Moving multiple sprites in elliptical path with uniform speed - ellipse

I'm trying to move multiple sprites (images) in an elliptical path such that distance (arc distance) remains uniform.
I have tried
Move each sprite angle by angle, however the problem with this is that distance moved while moving unit angle around major axis is different than that while moving unit angle around minor axis - hence different distance moved.
Move sprites with just changing x-axis uniformly, however it again moves more around major axis.
So any ideas how to move sprites uniformly without them catching-up/overlapping each other?
Other info:
it will be called in onMouseMove/onTouchMoved so i guess it shouldn't
be much CPU intensive.
Although its a general algorithm question but
if it helps I'm using cocos2d-x

So this is what i ended up doing (which solved it for me):
I moved it in equation of circle and increased angle by 1 degree. Calculated x and y using sin/cos(angle) * radius. And to make it into an ellipse I multiplied it by a factor.
Factor was yIntercept/xIntercept.
so it looked like this in end
//calculate previous angle
angle = atan((prev_y/FACTOR)/prev_x);
//increase angle by 1 degree (make sure its not radians in your case)
//new x and y
x = cos(newangle) * X_INTERCEPT;
y = sin(newangle) * X_INTERCEPT * FACTOR;

I have written a function named getPointOnEllipse that allows you to move your sprites pixel-by-pixel in an elliptical path. The function determines the coordinates of a particular point in the elliptical path, given the coordinates of the center of the ellipse, the lengths of the semi-major axis and the semi-minor axis, and finally the offset of the point into the elliptical path, all in pixels.
Note: To be honest, unfortunately, the getPointOnEllipse function skips (does not detect) a few of the points in the elliptical path. As a result, the arc distance is not exactly uniform. Sometimes it is one pixel, and sometimes two pixels, but not three or more! In spite of the fault, changes in speed will be really "faint", and IMO, your sprites will move pretty smoothly.
Below is the getPointOnEllipse function, along with another function named getEllipsePerimeter, which is used to determine an ellipse's perimeter through Euler's formula. The code is written in JScript.
function getEllipsePerimeter(rx, ry)
with (Math)
// You'll need to floor the return value to obtain the ellipse perimeter in pixels.
return PI * sqrt(2 * (rx * rx + ry * ry));
function getPointOnEllipse(cx, cy, rx, ry, d)
with (Math)
// Note: theta expresses an angle in radians!
var theta = d * sqrt(2 / (rx * rx + ry * ry));
//var theta = 2 * PI * d / getEllipsePerimeter(rx, ry);
return {x:floor(cx + cos(theta) * rx),
y:floor(cy - sin(theta) * ry)};
The following figure illustrates the parameters of this function:
cx - the x-coordinate of the center of the ellipse
cy - the y-coordinate of the center of the ellipse
rx - the length of semi-major axis
ry - the length of semi-minor axis
d - the offset of the point into the elliptical path (i.e. the arc length from the vertex to the point)
The unit of all parameters is pixel.
The function returns an object containing the x- and y-coordinate of the point of interest, which is represented by a purple ball in the figure.
d is the most important parameter of the getPointOnEllipse function. You should call this function multiple times. In the first call, set d to 0, and then place the sprite at the point returned, which causes the sprite to be positioned on the vertex. Then wait a short period (e.g. 50 milliseconds), and call the function again, setting d parameter to 1. This time, by placing the sprite at the point returned, it moves 1 pixel forward in the ellipse path. Then repeat doing so (wait a short period, call the function with increased d value, and position the sprite) until the value of d reaches the perimeter of the ellipse. You can also increase d value by more than one, so that the sprite moves more pixels forward in each step, resulting in faster movement.
Moreover, you can modify the getEllipsePerimeter function in the code to use a more precise formula (like Ramanujan's formula) for getting ellipse perimeter. But in that case, be sure to modify the getPointOnEllipse function as well to use the second version of theta variable (which is commented in the code). Note that the first version of theta is just a simplified form of the second version for the sake of optimization.


