three.js first-person-controle makes objects disappears from scene - webgl

Please have look at the following Three.js snippet ,
the problem is the objects disappears from the scene after any navigation event (w a s d) or click if the camera attached to FirstPersonControls
controls = new THREE.FirstPersonControls(camera);
any help solving this ?
thanks :)

From what I remember first person controls look along the z axis..
So try changing that
camera.position.z = 1000
camera.position.y = 1000;
Which means you would be 1000 off the ground. That JS fiddle won't load so I cant test it.
Though looks like your cube is rendered at 0; try:
camera.position.z = 100;
camera.position.x = -1000;
then do
Once you have created the cube.


Zoom into scene using transition - Corona

Hey so I am looking for something similar to in tennis when players challenge a point and the video shows whether the ball was in or out by zooming in really really close to the moment when the ball lands to see whether a fraction was on the line.
I have experimented with using transitions with xScale and yScale but the results I get is strange, almost as if the objects have moved during zooming in. If there was a way to lock in position and then zoom, that would work. The second method I tried is putting the graphics into a display group and then scaling the group. This also results in weird behaviour where the whole group begins moving diagonally across the screen.
Please help as this is confusing me
Objects which will scale:
cloud = display.newImageRect("cloud.png", 419,273)
cloud.anchorY = 0
cloud.anchorX = 0.5
cloud.alpha = 1
cloud.x = display.contentCenterX
cloud.y = display.contentCenterY + 250
physics.addBody(cloud, {isSensor=true})
star = display.newImageRect("Star.png", 78,72)
star.anchorY = 0
star.anchorX = 0.5
star.alpha = 1 = "Star"
physics.addBody(star, {isSensor=true})
star.x = display.contentCenterX
star.y = display.actualContentHeight - display.actualContentHeight - 100
Scale Function
function scale( event ), {time=2000, xScale=1.5, yScale = 1.5}), {time=2000, xScale=1.5, yScale=1.5})
When you scale an object, it may "move" due to its anchor position, which is the position of the object that is used to position it and also works as its 'anchor' during rotation or scale.
So, you have 2 options:
1) Set the anchor position (obj.anchorX = value , obj.anchorY = value ) to the one that will make your object stays in the position that you want;
2) During the transition, also change its x and y to compensate the moving.

Creating a boundary around a tiled map

I've created a tiled map composed of multiple sprite nodes that are 367x367. I create this map like so:
for var i = 0; i < Int(multiplier); i++ {
for var j = 0; j < Int(multiplier); j++ {
// Positive
var map = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "tiledBackground.png")
var x = CGFloat(i) * map.size.height
var y = CGFloat(j) * map.size.height
map.position = CGPointMake(x, y)
In the above example, the multiplier is 27 and the map size is 10,000x10,000.
This creates the map as expected, however I want this map to have boundaries that the player can't leave. I know how to create the boundaries, but I'm not sure what values to initialize the physics body with.
I've tried this: SKPhysicsBody(rectangleOfSize: map.mapSize) however that produced very erroneous results.
I also tried this: SKPhysicsBody(edgeLoopFromRect: CGRectMake(0, 0, map.mapSize.width, map.mapSize.height)) which built a physics body like it should (I have showPhysics = TRUE), however the physics body seemed to move with the player (I have the player moving and am centering the map on the player). You can see what I mean here: (It's a bit hard to see, but that green line is the boundary for the physics body. When the tiled map ends (And where it turns grey), the physics body should stop as that's where the player shouldn't be allowed to move any more).
Just leave a comment if you need any more code (I believe I included anything that is relevant).
After messing around with a bit of my code I found a fix was to just add the physicsBody to my map instead of the scene. A rather easy fix, so I'm surprised I didn't think of it sooner.
With this in mind, I've answered my own question and no longer need help.

Vertices behind are being drawn infront - XNA

Well, I am creating a minecraft terrain thing just for the heck of it. The problem I have is that if you look on a certain angle some faces which are actually behind others are drawn in front of them, thus not showing the actual ones which are there. Like minecraft I have the terrain seperated into regions, and when the vertexbuffer is built, only the "outside" faces are shown. It is also for some reason is not drawing the very top nor the left blocks. In addition to all of these problems faces seem to be overlapping ie (only half of a face can be seen)
Here is what it looks like (note I am only drawing the top faces because I have to fix the others up):
I am also drawing all the regions in one go with the following method (i'm using reimer's effect file until I can write my own :):
public void Draw(Player player, World world)
effect.CurrentTechnique = effect.Techniques["TexturedNoShading"];
for (int x = 0; x < world.regions.GetLength(0); x++)
for (int y = 0; y < world.regions.GetLength(1); y++)
foreach (EffectPass pass in effect.CurrentTechnique.Passes)
Region region = world.regions[x, y];
if (player.Camera.BoundingFrustum.Contains(region.BoundingBox) != ContainmentType.Disjoint)
//device.Indices = region.SolidIndices;
device.DrawPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 0, region.VertexCount);
//device.DrawIndexedPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 0, 0, region.VertexCount, 0, region.SolidIndices.IndexCount / 3);
Help would be much appreciated thanks :)
Looks like the Z-buffer is disabled. Try setting:
GraphicsDevice.DepthStencilState = DepthStencilState.Default;
The issue with it not drawing the top/left blocks, that you mention, is probably an issue to do with your vertex buffer generation code (if so, try asking another question specifically about that issue).

