Titanium How to get webview load to fire once and then reset - webview

I am using webview load to detect when a page is loaded but i need it to only fire once but it fires many times i have come up with a solution below to get it fire once, but this will only happen once and once only i need it to fire every time a page is loaded but only once example.
webviewload = true;
webview.addEventListener('load', function() {
//run code to add stuff to webview this will run once
webviewload = false;
the above works fine for one webview load but if you run again it is obviously set to false so i can only run this code once.
I found a hack that kind off works for me but i am looking for a better solution i understand its firing because it fires on every element load ads etc on webview.
webviewload = true;
webview.addEventListener('load', function() {
//run code to add stuff to webview this will run once
webviewload = false;
webviewload = true;
ok above works but isn't ideal if the page take longer than 5 seconds to load etc i am getting problems.
Can anyone give me a suggestion on how to fire webview load once then reset so i can run a block of code correctly.
Hope this makes sense thanks

Yea, this is due to the fact that the page you are loading, like almost any portal homepage, is comprised almost fully of ajax calls to other pages and scripts, etc. This is going to cause your load event to fire, and fire, and fire again until everything is loaded.
I suppose one way around this would be listen for the load event and set some interval that if passed would kill the listener and carry on.


serviceWorker.ready never resolves unless within setTimeout

In a page's domready event I'm setting an event listener for a button that sets a Background Sync event in a page on my website (when offline), but even if the service worker has been loaded already on previous page visits, this line of code never resolves the promise, its status stays "Pending" indefinitely.
navigator.serviceWorker.ready.then(function (sw) {
$('#elt').on('click', function () {
Since I know the sync event won't need to be set until after a form is completed, I tried wrapping this code in a setTimeout() of 3 seconds, which worked! My question is why this might be, I haven't been able to find anyone else indicating the .ready event wouldn't be available when the page is first loaded. Insight appreciated.

IIOS IPAD No Unload,beforeunloador, paghide events

I have a MVC web database application where the records are basically documents with items.
Documents are locked, not items and they locked by code when the user looks in any of 4 or 5 different screens for any given document.
there is a 10 minute time out on the record locks. The user does not do anything with the record for 10 minutes and another can take the record. There is code that detects the lock was lost and taken by someone else. It works fine and is technically sound.
The workflow of the application relies on the lock being released when the user leaves the screen or closes the browser, or if they press the refresh button.
These are work fine on windows and android but not on ipad.
I understand there is no
on ios but I though there was
neither of these work.
Here is my code.
var isOnIOS = navigator.userAgent.match(/iPad/i)||
navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i); var eventName = isOnIOS ?
"pageHide" : "beforeunload";
window.addEventListener(eventName, function (event) {
ReleaseRecordLock(); } );
This code works on all mentioned platforms except that the events don't fire on IOS.
It looks to me that this is deliberate on Apple's part so I an not thinking it will change.
So now the question.
What can I do to ensure that these records get unlocked if a user changes screens or closes the browser. If they don't no users will be able to access the document for 10 minutes which will not be acceptable.
Edit... I don't need pop ups or notification. I just need reliable unlocking
As mentioned above none of the events that are supposed to work actually fire. pageHide and unload do nothing.
I found mentions of how to get around this problem but no details so I though I would detail it here.
This solutions works with areas and standard sites.
My solution to get around part of this was to detect if the browser is running on IOS and if so to change the link in the menu.
if(Request.UserAgent.Contains("iPad") || Request.UserAgent.Contains("iPhone"))
<a onclick="IOSReleaseLock('controller', 'action')" href="javascript:void(0);">LinkText</a>
#Html.ActionLink("link Text","action","controller",new { Area = "Tasks" },null);
Every single link in the application has to have a function called IOSReleaseLock() available or the solution will not work. Not all pages lock records, only those that actually change documents. Reports, and basic website functions such as change password, log out, and the sys admin stuff do not need record locks.
At this point I have 2 versions of IOSReleaseLock()
This is the version that is used on pages that do not required unlocking.
function IOSReleaseLock(_controller, _action)
var url = '/__controller__/__action__/';
url = url.replace('__controller__', _controller);
url = url.replace('__action__', _action);
window.location.href = url;
This is the version that is placed on pages that required unlocking.
function IOSReleaseLock(_controller, _action )
var url = '/__controller__/__action__/';
url = url.replace('__controller__', _controller);
url = url.replace('__action__', _action);
window.location.href = url;
Every link has a wrapper so every single page must load a version of IOSReleaseLock(). This includes your /home/index or where ever your application starts. If you miss one then once you are on that page your menu system links will not work anymore.
Pages that require the UnloadingRecordLockRelease() function load that version and the pages that do not require unlocking load the first version.
On IOS every time you click a link, IOSReleaseLock() is called. This may seem to be obvious, but for clarity, the version of IOSReleaseLock() that executes is the version that is on the current page, not the version on the page you are going to.
So as long as the user stays on the site and does not close the browser then the records are unlocked correctly.
When the user logs out all records are unlocked but I have no solution for when the browser tab is closed or when the browser is closed without the user logging out.

