How can I get back into my main processing thread? - ios

I have an app that I'm accessing a remote website with NSURLConnection to run some code and then save out some XML files. I am then accessing those XML Files and parsing through them for information. The process works fine except that my User Interface isn't getting updated properly. I want to keep the user updated through my UILabel. I'm trying to update the text by using setBottomBarToUpdating:. It works the first time when I set it to "Processing Please Wait..."; however, in the connectionDidFinishLoading: it doesn't update. I'm thinking my NSURLConnection is running on a separate thread and my attempt with the dispatch_get_main_queue to update on the main thread isn't working. How can I alter my code to resolve this? Thanks! [If I need to include more information/code just let me know!]
dispatch_sync( dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
[self getResponse:#"http://mylocation/path/to/file.aspx"];
[self setBottomBarToUpdating:#"Processing Please Wait..."];
queue = dispatch_queue_create("updateQueue", DISPATCH_QUEUE_CONCURRENT);
if ([response rangeOfString:#"Complete"].location == NSNotFound]) {
// failed
} else {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(),^ {
[self setBottomBarToUpdating:#"Updating Contacts..."];
[self updateFromXMLFile:#""];
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(),^ {
[self setBottomBarToUpdating:#"Updating Emails..."];
[self updateFromXMLFile:#""];

In my connectionDidFinishLoading: I would try something like this:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT,0),^ {
if ([response rangeOfString:#"Complete"].location == NSNotFound]) {
// failed
} else {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(),^ {
[self setBottomBarToUpdating:#"Updating Contacts..."];
[self updateFromXMLFile:#""];
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(),^ {
[self setBottomBarToUpdating:#"Updating Emails..."];
[self updateFromXMLFile:#""];
Then all that file access is happening in a background queue so the main queue is not locked up. The main queue will also complete this call to connectionDidFinishLoading much more quickly, since you're throwing all the hard work onto the default queue instead, which should leave it (and the main thread) ready to accept your enqueuing of the updates to the UI which will be done by the default queue as it processes the block you just enqueued to it.
The queue handover becomes
main thread callback to connectionDidFinishLoad:
rapid handoff to default global queue releasing main thread
eventual hand off to main queue for setBottomBarToUpdating: calls
performing main queue blocks on main thread to properly update UI
eventual completion of blocks on main queue
eventual completion of blocks on default queue
You've increased concurrency (good where you've good multi-core devices) and you've taken the burden of I/O off the main thread (never a good place for it) and instead got it focused on user interface work (the right place for it).
Ideally you woud run the NSURLConnection run loop off the main thread too, but this will might be enough for you to get going.

Which run loop are you running the NSURLConnection in? If it's the main loop, you're queueing up the setBottomBarToUpdating: calls behind the work you're already doing, hence the probable reason why you're not seeing the UI update.

You could also give performSelectorOnMainThread try like so:
if ([response rangeOfString:#"Complete"].location == NSNotFound]) {
// failed
} else {
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(setBottomBarToUpdating) withObject:#"Updating Contacts..." waitUntilDone:false];
[self updateFromXMLFile:#""];
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(setBottomBarToUpdating) withObject:#"Updating Emails..." waitUntilDone:false];
[self updateFromXMLFile:#""];


iOS ObjC: Why is dispatch_sync on mainThread not working while app is in background receiving an APNs fetch?

