Any reason to run Grails on linux vs. windows? - grails

I know that developing with Ruby on Rails in Windows is not always easy, and I read lots of complaints that it just isn't fully compatible with Windows.
Is grails the same? Does it matter whether I dev on Windows/Linux/OSX?

Use the OS that you prefer. I've been developing Grails apps on Windows at work (because I have to) for a few years. Outside of work I use Linux exclusively.

Where I am, people use Linux and Windows to develop in Grails. There has been no problem regarding OS specific stuff.
In fact you should be more concerned about the Java flavor and version you have (some linux distros have an open source implementation), and, of course, the Grails version.
My advices:
Pick any OS you want (I even use both on the same Grails project with no problems)
Try to use the Oracle JDK (for me openJDK is a bit slower)
Pick a Grails version and stick to it as much as you can (preferably don't change the version it can be painful to upgrade a project)

I developed Grails apps on Windows and Linux. IMHO, use the OS you'll be the most productive with and has the toolset you want. Linux is definitively more friendly to programmers in terms of available tools in general. Windows developer community is coming up with interesting project such as Chocolatey and Console2 among other things. I personally prefer Linux because it offers me a lot more to learn besides just learning Grails for example.


Delphi XE4: target linux desktop? (gui application)

I am embarking on a cross platform app, but not mobile. It will be win/osx/linux. Would love to use Delphi + firemonkey, but it appears linux is not a possible target?
The GUI will not be extensive. Most of the code is non visual.
What are my options here? (Do I end up using lazerous for the linux side.... and then I have to have a special UI there?)
Please let me know my options here, how to solve this cross platform dev project (and hopefully avoid c++).
Linux is not currently one of the supported operating systems, as can clearly be seen from the product description on the Embarcadero web site. If you need Linux/Unix support, XE4 and FireMonkey aren't an option. (XE4 supports Win32, Win64, OSX, and iOS.)
There's support for Linux planned at some point in the future (after Android, which is currently being developed and slated for release later this year).

blackberry sdk installtion with netbeans

Any one can tell me that how to Blackberry sdk installation with netbeans for Mobile application development
i am trying to plugin but not able to do .
I have used this tutorial in the past. You can ignore the part about J2ME Polish. Also, I think the Mobility Pack might come with new versions of Netbeans now (it didn't use to). Or, it's possible that in the Netbeans -> Tools -> Plugins menu, you might need to make sure the Java ME plugin is installed.
He references much older SDK versions, but as long as you download the newer JDE versions here (SDKs) from BlackBerry, the same basic instructions should work for you.
I've been using Netbeans less and less, and the BlackBerry Eclipse plugin more, in recent years, despite the fact that I like Netbeans better, as a general-purpose IDE. Unfortunately, you'll find that RIM is focused on Eclipse at this point.
But, you should still be able to use Netbeans if you like.

Is it possible to write a GUI desktop app in F# + mono on Mac and have it run without modification on Windows?

I'm interested in developing desktop apps for Windows, but it would be most convenient if I could develop these apps on my Mac OS X Air laptop, without running a virtualization environment. How far can you get developing Windows GUI Desktop apps using mono and F# on OS X?
If you aim for WPF - not far. Sadly, you will have problems with WPF even in a virtualized Windows environment, as it uses 3D acceleration.
Sticking to the "traditional" Windows Forms works, but they are not the preferred way to create new applications nowadays.
You could use a cross-platform UI toolkit. Monodevelop uses GTK#, there are probably others. It'll run everywhere without modification but will look somewhat alien everywhere. That's the tradeoff you make for not having to make a different UI per platform.
Instructions for using F# from Monodevelop are detailed here. Hopefully with that you should be good to go!

