How to check if queue with auto-generated name (amq.gen-*) exists? - erlang

In case of non-generated names it's enough to call #'queue.declare' to get newly created queue or existing one with given name. However, when using auto-generated names (beginning with amq.gen- prefix) it's not as trivial. First of all, amq. is restricted prefix, so there is no way to call #'queue.declare'{queue=<<"amq.gen-xxx">>}.
I also tried to play with passive=true option and although I may pass restricted name, I get an exit error when queue does not exists. Following is error report:
** Handler sse_handler terminating in init/3
for the reason exit:{{shutdown,
<<"NOT_FOUND - no queue 'amq.gen-wzPK0nIBPzr-dwtZ5Jy58V' in vhost '/'">>}},
Is there any way to solve this problem?
EDIT: Here is a short story behind this question. Disclaimer: I'm erlang newbie, so maybe there is better way to make it working :)
I have a gen_server based application holding SSE (server-side events) connections with web browsers. Each connection is bound to rabbitmq queue. SSE connection when broken, automatically tries to reconnect after given timeout - this is something that web browser supports out of the box. To reuse previously created queue I'm trying to check if queue of given name (taken from request cookie) already exists. It's all done in init callback.

You can declare a queue with the prefix amq. if the queue already exists. You would get Declare-Ok if the queue exists or access-refused if not. (My question is why would you, though? ;)
Furthermore, you can use the passive option to check if it already exists. According to AMQP reference the server treats it as not-found error if the queue doesn't exist. In order to catch this in your Erlang client you could try something around the lines of this:
%% declare queue with passive=true
catch exit:{{shutdown, {server_initiated_close,404,_},_,_} ->


script variable should not be used for call processing?

I am trying to create stateful proxy in opensips 2.4.
I just wanted a variable to hold received message information and process it.
So i checked "core variable" in opensips says, script variable are process wise. So i should not use to hold header value in script value like $var(Ruri)=$ru?? it will be overwritten by other call??
$var(removePlus) = '+';
# Search the string starting at 0 index
if($(var(userName){s.index, $var(removePlus)})==0){
$var variables are process-local, meaning that you can't share them with other SIP workers even if you wanted to! In fact, they are so optimized that their starting value will often be what the same process left-behind during a previous SIP message processing (tip: you can prove this by running opensips with children = 1 and making two calls).
On the other hand, variables such as $avp are shared between processes, but not in a "dangerous" way that you have to worry about two INVITE retransmissions processing in parallel, each overwriting the other one's $avp, etc. No! That is taken care of under the hood. The "sharing" only means that, for example, during a 200 OK reply processed by a different process than the one which relayed the initial INVITE, you will still be able to read and write to the same $avp which you set during request processing.
Finally, your code seems correct, but it can be greatly simplified:
if ($rU =~ "^+")

Reference vs pid?

I'm not entirely sure the differences between the PID and Reference and when to use which.
If I were to spawn a new process with spawn/1 pid. I can kill it with the PID no? Why would I need a reference?
Likewise I see monitor/1 receiving a message with a ref and pid number.
Pid is process identifier. You can get one when you create new process with spawn, or you can get Pid of yourself with self(). It allows you to interact with given process. Especially send messages to it by Pid ! Message. And some other stuff, like killing it explicitly (should not do) or obtaining some process information with erlang:process_info.
And you can create relations between process with erlang:link(Pid) and erlang:monitor(process, Pid) (that's between Pid process, and process execution this function). In short, it gives you "notifications" when another process dies.
Reference is just almost unique value (of different type). One might say, that it gives you some reference to here and now, which you could recognize later. For example, if we are sending a message to another process, and we expect a response, we would like to make sure, that the message we will receive is associated to our request, and not just any message from someone else. The easiest way to do it is to tag the message with a unique value, and wait until a response with exactly the same tag.
Tag = make_ref(),
Pid ! {Tag, Message},
{Tag, Response} ->
In this code, with use of pattern matching, we make sure that (we wait in receive until) Response is exactly for the Message we sent. No matter other messages from other processes. This is the most common use of reference you can encounter.
And now back to monitor. When calling Ref = monitor(process, Pid) we make this special connection with Pid process. Ref that is returned is just some unique reference, that we could use to demonitor this process. That is all.
One might ask, if we are able to create monitor with Pid, why do we need Ref for demonitoring? Couldn't we just use Pid again. In theory we could, but monitors are implemented in such a way, that multiple monitors could be established between two same processes. So when demonitoring, we have to remove only one of such connections. It is done in this way to make monitoring more transparent. If you have library of function that's creating and removing one monitor, you would not like to interfere with other libraries and functions and monitors they might be using.
According this page:
References are erlang objects with exactly two properties:
They can be created by a program (using make_ref/0), and,
They can be compared for equality.
You should use it ever you need to bind an unique identifier to some "object". Any time you could generate new one using erlang:make_ref/0. Documentation says:
make_ref() -> reference()
Returns an almost unique reference.
The returned reference will re-occur after approximately 2^82 calls;
therefore it is unique enough for practical purposes.
When you call erlang:monitor/2 function, it returns you reference to give you availability to cancel monitor (erlang:demonitor/1 function). This reference only identifies certain call of erlang:monitor/1. If you need operate with process (kill it, for example), you still have to use process pid.
Likewise I see monitor/1 receiving a message with a ref and pid number.
Yep, monitor sends messages like {'DOWN', Ref, process, Pid, Reason}. What to use (pid or ref) is only depends on your application logic, but (IMO) in most usual cases, there is no matter what to use.

