Deleting CoreData object & Inverse relationships - ios

I have an object (A) that has a To-Many relationship to another object (B).
Also, B holds an inverse relationship to A.
When I delete B, It still shown on A's relation ship count, unless i manually clean the inverse relationship of B before deletion.
I want it to happen synchronously, so i could update a UITableView and delete B's row,
instead of waiting for MOC's save action to complete.
Is there any way to handle that without manually cleaning B's inverse?
(I have tons of these relationships and it would be bad practice & hard to maintain)

That should work automatically if you set the "Delete Rule" for the inverse relationship from B to A to "Nullify" in the Core Data Model inspector in Xcode.
See Relationship Delete Rules in the "Core Data Programming Guide" for more information.

Almost 5 years later (at iOS 10 now) and I stumbled upon the same issue.
App started crashing after I decided to 'optimise' things by removing the saveContext() from almost everywhere, thinking that the in-memory representation is guaranteed to be correct (since includesPendingChanges is true by default).
However I was getting the issue described (and because later some UITableView needed to be updated, app was crashing).
Here are four separate approaches, any one of which solved the issue in my case:
(ordered from best to worst as far as I can judge)
calling processPendingChanges() (on the NSManagedObjectContext) after the deletion
calling refreshAllObjects() (on the NSManagedObjectContext) after the deletion
calling saveContext() after the deletion (as others have pointed out in the comments)
just waiting. for example, delaying the execution of the code that depends on the correct data by 0.1 seconds or so (using DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter). (this of course is by far the worst approach and you should not implement it)
Things I am still not sure about:
I tried replicating it on a separate very small example project and I did not get the issue. So what is the underlying problem?
Is this expected behaviour or a bug? Is it documented anywhere?


Delphi TFDMemTable, CloneCursor and source table out of sync, unless Refresh is called

the code i'm working on makes heavy usage of TFDMemTables, and clones of those tables using CloneCursor.
Sometimes, under specific conditions which I am unable to identify, the source table and its clone become out of sync: the data between them may be different, the record count as well.
Calling Refresh on the cloned table puts things back in order.
From my understanding, CloneCursor is used to address the same underlying memory where data is stored, meaning alterations to the underlying data from any of the two pointers should reflect on the other table, yet allow the user to have separate filter / record positioning per "view". so how can it possibly go out of sync?
I built a small simulator, where I can insert / delete / filter records in either the table or its clone, and observe the impact on the other one. Changes were reflected correctly.
Another downside of Refresh is that it slows the execution tremendously, if overused.
Has anyone faced similar issues or found explanations / documentation regarding this matter?
to clarify what I mean by "out of sync", it means reading a value from the table using FieldByName will return X prior to Refresh, and Y post-refresh. I was not able to reproduce this behavior on the simulator mentioned above.

