give local pid and node name, how to convert to remote pid? - erlang

A remote pid registers its "local pid" and "its node" name has been registered into mnesia table. If another node's pid fetch the above "local pid<>" and node name, how to convert to remote pid<>.

I don't really see WHY you have to do anything special at all. Here I will create a mnesia table running on l#renat and r#renat and write and read pids from the respective nodes and show their is no need to "convert" the pid as Erlang's distribution mechanism automatically take care of it. It will be a bit long to get it all working.
First on node l#renat we connect or the other node and create our mnesia schema:
Eshell V5.9.1 (abort with ^G)
(l#renat)1> net_adm:ping(r#renat).
(l#renat)3> mnesia:create_schema([node()|nodes()]).
(l#renat)5> mnesia:start().
On node r#renat we have just started mnesia:
Eshell V5.9.1 (abort with ^G)
(r#renat)1> mnesia:start().
On node l#renat we then create a table and insert an entry containing a local (to l#renat) pid:
(l#renat)6> mnesia:create_table(local, [{attributes,[node,pid]},{ram_copies,[node()|nodes()]}]).
(l#renat)8> mnesia:transaction(fun () -> mnesia:write({local,node(),self()}) end).
Note that I have not defined the records but am explicitly reading/writing the record tuples. You can do that, but it is best to use records. Now on node r#renat we can read the same record:
(r#renat)10> {atomic,[Lr]} = mnesia:transaction(fun () -> mnesia:read(local, l#renat) end).
(r#renat)11> node(element(3, Lr)).
(r#renat)12> mnesia:transaction(fun () -> mnesia:write({local,node(),self()}) end).
and we see that the pid refers to a process on another node(), node l#renat. We have then added a record to the table containing a local (to r#renat) pid. If we then read that record on node l#renat we see that it contains a pid of a process on node r#renat:
(l#renat)13> {atomic,[Rp]} = mnesia:transaction(fun () -> mnesia:read(local, r#renat) end).
(l#renat)14> node(element(3,Rp)).
So we see that a "conversion" is not necessary.
In fact any form of "conversion" is in fact totally meaningless. A pid refers to a specific process on a specific node so trying to convert it has no meaning. It is an atomic data type. And even if you could convert it you have no idea of what process it would actually refer to, if any.


When is a process restarted in Erlang supervision?

Can you give some examples where a process gets restarted by Erlang supervisor. If a process dies, it will restart. But how does a process die?
You can take as example what occurs in the Erlang shell, for example consider the sequence:
1> self().
2> A = 1.
3> self().
4> A = 2.
** exception error: no match of right hand side value 2
5> self().
1> The first command asks to the shell to prompt its own Pid: <0.32.0>.
2> Next a new command set the variable A to 1, it works, since A was unbound.
3> A new request to the shell shows that its Pid didn't change.
4> trying to match A with the integer 2 fails, it raise an exception. In fact, in the background, the shell process dies, and a supervisor restart it immediately.
5> It can be verified with a new request to get the shell Pid, now it is <0.37.0>.
6> when the shell died, it has lost every information, and it is restarted from scratch. But during initialization it can connect to some other processes who was in charge of keeping the history of the session, and all the bound variables. It can be verified by asking the value of A:
6> A.
7> or by asking the history
7> h().
1: self()
-> <0.32.0>
2: A = 1
-> 1
3: self()
-> <0.32.0>
4: A = 2
-> {'EXIT',{{badmatch,2},[{erl_eval,expr,3,[]}]}}
5: self()
-> <0.37.0>
6: A
Depending on the environment (hardware failure, loss of communication, bad parameters, bug...) an erlang process may die with an Error reason. If it is managed in a supervision tree (or your own monitoring) it can be restarted from scratch. It is the application responsibility to provide the means to all the processes to recover the appropriate state.
An erlang process may also die with the reason "normal", for example when a user close a session (in the shell you type q().), in this case, the supervisor will not restart it.
You will find many valuable information on the web:
design principle supervisor
learn you some erlang : run time errors
learn you some erlang : errors and processes
learn you some erlang : supervisors

