I have the following code:
NSMutableArray *contacts = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
CFErrorRef *error = nil;
ABAddressBookRef addressBook = ABAddressBookCreateWithOptions(NULL, error);
if (error)
NSArray *arrayOfPeople = (__bridge_transfer NSArray*)ABAddressBookCopyArrayOfAllPeople(addressBook);
It works on the simulator and gives me the expected results - however on the device the number of contacts is 0 and there is no error (the app strangely does not ask me for permissions to access the address book - I even deleted and reinstalled the app)
Any Ideas ?
Thanks in advance
On ios 6 you need get access to the Address Book.
Call ABAddressBookRequestAccessWithCompletion() to get the permission.
see this and AddressHelper
CFErrorRef error = nil;
ABAddressBookRef addressBook = ABAddressBookCreateWithOptions(NULL, &error);
ABAddressBookRequestAccessWithCompletion(addressBook, ^(bool granted, CFErrorRef error) {
if (error) {
NSLog(#"error %#", error);
}else if (granted){
// Do what you want with the Address Book
NSLog(#"permission denied");
I am trying to create a contact group in native by using following code, The Scenario i am trying is : Add any outlook account in native mail then enable contact sync, this will create a contact group. After this if i am trying to create a group from my App then its failing ..
ABAddressBookRef addressBook = ABAddressBookCreate();
ABAddressBookRequestAccessWithCompletion(addressBook, ^(bool granted, CFErrorRef error) {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
if (granted) {
CFErrorRef error = NULL;
ABRecordRef worxMailGroup = ABGroupCreate();
BOOL success = ABRecordSetValue(worxMailGroup,kABGroupNameProperty,(__bridge CFTypeRef) #"TestGroup2",&error);
if (success) {
bool bStatus = ABAddressBookAddRecord(addressBook, worxMailGroup, &error);
if (bStatus) {
bStatus = ABAddressBookSave(addressBook, &error);
// bStatus is false and error also nil ..
i try to create and save a group with the Contacts Framework.
First the user authorize the App for contacts access.
A viewcontroller is presented and with a + button user shows an alertview with textfield.
The user types the group name he wants and click to button of the alertview (save).
This is the code for saving the new group. The group name is available but it is not possible to save this group anyway:
CNContactStore *contactStore = [CNContactStore new];
[contactStore requestAccessForEntityType:CNEntityTypeContacts completionHandler:^(BOOL granted, NSError *error){
if (granted) {
CNMutableGroup *newGroup = [CNMutableGroup new];
CNSaveRequest *saveRequest = [CNSaveRequest new];
[newGroup setName:groupName];
//when saving to container with identifier nil, we get this error:
//Error Domain=CNErrorDomain Code=2 "(null)" UserInfo={CNInvalidRecords=(
//"<CNMutableGroup: 0x10a059f20: identifier=2F4981B9-8A47-45A4-8841-1FA5A09584A4:ABGroup, name=gghh>"
[saveRequest addGroup:newGroup toContainerWithIdentifier:nil];
[contactStore executeSaveRequest:saveRequest error:&error];
if (error){
//error saving group
//NSLog(#"error message: %#",error);
} else {
//if no errors, reload tableview
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self.tableView reloadData];
Error Domain=CNErrorDomain Code=2 "(null)" UserInfo={CNInvalidRecords=(
"<CNMutableGroup: 0x14fb3e5e0: identifier=8E490585-1223-407E-B353-0D25609B05AB:ABGroup, name=jddjd>"
The next strange thing is: why is the save request trying to save this group
with identifier :ABGroup at the end?
The Error contains a info about CNInvalidRecords.
I am only using the Contacts Framework.
Why is this happening?
Any solutions for that?
It worked fine for me, with essentially the same code.
CNMutableGroup *newGroup = [CNMutableGroup new];
CNSaveRequest *saveRequest = [CNSaveRequest new];
[newGroup setName:self.groupName];
[saveRequest addGroup:newGroup toContainerWithIdentifier:nil];
[contactStore executeSaveRequest:saveRequest error:&error];
And created a new group
I'm fetching contacts from address book but popup not show to ask permission to access contacts. it automatically denied but when i try same code in a demo then it run properly but it ddi not run in my app.
I have read many articles but i did not get any solution. Is i'm missing something in plist or settings.
CNContactStore * contactStore = [[CNContactStore alloc]init];
if ([CNContactStore authorizationStatusForEntityType:CNEntityTypeContacts] == CNAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined) {
[contactStore requestAccessForEntityType:CNEntityTypeContacts completionHandler:^(BOOL granted, NSError * __nullable error) {
if (granted==YES)
or second methods
CFErrorRef error = nil;
ABAddressBookRef addressBook = ABAddressBookCreateWithOptions(NULL, &error);
if (ABAddressBookGetAuthorizationStatus() == kABAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined) {
ABAddressBookRequestAccessWithCompletion(addressBook, ^(bool granted, CFErrorRef error)
if (error)
NSLog(#"error %#", error);
else if (granted)
I also had this issue today, and I deleted some keys from Info.plist:
It works now. wired case.
Entering my application's name in the info.plist "Bundle display name" key allowed my app to show a request for access to my contacts.
I had the same issue. Cody's answer led me to try this which worked for me.
In your Info.plist, for the key "Bundle display name", make sure it's not an empty string. This name is used when prompting for the contacts permission.
I am trying to get a JSON (NSString *) of the address book , in async task , however I want it to be asynchronously and with a completion block .