Objects of wrong entity fetched from CoreData relationship

I have a rather big CoreData Model which suddenly behaves weirdly. There are three relevant entities:
User has a to-many relationship named stories to Story objects and a to-many-relationship groups to Group objects. Both also have an appropriate inverse. I use mogenerator to generate convenience accessors for all the properties and relationships. Both are ordered to-many relationships.
Now it sometimes happens that when I ask the user object for its groups (like user.groups) that I actually get an NSOrdered set of XNGStory objects. In the few cases that I have observed this they were the same objects that are returned by user.stories. The two sets weren't the same (different pointers), but their contents were (I checked by calling array] valueForKeyPath:#"objectID.URIRepresentation"] on them and got the same URIs in the same order both cases).
It feels like there is some way in my app that stores stories in the groups relationship but I checked the code and there are only Groups-related classes touching groups relationship and only story-related classes touching the story-relationship. Also there is no interaction or relationship between the two they are used in completely separate parts of the app, so I have no idea how this kind of data corruption can happen.
Is there any reason why such a data corruption might happen? I would have expected CoreData to complain when I store objects in the wrong kind of relationship accidentally.
One more thing: So far we were only able to reproduce it on iOS 10.
Things we tried:
We suspected a memory issue first (because an object of the wrong type turns up where it's not supposed to be), but running with Address Sanitizer and NSZombies enabled didn't reveal any issues. Also, once the issue occurs it persists over app restarts and using the debugger to poke around in the objects also shows a consistent(ly wrong) data model so it's not just one pointer that's wrong.
Deactivated WAL (issue still exists)
Looked at sqlite file (both with and without WAL) after crash with Core Data Editor: It displays Group-objects for the groups relationship, so all seems to be good on the sqlite-database-level -> Somehow the relationships get mixed up when loaded from the file.
As best I can tell, this seems to be an iOS 10 bug.
We have a similar problem with an app that uses Core Data - a User object has a relationship Addresses (to Address objects) and Friends (to other User objects).
For some reason under iOS 10 Core Data occasionally chooses to return the Address objects in the Friends relationship.
We've regression tested back to iOS 9 and this issue doesn't occur.
There's an open bug on Open Radar for the same issue - 26826183. Interestingly we've only started seeing this issue under 10.0.2 but that Radar report was based on an early iOS 10 Beta.
We have tested this extensively and also conclude that it is an iOS 10 bug. It also does not seem to be related to any of our code, just the data model. We were able to recreate the issue in an example project using our data model, Xcode 8's code generation and iOS 10's new NSPersistentContainer (before it broke using mogenerator and the "old way of setting up a CoreData stack").
To reproduce the issue we do the following:
At startup, if there is no User-object, create a User-object and add 10 Group objects to it and save.
Then add a Story to it, still on the main-context, and save.
Kill the app (via iOS swipe-up or simply via pressing "stop" in Xcode)
Start the app again. On startup, fetch the User object, add a Story object to to the stories relationship and save.
Check the user.groups relationship on a background or main context. It contains XNGStory objects now, although it should still have XNGGroup objects.
I filed a Radar with the example project. OpenRadar is here (without the example project, as it contains our data model).
The issue seems to be highly dependent on the data-model setup. It occurs when all-but-on relationships on our User entity are ordered. If all are ordered, it doesn't occurs, neither does it occur if two or more are unordered.

Simperium loses data when adding a new property to an entity

I've read in another answer that Simperium should be able to handle Core Data lightweight migrations fine. However, I'm currently struggling with the simple case of adding an (optional) property to an existing entity.
To make the issue a bit easier to follow, let's go through an example. Let's say that my previous app version is 1.0 and a new version 1.1 introduces a new property foo on a Core Data entity.
Now, let's consider this scenario:
Device A and B both run version 1.0 and are attached to the same Simperium sync account, both up-to-date.
Device A upgrades to version 1.1, the property is created in the data base, and the user adds some data to the new foo property. This data is correctly synced to the Simperium backend and foo is visible in the web data browser.
Device B (still on version 1.0, i.e. without foo) syncs with Simperium. At this point I see Simperium warning: applyDiff for a member that doesn't exist, which is understandable because foo does not exist. Everything still expected and fine here.
Now device B upgrades to 1.1. When starting the app for the first time, Core Data creates the new foo column. However, now that the foo property is there, Simperium still does not pull its data from the backend, so devices A and B don't see the same data for foo!
I understand why this happens (Simperium has discarded the change the first time, because the property wasn't there yet, and then doesn't apply the same change again later when it could). However, I think this is quite problematic and effectively makes even the simplest changes to the data model very risky. Am I missing anything here? What would be a safe way to add a new property to an entity?
Sorry it took us a while to reply (please, by all means, feel free to open an issue on Github, anytime!).
For the time being, there are few caveats when it comes to Migrations.
I've filed this issue, to properly handle the New Attributes scenario, and this issue to deal with attribute renames.
Right now, although the protocol is resilient, and sync'ing should recover on its own (in the eventuality in which something happens, and a client goes off sync, ie. migrations), an attribute rename will cause glitches.
For now, i'm afraid that the easiest // safest way to deal migrations, would be to create another bucket, that would have the desired set of attributes.
Sorry about this inconvenience, we'll be iterating over this!

