Can i use XULRunner to create executable that acts like a phonegap app (WebView and fullscreen?) on the desktop (Windows/Linux/OSX)? - webview

I have written a HTML Merge Compiler that can merge resource's/assets into one single HTML file (minify it to the max) and compiles Javascript with the google enclosure compiler. I have written this compiler to speed up loading and interpreting the code and to obfuscate the code to protect a little bit (script kiddie protection). Major reason was/is speed and to make it compact.
This is working OK with reliable results and i use this in PhoneGap applications/games. I have also written a javascript library that encapsulate all platforms that works with standard HTML/CSS without the need to change the code, it works also in the browser, with a touchscreen or without or on any device or operating system. Write once, publish many ;-). The idea around it is that is working always, always operate the same but can use device specific things when available but does never fail (when something is not there, for example a vibrate functionality).
Anyway, most frameworks (like PhoneGap) concentrate on Mobile Platforms but i want to port it also to desktop platforms like Windows, OSX and maybe Linux. For Windows I have wrote an Delphi Application that loads the HTML in a TEmbeddedWB object (is Internet Explorer actually) but the 'problem' is that it is only suitable to Windows and IE is not the fastest browser around, especially when it is embedded (do not why it is slower than the browser itself). For example, when i load the compiled code in Firefox and/or Google Chrome it is blazing fast (you do not notice it is javascript ;-)).
Pre release of IE10 for Windows 7 is just launched, installed it and lag is gone!
You can download it from here:
Introduction to my question:
I have tried XULRunner of Mozilla a long time ago but the first time was not a pleasure to me and also i tried it today again but can't get it to work. Get a parse error in the main xul file of the project, window is an undefined entity. ??? I create a sample project like:
I do not know what to do about this error. Also i think documentation is not up-to-date? Most documentation is from around 2006.
The question, what i want to know:
Before i am going to waste my time (see also introduction), is it
possible to create frameless (full-screen) desktop executables with
use of XULRunner like with PhoneGap?
Is it possible to create cross-platform applications with XULRunner, i mean, does it really work seamless. Where can i find a ready-to-publish example of a XULRunner project and is it possible to load local HTML file(s) like in PhoneGap?
It is possible and allowed to access external resources?
Long story, but maybe there is somebody that have tried this before and can lead me to choose the right direction.

is it possible to create frameless (full-screen) desktop executables with use of XULRunner like with PhoneGap?
Yes. You use disablechrome attribute to remove the window frame and sizemode="maximized" to have it open full-screen. Alternatively you can use the full-screen API if you want your application to run in a normal window and only switch to full-screen mode on request.
Is it possible to create cross-platform applications with XULRunner
Yes. There are things like menus that work very differently on OS X but most of the time you don't need to care what operating system your application runs on (Windows, Linux and Mac OS X supported).
Where can i find a ready-to-publish example of a XULRunner project
See documentation for a XULRunner application example. For "ready-to-publish" you would need an installer which doesn't come with the platform.
is it possible to load local HTML file(s) like in PhoneGap?
Yes. The top-level window has to be XUL but you can use some very minimal code here - essentially a single <iframe flex="1"/> tag. You can load HTML pages into that frame then.
It is possible and allowed to access external resources?
Yes, XULRunner applications have full privileges and can access files on disk as well as web resources without any restrictions.


What would be the best way to create a firefox plugin for taking desktop screenshots?

I need to create a firefox plugin that allows a user to take screenshots of any part of their desktop and have them uploaded to a server. There seems to be lots of plugins for screen capturing a webpage, but nothing for capturing anything outside of firefox. So after a little research I have not found much information on how this might be possible. I don't want to resort to a using a java applet but I will if that is my only option.
Does anyone have advice on how I might create such a feature?
I don't think a Firefox addon is the most appropriate approach here. Maybe split the task into a Firefox addon to offer the "upload to a server" component and a native app to do the desktop screenshot (or just integrate with existing screenshot tools).
If you're worried about complicating the installation process for end users, you could look into bundling the addon component and native app into a single installer (e.g. MSI on Windows, RPM on Linux, etc.). You'll have to come up with different apps for each platform you want to support (and maybe even each version - e.g. Windows XP vs Windows 10).
Whatever you decide, you'll probably need to create a more specific question to get further help here (there's no simple Firefox.Addons.API.TakeScreenShot() answer I'm afraid).
Also make sure you're using the right terminology - a plugin is the deprecated NPAPI approach whereas addons are still supported.
I'm actually working on taking native desktop screenshots just in the last coupel of days. I'm using js-ctypes. My work goal is the same exact thing to, upload to server. If you would like to collaborate I am very open to it! We can chat about it on #jsctypes irc channel :) irc://moznet/jsctypes (Mibbit IRC WebApp) If you don't know js-ctypes thats ok i can handle that while you can handle uploading techniques, and an editor on canvas :) The editor is a huge part of it, you can see my ideas/plans here:
I'm really really interested in a collab on this!
I'm still working on windows right now, the color is messed up:
I was just about to start OSX work following this example here: and here: Take ScreenShot without Window
You can install the addon from that branch and click the icon that gets added to the toolbar, it will take a screenshot with 3sec delay and then append it to the body of the selected tab. (Windows only right now)
Doneskis baby check it out:
Got some quirks. Released it as v1.0 though. I'm working on Android support, pretty close. I need to flesh out the editor tools. Please let me know if you're willing to collaborate.