PostgreSQL / Ruby for commercial application

I am planning a web-based commercial application with front-end RoR and back-end PostgreSQL.
I've some confusion about RoR and PostgreSQL Edition to use. For RoR, I have Aptana RADRails installed. For PostgreSQL, a free variant is also available at EnterpriseDB.
Previously I installed a free EnterpriseDB PostgreSQL variant and it was very smooth and had professional touch. It was quite different from the one available from PostgreSQL website.
I want to know which IDE and RoR variant to use for my project. I have no idea of Ruby and Rails. I will be learning and developing simultaneously. Also, which PostgreSQL variant to use? Can these two technologies be used for a developing a commercial application?
You will do fine with either EnterpriseDB or PostgreSQL. EnterpriseDB might have a better Windows install experience, but on Linux installing vanilla PostgreSQL is a very easy process...most distros provide it out of the box. The real benefit of EnterpriseDB over PostgreSQL is Oracle PL/SQL support, some upstream improvements, and commercial support. However, you can purchase commercial support from them for vanilla PostgreSQL as well.
We use vanilla PostgreSQL 8.3 in a large (800 kloc) production ERP system. It handles it extremely well. We also use 8.4 in a number of other applications, including two Rails apps. In my opinion, you can't go wrong with PostgreSQL, and you'll be very pleased with PostgreSQL and Rails.
Regarding IDE and RoR variant...well...assuming you mean RoR version, they all support PostgreSQL. I'd personally start with the 3.0 beta, since it's the way of the future. Regarding an IDE, Netbeans is probably the best free option out there. RubyMine would be great if it weren't so damned buggy. Me, I use vim.
About PostgreSQL, what do you need? PostgreSQL is a product from the PostgreSQL project, EnterpriseDB is one of the developers and they also make the one-click-installer. Their PostgreSQL Plus Standard Server product, is PostgreSQL plus some extra's. You're not getting a different type of database, just the same but with some extra's. Do you (and your custormers) need these extra's? And do you know the differences in licences and fees? PostgreSQL is free, that's for sure.
We deliver PostgreSQL and pgAdmin to our clients and they like it. At the moment still version 8.2, but later this year the transition to 8.4 will start.
There are plenty of editors and IDEs that support Ruby on Rails,
and which one to use is mostly a matter of personal preference.
TextMate for OS X and RubyMine are two commercial editors that
are popular these days, but there are several others -- check out the list at and see which one you like best.
As PostgreSQL is included in most Linux distributions, I would
probably pick the one that comes bundled with the distribution
I'm going to run on the server. I have been running a
small-to-medium-sized Rails application on a PostgreSQL 8.3
installation on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS for a little more than a year and
haven't had any problems yet.

IronRuby On Rails VS. Ruby On Rails (Getting Started)

