How to create grouped form fields in symfony 1.4 - symfony1

I want to group the form fields like field set or simply enclosed by div. My form needs to be look like below
<div class="step-1">
Field 1
Field 2
<div class="step-2">
Field 3
Field 4
Graphical example :
Edit : Form class added for reference!
class ProfileForm extends BaseProfileForm
public function configure()
..... // other widget configuration
$this->embedForm('media', new MediaForm());
How can I do this in symfony form?

For example:
In action:
$this->form = new MyCoolForm()
In templates:
<form name="form name" id="MyCoolForm" action="<?php echo url_for('action_url') ?>" method="post" <?php $form->isMultipart() and print 'enctype="multipart/form-data" ' ?>>
<?php echo $form['name']->render() ?>
<?php echo $form['name']->renderError(); ?>
<?php echo $form['password']->render() ?>
<?php echo $form['password']->renderError(); ?>
<?php echo $form['password_again']->render() ?>
<?php echo $form['password_again']->renderError(); ?>
<?php echo $form->renderHiddenFields(); ?>


php foreach inside foreach: what is the error?

I want the code to be executed only if i>10. Can you please say what the error is?
<?php $data = wp_excel_cms_get("top100"); ?>
<?php foreach($data as $entry):
foreach($entry as $entry[i>10]):
<?php echo $entry[0]." ";?><?php echo $entry[1];?><br />
<hr />
<?php endforeach; ?>

POST working wierdly in yii2

Below given is the code for my view
<div class="col-md-6">
<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin();?>
<?= $form->field($model_fanclub, 'crew_member_id')->dropDownList(ArrayHelper::map(MovieCrewMembers::find()->all(),
'id', 'name'),['prompt'=>'Select Crew','style'=>'width:50%']) ?>
<?= Html::submitButton(Yii::t('app', 'Join'),
['class' =>'btn btn-success']) ?>
<?php ActiveForm::end();
<div class="col-md-6">
foreach($user_clubs as $active_clubs )
$image= '/movie_crew_members/' . $active_clubs[0]."_".$active_clubs[2];
$path = \Yii::$app->thumbler->resize($image,55,55,Thumbler::METHOD_NOT_BOXED,true);
<div class="col-md-6">
<img src="cache/<?php echo $path?>"></br>
<a href="<?php echo \Yii::$app->getUrlManager()->createUrl( [ '/users/change_fanclub',
'id'=>$active_clubs[0],'userid'=>$user_id] ); ?>">
<i class="fa fa-times-circle-o fa-2x"></i></a>
echo "No Active Clubs";
there are basically two things a dropdown box and a image with a icon which redirect to a action. Sometimes it works perfect sometimes not. ie,when i click the drop down it gets redirected to users/change_fanclub. how is it possible? dropdown is independent of action users/change_fanclub. then how come it get redirected there?
I solved the problem by using this
$form = ActiveForm::begin( [
'method' => 'post',
'action' => [ "users/profile","user_id"=>$user_id ],
] );
i don't know why i got redirected to users/change_fanclub when i click on the submit button of model_fanclub instead of going to users/profile. But i removed the error by specifying the action in ActiveForm.

Issues with sfDoctrinePager pagination

I am using sfDoctrinePager in my module. I search the table on one or more criteria. First time the result displayed is correct but after it if I click on page 2 or more it again gives me the whole resultset and my search resultset is lost.
I am facing this issue for the first time, even though I have been using sfDoctrinePager since a long time.
I get this Array from my search form
[field_type] => log_type
[field_value] => ABC
[is_active] => on
I send this array variable to my model:
$getQuery = $objMgr->getSearchQuery($request->getPostParameters());
** The query which runs in model is:
public function getSearchQuery($arrSearchValues)
$q = Doctrine_Query::create()
->from('SomsConfigValues u');
->where('u.deleted_at IS NULL');
if(isset($arrSearchValues['is_active']) && $arrSearchValues['is_active'] == 'on'){
$q->where('u.is_active = ?', 1);
if(isset($arrSearchValues['field_type']) && $arrSearchValues['field_type'] != ""){
$revertChg = ucwords(str_replace("_", " ", $arrSearchValues['field_type']));
$q->andWhere('u.field_type = ?', $revertChg);
if(isset($arrSearchValues['field_value']) && $arrSearchValues['field_value'] != ''){
$q->andWhere('u.field_type = ?', $arrSearchValues['field_value']);
return $q;
First time I get the perfect searched result, but second time (when I click on page 2 it gives me whole resultset).
My action is:
public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request)
$objMgr = AdminFactory::adminObject();
$getQuerys = $objMgr->getSearchQuery($request->getPostParameters());
$this->config_values = $getQuerys;
$this->pager = new sfDoctrinePager('configValues', sfConfig::get('app_max_row_display'));
$this->pager->setPage($request->getParameter('page', 1));
The template where I am using this pagination is:
<div class="grid_footer">
<div style="padding:5px;">
<?php if(count($pager->getLinks())) : ?>
<div class="tableControl">
<div class="pagination_inner">
<?php if(!$pager->isFirstPage()){ ?>
<?php echo link_to1(image_tag('/images/first.png'), 'configValues/index?page='.$pager->getFirstPage()) ?>
<?php echo link_to1(image_tag('/images/previous.png'), 'configValues/index?page='.$pager->getPreviousPage()) ?>
<?php } ?>
<div class="numbers">
<?php if ($pager->haveToPaginate()): ?>
<?php $links = $pager->getLinks(); foreach ($links as $page): ?>
<?php echo ($page == $pager->getPage()) ? $page : link_to($page, 'configValues/index?page='.$page) ?>
<?php endforeach ?>
<?php endif ?>
<?php if(!$pager->isLastPage()){ ?>
<?php echo link_to1(image_tag('/images/next.png'), 'configValues/index?page='.$pager->getNextPage()) ?>
<?php echo link_to1(image_tag('/images/last.png'), 'configValues/index?page='.$pager->getLastPage()) ?>
<?php } ?>
<?php echo $pager->getNbResults() ?> results (page <?php echo $pager->getPage(); ?>/<?php echo count($pager->getLinks()); ?>)
<?php endif; ?>
I was having exactly the same problem. The only way around this I found is as you said, to store the query. Instead of using the session, create an attribute in the user to store this.
in the action class put something like...
$this->getUser()->setAttribute('searchQuery', $getQuery);
This value persists through the session, so you can retreive it using e.g.
$storedQuery = $this->getUser()->getAttribute('searchQuery');
You can view the User attributes via the config item on the dev toolbar.

