How do I get devise_async working with Cucumber? - ruby-on-rails

I've followed the instructions for devise_async as per the README and I'm rolling Devise 2.1.2 and delayed_job. In my cucumber tests, I no longer receive the confirmation email as part of the sign-up process. Is there something I should be doing as part of testing? I already set delayed job to skip the actual delay for testing by setting the following in my test environment.
Delayed::Worker.delay_jobs = false
But even with this set to true, it still fails, albeit more slowly. If I remove the devise_async gem and the relevant lines, everything bursts back into life.

The new version of devise-async triggers the emails after the record has been committed to the database. With RSpec, each test is wrapped in a transaction by default. Does Cucumber do the same? In that case you'll need to turn those test transactions off.
Here's what I use for RSpec:

you can turn off transactions in cucumber env
see how to use:

Did you try using the approach ?
Not sure it works for Devise async, but it worked for me previously for checking emails.
Using this step
Given /^Jobs are being dispatched$/ do
And running this step before testing emails ?

In case you use devise-async with sidekiq, as some commenters here ask, the solution is to have tests run the workers inline:
require 'sidekiq/testing'


(Rails) PaperTrail and RSpec

I'm having trouble with PaperTrail (auto-versioning of objects for Rails) being used with RSpec tests. Normally I want my tests to run without PaperTrail versioning, but there are a handful of tests for which I want PaperTrail turned on. I typically run my tests with Guard and Spork, and I can use things like PaperTrail.enabled = true and PaperTrail.enabled = false around a given test and everything works fine.
However, when I run the tests with RSpec, the tests requiring PaperTrail fail. To be more specific, it appears that while code in before filters can produce versions objects, code in the tests cannot. After a considerable amount of digging and tinkering and trying code snippets (I've tried this and this), it looks like the best solution is to use the require "paper_trail/frameworks/rspec" line mentioned in the PaperTrail README.
Unfortunately, each of these keeps me right where I started—tests pass with Guard/Spork but not vanilla RSpec. This is in particular an issue because while I use Spork locally, our continous integration server runs RSpec directly.
Does anyone have any insight?
PaperTrail now has documentation on tests with vanilla rspec
After including require 'paper_trail/frameworks/rspec' in your spec/rails_helpers.rb
... PaperTrail will be turned off for all tests by default. To enable PaperTrail for a test you can either wrap the test in a with_versioning block, or pass in versioning: true option to a spec block.
Somehow my issue was fixed by changing before(:all) and after(:all) behavior to before(:each) and after(:each).

rails test database not clearing after some runs

I am using rspec to test and I notice that after running the tests, it sometimes leaves some records in the test database. I'm not sure why. I have use_transactional_fixtures set to true in my config file. But they don't go away until I manually delete the records. Does anyone have a way to stop this?
EDIT; before i said it was only when tests fail. that's no longer true.
I found the problem. Before(:all) blocks are not transactional
Try database_cleaner gem.
Truncation or Transaction strategy will work for you.
Caution: It can make your test suite run terribly slow.
Normally, proper use before, after in RSpec(if you are using it) works usually fine.

change your environment while running your tests cases

I have to change my rails environment while running my tests cases.
if Rails.env.production?
# Do something
# Do something else
How do i change my rails environment in mid of tests cases.
I am using rails 2.3.16 and ruby 1.9.3
If you want to test that code you need to stub that call by doing something like this.
Rails.stub_chain(:env, :production?).and_return(true)
That will basically make any call to Rails.env.production? return true.
You didn't give much of what framework you're using to run test cases so that works in RSpec with mocks.
That will make whatever call you're doing go in to that block of code so you can write tests against it.
To test the above mention code you can change your environment as mentioned by #Leo if you ar using RSpec.
If you are using Rails built in framework to write the test cases then You can do this.
if you are using rails built-in testing framework for writing your test cases.
This question is better articulated like this (see below). I tried submitting these as edits to the original question but some "smart" reviewers decided to reject my edits. Interestingly, those who rejected my edits seem to have zero experience with ruby/rails
I have to write test cases for a piece of application code which is dependent on rails environment. The code reads like this:
if Rails.env.production?
# Do something
# Do something else
How do i simulate rails environment in my test cases so that I can test both the if part and else part of the logic?
I am using rails 2.3.16 and ruby 1.9.3

it-block does not accept extra javascript argument anymore

I got a strange problem with minitest and capybara.
I am using rails 3.2.8 and test with minitest/capybara/poltergeist. Until now every went fine. I always could test my javascript stuff.
For a new project I downloaded rails 4 to get into it a little bit. And since minitest will be the testing framework I thought it would be easy. It was not. Truth be told, I am not a hero when it comes to setting up all the stuff. I just follow Ryan Bates. After a lot of adding and removing and updating a lot of gems I decided it wasn't worth to continue to use Rails 4. I had so many issues with getting into the groove with my integration tests. All the stuff I knew did not work as expected. The axe fell when almost everything worked until I wanted to test a javascript thing. I got this error:
.rbenv/versions/1.9.3-p194/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.1/gems/minitest-4.6.1/lib/minitest/spec.rb:190:in `it': wrong number of arguments (2 for 1) (ArgumentError)
because of this
describe "blabla" do
it "does not do what i want it to do", js: true do
It will not accept the js: true argument. Funny thing is that the describe block will accept the js: true argument.
When I went back to Rails 3.2.8, because I thought it was a Rails 4 thing, this baby followed me right into a new testsuite. I tried hard to find an answer on Google but I can't find any. My other rails 3.2.8 projects still test fine, no complains about the javascript argument. But with the new apps: no javascript testing.
I am at a loss here. I have no idea where this is coming from. Since my other 3.2.8 apps still work fine, it has probably something to do with renewed gem versions? Has anybody seen this error message? I checked the complaining minitest/spec.rb file from the error message, line 190 for several minitest versions and nothing changed in the it-method.
Please let me know if you want to see stuff (Gemfile? test_helper.rb?) if you have any clue about what might be wrong. Thanks in advance!
Minitest's spec DSL does not accept a second parameter for the it blocks. The minitest-metadata gem adds support for the second argument, and the example shows how to configure Capybara to use it. Perhaps your existing projects use minitest-metadata and configure Capybara with it, and your new projects don't?

Speeding up rails tests during development by keeping Rails in memory?

When running rspec tests on my rails app using "rake" or "rake spec", it takes a long time to initialize Rails and start running tests.
Is there a way to keep Rails loaded in memory and run tests against it? I'm hoping there's something similar to using "grails interactive" like this How to speed up grails test execution but for Rails.
It's almost what Spork is all about.
See the most awesome railscast "How I test"
This uses guard to run a relevant test every time you save a file so you know almost instantly if the code you have written has caused a pass or a fail. Also if you are running on linux then you can use the libnotify and libnotify-rails gems which pop up a window for you (totally unobtrusively) indicating a pass or failure so you don't have to keep checking the console.
There is a Railscast called Spork that specifically discusses this problem at and offers an excellent solution with a detailed walkthrough.