OnBeforePlay .seek doesn't work on iPad

I've scoured the web, upgraded the player, rewritten it 5 times, and now completing my 5th day of failing, and still cannot accomplish what the folks at Longtail tell me will work. (Don't get me wrong, I love 'em there, but this has me ready to jump off a bridge).
I'm simply trying to load a video that will play with Flash or iOS, and upon loading it, immediately go to a specific point in the video useing the .seek() method. Longtail tells me to use the onBeforePlay() function because iOS apparently doesn't respect the start value of the playlist. This code works like smoke with Flash, but ignores the seek in iOS.
Can ANYone assist me with this - it has become the most expensive script I've ever worked on and I have made zero progress at all. :( :( :( Also, I removed all the console functions and tried that, but with the same result.
Full code/player can be seen at http://www.tempurl.us/jw6e.html. You can see that with Flash, the video starts at 60 seconds, but on iOS, it starts at 0.
jwp = jwplayer('jwp').setup({
title: 'Single File Player', width: '720', height:'240', autostart: 'false', listbar: {position: "right",size: 400},
{ file: 'http://media3.scctv.net/insight/mp4:nursing_4_clips_400.mp4/playlist.m3u8'},
{ file: 'rtmp://fms.scctv.net/insight/nursing_4_clips_400.mp4'}
jwp.onReady(function() {
// Create a playlist item of the video to play
var newItem = [
{ title: 'Title4 ACUTE_ABDO_PAIN_400',
image: 'playlistitem.png',
{ file: 'http://media3.scctv.net/insight/mp4:ACUTE_ABDO_PAIN_400.mp4/playlist.m3u8'},
{ file: 'rtmp://fms.scctv.net/insight/ACUTE_ABDO_PAIN_400.mp4'}
jwp.onBeforePlay(function() {
// This Works on PC/Mac with Flash, but does nothing on iPad/iPhone
Simply to close the question, the bottom line on this problem was that iOS will not allow autostart - period. Knowing that, all the expected events that were not behaving as expected made sense. Once the user initiates the stream with Play, everything works as expected. In our case, this is still a problem because we want to start later in the stream, but knowing that made dealing with it more manageable.
If the problem is iOS will not allow autostart - period. Knowing that,
all the expected events that were not behaving as expected made sense.
Once the user initiates the stream with Play, everything works as
then you can have a play button only for tablet and ios device and on Clicking the play button,
call jwplayer().play(), this could be a work around for your problem, and after you have invoked jwplayer.play, which is only possible with the touch event, after play is triggeredother events will work.
otherwise even if you try jwplayer().play() onReady(), or autostart nothing will work because of iOs will not allow autostart as you said
I've solved this problem on iOS using onBeforePlay with seek() and play(). This work on desktop flash and IOS. Doesn't work on Android using the parameter androidhls:true
jwplayer().onBeforePlay(function() { jwplayer().seek(60); });
As Ethan JWPlayer mentioned in comment use onPlay event. To prevent "loop buffering" as you said just use flag variable:
var isFirstStart = true,
seekValue = 60;
//exit if it's no first playback start
if( !isFirstStart ) {
isFirstStart = false;

How to detect user idle time since last touch and return the app to home page using phonegap

I would like to check for the user idle time since last touch and return the app to the home page after some period of time. I want this to be done using phonegap.
I googled and did find few solutions but I want to detect the idle time and return the app to the home page.
Using jQuery you *could bind a start touch event and end touch event then using a timer to execute a function
$('body').bind('touchstart',function() {
$('body').bind('touchend', function() {
myTimer = setInterval(function() {
/* return user to homepage */
Touch events are a little buggy in mobile devices. But you set an Interval timer to run after a set amount of time after the last touch is detected. Remembering to clear it on the next touchstart event. Its a bit messy but should work (I havent tested it btw)
I got this working by setTimeout('Redirect()', 10000); where Redirect fn is function Redirect() { window.location.href="mylink.html"; }

what is the propper way to use Titanium eventListerner/fireEvent to communication with webview

so I'm working on an application that uses webview to display data. At the moment i'm trying to get data from, and send data to the webview. It seems that getting data from the webview works fine, but sending data back to the webview forms the problem.
I use fireEvents and Eventlisteners to communicat. It looks somethhing like this:
webview : index.html
// declared at the beginning of the html file
Ti.App.addEventListener('sendToWebview', function(data) {
alert('alert in webview');
// fires when button is pushed
function onClick(){
Ti.App.fireEvent('sendToTi', { "someDataToTi" });
Ti.App.addEventListener('sendToTi', function(data) {
alert('alert in Ti');
Ti.App.fireEvent('sendToWebview', { "someDataToWebview" });
What works is the sendToTi event. here i always get the alert. What doesn't seem to work all the time is the sendToWebview event. The weird thing is that is sometimes seem to work, other times not and even when I go back to the code that worked, it seems to not work anymore.
What am I doing wrong? is there a way to make it work?
Your 'sendToTi' is correct. But you can't send events to the WebView in that way.
To execute JavaScript (which is sending events) in your WebView you can use
webview.evalJS('someJSFunction(with, parameters, for, instance);');
webview.evalJS('alert("Hello World!");');
There is no need of EventListeners (especially no app-wide event listeners).
