Font Awesome icons conflict with jQuery UI icons - jquery-mobile

When I add jqm-icon-pack-2.1.2-fa.css to my website, the jQuery UI fonts don't show. If I remove the reference, they show. I'm creating an MVC4 mobile application using Visual Studio 2012. Here is how I'm referencing the css files:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="#Url.StaticStylesheet("")" type="text/css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="#Url.StaticStylesheet("")" type="text/css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="#Url.StaticStylesheet("")" type="text/css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="#Url.StaticStylesheet("jqm-icon-pack-2.1.2-fa.css")" type="text/css">
If I remove the last reference, the jQuery icons work but the Font Awesome icons don't work. I've tried to reorder the references and that didin't work. I've inspected the page with Firebug and I can't see a difference. I've made sure the paths are correct as well. I'd like to post a link to my website but it's inside an extranet so it can't be accessed. The best I can offer is I'm setting an input to type="search" and the search icon and clear text icon do not appear. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
ANSWER: I solved the problem and hopefully can save others some grief and hours of beating their heads on the keyboard like I did! When you use NuGet Package Manager to get jQuery mobile, it adds some image files called icons-18-black.png, icons-18-white.png, icons-36-black.png, and icons-36-white.png. If you're not careful you can miss the fact that there are some slightly different image files on the github website you need to include with Font Awesome called icons-18-black-pack.png, icons-18-white-pack.png, icons-36-black-pack.png, and icons-36-white-pack.png. Notice that the word "pack" is included in the name of these files and they're slightly different than the original files included with jQuery mobile. Just be sure you add in the missing files plus the ajax-loader.png file which is different than the ajax-loader.gif file included with jQuery mobile as well and all should work.

I solved the problem and hopefully can save others some grief and hours of beating their heads on the keyboard like I did! When you use NuGet Package Manager to get jQuery mobile, it adds some image files called icons-18-black.png, icons-18-white.png, icons-36-black.png, and icons-36-white.png. If you're not careful you can miss the fact that there are some slightly different image files on the github website you need to include with Font Awesome called icons-18-black-pack.png, icons-18-white-pack.png, icons-36-black-pack.png, and icons-36-white-pack.png. Notice that the word "pack" is included in the name of these files and they're slightly different than the original files included with jQuery mobile. Just be sure you add in the missing files plus the ajax-loader.png file which is different than the ajax-loader.gif file included with jQuery mobile as well and all should work.


Bootstrap navbar sample always showing mobile on desktop

I copied the navbar default sample from from the samples but without any changes it appears to be doing what I think is mobile format. The only thing I see is the brand tag to the left and the button to the right. My monitor is pretty big so it can handle the menu and it does when I view it online which you can visually see here. I can only assume that since I cut and paste from the demo code I have a setting somewhere else that is wrong but I have no idea where to look. I did make sure to run nuget and get the latest version of the code so I should match what is on the demo. Any ideas?
The issue appears to be with VS2012 and debug mode. Using Visual Studio Development Server seems to be the problem. If I publish locally it works as expected. I thought it might be IE8 but realized it was VS2012 after I published the site.
Is there a way to work around this while using the debugger in VS2012?
Update 2
And somehow it is not working in IE8 again even after being published. Chrome seems to work fine. Must be something picky about IE8 that I need to code around.
Try to copy all the page html, then if it works cut unnecessary code.
Use this instead of your local bootstrap:
<!-- Latest compiled and minified CSS -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
<!-- Optional theme -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
<!-- Latest compiled and minified JavaScript -->
<script src="//"></script>
Looks like this was an issue with IE8 all along. I didn't think it was a browser issue so I never looked for IE8 nav problems but here is a link that documents the issue.

Usage of FullCalendar mobile

Has anyone used the FullCalendar-mobile plugin? I am trying to use this in a jQuery Mobile app bundled with Phonegap. There are tons of js and css files in the src folder but I can't seem to figure out which one to use. Linking all of them to my html page didn't yield any results.
Pardon the very noob question. Kinda new to jQuery, HTML5 & CSS. Would greatly appreciate the help.
I'm just going through this myself. My understanding is that you'll need to do the following:
Download the files from using either git
or the 'download as zip' button.
Navigate to your downloaded directory
Type make zip, as per the instruction from the link above. (You'll need java installed apparently)
In the dist directory created by the above process you should see the fullcalendar directory containing the js and css files you need.
Copy those to your project and link appropriately. You are now officially good to go
I have the same problem with the css files. Until now I'm not able to combine the style sheets delivered with jquery and jquery mobile for the desired result:
for basic usage you can just take the latest fullcalendar version! There will be some events that are not supported (but basically you can press on a event and navigate through the calendar).
See also:
Looks like you want to use the _loader.js file
just keep the structure of the directories that exists
I am working on this right now ill post updates as a reference. The documentation states:
<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='fullcalendar.css' />
<script type='text/javascript' src='jquery.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='fullcalendar.min.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='ui.core.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='ui.draggable.js'></script>
<script type='text/javascript' src='ui.resizable.js'></script>
None of these files are on github the last 3 are clearly from jquery UI