In my app I use the following method to check for values of certain variables which are meant to be accessed on the main thread only.
Now that I began to implement APNs and when my app is woken by APNs it seems that code execution (in background) is always stuck at the point indicated using comments:
- (void) xttSyncOnMainThread:(void (^)(void))prmBlock {
if (![NSThread isMainThread]) {
dispatch_queue_t mtQueue = dispatch_get_main_queue(); // will be executed
// execution is stuck here
dispatch_sync(mtQueue, prmBlock); // won't be executed
} else {
Do I need to move all code to non-MT queues or am I missing something else?
Thanks a lot!
Because dispatch_sync on main queue cause deadlock.
More information about dispatch_sync and main queue is for example here:
dispatch_sync on main queue hangs in unit test
Why dispatch_sync( ) call on main queue is blocking the main queue?
Can you just use dispatch_async method ?
why are you passing prmBlock to dispatch_sync
usually it is like
dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(void) {
// write the code that is to be executed on main thread
But if you use disptch_sync it will wait for the block to complete execution and then return. If you don't want to block the execution use
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^(void) {
// write the code that is to be executed on main thread
Ok, after some more testing I found that in my case (while the code in the question works just fine) the problem came from accidently calling the completionhandler from the APNs delegate too soon.
- (void) xttSyncOnMainThread:(void (^)(void))prmBlock {
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
//code here to perform

Issues related to calling UIKit methods from non-main thread

I implemented login method in this way:
[KVNProgress show];
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
//some error handling like:
if ([_usernameField.text length] < 4) {
[KVNProgress showErrorWithStatus:#"Username too short!"];
_passwordField.text = #"";
//Then I call login web service synchronously here:
result = [ServerRequests login];
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[KVNProgress showErrorWithStatus:#"problem!" completion:NULL];
_passwordField.text = #"";
else if([result.successful boolValue])
[KVNProgress showSuccessWithStatus:result.message];
It crashed mostly and by surrounding blocks with only Main Queue (no priority default one) that solved! but the problem is:KVNProgress is only showing in error handling area not the next part that we call web service. It's not user friendly at all! Any idea is welcomed :)
You MUST call methods that update the user interface in any way from the main thread, as per the UIKit documentation:
For the most part, use UIKit classes only from your app’s main thread. This is particularly true for classes derived from UIResponder or that involve manipulating your app’s user interface in any way.
I suggest you try to limit the number of callbacks you make to the main thread, so therefore you want to batch as much user interface updates together as you can.
Then all you have to do, as you correctly say, is to use a dispatch_async to callback to your main thread whenever you need to update the UI, from within your background processing.
Because it's asynchronous, it won't interrupt your background processing, and should have a minimal interruption on the main thread itself as updating values on most UIKit components is fairly cheap, they'll just update their value and trigger their setNeedsDisplay so that they'll get re-drawn at the next run loop.
From your code, it looks like your issue is that you're calling this from the background thread:
if ([_usernameField.text length] < 4) {
[KVNProgress showErrorWithStatus:#"Username too short!"];
_passwordField.text = #"";
This is 100% UI updating code, and should therefore take place on the main thread.
Although, I have no idea about the thread safety of KVNProgress, I assume it should also be called on the main thread as it's presenting an error to the user.
Your code therefore should look something like this (assuming it's taking place on the main thread to begin with):
[KVNProgress show];
//some error handling like:
if ([_usernameField.text length] < 4) {
[KVNProgress showErrorWithStatus:#"Username too short!"];
_passwordField.text = #"";
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0), ^{
//Then I call login web service synchronously here:
result = [ServerRequests login];
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
if(!result) {
[KVNProgress showErrorWithStatus:#"problem!" completion:NULL];
_passwordField.text = #"";
} else if([result.successful boolValue]) {
[KVNProgress showSuccessWithStatus:result.message];