GetModuleFileNameEx of Thread ID?

I am trying to get the file path of a thread id.
I was hoping that this will work..but it doesn't
NtOpenThread(#hProc, THREAD_ALL_ACCESS, #ObjAttr, #ClientID) ;
pBuf := AllocMem(MAX_PATH);
GetModuleFileNameEx(hProc, 0, pBuf, MAX_PATH);
Any idea how it is done ?
GetModuleFileNameEx requires a process handle, not a thread handle, which explains why your code doesn't work. There are two main ways to get a process handle. The first is from CreateProcess, but that's no good unless you're the one starting the process, and if you're doing that, you don't need GetModuleFileNameEx in the first place.
The second way to get a process handle is from OpenProcess. That requires a process ID. You can get a thread's process ID with GetProcessIdOfThread, which takes a thread handle. You already know how to get a thread handle from a thread ID with NtOpenThread, although the usual function is plain old OpenThread.
If your Windows version doesn't support GetProcessIdOfThread, you can go another route with Thread32First and Thread32Next. Call CreateToolhelp32Snapshot, and then walk the thread list. Look for an entry where th32ThreadID equals the thread ID you're interested in. When you find it, th32OwnerProcessID will hold the corresponding process ID. Call OpenProcess and proceed as above.
Also note that you should not have to request ALL_ACCESS permissions when opening threads or processes, and attempting to do so may cause your program to fail. Request only the minimum permissions you need to accomplish your task. Requesting all access is the lazy way when you don't know what you need, but it will only work when your program already has administrative privileges. Instead, spend the time to figure out what permissions you really need.

Best way to handle backed out message in WMB

I have a backout queue for my queue manager.
I want to build a message flow which will read this queue and if any message comes to the queue it should take the message and wrap it in a specially formatted XML message and put it in the normal exception queue which gets the handled exceptions.
But, the message coming to the backout queue can be in any format and I have to make an xml where that message is going be a field.
So, what could be the best settings for my flow(Regarding MQMD properties like CCSID, format etc) and which parser should I use (DFDL or BLOB or MRM)?
Kindly advice.
Since you don't know what kind of message arrived to backout queue, you should not parse it with specific parsers (like XMLNSC etc). Probably the more generic params you will set on MQInput, the better you will do further down the flow to determine what's inside the message.
So, I would start with default Message domain (BLOB) and leave other params untouched as well. Connect some logging node (e.g. Trace node) to Catch and Failure terminals. Connect Out terminal to a Compute node which includes ESQL to determine error type and decide on further actions (e.g. route to label). Then in each label decide what part of the message should be mapped to final exception message and to the mapping.
If you need those MQMD properties of the message currently in backout queue in your resulting message, just extract the values and put/concatenate/whatever to resulting message XML part. I don't think you should copy MQMD (and other) headers to result message as is, because these might be the reason why original message got into backout queue and your resulting message will get there again. Construct resulting message headers from scratch.
If something bad happens while doing these transformations, you will see the problem in Trace. Then modify error handling logic appropriately to avoid mishandling in the future.

How to get the Process Environment Block (PEB) from extern process?

I want to get the PEB from the "notepad.exe" process. Does someone know how to do it?
I tried the GetModuleHandle API, but it doesn't return a valid pointer (it return zero every time) because I have to be the caller process of that module.
For that reason, I want to know how to get it to work with EnumProcessModules or CreateToolhelp32Snapshot.
Matt Pietrek described how to do that in a 1994 Under the Hood column. It was about how to get the environment variables of another process, where the first step is to get a pointer to the PEB. To do that, he says, call NtQueryInformationProcess. The PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION structure it fills contains the base address of the PEB structure. (You'll need to use ReadProcessMemory to read it since the address will be in the context of the external process's address space, not yours.)
To call NtQueryInformationProcess, you'll need a handle to the process. If you started the process yourself (by calling CreateProcess), then you already have a handle. Otherwise, you'll need to find the process ID and then call OpenProcess. To get the process ID, search for the process you want with EnumProcesses or Process32First/Process32Next. (I prefer the latter because it provides more information with less work.)