From JQuery Mobile to PhoneGap / Cordova

I have a JQuery mobile app. I now want to deploy it natively to Android and iOS. To assist with this, I thought I would use PhoneGap. When I run my app, none of the styling information appears. There are no errors in the console window. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong.
Are there any guides on going from JQuery mobile to phone gap? Everything I see starts with Phone Gap and builds from there. Am I doing this in reverse?
Thank you for any insistence. I really want to get this app onto Android and iOS. I feel like I'm so close. But I have no idea what I'm doing wrong.
Thank you,
This is just a guess, but you have something like this in your code?
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//" />
If so that's wrong and you need to store your css locally in the assets folder if you want it to run locally within your WebView.
Otherwise, I'd suggest that you first run an 'hello world' on phone gap, and style just one element through an external local stylesheet (without worry about javascript for now). That's essentially the most difficult part, knowing where to put the file and how to reference it, so you do not want to confuse yourself with the extraneous code of your current project when you're learning that part.
Once you've figured that part out, it will be trivial for you to do the same with the jQuery Mobile library, both the css one and the js one.
Have you include properly?
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="cordova-1.5.0.js"></script>
put the .js file and .css file in the folder.
But if you are using eclipse then you can create phonegap app directly.
I hope it would be helpful for you.

JQuery Mobile Icons Won't Load - Unless I Use the CDN

I'm working on my first PhoneGap app with JQuery Mobile and I've having a problem getting the included icons to show.
When I reference a local instance of the .css file, like so:
link rel="stylesheet" href="css/" />
I don't get any icons. Just dark circles. I can see that the css is loading, because if I throw in a bogus path the results don't look like JQuery Mobile at all.
But when I reference a CDN, like so:
link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
I get nice buttons, no problems. I'm using Firefox to view output, but builds all the way onto an Android device show the same symptoms.
I'd punt and use the CDN, but I'm under the impression that if I want the app to run disconnected, then I should just include the .CSS file.
I've double checked my local CSS and downloaded it a second time, but no change. Anyone seen anything similar?
Make sure you have the jQuery Mobile images directory in the same directory as
I've just started with PhoneGap and had the same issue with JQuery Mobile.
Once I added the images under the www folder, I set the Build Action for each image to "Content." By default, mine were set to "Resource."
After this, the images appeared in my Windows Phone Emulator.
Hope this helps.

JQuery UI MVC3 - Mapping of Downloaded ZIP and Already existing files(css, .js, images)

I am using ASP.NET MVC3. Adding a web project, it gives me all the files required for jquery to run.
It gives me Content Folder and some folders for storing css and Images.
It also gives me Scripts folder, where I can have my .js files.
Whenever I want to download some custom JQUERY UI controls, It gives me a zip file which has different folders and scripts.
How do I map them so that, I am not keeping too many jquery files in my project.
For example, I want to use DatePicker Jquery UI, I go to jquery site and download them and it gives me a ZIP File which has various folders.
There is folder called development again it has got all the files.
If I wan to go for timepicker, I think there is only a CSS difference between timepicker and datepicker.
Timepicker needs slider. So I am not sure do i need to reference jqueryslider.js in my Layouts file.
Please shed some light on this mapping of downloaded files and already existing files in MVc3?
if have to include new Jquery UI Control, What should be the changes, is it just in .js file, images folder, or css folder.
I personally think its only css and images, please correct me.
Thank you.
All you need to do is add the content in the js folder to the scripts in your Scripts folder and copy everything from the css\\ folder into the Content folder of your MVC application.
Once you have done this, you simply add the following references to the _Layout file in your Shared folder (just modify to match your version of JQuery and the correct version of your JQuery-UI download):
<link href="#Url.Content("~/Content/jquery-ui-1.8.18.custom.css")" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<script src="#Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery-1.7.1.min.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="#Url.Content("~/Scripts/jquery-ui-1.8.18.custom.min.js")" type="text/javascript"></script>
Just remember to keep the reference to your JQuery library (jquery-1.7.1.min.js in the example above) before the reference to the JQueryUI scripts.
-- Kindly mark as the answer if this has been helpful