Creating cursor with erlang rpc with mnesia activity

Hi I'm trying to make a cursor in mnesia from a remote node, for example:
I have the node which is the mnesia database owner and runs important processes in a dedicated server machine, and another node which have a process running in other computer and have to go through all the items to make some simple operations with the data. The thing is that I can make the miscellaneous process work if runs in the same node of mnesia but not remotely.
This is my code that runs locally:
make_cursor_local() ->
QD = qlc:sort(mnesia:table(customer, [{traverse, select}])),
mnesia:activity(async_dirty, fun() -> qlc:cursor(QD) end, mnesia_frag).
get_next_local(Cursor) ->
Get = fun() -> qlc:next_answers(Cursor,100) end,
mnesia:activity(async_dirty, Get, mnesia_frag).
del_cursor_local(Cursor) ->
This is my actual code using rpc:
make_cursor() ->
Sort = rpc:call(?NamespaceNode, mnesia, table, [customer, [{traverse, select}]]),
QD = rpc:call(?NamespaceNode, qlc, sort, [Sort]),
CursorCreation = fun() -> qlc:cursor(qlc:sort(Sort)) end,
Cursor = rpc:call(?NamespaceNode, mnesia, activity, [async_dirty, CursorCreation, mnesia_frag]),
get_next(Cursor) ->
Get = fun() -> rpc:call(?NamespaceNode, qlc, next_answers, [Cursor, 100]) end,
Next = rpc:call(?NamespaceNode, mnesia, activity, [async_dirty, Get, mnesia_frag]),
del_cursor(Cursor) ->
rpc:call(?NamespaceNode, qlc, delete_cursor, [Cursor]).
This code is generating this error making the mnesia activity call in the make_cursor function:
[{file,"rpc.erl"},{line,205}]}]}}} {badrpc,{'EXIT',{undef,[{#Fun<misc_app.2.116369932>,[],
I found that the remote node can't execute anonymous functions created in another node so the error posted can be solved this way:
make_cursor() ->
Sort = rpc:call(?NamespaceNode, mnesia, table, [customer, [{traverse, select}]]),
QD = rpc:call(?NamespaceNode, qlc, sort, [Sort]),
rpc:call(?NamespaceNode, mnesia, activity, [sync_transaction, fun qlc:cursor/1, [QD], mnesia_frag]).
I found the answer here what kind of types can be sent on an erlang message?
Now I have to solve the Cursor ownership because I cant execute it from the remote node.
This is the error:

Setting seq_trace on another process

I understand that I can set a seq_trace in erlang to the current process that is executing. But how can I set it on another process from the shell, or remote shell like dbg tracing?
You can enable sequential tracing on another process using dbg. For example, let's say we have a module x with an exported call/2 function:
call(Pid, Msg) ->
Pid ! {self(), Msg},
{Pid, Reply} -> Reply
This function implements a simple call-response. Let's also say we have a module y that has a looping receiver function:
loop() ->
{Pid, Msg} ->
seq_trace:print({?MODULE, self(), Pid, Msg}),
Pid ! {self(), {Msg, os:timestamp()}};
_ -> ok
This function expects a message of the form sent by x:call/2, and when it receives one it prints a message into the sequential trace, if enabled, and then sends the original message back to the caller augmented with a timestamp. It ignores all other messages.
We also need a function to collect the sequential trace. The recursive systracer/1 function below just collects seq_trace tuples into a list, and produces the list of seq_trace messages when asked:
systracer(Acc) ->
{seq_trace,_,_,_}=S ->
{seq_trace,_,_}=S ->
{dump, Pid} ->
Pid ! lists:reverse(Acc),
stop -> ok
Let's assume our systracer/1 function is exported from module x as well.
Let's use our Erlang shell to set this all up. First, let's spawn y:loop/0 and x:systracer/1:
1> Y = spawn(y,loop,[]).
2> S = spawn(x,systracer,[[]]).
3> seq_trace:set_system_tracer(S).
After spawning x:systracer/1 we set the process as the seq_trace system tracer. Now we need to start dbg:
4> dbg:tracer(), dbg:p(all,call).
These dbg calls are pretty standard, but you can feel free to vary them as needed especially if you plan to use dbg tracing during your debug session as well.
In practice when you enable sequential tracing with dbg, you typically do so by keying on a particular argument to a function. This enables you to get a trace specific to a given function invocation without getting traces for all invocations of that function. Along these lines, we'll use dbg:tpl/3 to turn on sequential trace flags when x:call/2 is invoked with its second argument having the value of the atom trace. First, we use dbg:fun2ms/1 to create the appropriate match specification to enable the sequential tracing flags we want, then we'll apply the match spec with dbg:tpl/3:
5> Ms = dbg:fun2ms(fun([_,trace]) -> set_seq_token(send,true), set_seq_token('receive',true), set_seq_token(print,true) end).
6> dbg:tpl(x,call,Ms).
Now we can call x:call/2 with the second argument trace to cause sequential tracing to occur. We make this call from a spawned process to avoid having shell I/O-related messages appearing in the resulting trace:
7> spawn(fun() -> x:call(Y, trace), x:call(Y, foo) end).
(<0.46.0>) call x:call(<0.36.0>,trace)
The first line of output comes from normal dbg tracing, since we specified dbg:p(all, call) earlier. To get the sequential trace results, we need to get a dump from our systrace/1 process:
8> S ! {dump, self()}.
This sends all sequential trace collected so far to our shell process. We can use the shell flush() command to view them:
9> flush().
Shell got [{seq_trace,0,{send,{0,1},<0.47.0>,<0.36.0>,{<0.47.0>,trace}}},
And sure enough, these are the sequential trace messages we expected to see. First, for the message containing the trace atom, we have the send from x:call/2 followed by the reception in y:loop/0 and the result of seq_trace:print/1, then the send from y:loop/0 back to the caller of x:call/2. Then, since x:call(Y,foo) is called in the same process, which means all the sequential tracing flags are still enabled, the first set of sequential trace messages is followed by a similar set for the x:call(Y,foo) invocation.
If we just call x:call(Y,foo) we can see we get no sequential trace messages:
10> spawn(fun() -> x:call(Y, foo) end).
11> S ! {dump, self()}.
12> flush().
Shell got []
This is because our match spec enables sequential tracing only when the second argument to x:call/2 is the atom trace.
For more information, see the seq_trace and dbg man pages, and also read the match specification chapter of the Erlang Run-Time System Application (ERTS)
User's Guide.