I have managed to retrieve that easy without the completion block , however when I am adding the completion block I have the following compiler error :
Incompatible block pointer types passing NSString *(^)(bool, CFErrorRef)' to parameter of type 'ABAddressBookRequestAccessCompletionHandler' (aka 'void (^)(bool, CFErrorRef)')
here is my code
+ (NSString *) getAddressBook:(id (^)())block {
ABAuthorizationStatus status = ABAddressBookGetAuthorizationStatus();
if (status == kABAuthorizationStatusDenied)
// if you got here, user had previously denied/revoked permission for your
// app to access the contacts, and all you can do is handle this gracefully,
// perhaps telling the user that they have to go to settings to grant access
// to contacts
[[[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:nil message:#"This app requires access to your contacts to function properly. Please visit to the \"Privacy\" section in the iPhone Settings app." delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:#"OK" otherButtonTitles:nil] show];
return nil;
CFErrorRef error = NULL;
ABAddressBookRef addressBook = ABAddressBookCreateWithOptions(NULL, &error);
if (error)
NSLog(#"ABAddressBookCreateWithOptions error: %#", CFBridgingRelease(error));
if (addressBook) CFRelease(addressBook);
return nil;
if (status == kABAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined)
// present the user the UI that requests permission to contacts ...
ABAddressBookRequestAccessWithCompletion(addressBook, ^(bool granted, CFErrorRef error) -> THE ERROR OCCURS HERE !
I think the problem is within my completion blocks , but I can't find some good example/tutorial for my specific issue I would be really glad if some 1 could help me please.
Your problem is that you are declaring getAddressBook like this(if we strip block)
And you are trying to pass it as a function of type:
-(void)block:(BOOL)aBool error:(CFErrorRef*)error
Blocks are quite hard to get used with syntax(which is improved in swift) however I'm always refering to this site when not sure:
block syntax reference
You have to actually wait for your async method finish. You may also refer to official documentation
+ (void) getAddressBook:((^)(NSString* result))block {
ABAuthorizationStatus status = ABAddressBookGetAuthorizationStatus();
if (status == kABAuthorizationStatusDenied)
// if you got here, user had previously denied/revoked permission for your
// app to access the contacts, and all you can do is handle this gracefully,
// perhaps telling the user that they have to go to settings to grant access
// to contacts
[[[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:nil message:#"This app requires access to your contacts to function properly. Please visit to the \"Privacy\" section in the iPhone Settings app." delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:#"OK" otherButtonTitles:nil] show];
CFErrorRef error = NULL;
ABAddressBookRef addressBook = ABAddressBookCreateWithOptions(NULL, &error);
if (error)
NSLog(#"ABAddressBookCreateWithOptions error: %#", CFBridgingRelease(error));
if (addressBook) CFRelease(addressBook);
if (status == kABAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined)
// present the user the UI that requests permission to contacts ...
ABAddressBookRequestAccessWithCompletion(addressBook, ^(bool granted, CFErrorRef error) -> THE ERROR OCCURS HERE !
NSString* result = whatever
And use it like this:
[YourClass getAddressBook:^(NSString* result)
//now you really have result
this code has been posted before, and been used as well, from what i could gather. i'm in a situation where i need the code to NOT continue until i know if i have access to the contacts.
on Xcode 5.0.2 and iOS 6, this works just fine. on iOS 7, it hangs forever, and then when i kill the app the dialog box comes up asking to allow access to the contacts.
ABAddressBookRef addressBook = ABAddressBookCreate();
__block BOOL accessGranted = NO;
if (ABAddressBookRequestAccessWithCompletion != NULL) { // we're on iOS 6
dispatch_semaphore_t sema = dispatch_semaphore_create(0);
ABAddressBookRequestAccessWithCompletion(addressBook, ^(bool granted, CFErrorRef error) {
accessGranted = granted;
dispatch_semaphore_wait(sema, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
else { // we're on iOS 5 or older
accessGranted = YES;
in trying to play with this, i then simply set a BOOL to be NO, and then set it to YES within the block. after the block, i put a while loop that checked for the variable being YES, then slept for 1 second. works perfectly fine on 6, on 7 i never reach the NSLog statement in the block, and i'm stuck forever in the while loop printing the log statement.
am i doing something really lame here? or is this method gone haywire on 7?
ABAddressBookRef addressBook = ABAddressBookCreateWithOptions(NULL, &error);
ABAddressBookRequestAccessWithCompletion(addressBook, ^(bool granted, CFErrorRef error) {
if (granted)
self.myAddressBook = addressBook;
done = YES;
NSLog(#"in block, done is %#", done ? #"YES" : #"NO");
didGrant = granted;
while (!done)
NSLog(#"done is %#", done ? #"YES" : #"NO");
I had the same problem, and I realised that the Dialog box that requests access to the contacts blocks the app anyways, so maybe there's a deadlock. So I just ditched the semaphores and did something like this (tested and works on iOS 7.1.1):
ABAddressBookRef addressBook = ABAddressBookCreate();
MyController * __weak weakSelf = self;
if (ABAddressBookRequestAccessWithCompletion != NULL)
{ // we're on iOS 6
if (ABAddressBookGetAuthorizationStatus() == kABAuthorizationStatusNotDetermined)
ABAddressBookRequestAccessWithCompletion(addressBook, ^(bool granted, CFErrorRef error) {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[weakSelf accessGrantedForAddressBook];
if (ABAddressBookGetAuthorizationStatus() == kABAuthorizationStatusAuthorized); //Maybe add something here to handle kABAuthorizationStatusRestricted
[self accessGrantedForAddressBook];
else // we're on iOS 5 or older
[self accessGrantedForAddressBook];
which is quite similar to what Apple does in their documentation (search for ABAddressBookRequestAccessWithCompletion). Besides, what's the point of ABAddressBookRequestAccessWithCompletion being asynchronous and waiting for it (see here)..