Block current thread till part of code ran on main thread in iOS

I have a use case where i am writing data to local couchebase database in ios. Here it will not support concurrent access of write operation. So i want to run the CRUD operation on main thread and return result after running some algorithm on data on secondary threads. when main thread took over control and executes code, current running thread is not waiting till main thread completes its operation. How can i handover result from main thread to other thread.
Ex :
+(BOOL)createDocument:(NSDictionary*)data withId:(NSString*)docId {
__block CBLDocument* doc = nil;
// NSLog(#"%d count ", [[self database] documentCount]);
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
if(docId.length > 0) {
doc = [[self getDatabase] documentWithID:docId];
} else {
doc = [[self getDatabase] createDocument];
//I want current thread to wait till main thread completes its execution
return YES;
return NO;
If you know for a fact that this method is not called from the main queue, you can use dispatch_sync:
+(BOOL)createDocument:(NSDictionary*)data withId:(NSString*)docId {
__block CBLDocument* doc = nil;
dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
if(docId.length > 0) {
doc = [[self getDatabase] documentWithID:docId];
} else {
doc = [[self getDatabase] createDocument];
//I want current thread to wait till main thread completes its execution
return YES;
return NO;
A more generalized approach would be to create a dedicated, custom dispatch queue for your database interaction. Then, any thread (either the main thread or any background thread) that wants to interact with the database would perform a dispatch_sync to that dedicated queue.
This provides a cleaner implementation, making the functional intent more explicit, and ensures that database interaction initiated from a background thread will not block the main thread (unless, of course, the main thread happens to be initiating database interactions with this database queue at the same time). This dedicated queue approach is in the spirit of the "One Queue per Subsystem" design pattern discussed in WWDC 2012 video, Asynchronous Design Patterns with Blocks, GCD, and XPC (it's the fifth design pattern discussed in the latter part of the video).
You can make another dispatch_async call to your "current thread" from the main thread. So you'll use another function block and put your if(doc) stuff into that. That's how chaining between threads are handled with GCD API.
So the problem with your code is, createDocument returning after dispatching to another thread. Instead, you should change createDocument to take a function block argument.
onComplete:(void (^)(CBLDocument*))onComplete;
And change your dispatch_async call as follows:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
if(docId.length > 0) {
doc = [[self getDatabase] documentWithID:docId];
} else {
doc = [[self getDatabase] createDocument];
dispatch_async(yourCurrentThread, ^{
However if you really want to BLOCK your current thread, you should use dispatch_sync instead of dispatch_async.
dispatch_sync(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
return doc != nil;
Sorry if there are any syntax errors, I haven't tested this.

