Running iOS app on the simulator using Jenkins - ios

I'm setting up my CI server with Jenkins. I can successfully build the app but now I need a way to run it in the simulator. How can I do it?

Have you checked out WaxSim? It's a command-line app to run the simulator. I've heard various noises about it not working on Mac OSX 10.8 but they may have fixed this now.

ios-sim ( works fine. Just be sure to build the debug version of the app otherwise it will go in background after the being deployed.


How to get Flutter Application running on real ios device with Windows?

Is there a way to get a Flutter Application running on own ios device with Windows and without paying money?
No, it is not possible to run an iOS simulator on Windows.
The reason for this is the following (highlighting is mine):
Simulator allows you to rapidly prototype and test builds of your app during the development process. Installed as part of the Xcode tools [...]
This means that iOS simulator come only with Xcode. And Xcode is only available on MacOS.
This means that you will either need to run MacOS yourself or use a service that runs your app on MacOS for you.
See also:
For Flutter this means that you will have to test your code on Android, Desktop, or Web locally. You can still run an iOS simulator in your CI or do something similar to what was described in the answer linked above.

app deploys from vs but not launching on simulator

I am trying to run my app in simulator it start deploying in visual studio but not launching on simulator.
even if I manually open that simulator app doesn't runs over there.while is shows running in vs
please help if anyone have idea whats going wrong here
Make sure you have Xcode installed in your mac. Make sure Xcode is running in your mac. If you are using vs from windows make sure you are on the same network with the mac, and you are connected to it. You can always try to change the simulator in which you deploy it. Also check the simulator if the app you want to run is installing in the simulator. You should wait until it's installed to run your app. I hope it helps this time. :)
it was due to memory issue of mac.
mac memory was full so it was unable to launch i have cleared memory and make more free space it start ruining now.
thank you everyone.

Visual Studio 2015 hangs on deploying cordova application

I'm trying to build a blank cordova application into my iPad Air 2 with Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise edition as i've already done it with success with the release candidate version.
I've got node.js v 4.2.2 on both machines since version 5.2.0 was hanging the build indefinitely, i've also got latest version of iTunes (12.3.1) as well as iOS 9.2 on the mobile device.
I've got the remote MAC set up and everything works fine for the building part, infact i've checked and the .ipa file is there at the end of the build into the folder ...\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\BlankCordovaApp1\BlankCordovaApp1\bin\iOS\Debug and if i launch that it will correctly install into iTunes and the iPad itself.
The problem is that the build action with Configuration "iOS" and "Local Device" with the iPad connected to the windows 7 PC will hang indefinitely after copying back said .ipa file after writing this line into the Build Output:
2>------ Deploy started: Project: BlankCordovaApp1, Configuration: Debug iOS ------
No matter how much time i wait it wont start the debug session even if i authorized the pc onto the iPad and have my web Inspector turned on onto the safari options. At this point i have to interrupt the build to be able to work again.
What really gets me is that if i connect the iPad to the MAC machine and build with "Remote Device" option the build works fine and i can debug remotely from my windows pc, unfortunately working like that isn't an option since the Apple machine isn't in the same room of my developing machine.
Any insight about this issue would be really appreciate, thanks in advance.
You are using a recent version of node and thus will also need to use a recent version of Cordova.
Specifically, you need to use Cordova 5.3.3 to be able to use Node.js 4.x.x+. The hang you are experiencing is exactly why. It's an incompatibility with a down stream node module and Node 4.x.x. You can downgrade to Node 0.12.x or upgrade your Cordova project to 5.3.3.
Note that Node 5.x.x is only supported in Cordova 5.4.1.
This should be addressed in the latest VS Tools for Cordova Update 6. Deploying to local device is now available.
Take a look at

Visual Studio Debugger failing to connect to remote Apache Cordova app in iOS simulator

I have been trying to debug an Apache Cordova app with Visual Studio 2015 RC in a Windows 8.1 Virtual Machine. The app is running in an iOS simulator in a MAC OS host using vs-mda-remote (I've tried with different iPhone versions), but the debug always times out. There doesn't seem to be a proper error, only the following:
Starting launch process C:\Program Files (x86)\nodejs\node.exe "C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\vs-tac\emulator.js" --platform ios --action launch --path
"C:\XXXXX\bld\ios\Debug\buildInfo.json" --serverUrl iMac-User.local:3000 --language pt-PT --cliVersion 5.1.1 --deployTarget "iPhone 5"
Timed out connecting debugger to remote Apache Cordova app. See Output window for JavaScript console output.
------ Cordova Tools 5.1.1 already installed.
emulated - Successfully sent to ios Simulator
Emulating app at /Users/user/remote-builds/builds/5689/cordovaApp for target iPhone 5
Asking to debug in remote iOS device for buildNumber 5689 in server iMac-User.local:3000...
Fail to debug remote iOS in order to compile C:\XXXXX\bld\ios\Debug\buildInfo.json to http://iMac-User.local:3000 :
iPhone 5
I have already tried to clean cordova's cache, using vs-mda-remote --secure false and some other suggestions I found online. However, nothing seems to work. It's not the project itself, as a friend of mine is able to debug it. The configuration from his computer seem to be the same as mine.
Any ideas on what might be the problem?
I have found the problem, there must have been something wrong with the installation of Homebrew. So I reinstalled it, and forced install ios-webkit-debug-proxy. This solved my problem and I am now able to debug the app.

iOS emulator no longer running from command line using phonegap

My iOS emulator is no longer opening when I run "phonegap run ios" in the terminal on Mac OS X. I receive no error messages and:
[phonegap] Platform "ios" deployed to emulator.
[phonegap] successfully installed onto emulator
While this is currently a known bug, you can run the emulate command more directly (note you need to build separately):
phonegap local build ios
You can also run the application using the same technique:
phonegap local build ios
NOTE: When using this method to run the app on your phone, the task might get stuck on the splash screen. To fix this, launch the Activity Monitor on your Mac and quit any processes with the name "ios-deploy". From there you can launch the application on your phone by clicking the application icon.
Or, you can even look inside the generated /platforms/ios folder and launch XCode project directly to test in an emulator or on your device. Open project and click the RUN button.
IMPORTANT: with all of the above methods, you MUST run the build command before running:
phonegap local build ios
Not really an answer, but I can say this is a known bug. Here is the bug so you can track it:
I only had this problem after upgrading to 3.1. I downgraded to 3.0 and it works more reliably:
npm uninstall -g phonegap
npm install -g phonegap#3.0
Also had to delete the platform/ios dir and plugins/ios.json and then run 'phonegap build ios' and 'phonegap run ios'