Anonymising/aggregating lat/long coordinates

I'm looking to display coordinates on a map. The coordinates are at a relatively fine resolution (3 decimal places), but I need to anonymise and aggregate them to a coarser resolution.
All the approaches I've seen run the risk of the coarse coordinates being the same as, or very close to, the original coordinates, since they rely on rounding or adding random noise to the original.
For example, with rounding:
53.401, -2.899 -> 53.4, -2.9 # less than 100m
With adding 'noise', e.g.:
lat = 53.456
// 'fuzz' in range -0.1 to 0.1
rnd = (Math.random() * 2 - 1) * 0.1
newLat = lat + (Math.random() * 2 - 1) * 0.1
However if rnd is close to 0, then the coordinates don't 'move' much.
Is there a (simple) way to 'move' a coordinate in a random way a certain (minimum) distance from it's original location?
I've looked at other answers here but they don't seem to solve this issue of the new coordinates overlapping with the original coordinates:
Rounding Lat and Long to Show Approximate Location in Google Maps
Is there any easy way to make GPS coordinates coarse?
To add random noise, you could displace every point by a fixed distance in a random direction. On a flat projection, for a radius r:
angle = Math.random() * 2 * PI
newLat = lat + (r * sin(angle))
newLon = lon + (r * cos(angle))
That would guarantee a fixed displacement (r) for every point, in an unpredictable direction.
Alternatively, you could anonymise by joining to a polygon at a coarser grain, and then plot the data by the polygon rather than the points. It could be as simple as a grid on a flat projection. Or something more sophisticated such as the Australian Statistical Geography Standard which offers multiple choices, the most granular being a "mesh block" which they guarantee to always contain 30-60 dwellings.
All the approaches I've seen run the risk of the coarse coordinates
being the same as, or very close to, the original coordinates, since
they rely on rounding or adding random noise to the original.
Could you explain, what's the risk that you are concerned about here? Yes, the coarse coordinate might happen to be the same, but it is still anonymized - whoever sees the coarse data would not know if it is coincidentally close or not. All they know is that the actual location is within some distance R_max from the coarse location.
Re the other solution,
displace every point by a fixed distance in a random direction
I would say it is much worse: here it would be easy to discover the fixed displacement distance by knowing just a single original location. Then, for any "coarse" location, we would know the original is on thin unfilled circle centered on the "coarse" location - much worse than the filled circle or rectangle in the original solution.
At the very least, I would use random radius, maybe don't allow it to be zero, if you are concerned about coincidental collision (but you should not be). E.g. this varies the radius from r_max / 2 to r_max:
r = (Math.random() + 1) * r_max / 2;
and then you can use this random radius with Schepo's solution.

Delphi GDI+ find point on an arc using the known rectangle and angle

Using GDI+ in Delphi 10.2.3: I have an elliptical (not circular) arc drawn from a rectangular RectF and defined start and swept angles using DrawArcF. I need to be able to find any point along the centerline of the arc (regardless of pen width) based just on the degrees of the point - e.g., if the arc starts at 210 for 120 degrees, I need to find the point at, say, 284 degrees, relative to the RectF.
In this case, the aspect ratio of the rectangle remains constant regardless of its size, so the shape of the arc should remain consistent as well, if that makes a difference.
Any ideas on how to go about this?
Parametric equation for axis-aligned ellipse centered at cx, cy with semiaxes a,b against angle Fi is:
t = ArcTan2(a * Sin(Fi), b * Cos(Fi))
x = cx + a * Cos(t)
y = cy + b * Sin(t)
(I used atan2 to get rid off atan range limitation/sign issues)
Note that parameter t runs through the same range 0..2*Pi but differs from true angle Fi (they coincide at angles k*Pi/2).
Picture of Fi/t ratio for b/a=0.6 from Mathworld (near formula 58)

Triangulate a polygon in objective c

I need to triangulate a polygon that could be convex or concave, but it doesn't have holes
in it, is there a code or a library for objective-c that does the job?
The best way to triangulate a concave polygon in Objective-C is the ear clipping method. It requires the following steps:
1. Go through each vertex in the polygon and store the convex points in an array
- This is harder than it sounds.
You will need to find the left-most point (take the bottom-most point if there are equal x-coords).
Determine if you want to go clockwise or anti-clockwise. If anti-clockwise, find the angle between AB and BC using double angle = atan2(c.y - b.y, c.x - b.x) - atan2(a.y - b.y, a.x - b.x) where B is the vertex point.
Convert the angle from radians to degrees using angle *= 180 / M_PI. If the angle is negative, add the angle by 360 degrees.
Finally, if the angle is < 180 degrees, store the vertex in an array.
2. Find the ear of each point in your convex point array
A point is considered an "ear" if there are no vertices inside the triangle formed by the point and adjacent vertices. You will need to iterate through all points and determine if a point in the polygon lies in the triangle formed by points ABC. You can do this by finding the barycentric coordinate of the fourth point. See determine whether point lies inside triangle. Store the ears in an array.
3. Triangulate the shape
Remove each ear and draw a diagonal between the adjacent points. Discover any new convex points and determine if there are more ears. Add any new ears into the end of the array and continue this step until left with just 3 points (1 triangle). See for more details