Core Data confusion in retrieving records

I'm currently building a Core Data app and I've hit a snag. I guess here's some context on the schema:
The app is to keep track of a therapist's session with her clients. So the schema is organized thus: there's a table of clients, clients have sessions, sessions have activities, and activities have metrics. In the app these metrics translate to simple counters, timers, and NSSliders.
The crux is that the client wants to be able to insert previously made activities into new sessions for new clients. So, I've tried just doing a simple fetch request and then moved on to an NSFetchedResultsController. I keep running into the issue that since Core Data is an object graph, I get a ton of activity entries with virtually the same data. The only differentiating property would be whatever the session is (and if you want to go further back, the client itself).
I'm not sure if this is something I need to change in the schema itself, or if there's some kind of workaround I can do within Core Data. I've already tried doing distinct fetch results with the NSFetchedResultsController by using the result type NSDictionaryResultType. It kind of accomplishes what I want but I only get the associated properties of the entity, and not any children entities associated with it (I need those metrics, you see).
Any help is appreciated, and I can post code if desired even though I don't really have a specific coding error.
I don't see the problem. If you modeled things with the Client, Session, Activity, and Metric entities, each having a to-many relationship to the one to its right and to-one/to-many inverse relationship to the one to its left (in the order I listed the entities), there is nothing stopping you from adding a particular activity into another session (of another client), is it?
Maybe I'm misunderstanding the question.
Just use a simple NSFetchRequest and set the predicate for exactly what you are looking for. You can set the fetch limit if you are getting too many results but your question doesn't exactly sounds like a question IMO.
I believe what you are looking for is an NSPredicate to narrow your results down. Once you fetch a specific object you can assign any relation or attribute to that object easily with dot notation then save the context.

Optimal way of syncing Core Data with server-side data?

I have what I would presume is a very common situation, but as I'm new to iOS programming, I'm not sure of the optimal way to code it.
I have data on a server which can be retrieved by the iPhone app via a REST service. On the server side, the data is objects with a foreign key (an integer id number).
I'm storing the data retrieved via REST in Core Data. The managed objects have an "objId" attribute so that I can uniquely identify the managed objects in the rest of my code.
My app must always reflect the server data.
On subsequent requests made to the server:
some objects may not be returned, they have been deleted on the server - in which case I need to delete the corresponding objects from Core Data - so that I'm reflecting the state of the server correctly.
some objects have attributes which have changed, therefore the corresponding managed objects need updating with the new data.
my solution - and question to you
To get things going in my app, I made the easiest solution of deleting all objects in Core Data, then adding all new objects in, created with the latest server side data.
I don't think this is the best way to approach it :) As I progress on with my app, I now want to link up my tableview with NSFetchedResultsController, and have realised that my approach of deleting everything and re-adding is not going to work any more.
What is the tried and trusted way of syncing Core Data with server side data?
Do I need to make a fetch request for each object id I get back from the server, and then update the object with the new data?
And then go through all of the objects in core data and see which ones have not been updated, and delete those?
Is that the best way to do it? It just seems a little expensive to do a fetch for each object in Core Data, that's all.
Pseudo code is fine for any answers :)
thanks in advance!
Well, consider your download. First, you should be doing this in a background thread (if not, there are lots of SO posts that talk about how to do that).
I would suggest that you implement what makes sense first, and then, after you can get valid performance data from running Instruments, consider performance optimization. Of course, use some common sense on "easy" performance stuff (your design can take care of the big ones easily enough).
Anyway, get your data from the online resource, and then, for each object fetched, use the "unique object id" to fetch the object from core data. You know there is only one object with that ID, so you can set fetchLimit to 1 on your fetch request. You can also configure your "object id" attribute to be an INDEX in the database. This way, you get the fastest search from the underlying database, and it knows to stop looking once it finds your one object. This should be pretty snappy.
Now you have your object. Change any attributes necessary. Save, rinse, and repeat.
Furthermore, for several reasons, you may want to know when objects were last updated. I'd suggest adding a timestamp to each object that gets changed with the current time every time an object is changed. This will also help in deleting objects. Since your online database does not tell you which objects are deleted, you must have some way to know that an item is "old and no longer needed."
An easy way to do this is to remember the time you started your update. After processing all objects from the download, you now have a way to find all the objects that were deleted from the online database. Basically, any object with a "last update" timestamp before the time you began the update should be removed (since they were not added or modified in the last update). You can also index the database on this field, which will make finding those objects faster - unless your database is huge, I'd wait to see what Instruments has to say about this one though.