The Scenario
I am a C#/ASP.NET/MVC/Silverlight developer with a few years experience. I'm trying to kickstart my Ruby On Rails learning. I'm currently trying to get a real feel for ROR.
I Want To Know Standards
As a .Net developer, you tend to use a standard IDE (Visual Studio), a few standard databases (SQL Server, Oracle etc.), and a particular way in which to style your web 2.0 application (XHTML/CSS, Silverlight etc.)
'So what are the standard equivalents to these in RUBY ON RAILS!? (IDE, DB's, Presentation Layer Markups)'
What route do I take? I've heard about IronRuby and from what i've read thats nearly complete in terms of converting it for use with Rails (IronRuby on Rails). OR Do I just go straight into using Ruby On Rails!?
What Benefits?
How will I be benefited from using IronRuby on Rails over using Ruby On Rails?
Help greatly appreciated thanks.
Most RoR developers use a simple text editor (Textmate on MacOS, Scite on Windows) - mostly because most features (Refactoring, Code Completion) of IDEs designed for languages like Java/C# can't be applied that easily on a dynmic language like Ruby. However Netbeans does well so far (on the other hand there is Aptana Studio - based on Eclipse).
Since RoR does a lot of abstraction it doesn't really matter what RDBMS you use. MySQL and Postgres might be the best choices since they are the most used ones (so you can hope for continuous support). I wouldn't start to chose based on the flamewar about performance, rather on the services/support that come with them.
The standard would be ERB (similar to ASP inline scripts) combined with (X)HTML. However there are other markups like HAML which might be enough for some projects.
Using IronRuby you get access to the .NET framework and interop with other .NET libraries. You might also write some parts of your application in static C#. According to some benchmarks it might be "faster" than native Ruby, not a real advantage though IMHO.
At the moment I would recommend you to get started with regular RubyOnRails - you might be able to switch later on (once IronRoR is stable enough) - if you should still desire to switch.
On Macs the standard IDE is Textmate.
On Windows, there isn't a standard in quite the same way, but I like Netbeans.
MySQL is probably the RDBMS most used with Rails, and hence the most supported, but I use Postgres, which is also very well supported, and have had no issues with using it.
The built in erb works perfectly well, and as it is built in I guess that makes it a standard. You can always use others if you want to.
IronRuby vs Ruby
IronRuby may be almost feature-complete, but I bet there is a good chance that some functionality will go awry, and you may have difficulty tracking down whether it is your code, or IronRuby. I'd be tempted to develop in vanilla ruby, and then port to IronRuby later, if that is an appropriate way to deploy your apps.
See also this question for information about commonly used plugins: Rails Plugins
I would strongly recommend using regular Ruby On Rails - you don't want to have to worry about whether your errors are caused by problems in your code or incompatibilities in the platform you're working with.
The rest of my advice may be hopelessly out of date- it's a couple of years since I did much with RoR, but I'm sure others will mention it if I'm entirely incorrect.
There probably are IDEs with plug-ins for Ruby now ( I'd be looking for some Eclipse plug-ins maybe ) but it's not as regimented as the Microsoft ecosystem. You're working with open-source tools which means that different developers who like different things find solutions that work for them, so there may not be a "standard" as such. I got very accustomed to using Emacs with the ruby-mode plugin which is pretty awesome but there is a learning curve. I took the Pragmatic Programmer's advice to get good at using a text editor pretty seriously on that front and I'm glad that I did.
In terms of databases you may as well use MySQL as that seems pretty standard but I believe you can find an ActiveRecord back-end for a lot of different DB solutions. If you know how to use basic SQL and you get on alright with SQL Server and Oracle you'll be able to get on fine with MySQL though, no question.
With regard to the presentation layer, that's really created through Rails views. The aim is usually to build standards-compliant html and use CSS to style it. I learned a lot from the Agile Web Development With Rails book as a guide to how the platform works as a whole. I know everyone wants to learn everything from the web for free these days, but that book fitted things together in a way I found very practical and represented excellent value for money.
If you like the Visual Studio ecosystem, check out Ruby In Steel from SapphireSteel. It's payware, although there is a free personal edition
Regarding Ruby or IronRuby - the benefit you will get from using IronRuby is only by its seamless interoperability with .Net objects.
If you're planning on using your .Net code from your RoR app, use IronRuby. Otherwise, go for Ruby.
By the way, if you're planning on using IIS, IronRuby on Rails will run more naturally on top of it as well.
Extracted from:
IronRuby is a Open Source implementation of the Ruby programming language for .NET, heavily relying on Microsoft's Dynamic Language Runtime. The project's #1 goal is to be a true Ruby implementation, meaning it runs existing Ruby code. Check out this summary of using the Ruby standard library and 3rd party libraries in IronRuby. IronRuby has tight integration with .NET, so any .NET types can be used from IronRuby and the IronRuby runtime can be embedded into any .NET application.
later in this article:
Step 2 – Install an IronRuby friendly editor
You will need to Install an editor to work with IronRuby as there is no designer support for IronRuby inside Visual Studio. There are many editors to choose from but I would recommend you either went with:
SciTE (Download the MSI): This is a lightweight text editor which is simple to get up and running. SciTE understands Ruby syntax and allows you to easily run IronRuby code within the editor with a small change to the config file.
SharpDevelop 3.2 (Download the MSI): This is an open source development environment for C#, VB, Boo and now IronRuby. IronRuby support is new but it does include integrated debugging. You might also want to check out the main site for SharpDevelop.
Note: as of version 1.1.1 (released: Oct 21, 2010), Visual Studio 2010 has the first-class support for IronRuby (native, rails f/w and much more).