Textured Primitives in XNA with a first person camera

So I have a XNA application set up. The camera is in first person mode, and the user can move around using the keyboard and reposition the camera target with the mouse. I have been able to load 3D models fine, and they appear on screen no problem. Whenever I try to draw any primitive (textured or not), it does not show up anywhere on the screen, no matter how I position the camera.
In Initialize(), I have:
quad = new Quad(Vector3.Zero, Vector3.UnitZ, Vector3.Up, 2, 2);
quadVertexDecl = new VertexDeclaration(this.GraphicsDevice, VertexPositionNormalTexture.VertexElements);
In LoadContent(), I have:
quadTexture = Content.Load<Texture2D>(#"Textures\brickWall");
quadEffect = new BasicEffect(this.GraphicsDevice, null);
quadEffect.AmbientLightColor = new Vector3(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f);
quadEffect.LightingEnabled = true;
quadEffect.World = Matrix.Identity;
quadEffect.View = Matrix.CreateLookAt(cameraPosition, cameraTarget, Vector3.Up);
quadEffect.Projection = this.Projection;
quadEffect.TextureEnabled = true;
quadEffect.Texture = quadTexture;
And in Draw() I have:
this.GraphicsDevice.VertexDeclaration = quadVertexDecl;
foreach (EffectPass pass in quadEffect.CurrentTechnique.Passes)
quad.Vertices, 0, 4,
quad.Indexes, 0, 2);
I think I'm doing something wrong in the quadEffect properties, but I'm not quite sure what.
I can't run this code on the computer here at work as I don't have game studio installed. But for reference, check out the 3D audio sample on the creator's club website. They have a "QuadDrawer" in that project which demonstrates how to draw a textured quad in any position in the world. It's a pretty nice solution for what it seems you want to do :-)

In DirectX 9, how to get zbuffer to work properly?

I've been unsuccessful at getting a simple cube geometry with shading turned on to display correctly.
This is c# code, but the values are being passed through SlimDX directly to C++ code.
pParams.BackBufferWidth = 0;
pParams.BackBufferHeight = 0;
pParams.BackBufferCount = 1;
pParams.BackBufferFormat = Format::X8R8G8B8;
pParams.Multisample = MultisampleType::None;
pParams.MultisampleQuality = 0;
pParams.DeviceWindowHandle = this.Handle;
pParams.Windowed = true;
pParams.AutoDepthStencilFormat = Format.D24X8;
pParams.EnableAutoDepthStencil = true;
pParams.PresentFlags = PresentFlags.None;
pParams.FullScreenRefreshRateInHertz = 0;
pParams.PresentationInterval = PresentInterval.Immediate;
pParams.SwapEffect = SwapEffect.Discard;
... are the values in the PresentParameter struct used to set up my Direct3D9Device object.
During a rendering, SetRenderState is called as follows:
this.D3DDevice.Clear(ClearFlags.Target | ClearFlags.ZBuffer, this.BackColor, 10000.0f, 0);
this.D3DDevice.SetRenderState(RenderState.Ambient, false);
this.D3DDevice.SetRenderState(RenderState.ZEnable, ZBufferType.UseZBuffer);
this.D3DDevice.SetRenderState(RenderState.ZWriteEnable, true);
this.D3DDevice.SetRenderState(RenderState.ZFunc, Compare.LessEqual);
Again, this is passed through to C++ code, which marshals the values in to calls a C++ programmer would not fear.
The primitives are diffuse colored vertices (D3DFVF_XYZ | D3DFVF_DIFFUSE). The wireframe view looks like this:
wireframe view
The nearer pair of larger triangles is the near face of a cube.
The filled view looks like this:
full view 1
Or this, on a subsequent rendering call:
full view 2
I'm not sure how to fix this. Where should I begin looking?
Edit: The camera projection matrix looks about like this for one of the frames:
{[[M11:0.6281456 M12:0.7659309 M13:0.1370506 M14:0]
[M21:0.7705086 M22:-0.5877584 M23:-0.2466911 M24:0]
[M31:-0.1083957 M32:0.2605566 M33:-0.9593542 M34:0]
[M41:-3.225646 M42:-1.096823 M43:20.91392 M44:1]]}
And, the view matrix looks like this:
camera.ViewMatrix = {[[M11:0.6281456 M12:0.7659309 M13:0.1370506 M14:0]
[M21:0.7705086 M22:-0.5877584 M23:-0.2466911 M24:0]
[M31:-0.1083957 M32:0.2605566 M33:-0.9593542 M34:0]
[M41:-3.225646 M42:-1.096823 M43:20.91392 M44:1]]}
Clear the Z-Buffer to 1.0f not 10000.0f.
From the Clear docs in the SDK:
[in] Clear the depth buffer to this new z value which ranges from 0 to 1..
It may also be useful to see your projection matrix and viewport settings ...
Edit: How do you build that projection matrix? You have set zNear to 0 and zFar to 1. Try setting your zNear to 0.001f and zFar to 1000.0f and see whether that helps you at all...
A hunch: Try enabling the Z-Buffer before you clear.