Variables bind once in Erlang

Edit: I changed the title of this question, as it wasn't useful in light of the n00b mistake I had made. The remainder is unchanged, and serves as a cautionary tale!
I am using Erlang OTP version 17.4. Consider the following Erlang shell session where I am experimenting with the trap_exit process flag as explained in "Learn You Some Erlang:Errors and Processes".
First, I set the trap_exit flag to convert exit signals in linked processes to regular messages:
Eshell V6.2 (abort with ^G)
1> process_flag(trap_exit, true).
Then I spawn a linked process and terminate it immediately with a call to exit/2:
2> exit(spawn_link(fun() -> timer:sleep(50000) end), kill).
Then I read the converted exit message:
3> receive X -> X end.
All looking good so far, just like the book describes. Now, just for fun, I spawn_link and terminate another process:
4> exit(spawn_link(fun() -> timer:sleep(5000) end), kill).
And try to read the converted exit message:
5> receive X -> X end.
At this point the shell hangs. My question is why does the behaviour change on the second go around and where did the exit message go?
Your second receive X -> X end. already has X bound; it is attempting to receive a message exactly matching the one you already saw. Since the pid is going to be different, the message will never match. So it hangs, waiting for one that does match.
You need to f(X) first.

erlang ets select strange behaviour

I have a strange behaviour in erlang with ets:select.
I achieve a correct select statement (4 and 5 below), then I make an error in my statement (6 below), and then I try again the same statement as in 4 and 5, and it does not work any longer.
What is happening ? any idea ?
Erlang R14B01 (erts-5.8.2) [source] [smp:2:2] [rq:2] [async-threads:0] [kernel-poll:false]
Eshell V5.8.2 (abort with ^G)
1> Tab = ets:new(x, [private]).
2> ets:insert(Tab, {c, "rhino"}).
3> ets:insert(Tab, {a, "lion"}).
4> ets:select(Tab,[{{'$1','$2'},[],['$1', '$2']}]).
5> ets:select(Tab,[{{'$1','$2'},[],['$1', '$2']}]).
6> ets:select(Tab,[{{'$1','$2'},[],['$1', '$2', '$3']}]).
** exception error: bad argument
in function ets:select/2
called as ets:select(16400,[{{'$1','$2'},[],['$1','$2','$3']}])
7> ets:select(Tab,[{{'$1','$2'},[],['$1', '$2']}]).
** exception error: bad argument
in function ets:select/2
called as ets:select(16400,[{{'$1','$2'},[],['$1','$2']}])
Has my ets table been destroyed ? Would it be a bug of ets ?
Thank you.
The shell process has created the ETS table and is the owner of it. When the owner process dies the ETS table is automatically deleted.
So when you get an exception at 6, the shell process dies so the ETS table is deleted.
Making it private also means that no other process can access it (so even if the table was persisted the new shell wouldn't be able to access it), but in this case it is even worse as the table has been deleted.
(too big to leave as a comment to thanosQR's correct answer)
if you'd like the table to survive an exception in the shell, you can give it away to another process. for example:
1> Pid = spawn(fun () -> receive foo -> ok end end). % sit and wait for 'foo' message
2> Tab = ets:new(x, [public]). % Tab must be public if you plan to give it away and still have access
3> ets:give_away(Tab, Pid, []).
4> ets:insert(Tab, {a,1}).
5> ets:tab2list(Tab).
6> 3=4.
** exception error: no match of right hand side value 4
7> ets:tab2list(Tab). % Tab survives exception
8> Pid ! foo. % cause owning process to exit
9> ets:tab2list(Tab). % Tab is now gone
** exception error: bad argument
in function ets:match_object/2
called as ets:match_object(24593,'_')
in call from ets:tab2list/1 (ets.erl, line 323)
