How can i make a text search in neo4j with gremlin? I want to search for all the node types and all node properties. I read the gremlin documentation but was unable to find an answer to my problem.
I'm using the API with node and express.
Do i need to install another system to make the text search for me?
For speed, do filter{it.getProperty('gender').matches...}
For full text search not using a linear scan of vertices, make sure you create a full text index on gender. See Blueprints docs on Neo4jGraph for more information.
Very new to Cypher and Neo4j so please excuse my ignorance and misuse of terms. I am looking to change the label of a node from the ID to the property name (see image below). I used the following code to load the data from CSV.
load csv with headers from "file:///Goal.csv" as row
create (g:Goal) set = row.goalName
Is there a way to change the label from the ID to the name property? I have tried the solution in the link below but it did not provide what I am looking for. Ultimately I would like the node to show the name information (i.e. reduce fuel, green, etc.)
Change node label in neo4j
Dave Bennett's comment's right - the docs will help show all the visualisation customisations you can do but for this specific case:
Click the node label above the graph visualisation you want to change - they're colour-coded
Choose a new caption field underneath the graph
In this graph, let's change the caption of the yellow 'Location' nodes:
I would like to compare mysql and neo4j and for that I have dumped a lot of data in neo4j as well mysql.
now the problem is In neo4j I cannot execute a query which returns more than 1000 rows therefore I cannot see the time of execution of that query.
In mysql I can eaily see the execution time in the console.
Also I would like to see a complete graphical view of all my nodes in Neo4j. Is it possible?
The limitation to 1000 result is a safety net withing Neo4j browser. Otherwise very long results might mess up your web browser in terms of memory and/or CPU for rendering.
To get the full plain results for comparison send your query as REST request using e.g. cURL. See for an example of the request, make sure you're using Accept and Content-Type header set to application/json. Additionally you might stream the result as documented at
There is a setting that limits the number of rows displayed, by default it's 1000. To change this setting Open Neo4j Browser -> Go to Settings and in the Graph Visualization section you can find Max Rows. You can change this to fit your needs. Also in this section another property can be found Initial Node Display - property that limit number of nodes displayed on the first load of the graph visualization.
I am developing a search engine modeled after google in my spare time.
I am using the original google research paper located at as my guideline.
As i am developing a very very simplified version of google i am not using pagerank algorithm at all for now.
So far i have developed a simple parser and indexer whose result is that i have an inverted index containing number of hits, hit location and document hash against each unique word.
Now i am trying to develop a query engine. However i am finding it hard to identify the most relevant document for a multi token query.
Specifically lets say i am having difficulty in calculating the proximity of the query words to each other in a document.
I have thought of a algorithm that scans each document for the query words and calculates the proximity score based on how much the query words are close to each other however i suspect this would take a long time, and i think there is a better way to do this of which i am not aware and the research paper is too general to get an answer.
I am just looking for a pointer in the right direction.
Any sort of help would be very very very appreciated.
Look at the inverted index section of "Search Engine Indexing" on Wikipedia
Basically, you want to save the position information of a given word within a document, this makes it easy to compute proximity. This information is saved in the index.
The key point is to index your documents so you don't need to scan them every time. The search for keywords is done on the index that points to the documents containing those keywords.
P.S. don't forget that you're trying to keep the index as small as possible, so storing gaps or differences for word positions will save same memory (as explained in: J. Zobel, A. Moffat - Inverted Files for Search Text Engines at page 23).
I've posted a demo Access db at . I'm using Access 2007.
I am importing an excel spreadsheet, which my organization gets weekly, importing it into Access. It gets imported the table [imported Task list]. From there, an append query reformats it and appends it to my [Master Task List] table.
Previously, we have had a form, where we would manually go through the newest imports, and manually select whether our department was the primary POC for a tasking. I want to automate this.
What syntax do I require, such that the append query will parse the text from [imported Task list].[Department], searching for those divisions listed on [OurDepartments] table (those parts of our company for which we are tracking these tasks), and then select the appropriate Lookup field (connected to [OurDepartments] table) in our [Master Task List] table?
I know that's a mouth full... Put another way, I want the append query update the [Master Task List].[OurDepartments], which is a lookup, based on parsing the text of [imported Task list].[Department].
Note the tricky element: we have to parse the text for "BA" as well as "BAD", "BAC", etc. The shorter "BA" might be an interesting issue for this query.
Hoping for a Non-VBA solution.
Thanks for taking a look!
PS: Would be very helpful if anyone might be able to respond within the work week. Thx!
The answer is here:
I'm developing simple search engine.If I search some thing using my search engine it will produce the list of urls which are relating with that search query.
I want to represent the search result by giving small,relevant description under each resulting url.(eg:- if we search something on google,you can see they will provide small description with the each resulting link.)
Any idea..?
Thank in advance!
You need to store position of each word in a webpage while indexing.
your index should contain- word id , document id of the document containing this word, number of occurrence of the word in that document , all the positions where the word occurred.
For more info you can read the research paper by Google founders-
The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine
You can fetch the meta content of that page and display it as a small description . Google also does this.