I want to group the form fields like field set or simply enclosed by div. My form needs to be look like below
<div class="step-1">
Field 1
Field 2
<div class="step-2">
Field 3
Field 4
Graphical example :
Edit : Form class added for reference!
class ProfileForm extends BaseProfileForm
public function configure()
..... // other widget configuration
$this->embedForm('media', new MediaForm());
How can I do this in symfony form?
For example:
In action:
$this->form = new MyCoolForm()
In templates:
<form name="form name" id="MyCoolForm" action="<?php echo url_for('action_url') ?>" method="post" <?php $form->isMultipart() and print 'enctype="multipart/form-data" ' ?>>
<?php echo $form['name']->render() ?>
<?php echo $form['name']->renderError(); ?>
<?php echo $form['password']->render() ?>
<?php echo $form['password']->renderError(); ?>
<?php echo $form['password_again']->render() ?>
<?php echo $form['password_again']->renderError(); ?>
<?php echo $form->renderHiddenFields(); ?>
I want the code to be executed only if i>10. Can you please say what the error is?
<?php $data = wp_excel_cms_get("top100"); ?>
<?php foreach($data as $entry):
foreach($entry as $entry[i>10]):
<?php echo $entry[0]." ";?><?php echo $entry[1];?><br />
<hr />
<?php endforeach; ?>
Below given is the code for my view
<div class="col-md-6">
<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin();?>
<?= $form->field($model_fanclub, 'crew_member_id')->dropDownList(ArrayHelper::map(MovieCrewMembers::find()->all(),
'id', 'name'),['prompt'=>'Select Crew','style'=>'width:50%']) ?>
<?= Html::submitButton(Yii::t('app', 'Join'),
['class' =>'btn btn-success']) ?>
<?php ActiveForm::end();
<div class="col-md-6">
foreach($user_clubs as $active_clubs )
$image= '/movie_crew_members/' . $active_clubs[0]."_".$active_clubs[2];
$path = \Yii::$app->thumbler->resize($image,55,55,Thumbler::METHOD_NOT_BOXED,true);
<div class="col-md-6">
<img src="cache/<?php echo $path?>"></br>
<a href="<?php echo \Yii::$app->getUrlManager()->createUrl( [ '/users/change_fanclub',
'id'=>$active_clubs[0],'userid'=>$user_id] ); ?>">
<i class="fa fa-times-circle-o fa-2x"></i></a>
echo "No Active Clubs";
there are basically two things a dropdown box and a image with a icon which redirect to a action. Sometimes it works perfect sometimes not. ie,when i click the drop down it gets redirected to users/change_fanclub. how is it possible? dropdown is independent of action users/change_fanclub. then how come it get redirected there?
I solved the problem by using this
$form = ActiveForm::begin( [
'method' => 'post',
'action' => [ "users/profile","user_id"=>$user_id ],
] );
i don't know why i got redirected to users/change_fanclub when i click on the submit button of model_fanclub instead of going to users/profile. But i removed the error by specifying the action in ActiveForm.
I am using sfDoctrinePager in my module. I search the table on one or more criteria. First time the result displayed is correct but after it if I click on page 2 or more it again gives me the whole resultset and my search resultset is lost.
I am facing this issue for the first time, even though I have been using sfDoctrinePager since a long time.
I get this Array from my search form
[field_type] => log_type
[field_value] => ABC
[is_active] => on
I send this array variable to my model:
$getQuery = $objMgr->getSearchQuery($request->getPostParameters());
** The query which runs in model is:
public function getSearchQuery($arrSearchValues)
$q = Doctrine_Query::create()
->from('SomsConfigValues u');
->where('u.deleted_at IS NULL');
if(isset($arrSearchValues['is_active']) && $arrSearchValues['is_active'] == 'on'){
$q->where('u.is_active = ?', 1);
if(isset($arrSearchValues['field_type']) && $arrSearchValues['field_type'] != ""){
$revertChg = ucwords(str_replace("_", " ", $arrSearchValues['field_type']));
$q->andWhere('u.field_type = ?', $revertChg);
if(isset($arrSearchValues['field_value']) && $arrSearchValues['field_value'] != ''){
$q->andWhere('u.field_type = ?', $arrSearchValues['field_value']);
return $q;
First time I get the perfect searched result, but second time (when I click on page 2 it gives me whole resultset).
My action is:
public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request)
$objMgr = AdminFactory::adminObject();
$getQuerys = $objMgr->getSearchQuery($request->getPostParameters());
$this->config_values = $getQuerys;
$this->pager = new sfDoctrinePager('configValues', sfConfig::get('app_max_row_display'));
$this->pager->setPage($request->getParameter('page', 1));
The template where I am using this pagination is:
<div class="grid_footer">
<div style="padding:5px;">
<?php if(count($pager->getLinks())) : ?>
<div class="tableControl">
<div class="pagination_inner">
<?php if(!$pager->isFirstPage()){ ?>
<?php echo link_to1(image_tag('/images/first.png'), 'configValues/index?page='.$pager->getFirstPage()) ?>
<?php echo link_to1(image_tag('/images/previous.png'), 'configValues/index?page='.$pager->getPreviousPage()) ?>
<?php } ?>
<div class="numbers">
<?php if ($pager->haveToPaginate()): ?>
<?php $links = $pager->getLinks(); foreach ($links as $page): ?>
<?php echo ($page == $pager->getPage()) ? $page : link_to($page, 'configValues/index?page='.$page) ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php endif ?>
<?php if(!$pager->isLastPage()){ ?>
<?php echo link_to1(image_tag('/images/next.png'), 'configValues/index?page='.$pager->getNextPage()) ?>
<?php echo link_to1(image_tag('/images/last.png'), 'configValues/index?page='.$pager->getLastPage()) ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php echo $pager->getNbResults() ?> results (page <?php echo $pager->getPage(); ?>/<?php echo count($pager->getLinks()); ?>)
<?php endif; ?>
I was having exactly the same problem. The only way around this I found is as you said, to store the query. Instead of using the session, create an attribute in the user to store this.
