How do I call a javascript function when a button is clicked? - ruby-on-rails

Right now I am using:
<%=button_to_function "✓", checkButton(), :class => "buttonGrey"%>
But the javascript function needs something to be passed to it so it can toggle the class( I want the buttons class to be changed upon pressing it) What would I pass as a param to represent the button?

Since "button_to_function" is deprecated since Rails 4.0.2, now you can use "button_tag" helper.
<%= button_tag "Do It", type: 'button', onclick: "myFunction()", class: 'btn btn-default' %>
Note: If you use CoffeeScript, declare your function as:
window.myFunction =>
because in CofeeScript, functions are not global scoped by default.

You can execute javascript directly in the button_to_function.
In your case:
<%= button_to_function "✓", '$(this).toggleClass("buttonGrey buttonGreen");', :class => "buttonGrey" %>
Hope this helps!

Inside checkButton(), you should be able to access this and manipulate it using jQuery or whatever your framework is.
For example, using jquery:
$(this).toggleClass("buttonGrey buttonGreen");

Just use straight up jquery.
$(".buttonGrey").on("click", function() {
// do something

Use the on click event inside the button tag


rails - link_to same page but with anchor -> no reload

I want to use
link_to 'Cancel', edit_project_path(#project, url_options)
to cancel the edit and go back to the edit page.
I use jQuery UI Tabs for a tabbed edit page. Each tab has it's own form and submit/cancel buttons.
When I click a Cancel link I want to go back to the active tab. So I set
url_options = {:anchor => active_tab_id}
The problem is: the page doesn't reload because of the anchor.
Adding data-no-turbolink does not help:
link_to 'Cancel', edit_project_path(#project, url_options), :data => {:no_turbolink => true}
try using
<%=link_to("Cancel", edit_project_path(#project, url_options), method: :get)%>
this helped me better
The only way to do it is with javascript.
Add custom data attribute to the link:
link_to 'Cancel', edit_project_path(#project, url_options), :data => { :reload => true }
Then put this javascript somewhere, for example in app/javascripts/reload_hash.js
$('a[data-reload="true"').on('click', function(e) {
window.location = $('href');

rails selectbox_tag onchange()

Say we have a select box:
<%= :tape, Tape::LIST_TAPES %>
and a file that i would like to trigger when some value is selected in selectbox:
function selectBoxValue(value){
# value -- selected in selectbox;
console.log("box_value = ", value);
How can it be done in RoR 3.2?
Here's what i mean within html+js.
I'm new to Rails. Sorry for my English and thank you.
Something like that:
<%= :tape, Tape::LIST_TAPES, :id => 'some_id' %>
js file:
Pay attention that your select tag already has id so you can use it and remove :id => 'some_id'

Open Pop-Up window in Rails on clicking link

I want to open a pop-up window on click of 'link', then show some data there and close it.
I am using 'link_to' to create 'link'.
The part of code looks as:
<%= link_to 'Display Links', :controller=>'aaa', :action=> 'xyz_links', ....... %>
Previously, in rails2.3.x you could just do:
link_to "foo", foo_path(foo), :popup => true
But now in Rails3, this option has been deprecated
Another option is to use the Rails 3 unobtrusive way of event
delegating those links:
First add an attribute "data-popup" to your link_to if you want it to open
in a new window
Then if you are using the jquery adapter, add to application.js inside the document
ready handler:
$('a[data-popup]').live('click', function(e) {$(this).attr('href'));
Or with the prototype adapter, use this code inside the document ready
document.on("click", "a[data-popup]", function(event, element) {
if (event.stopped) return;$(element).href);
You can find the same discussion here:
I haven't tried this but have this in ruby docs:
<%= link_to name, url, :popup => ['dialog name','toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes'] %>
pls check at onchange , pass this.value to a ruby variable

I have got this line of code in form:, #types, {:prompt => 'Select the Type'}, {:onChange => "alert(this.value)}) %>
What i want to do is to assign the 'this.value' to a ruby variable on onchange event like shown below:
{:onChange => "alert(this.value); #rubyvar = (this.value)" }
I know that's not how it should be done but i have no idea how to do this in ajax or using remote function.
Many thanks for your help
There is no way to set a ruby variable from the client, since its evaluated on your server.
What you need is an Ajax call which renders some new javascript to the client.

How to add an onchange event to select tag in rails

How do I add an onchange event here?
Framework: rails
Database: MySQL
I am populating the options from the database and that made me use options_from_collection_for_select
select_tag(:variable,options_from_collection_for_select(:all, :id, :name))
select_tag takes an options hash as its final parameter, in which you can add any HTML attributes for the select. So to add an onchange attribute:
select_tag :variable, options_from_collection_for_select(:all, :id, :name), onchange: 'yourOnChangeHandler()'
try something like:
:onchange => remote_function(:url => {:controller => 'controller', :action => 'action'})
For a select_tag, just add:
{:onchange => "myHandler();" }
Also, if onchange doesn't work you might want to try onChange with a capital C.
Finally, make sure NOT TO CONFUSE a select_tag with a form select.
See my answer to a similar question, only regarding a form select and not a select_tag
Adding An Onchange Event To A Form Select
You may want to add an onchange attribute inline:
select_tag(:variable,options_from_collection_for_select(:all, :id, :name)), {:onchange => "(function(e){ }).apply(this,arguments)"}
For my case, I'm not sure where to put the named functions, or sometimes I find it tedious to create a function just to create a simple tag. So people tend to write an inline function.
but a simple line like {onchange: ""} won't work, because there are no variables (e.g. event) defined.
Solution would be a self executing function that accepts arguments
