Does blackberry OS framework do http connection reuse? - blackberry

Does blackberry framework use connection reuse for http connection? I use connectionFactory.getConnection("") . I have noticed that the first call (simple rest call for ex, getting number of unread messages) from my app takes about 4 seconds but all the subsequent calls take less than a second to complete. I have noticed that the same call when made after another call takes less than a second, so I am thinking that blackberry uses http connection reuse. Does anyone have an explanation for this behaviour?

You can test this on the server, by looking at the network activity that actually makes it to the server. My own testing indicates BlackBerry devices do not re-use connections.


Does iOS SDK keeps the connection alive between Cloud Code Function calls?

I'm implementing an autocomplete functionallity in a mobile app. I plan to have an autocomplete function on Parse Cloud Code but I'm afraid of the latency/delay that could bring up.
Specifically I would like to know how is calling parse Cloud Functions compared to do calls to a regular webserver over a WebSocket connection.
NOTE: I see the iOS SDK call to Parse functions uses NSURLSession which will leverage KeepAlive by default. What I don't know if the server copes up with that.
Cloud functions can be done both sync and async however they are very stingy about how long the connection stays open. In other-words you'd have to separate api calls. So, your answer is no.
Also, I might mention this from their guide on iOS cloud code calls
There is a limit of 8 concurrent httpRequests per Cloud Code request, and additional requests will be queued up.
This means that even if you somehow forced the connection to stay open like a couldn't have more than 8 people using that view/cloud function at a time or everyone else wouldn't be able to access the function.
However, Ive dealt with this myself and you have a few options....
1)Make your own SocketIO server that make rest requests to parses cloud code functions. Theres even a iOS SDK from SocketIO now. So this is a pretty easy option.
2)Accept that youll have a pretty high API call rate and keep making it.
3)Do what I did and Call all the objects you need at the beginning and have iOS perform the autocomplete on the fly. Heres a helpful search on cocoa controls that should give you a head start to get it handled check it out here. Any one of these would save you hours of time of trying to sort through and repopulate yourself. If you have a lot of objects you need to get. Remember if you are returning more than 100 results(the default return amount) set query.limit = 1000(max return limit).

HttpSendRequest blocks on SOAP call

I have trouble with Delphi XE2 app. Sometimes WinInet call to ASMX service blocks and never returns - user must terminate process from task manager to close app.
To connect to ASMX service app uses service generated by WSDLImp tool.
During its work, app makes a lot of calls to web service (~1000-2000). And at some moment (last time it was 782 request item, first time it was near the end) app freezes. After some digging, logging I find out that app blocks on
WinInetResult := HttpSendRequest(Request, nil, 0, DatStr.Bytes, DatStr.Size);
In Soap.SOAPHTTPTrans unit
First guess was it is some server-side problem – server hangs on request processing. But on trials server was processing requests from other clients, while target one was blocked. And, when you use Fiddler to debug http traffic from app everything works as expected, no locks. Also, WinInet’s SendTimeout, ReceiveTimeout, ConnectTimeout has no effect – there are no timeout errors. One more point, app blocks not on specific method call, but on different ones.
After googling, I find out that HttpSendRequest can block on max parallel connections exceeded. But there are no parallel execution in app – each action is performed in main GUI thread.
My next try was to use Indy for HTTP communication instead of WinInet. And with Indy, app does its work as it should, no locks. But downside is performance degradation – app’s work takes two times longer with Indy.
This is not very good. So, I want to go back to WinInet. But for this I need to find reason of blocking. Does anybody know why HttpSendRequest can block?
It is strange that with Indy we have such performance degradation. Maybe there are some properties, parameters to increase performance?
So, I have finally fixed this issue.
After all trials with no success, I've re-implemented SOAP calls using WinHTTP instead of WinInet.
With WinHTTP everything works normally.

NSURLConnection (iOS, Objective-C) seems to be throttling after repeated sequential use

This is an issue that's making me question my own sanity, but I'm posting the question in case it's something real rather than a problem of my own making.
I have an iOS app that is making use of the NSURLConnection class to send a request to a webserver. The object is instantiated and instructed to call back the delegate, which receives the corresponding notifications didReceiveResponse / didReceiveData / didFinishLoading / didFailWithError. Effectively the same code that is posted on Apple's dev page for using the class. The requests are all short POST transmissions with JSON data; the responses are also JSON-formatted, and come back from an Apache Tomcat Java Servlet.
For the most part it all works as advertised. The app sends a series of requests to the server in order to start a job and poll for partial results. Most of the exhanges are short, but sometimes the results can be up to about 100-200Kb maximum when there are partial results available.
The individual pieces of data get handed back by the operating system in chunks of about 10Kb each time, give or take. The transport is essentially instantaneous, as it is talking to a test server on the LAN.
However: after a few dozen polling operations, the rate of transport grinds to a near standstill. The sequence of response/data.../finished works normally: the webserver has delivered its payload, but the iOS app is receiving exactly 2896 bytes, with a periodicity of 20-30 seconds in between chunks. It is the correct data, and waiting about 5 minutes for 130Kb of data does confirm that it's operating correctly.
Nothing I do seems to conveniently work around it. I tried switching to the "async" invocation method with a response block; same result. Talking to a remote website rather than my LAN test deployment gets the same result. Running in simulator or iPhone gets the same result. The server returns content-length and doesn't try to do anything weird like keeping the connection alive.
Changing the frequency of the polling achieves little, unless I crank up the delay in between polling to 50 seconds, then everything works fine, presumably because it only ends up polling once or twice.
A hypothesis that fits this observation is that the NSURLConnection object hangs around long after it has been released, and chews up resources. Once a certain limit is hit, the progress rate grinds to a near halt. If the slowed down connection actually completes, subsequent connections work normally again, presumably because they've been cleaned up.
So does this sound familiar to anyone?