trying to understand the Affine Transform

I am playing with the affine transform in OpenCV and I am having trouble getting an intuitive understanding of it workings, and more specifically, just how do I specify the parameters of the map matrix so I can get a specific desired result.
To setup the question, the procedure I am using is 1st to define a warp matrix, then do the transform.
In OpenCV the 2 routines are (I am using an example in the excellent book OpenCV by Bradski & Kaehler):
cvGetAffineTransorm(srcTri, dstTri, warp_matrix);
cvWarpAffine(src, dst, warp_mat);
To define the warp matrix, srcTri and dstTri are defined as:
CvPoint2D32f srcTri[3], dstTri[3];
srcTri[3] is populated as follows:
srcTri[0].x = 0;
srcTri[0].y = 0;
srcTri[1].x = src->width - 1;
srcTri[1].y = 0;
srcTri[2].x = 0;
srcTri[2].y = src->height -1;
This is essentially the top left point, top right point, and bottom left point of the image for starting point of the matrix. This part makes sense to me.
But the values for dstTri[3] just are confusing, at least, when I vary a single point, I do not get the result I expect.
For example, if I then use the following for the dstTri[3]:
dstTri[0].x = 0;
dstTri[0].y = 0;
dstTri[1].x = src->width - 1;
dstTri[1].y = 0;
dstTri[2].x = 0;
dstTri[2].y = 100;
It seems that the only difference between the src and the dst point is that the bottom left point is moved to the right by 100 pixels. Intuitively, I feel that the bottom part of the image should be shifted to the right by 100 pixels, but this is not so.
Also, if I use the exact same values for dstTri[3] that I use for srcTri[3], I would think that the transform would produce the exact same image--but it does not.
Clearly, I do not understand what is going on here. So, what does the mapping from the srcTri[] to the dstTri[] represent?
Here is a mathematical explanation of an affine transform:
this is a matrix of size 3x3 that applies the following transformations on a 2D vector: Scale in X axis, scale Y, rotation, skew, and translation on the X and Y axes.
These are 6 transformations and thus you have six elements in your 3x3 matrix. The bottom row is always [0 0 1].
Why? because the bottom row represents the perspective transformation in axis x and y, and affine transformation does not include perspective transform.
(If you want to apply perspective warping use homography: also 3x3 matrix )
What is the relation between 6 values you insert into affine matrix and the 6 transformations it does? Let us look at this 3x3 matrix like
e*Zx*cos(a), -q1*sin(a) , dx,
e*q2*sin(a), Z y*cos(a), dy,
0 , 0 , 1
The dx and
dy elements are translation in x and y axis (just move the picture left-right, up down).
Zx is the relative scale(zoom) you apply to the image in X axis.
Zy is the same as above for y axis
a is the angle of rotation of the image. This is tricky since when you want to rotate by 'a' you have to insert sin(), cos() in 4 different places in the matrix.
'q' is the skew parameter. It is rarely used. It will cause your image to skew on the side (q1 causes y axis affects x axis and q2 causes x axis affect y axis)
Bonus: 'e' parameter is actually not a transformation. It can have values 1,-1. If it is 1 then nothing happens, but if it is -1 than the image is flipped horizontally. You can use it also to flip the image vertically but, this type of transformation is rarely used.
Very important Note!!!!!
The above explanation is mathematical. It assumes you multiply the matrix by the column vector from the right. As far as I remember, Matlab uses reverse multiplication (row vector from the left) so you will need to transpose this matrix. I am pretty sure that OpenCV uses regular multiplication but you need to check it.
Just enter only translation matrix (x shifted by 10 pixels, y by 1).
If you see a normal shift than everything is OK, but If shit appears than transpose the matrix to:

