Facebook Likes on pages within a page tab app - ruby-on-rails

I'm building a page tab app on Facebook that allows users to create and display their own entries, and I want to be able to have a share and a like button specific to each entry.
I'm using the app_data parameter to pass the path to the page within the app, and it works perfectly with the share button - a user can share their entry to their wall, and that share links back to the appropriate page.
However, when I try to do the same thing with Likes, it instead shows the total likes for the page the page tab is a child of. Has anyone had a similar problem or could point me in the right direction to sorting it out?

You can’t like specific page tab contents – Facebook will count all likes for the Facebook page, no matter what app ID and possibly app_data the URL contains.
You could however like your own URLs that are loaded inside the page tab frame – and have them redirect to themselves embedded into the iframe with JavaScript if a real user is visiting them.


How URL redirection is done depending upon the source of user coming from?

How URL redirection is performed depending upon the traffic source user is coming from.
For example, when the below link is accessed directly from the browser, it lands user to a certain page. However, same link when shared on facebook page, a facebook user when click on that link lands totally to a whole different URL.
Example Link :
The above link is when accessed through facebook, it lands user to a different URL.
I am curios to know how it can be done?

Tableau 8.1 Linking Dashboard with URL to open in the same explorer page

I have created a Landing Page in Tableau that links several reports open to one home screen using a Dashboard. The idea for the dashboard came from:
I have placed a Workbook onto a Dashboard and created a URL action. Once the user clicks on the link it should take them to the link provided.
The issue is, when the user clicks on the link, it opens a new tab within the browser. I do not want it to do this. My Landing page goes through several pages, so imagine the user frustration when opening a new tab every click.
Can anyone advise how I can add a Action URL that will open in the same tab the user is currently in.
I have checked for several solution online, this one being the most promising, but it still fails to work for my solution:
Add this to the end of the URL you are putting in the action. ?:embed=y&:linktarget=_self

Permission on facebook fan page

I am a newbie with facebook applications.
Ok. I should create a fanpage. This should connect to my Rails application.
So If user is a fan I should show "fan page 1", else i should show "fan page 2".
How could ask permissions on facebook fan page?
Thanks in advance and excuse if you don´t understand my question.
You have a couple of options.
The easy one is to use on of the FB apps like Static HTML Tab that lets you put in some HTML (usually an iframe) for the fan, and another for the non fan. Here ar some of the apps:
Static HTML App
Or a round up (some paid)
Then your second option is to develop it your self. It is not that hard.
In your App Settings there is a field fot your TAB URL. Point that to a file you would like to use as a tab somewhere in the directory of your app. in PHP you_domain.com/app/tab.php
When Facebook loads that URL in a tab it will pass it a signed request that contains basic information about the user Liker or not, Locale etc.
You can extract that data and depending on that information show one piece of content or the other.
Here is a post on how toparse the signed request with rails:

Facebook app iframe won't attempt to load when logged in as page

I have an app that shows up as an iframe on a Page. (Here's an example.)
If you view the app tab as a Facebook user, whether you have the app installed or not, everything works correctly.
If you view the app tab as a Facebook Page that has not installed the app, everything works correctly.
If you view the app tab as a Facebook Page that has installed the app, nothing displays. In fact, when sniffing the HTTP headers, it looks like no attempt is ever made to load the app URL.
Any idea what needs to happen on the Facebook side of the equation in order to have the tab at least make an attempt to load the app's page?
This is now a desired behavior, once you trying to visit Application Tab by being logged in as Page you'll be prompted to use Facebook as regular user:
To access this page, you'll need to switch from using Facebook as your page to using Facebook as yourself.
BTW, this was described in bug Blank app page which is marked as fixed (and the described behavior sadly was a way to fix this)...

When linking to a twitter/fb/other page, why do this: "dribbble.com/username/click?type=twitter" instead of a normal link?

I was just viewing a users profile on dribbble.com, they had linked their profile with twitter, when hovering over the link to go to their twitter page, it shows a url like this:
I'm wondering what the website/coding reason/advantage for doing this would be? why not just put a normal link to their twitter profile? does this protect the website from phishing attempts or something?
dribbble could be tracking/counting the links?
eg, "click" could be a page which counts the click, then it sends them on their way to the page.
For example, search Google for "Stack Overflow" and hover over one of the sponsored links on the right. in the status bar, you will see the link goes to a page hosted by Google rather than to the actual link. This page will be keeping a record of all the clicks on that link, then redirecting the link as expected.