in the action class put something like...
$this->getUser()->setAttribute('searchQuery', $getQuery);
This value persists through the session, so you can retreive it using e.g.
$storedQuery = $this->getUser()->getAttribute('searchQuery');
You can view the User attributes via the config item on the dev toolbar.
I have an embeddedForm that I am trying to configure the widgets for.
Currently I am just outputting the form in a _form.php template like:
<?php echo $form ?>
This is great, but I'd like to have my form fields in a particular order, so I thought I'd try:
<?php echo $form['firstname']->renderRow() ?>
<?php echo $form['lastname']->renderRow() ?>
<?php echo $form['email_address']->renderRow() ?>
This gives me an invalid widget error.
Now I have 2 forms, one is a basic form, that simply embeds another form.
class labSupportForm extends sfGuardUserAdminForm
public function configure()
$form = new labSupportProfileForm($this->getObject()->getProfile());
$this->embedForm('profile', $form);
unset($this['is_super_admin'], $this['is_admin'], $this['permissions_list'], $this['groups_list']);
$this->widgetSchema['profile'] = $form->getWidgetSchema();
$this->validatorSchema['profile'] = $form->getValidatorSchema();
public function save($con = null)
$user = parent::save($con);
if (!$user->hasGroup('Lab Support'))
$user->addGroupByName('Lab Support');
return $user;
class labSupportProfileForm extends sfGuardUserProfileForm
public function configure()
But If I add the widget/validator to the labSupportForm and save, the firstname value doesn't save.
Am I doing something wrong here, as I would have thought this value would save.
When you render a form by fields, you have to explicitly call $form->renderHiddenFields(). For example:
<?php echo form_tag_for($form, '#url') ?>
<td colspan="2">
<input type="submit" value="Save" />
<?php echo $form->renderHiddenFields() ?>
<?php echo $form['username']->renderRow() ?>
<?php echo $form['profile_form']->renderRow() ?>
Also, beware calling embedded form name the same as relation name (e.g. 'profile') or you will have troubles when saving it. Just add '_form' suffix and you will be safe:
$this->embedForm('profile_form', $form);
If you want to keep a linear display structure of your form fields, you should render them explicitly according to your widget schema:
<?php echo $form['username']->renderRow() ?>
<?php echo $form['profile_form']['first_name']->renderRow() ?>
<?php echo $form['profile_form']['last_name']->renderRow() ?>
Or you can do it automatically for all fields of an embedded form:
<?php foreach ($form['profile_form'] as $field): ?>
<?php if (!$field->isHidden()): ?>
<?php echo $field->renderRow() ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
Call $this->saveEmbeddedForms() in the labSupportForm save method
this is the index action and template generated at the backend for the
model "coche".
public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request)
// sorting
if ($request->getParameter('sort') &&
// pager
if ($request->getParameter('page'))
$this->pager = $this->getPager();
$this->sort = $this->getSort();
This is the index template:
<?php use_helper('I18N', 'Date') ?>
<?php include_partial('coche/assets') ?>
<div id="sf_admin_container">
<h1><?php echo __('Coche List', array(), 'messages') ?></h1>
<?php include_partial('coche/flashes') ?>
<div id="sf_admin_header">
<?php include_partial('coche/list_header', array('pager' => $pager)) ?>
<div id="sf_admin_bar">
<?php include_partial('coche/filters', array('form' => $filters,
'configuration' => $configuration)) ?>
<div id="sf_admin_content">
<form action="<?php echo url_for('coche_coche_collection',
array('action' => 'batch')) ?>" method="post">
<?php include_partial('coche/list', array('pager' => $pager, 'sort' =>
$sort, 'helper' => $helper)) ?>
<ul class="sf_admin_actions">
<?php include_partial('coche/list_batch_actions', array('helper' =>
$helper)) ?>
<?php include_partial('coche/list_actions', array('helper' => $helper)) ?>
<div id="sf_admin_footer">
<?php include_partial('coche/list_footer', array('pager' => $pager)) ?>
In the template there is this line:
include_partial('coche/filters', array('form' => $filters,
'configuration' => $configuration)) ?>
but i can not find the variables $this->filters and $this->configuration in the
index action.
How is that possible?
Is the index action extending a class? If yes, that's how!
It looks like a module generated by admin generator. If it's so, then these vars are set in autoCocheActions class which resides in project cache and is generated on the fly.