Changing angle when ball hits paddle

I'd like to deflect a ball at an angle depending on where it hits a paddle. Right now, I'm only changing the y coordinate, which results in an uninteresting deflection. It will angle but independent on impact location against the paddle. I'd like something more fun. Speed, momentum, mass and other factors don't need to be taken into consideration. Just angle depending on impact location of paddle. I've read this Not a number error (NAN) doing collision detection in an iphone app but it seems overly complicated for what I'm looking for. Is there a simpler way to calculate the deflection?
The objects are two UIImageViews.
Well, nothing realistic but you could do something so that the outbound angle is only dependent on where on the paddle it hits.
I have never done any iPhone or objective C coding so I'll just write up something in pseudo/C code.
First I'd calculate the speed, which is the length of the speed vector, or:
double speed = sqrt(velX * velX + velY * velY); // trigonometry, a^2 + o^2 = h^2
Then we want to calculate the new angle based on where we hit the paddle. I'm going to assume that you store the X collision in impactX and the length of the paddle in paddleLength. That way we can calculate an outbound angle. First let's figure out how to calculate the range so that we get a value between -1 and 1.
double proportionOfPaddle = impactX / (double) paddleLength; // between 0 and 1
double impactRange = proportionOfPaddle * 2 - 1; // adjust to -1 and 1
Let's assume that we do not want to deflect the ball completely to the side, or 90 degrees, since that would be pretty hard to recover from. Since I'm going to use the impactRange as the new velY, I'm going to scale it down to say -0.9 to 0.9.
impactRange = impactRange * 0.9;
Now we need to calculate the velX so that the speed is constant.
double newVelX = impactRange;
double newVelY = sqrt(speed * speed - newVelX * newVelX); // trigonometry again
Now you return the newVelX and newVelY and you have an impact and speed dependent bounce.
Good luck!
(Might very well be bugs in here, and I might have inverted the X or Y, but I hope you get the general idea).
EDIT: Adding some thoughts about getting the impactX.
Let's assume you have the and the (don't know what you call it, but let's assume that will give us the center of the paddle) we should be able to calculate the impactRange from that.
We also need the ball radius (I'll assume ball.width as the diameter) and the paddle size (paddle.width?).
int ballPaddleDiff = -;
int totalRange = paddle.width + ball.width;
The smallest value for ballPaddleDiff would be when the ball is just touching the side of the paddle. That ballPaddleDiff would then be paddle.width/2 + ball.width/2. So, the new impactRange would therefore be
double impactRange = ballPaddleDiff / (double) totalRange / 2;
You should probably check the impactRange so that it actually is between -1 and 1 so that the ball doesn't shoot off into the stars or something.
You don't necessarily want realistic, you want fun. Those aren't always one and the same. If you wanted realistic, you can't throw out speed, momentum, mass, etc. In a normal game of ping pong, the point where it hits the paddle doesn't really matter, theres not a sweet spot like on a tennis racket.
Develop a mathematical function that will return an output vector, or a velocity and a unit vector, representing the output angle and velocity of the ball, givin an input angle, velocity, impact point on the paddle, and velocity of the paddle.
We expect already that the output angle = -1 * input angle. Output velocity also would be expected to be -1 * the input velocity. So if you want to mix it up, adjust those. You could increase the output angle proportional to the distance from the center of the paddle. You could also increase the angle or the speed proportional to the velocity of the paddle when its hit.
There's a lot of ways you could do that, so I can't really tell you exactly what function you would use, you're going to have to figure that out with testing and playing. If you still need more info add more specifics to your question.
The following code (C++ but easy enough to convert to ObjC), takes an incoming 2D vector and reflects it based on a surface normal (the face of your pong bat).
You could add some random 'fun factor' by randomizing an offset that you'd either apply to 'scalar' - to change velocity, or to the surface normal, to alter the reflection angle.
I'm using this in my iPhone project, and it works fine :)
void vec2ReflectScalar(vec2& vResult, const vec2& v1, const vec2& normal, float scalar)
vec2 _2ndotvn;
float dotVal = vec2DotProduct(v1, normal);
vec2Scale(_2ndotvn, normal, scalar * 2.f * dotVal);
vec2Subtract(vResult, v1, _2ndotvn);
void vec2Reflect(vec2& vResult, const vec2& v1, const vec2& normal)
vec2ReflectScalar(vResult, v1, normal, 1.f);