Using AFNetworking to process multiple JSON responses for a single request

I'm trying to find a way to open up a connection to a web service and have that service send down JSON objects on an as-needed basis.
Say I request 20 profiles from a service. Instead of waiting for the service to build all 20, the service would build the first profile and throw it back down to the client until all 20 are created.
I've been using AFNetworking and would like to continue using it. Eventually I'd like to contribute this component back to the community if it requires an addition.
Anyone have any ideas on tackling something like this? Right now I have a service pushing JSON every few seconds to test with.
A couple of thoughts:
If you want to open a connection and respond to transmissions from the server, socket-based model seems to make sense. See Ray Wenderlich's How To Create A Socket Based iPhone App and Server for an example (the server-side stuff is likely to change based upon your server architecture, but it gives you an example). But AFNetworking is built on a NSURLConnection framework, not a socket framework, so if you wanted to integrate your socket classes into that framework, a non-inconsiderable amount of work would be involved.
Another, iOS-specific model is to use Apple's push notification service (see the push-related sections of the Local and Push Notification Programming Guide).
A third approach would be to stay with a pull mechanism, but if you're looking for a way to consume multiple feeds in a non-serial fashion would be to create multiple AFURLConnectionOperation (or the appropriate subclass) operations, and submit them concurrently (you may want to constraint maxConcurrentOperations on the queue to 4 or 5 as iOS can only have so many concurrent network operations). By issuing these concurrently, you mitigate many of the delays that result from network latencies. If you pursue this approach, some care might have to be taken for thread safety, but it's probably easier than the above two techniques.
This sounds like a job for a socket (or a web socket, whatever is easier).
I don't believe there is support for this in AF. This could be implemented in the NSURLConnection's didRecieveData method. This is triggered every time a piece of data is received, so you can do your parsing and messaging from that point. Unfortunately, I can't think of a very clean way to implement this.
Perhaps a better approach to this is to handle the appropriate rerequest via a pagination-style technique. You would request page 1 of profiles with 1/page, then request page 2, etc. You could then control the flow, i.e. if you want to request all in paralel or request one then the next sequentially. This would be less work to implement, and would (in my opinion) be cleaner and easier to maintain.
AFNetworking supports batching of requests with AFHTTPClient -enqueueBatchOfHTTPRequestOperations:progressBlock:completionBlock:.
You can use this method to return on each individual operation, as well as when all of the operations in the batch have finished.

NSURLConnection getting limited to a Single Connection at a time?

OK - let's rephrase this whole question shall we?
Is there any way to tell if iOS is holding onto an NSURLConnection after it has finished & returned it's data?
I've got 2 NSURLConnections I'm instantiating & calling into a server with. The first one initiates the connection with the server and then goes into a COMET style long-polling wait while another user interacts with the request. The second one goes into the server and triggers a cancel mechanism which safely ends the first request and causes both to return successfully with a "Cancelled by you" message.
In the happy path case the Cancel button will never be clicked. But it's possible to click it and exit the current action.
This whole scenario works GREAT once. And then never works again (until the app is reset).
It's as though the first time thru one of the connections is never released and we are from then on limited to only a single connection because one of them is locked.
BTW I've tried NSURLConnection, AFNetwork, MKNetworkKit, ASIHTTPRequest - no luck what-so-ever with any other frameworks. NSURLConnection should do what I want. It's just ... not letting go of one of my connections.
I suspect the cancellation request in Step 2 is leaving the HTTP connection open.
I don't know exactly how the NS* classes work with respect to the HTTP/1.1 recommendation of at most two simultaneous connections, but let's assume they're enforcing at most two connections. Let's suppose the triggering code in Instance A (steps 1 and 3 of your example) cleans up after itself, but the cancellation code in Instance B (steps 2 and 4) leaves the connection open. That might explain what you are observing.
If I were you, I'd compare the code that runs in step 1 against the code that runs in step 2. I bet there's a difference between them in terms of the way they clean up after themselves.
If I'm not wrong,
iOS/Mac holds on to a NSURLConnection as long as the "Keep-Alive" header dictates it to.
But as a iOS developer you shouldn't be worried. any reason why you would like to know that?
So unfortunately with the lack of a real solution to this issue being found in all my testing I've had to implement simple polling to resolve the issue.
I've also had to implement iOS only APIs on the server.
What this comes down to is an API to send up a command and put it into a queue on the server, then using an NSTimer on the client to check the status of the of the queued item on a regular interval.
Until I can find out how to make multiple connections on iOS with long-polling this is the only working solution. Once I have a decent amount of points I'll gladly bounty them away for a solution to this :(