symfony - embedForm and form widgets not saving

I have an embeddedForm that I am trying to configure the widgets for.
Currently I am just outputting the form in a _form.php template like:
<?php echo $form ?>
This is great, but I'd like to have my form fields in a particular order, so I thought I'd try:
<?php echo $form['firstname']->renderRow() ?>
<?php echo $form['lastname']->renderRow() ?>
<?php echo $form['email_address']->renderRow() ?>
This gives me an invalid widget error.
Now I have 2 forms, one is a basic form, that simply embeds another form.
class labSupportForm extends sfGuardUserAdminForm
public function configure()
$form = new labSupportProfileForm($this->getObject()->getProfile());
$this->embedForm('profile', $form);
unset($this['is_super_admin'], $this['is_admin'], $this['permissions_list'], $this['groups_list']);
$this->widgetSchema['profile'] = $form->getWidgetSchema();
$this->validatorSchema['profile'] = $form->getValidatorSchema();
public function save($con = null)
$user = parent::save($con);
if (!$user->hasGroup('Lab Support'))
$user->addGroupByName('Lab Support');
return $user;
class labSupportProfileForm extends sfGuardUserProfileForm
public function configure()
But If I add the widget/validator to the labSupportForm and save, the firstname value doesn't save.
Am I doing something wrong here, as I would have thought this value would save.
When you render a form by fields, you have to explicitly call $form->renderHiddenFields(). For example:
<?php echo form_tag_for($form, '#url') ?>
<td colspan="2">
<input type="submit" value="Save" />
<?php echo $form->renderHiddenFields() ?>
<?php echo $form['username']->renderRow() ?>
<?php echo $form['profile_form']->renderRow() ?>
Also, beware calling embedded form name the same as relation name (e.g. 'profile') or you will have troubles when saving it. Just add '_form' suffix and you will be safe:
$this->embedForm('profile_form', $form);
If you want to keep a linear display structure of your form fields, you should render them explicitly according to your widget schema:
<?php echo $form['username']->renderRow() ?>
<?php echo $form['profile_form']['first_name']->renderRow() ?>
<?php echo $form['profile_form']['last_name']->renderRow() ?>
Or you can do it automatically for all fields of an embedded form:
<?php foreach ($form['profile_form'] as $field): ?>
<?php if (!$field->isHidden()): ?>
<?php echo $field->renderRow() ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
Call $this->saveEmbeddedForms() in the labSupportForm save method

Question about the code of the backend of symfony

this is the index action and template generated at the backend for the
model "coche".
public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request)
// sorting
if ($request->getParameter('sort') &&
// pager
if ($request->getParameter('page'))
$this->pager = $this->getPager();
$this->sort = $this->getSort();
This is the index template:
<?php use_helper('I18N', 'Date') ?>
<?php include_partial('coche/assets') ?>
<div id="sf_admin_container">
<h1><?php echo __('Coche List', array(), 'messages') ?></h1>
<?php include_partial('coche/flashes') ?>
<div id="sf_admin_header">
<?php include_partial('coche/list_header', array('pager' => $pager)) ?>
<div id="sf_admin_bar">
<?php include_partial('coche/filters', array('form' => $filters,
'configuration' => $configuration)) ?>
<div id="sf_admin_content">
<form action="<?php echo url_for('coche_coche_collection',
array('action' => 'batch')) ?>" method="post">
<?php include_partial('coche/list', array('pager' => $pager, 'sort' =>
$sort, 'helper' => $helper)) ?>
<ul class="sf_admin_actions">
<?php include_partial('coche/list_batch_actions', array('helper' =>
$helper)) ?>
<?php include_partial('coche/list_actions', array('helper' => $helper)) ?>
<div id="sf_admin_footer">
<?php include_partial('coche/list_footer', array('pager' => $pager)) ?>
In the template there is this line:
include_partial('coche/filters', array('form' => $filters,
'configuration' => $configuration)) ?>
but i can not find the variables $this->filters and $this->configuration in the
index action.
How is that possible?
Is the index action extending a class? If yes, that's how!
It looks like a module generated by admin generator. If it's so, then these vars are set in autoCocheActions class which resides in project cache and is generated on the fly.
