Opening a TIFF File from the Web Browser -

I checked previous questions here on SO but I think I want my functionality to work a little different. I understand that .tif files are not natively supported in Internet Explorer and that an extension, such as AlternaTIFF, are available to remedy this. However, I would like the dialog to show up where the user can either save/open the file on the client side. I know that MS Windows Picture and Fax Viewer can open them, no problems.
The files are located on our servers and this will be an intranet site. Currently, I have a link to the files populate in the view but again, I'd like that option for the user to Save/Open the file.
I'm using MVC, which I'm a little unfamiliar with, and can't seem to figure this one out. Thank you.

You can do an action that returns a tiff by changing the headers so when someone clicks the link the file will get downloaded or using FileResult.
Example with FileResult (i find it easier):
For saving them is just like uploading any file with MVC. This post can be useful
My advice is that you convert them to .jpg or .png when uploaded using GDI+.
//You first upload the tiff to the server like the post above explains
//And then open and convert it to .JPEG
Bitmap bm = Bitmap.FromFile("mypic.tiff");
And if you already have the urls of all the tiffs, you can always do a console app to convert all of them. Even if you need to use tiffs its a good idea to have .jpg versions to show on the web. You can even resize them to create previews and save some bandwith too! :-)


How to display a .pdf on BrowserField in Blackberry 7

I'm trying to display a .pdf file on a browserfield but somehow it's not opening in my app however it works fine with .txt files.
I'm reading .pdf file from local storage and using
browser_field.displayContent(fileinbytes, "application/pdf", "");
but it's displaying a player like image on the screen and not actual result.
If anyone has any idea about the same, i'm all ears.
As far as I can tell this isn't possible (browserfield doesn't even fully support javascript).
This post suggests that you can view it via Google, which wouldn't be from local storage.
(Un)luckily blackberry is very similar to Java ME, so you can often use those libraries as is. Apparently JPedal can render pdf files for J2ME, and might be worth a look.
Other than that, I don't think you'll have much hope. Good luck

Pdf modification on iOS

I am looking to be able to open a pdf file (done) and then be able to use the touch screen to sign the pdf and then save it with the modification. From what i have read this is no easy task, and i have no idea where to begin. Any of you know any tutorials or frameworks that will help me with this ?
Also if possible being able to modify fields of a pdf file, on the desktop the pdf can have fields you can click on then type in to fill out the form, without the need to ever print. If this is possible as well that would be perfect.
Maybe libHaru ( does what you want, it's worth a try.
Does your starting point have to be a PDF? steipete's suggestion of using a system to create the PDF would work if your app workflow could create the PDF (sans signature) and display it, the user "signs" it in your app, and you create the PDF again this time with the signature embedded. It depends on whether this flow is an option for your app. Often it seems easier if you treat PDF as a final document and produce the PDF in it's final form each time (final meaning that you're not going to try modifying it).

To retrieve the contents of .doc files?

I am working as a Software developer for Mobile Applications. I am developing an application in which i want to retrieve the contents of the .doc files that arrive on the Blackberry mobile as an Email Attachment Part. Whenever i am retrieving the contents of the .txt files, the code written for the mobile is retrieving the accurate contents but in case of .doc files, it is displaying a lot of junk material in the header and footer of the actual contents.
So, my problem is that how can i get rid of this additional junk material as i want to retrieve only the actual contents of the .doc files. Please reply
You can get the specifications of the doc-Format from Microsoft. Though, I don't know if they're complete or even useful. Another guess would be to have a look at Projects which have implemented it, like

PDF Previewing and viewing

I'm creating a document viewing web application. You log in and it takes you to a screen where you have all your docs listed on the left. I want to make it so that when you roll over a document a preview of the document shows up on the right. From there you can click on it for a full view and printing capabilities. I'm not asking how to do all that but I'm wondering what the best way would be to go about rendering the preview of the document. The documents are all going to be pdfs and stored on a server. I'm working in 3.5 mvc in visual studios 2008.
For creating the PDF preview, first have a look at some other discussions on the subject on StackOverflow:
How can I take preview of documents?
Get a preview jpeg of a pdf on windows?
If these don't answer your question, you can try a couple more things:
You can get a commercial renderer (PDFViewForNet, PDFRasterizer.NET, ABCPDF, ActivePDF, ...).
Most are fairly expensive though, especially if all you care about is making thumbnails.
There is a CodeProject article that shows how to use the Adobe ActiveX, but it may be out of date, easily broken by new releases and its legality is murky.
Install GhostScript on the server and request rendered thumbnails of any page from it.
I did a small project that you will find on the Developer Express forums as an attachment.
Be careful of the license requirements for GhostScript through.
I use it for an internal software and it's working pretty well.
Hope this helps.
I render the jpeg thumbnails of the first page of the pdf document when a file is uploaded.
When the user clicks he can download the document (or open them direcly in the browser) to read and print them.
Update: to create the thumbnails I used a .net component called PDFView4NET from O2Solutions

Search Words in pdf files

Is it possible to search "words" in pdf files with delphi?
I have code with which I can search in many others files like (exe, dll, txt) but it doesn't work with pdf files.
It depends on the structure of the specific PDF.
If the pdf is made of images (scanned pages) then you have to OCR each image and build a full text index inside the PDF. (To see if its image based, open it with notepad and look for obj tags full of random chars). There are a few utilities and apps that do this kind of work for you, CVision PDF Compressor is one that I have used before.
If the pdf is a standard PDF, then you should be able to open it like any other text file and search for the words.
Here is page that will detail some of the structure of a PDF. This a SO post for the same.
The components/libraries mentioned in the answer to this question should do what you need.
I'm just working on a project that does this. The method I use is to convert the PDF file to plain text (with pdftotext.exe) and create an index on the resulting text. We do the same with word and other office files, works pretty good!
Searching directly into pdf files from Delphi (without external app) is more difficult I think. If you find anything, please update here as I would also be very interested in that!
One option I have used is to use Microsoft's ifilter technology, this is used by windows desktop search and many other products such as sharepoint and SQL server full-text search.
It supports almost any office/office-like file format, even dwg, msg, pdf, and files in zip/rar archives.
The easiest way to use it is to run FiltDump.exe on any files you have, and index the text output.
To know about the filters installed on your PC, you can use ifilter explorer.
Wikipedia has some links on its ifilters page.
Quick PDF Library's GetPageText function can give you the words from a PDF as well as the page number and the co-ordinates of those words - sometimes useful for highlighting.
PDF is not just a binary representation. Think of it as a tree of objects, where an object node has some metadata and some content information. Some of these objects have string data, some don't. Some of these are even encrypted, and some are compressed. So, there's very little chance your string finder will work on any arbitrary PDF.
