, "You must not pre-fill any of the fields associated with the following products, unless the user manually generated the content earlier in the workflow." The new change appears to change the terms of service: in my use, I am specifically asking the user to generate the content earlier in the workflow, but I still can't use it to pre-fill the feed dialog.
Anyone have any ideas or insight?