Handle concurrency and asynchronous response

I am trying to implement concurrency in objective C. I have a problem with an actions that needs to be run in a synchronized way. The problem here is that I use function that executes a block after completion.
I want to connect to a bluetooth device to run some operations and connect to the next device.
for (Beacon * beacon in beacons) {
[beacon setDelegate:self];
[beacon connectToBeacon];
But the connection is asynchronous. The beacon call the delegate (in this case it's the same class) method didConnectSuccess when connection is successful.
I need to wait all my operations in "beaconDidConnect" and deconnection to finish before connecting to the next device.
I currently use a combination of dispatch queue and dispatch semaphore, my semaphore is an ivar
dispatch_queue_t myCustomQueue;
myCustomQueue = dispatch_queue_create("com.example.MyCustomQueue", NULL);
for (Beacon * beacon in beacons) {
[beacon setDelegate:self];
dispatch_async(myCustomQueue, ^{
dispatch_semaphore_wait(semaphoreBluetooth, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
[beacon connectToBeacon];
In combination with
- (void)beaconDidDisconnect:(Beacon *)beacon
Without the dispatch_async, by blocking the callback (beaconDidConnect), the wait was causing a deadlock.
I wanted to dispatch_semaphore_wait in the for loop and not in the dispatch block but the wait causes the callback to wait again, causing a deadlock.
This way it seems to work but I found it a bit ugly.
My other issue is that in my beaconDidConnect method I need to chain asynchronous call and in each waiting the previous to terminate.
All those calls have a termination block, executing when the call is done. I could write instructions in deeper and deeper block but I'd like to avoid this.
I'd need an equivalent of the javascript "promise" concept.
Currently I have something with dispatch queue and dispatch semaphore but I sometimes have deadlock for unknown reason.
Eg :
- (void)beaconConnectionDidSucceeded:(Beacon *)beacon
dispatch_semaphore_t semaphoreEditing = dispatch_semaphore_create(1);
dispatch_queue_t editingQueue = dispatch_queue_create("com.example.MyCustomQueue.Editing", NULL);
// First writing procedure
dispatch_async(editingQueue, ^{
dispatch_semaphore_wait(semaphoreEditing, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
[beacon writeSomeCaracteristic:caracteristic withValue:value withCompletion:^(void) {
// A unknow number of writing sequences
dispatch_async(editingQueue, ^{
dispatch_semaphore_wait(semaphoreEditing, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
[beacon writeSomeCaracteristic:caracteristic withValue:value withCompletion:^(void) {
// ...
dispatch_async(editingQueue, ^{
dispatch_semaphore_wait(semaphoreEditing, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
[beacon writeSomeCaracteristic:caracteristic withValue:value withCompletion:^(void) {
// Terminate the edition
dispatch_async(editingQueue, ^{
dispatch_semaphore_wait(semaphoreEditing, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER);
[beacon disconnectBeacon];
I want to write clear code that execute my instructions in a sequential way.
If your asynchronous methods do have a completion handler, you can "serialize" or "chain" a number of asynchronous calls like shown below:
[self asyncFooWithCompletion:^(id result){
if (result) {
[self asyncBarWithCompletion:^(id result){
if (result) {
[self asyncFoobarWithCompletion:^(id result){
if (result) {
Of course, this gets increasingly confusing with the number of chained asynchronous calls, and especially when you want to handle errors, too.
With a third party library which especially helps to overcome these problems (including error handling, cancellation) it may look similar as the code below:
- (Promise*) asyncFoo;
- (Promise*) asyncBar;
- (Promise*) asyncFoobar;
"Chaining" the three asynchronous methods including error handling:
[self asyncFoo]
.then(^id(id result){
... // do something with result of asyncFoo
return [self asyncBar];
}, nil)
.then(^id (id result){
... // do something with result of asyncBar
return [self asyncFoobar];
}, nil)
.then(^id(id result) {
... // do something with result of asyncFoobar
return nil;
// "catch" any error from any async method above
NSLog(#"Error: %#", error);
return nil;
For general info about "Promises", please read wiki article Futures and Promises.
There are number of Objective-C libraries which implement a Promise.
Have you considered use NSOperation and NSOperationQueue?
If you need to wait for every beacon to run a set of operations before continue, you can store every set of operations in a NSOperation and put all the operations inside a NSOperationQueue with a maxConcurrentLimit of 1. It might be easier to cancel/pause/terminate every single operation and the queue will take care of the concurrency.
I kept the dispatch_queue and dispatch_semaphore for the connection but for the writing actions I use a library called Sequencer I found here.
It follows the Promises principle CouchDeveloper talked about.

UI not updating in main thread

This is really driving me nuts.
I have a button, and if that button is touched it will call a method that updates the UI. Here's the method in question:
- (void)loadLevelWithImagePath:(NSString *)imagePath difficulty:(int)difficulty modelName:(NSString *)modelName
// do stuffs
Except that it doesn't.
However when I enclose the whole method body in:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
// do stuffs
It works!
However, I am baffled because when I put a breakpoint in the method, according to the debugger it is already in the main thread. Also If I put these 2 checks:
- (void)loadLevelWithImagePath:(NSString *)imagePath difficulty:(int)difficulty modelName:(NSString *)modelName
NSLog(#"%d", [NSThread currentThread] == [NSThread mainThread]);
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
NSLog(#"%d", [NSThread currentThread] == [NSThread mainThread]);
// do stuffs
Both returns TRUE!
So my question is, why is the UI not updating? Thanks a lot!
It could be a nil problem, however, you provide too little info to know for sure. The reason it works with dispatch_async and doesn't without is not necessarily the thread you're calling the methods from, it could be that, at the time when you call the code, some of your UI objects are nil. When you call dispatch_async you add the job to the queue but since all dispatch queues are first-in, first-out data structures, you actually add the job at the end of the run loop, which potentially gives time for initialisation (wherever that is done)
