IOS stopUpdatingLocation doesn't stops gps on certain phone - ios

Hey I got really strange issue for last few days.
I am writing an social app and I'v been testing it on two phones (both IPhone 5) white and black.
Black phone is my boss's phone and it has installed IOS 6.0.1, white phone has IOS 6.0.
The problem is that on the black phone stopUpdatingLocation doesn't stops the gps.
I'v created empty app with gps only and we have same bug .. but when I change bundle ID everything works ok.
Second important thing is that when we restored the white phone from black phone's back up and cleared the black one the bug occurs on the white phone and doesn't occurs on the black one. So it seems it's related to phone settings.
We can't change bundle ID cause app is already on app store (I am writing new refreshed version of it).
Any ideas ?

Gps is not stopped when there is another app or apple using it. You can see that in the settings menu which applicatio uses gps on the lila arrow icon.


iOS App shows black screen after succesful install on device using Xcode 12.5

I am trying to install an app using Xcode 12.5 on my personal device which is an iPhone 7 plus running iOS 15 underneath.
I got it to work after much hassle by adding iOS 15 device support files, but, after the app installs and launches itself, I get a black screen for like a minute or two and then the app works fine.
However, if I debug it takes approximately 30-40 seconds from jumping to one breakpoint to another and it consumes a lot of time.
I have tried scouring for a lot of information on this but no luck. Any solution for this would be appreciated.
You probably disabled your Splash screen that is why black screen appears.
Go in your LaunchScreen.storyboard file, there you will find a Screen Controller. Make it story board entry point and give it a background color of your choice.

App starts and the device screen goes black sometimes

This is a very strange bug. I'm running my app on an iPhone device and only sometimes, when the app starts, you can see the app for a freckle of a second and then the screen goes black.
Any advice?
If you have call any thread or block the main thread to be execute, then for some second your screen will be blank. To avoid that add some splash screen shot, like FaceBook shows. Replace Default launch images. Default is blank, so it shows black screen. If you make required size screen shots then it will not shows black screen when app launch.
I do not know exactly why this happens but I develop an app and testing on several devices like 4, 4S,5,5S(iOS 7.1, 8.1) and get same black screen as you get after I change device. My solution is always "quit from simulator and open it again" when I do like this it works fine (Sometimes 3-4 times). I guess there is nothing to do by user. My thought, Only apple can solve this problem if we lucky :)

iOS Safari, when running our web-app in stand alone mode, crashes iOS in background

We're developing a web app that extensively uses Cavas 2D for some demos, and is successfully running on both iOS and Android devices. Recently we've added stand-alone mode for iOS devices, so user has to "Add-To-Home-Screen" and run it using screen icon, just like regular app.
What happens recently is that after 10-12 times we start the web app on iPhone4:
Status bar (initially set to 'black') suddenly turns white and we cannot exit Safari (by pressing home button).
If we try to make screen shot (home + power button), shutter sound is played as if screen shot was taken and saved.
If we try to lock the device (power button), screen turns black, but no action after that can bring unlock-screen or any screen for that matter - display remains black.
We can only do reset by pressing home + power for 10 seconds after this point.
If we do not lock the device, web app continuously work with no issues at all, it does not crash, but cannot exit it (double click on home button also has no result).
Has anyone experienced this with their web apps?
Any guidance in how to debug this would be highly appreciated. We've tried using Safari on OSX, connect iPhone to it and use Develop -> iPhone menu but no luck so far.
Thanks in advance!
I would start trying to debug by running XCode with the iPhone connected to the computer.
In XCode open "Organizer" and go to the tab "Devices".
You should see your device there, from which you can view the iOS console. That might be able to tell you what is going wrong with the phone stops responding.
I don't think you have to put the phone in development mode (or be a paid developer) to see the iOS console.

iOS Default.png always comes up on some devices

I have an app and the Default.png images always comes up on some devices when coming back from background.
It would seem to be happening for apps that were created after I upgraded to XCode 4.6.1.
I tried the solution suggested here:
IOS Default.png show every time when my app enter foreground from background
and no go.
If I run the app on iPhone 5 with 6.1.4, the Default only comes up once when the app is initially launched. After that, it never comes up.
If I run the app on my iPad 3 with 6.1.3, the Default always comes up after coming back from background.
My QA lead sees the issue on her iPad 3 with 6.1.4.
Did they change something in the XCode project settings?
Genrally Your App Enter in to Foreground ,IOS 5 simulator displays a Lunch Image where IOS 4.3 simulator take a screen shot of the App when it was entering in to background , but testing on real device its work perfect.
I found the answer by chance here:
Prevent Splash Screen from showing after returning from background
Turns out I had set UIStatusBarStyle in my info.plist and that caused the issue on iPad 3.

BlackBerry - 9860 shows app in small window - not using whole screen

One of our clients has come back to us today with a bug that has been found on the Torch 9860 (running OS 7.0).
It seems my app is running in a small box in the centre of the screen, with a big blue border surrounding it. If the soft keyboard is not showing, there is a black box where the keyboard would be.
This issue has not been reported before on other devices, and the app has been "in the wild" for a while. I have not seen it on our test devices - but do not have a Torch 9860 to test with.
I have attached photos of the app running on the device. The blue border is the problem - normally my app would fill the whole screen. I did not create the blue border (to the best of my knowledge).
Apologies for the photos - this is what they sent to us.
Showing the app running in a small box surrounded by the blue border. Note the black space where the keyboard would be if it was required.
Showing the app with the soft keyboard visible.
With some googling, I found 1 possible reference to this issue to do with an instant messaging app not showing correctly on 9860. Feedback was that they were looking into it.
I wonder who else has seen this, or can recommend solutions?
runs fine on the 9860 emulator
seems to be mentioned in this thread: Blackberry OS 7 Compatibility failed with 9860/9850 device
Thanks, Rafael (left answer in a comment to my question).
Based on the comment I told the client to run the app in compatibility mode (accessed through the system options - application options menu). This seems to have fixed the problem without me having to recompile for SDK 7.0 (also I don't have to start supporting multiple OS's yet).
I already had the blackscreen on bottom when the keyboard should be popped. But it happened rarely and get resolved with an update of the Blackberry
Ask for the OS version/platform of the Blackberry, and propose a update to him, if available.