IBM Worklight - Is there an embedded rendering engine? Can we change it?

I'm working on a software that includes 3D graphics. Those are massive enough, so I decided to use OpenGL to keep a quite fluent animation. I selected THREE.js graphic library (WebGL).
Reading the html through a Web browser works very well : WebGL functions are recognized. I did it on my desktop (Win32/Firefox17, please do not judge me on my configuration !) and on a Nexus 10 (Android 4.3, FF24 and FF25Beta, tried with Chrome30Beta but no joy...). But I need to access native data, like the file system, to get informations for my program. So I wrapped my code with WL, and deployed it as an app on my Nexus 10... And so disappeared the WebGL capability... :(
So I looked for a reason to that :
I found on the IBM site two different ideas : in one way, I understand that a JS engine is embedded, in another that WL uses the engine of the default Web browser of the tablet (what I understood the first time)...
Let's be precise with the different engines : On the Nexus, FFs have obviously Gecko engines, Chrome30 is a Blink (webkit-like, version 537.36). Those are the ones detected by window.navigator.useragent as I read directly in the browser, no surprise. In the Eclipse/WL preview, I got different interpreters, depending the browser I selected, FF or IE (not Safari, I don't have it installed), but not the one from my desktop (the ones used are even older than my own FF...). But, when I detect the one used in the app (after wrapping in an apk), it returns an AppleWebkit 534.30/Worklight/6.0...
Maybe I'm wrong (tell me), but if 'Worklight' is in the version of the engine, and if webkit is used even when I suppress Chrome from my tablet (the version is different, but who knows..), I wonder that, for this app, as it's configured, the engine is embedded by Cordova or WL.
If it is so, I agree it allows to read a code with a fully-compatible interpreter, regardless the browser installed on the hardware. But when a webkit engine does not please you for the functions it supports (like WebGL, very partially supported), it looks a problem for me.
Does anybody have a confirmation of how it works ? If the engine is wrapped with the app, do you know if we can choose the one to be included, or configure it (like enabling WebGL ;) ) ? Another idea ?
Worklight applications do not bundle an interpreter. The application will use what that is bundled in the OS.
In other words, the default WebView in Worklight is the one that the OS provides, in the case of Android it uses the bundled WebKit.
This is not something Worklight controls what-so-ever.
You could, maybe, somehow, bundle in your app the Firefox engine libraries and hook it all up together, but the task to do so is incredibly large and complex in size... and not supported by IBM Worklight. Also, I do not know whether Cordova supports this as well ( it is used in Worklight to interface with native functionality).
As for the useragent, the string "Worklight" is attached to it as part of support for IBM WebSphere Portal.

Run firefox extensions in xulrunner

I am just wondering if is it possible to run extension like colorzilla / firebug in xulrunner.
In fact I am creating my own extension now and I was trying addon_sdk but this is very problematic to put extension icon/button next to location bar.
So I decided to work with xul, and I know that problem doesn't exist here. And Of course the best way to learn is analyze other code, a changing it. But I can't run any extension in xulrunner. Any hint / help ?
xulrunner is just a runtime or platform. You'd need an actual app on top of that. In that regard, Firefox, Thunderbird, Seamonkey, InstantBird, etc. can be considered (complex) xulrunner apps.
Existing extensions may run, with or without modifications in such a xulrunner app. Well, likely with modifications, as most extensions use APIs specific to Firefox or Thunderbird or ...
The add-on SDK is not generally isn't a good fit for generic xulrunner apps: It is too much tailered against Firefox specifically.

Dart VM - foreign browsers (non Google)

I have played a little with Dart and I think it's great. I understand that it can output native JS and that the VM will likely be supported by Google in their browser. As it is possible that other browser suppliers won't support the Dart VM, is it at all possible to install the Dart VM on client machines for use in foreign browsers?
is it at all possible to install the Dart VM on client machines for use in foreign browsers?
It is, however it is easier to supply the Dart VM yourself.
Javascript is perfectly able to:
Find a script of a specific type
Convert the script into Javascript
Execute the compiled script
While this is technically not a Dart Virtual Machine, it will get your Dart code executed at full speed. However, you do have to wait for the compilation to complete. The usual way is to do the compilation on the server (once), and only send the compiled javascript to clients.
Another option is interpreted code. Instead of compiling to javascript, the Dart instructions are executed one-by-one. Dart is not a machine-level language, so it needs parsing, but what follows is interpretation. The downside is reduced performance. This will get you as close to having a full-blown virtual machine (separate from the Javascript one) as possible.
Normally, you don't care which one you get (maybe you'll even get a just-in-time compiler), but it does make a difference in terms of a Dart virtual machine being present (rather than just getting your code executed).
The Dart compiler needs to be present on the page somehow (unless you precompile).
The easiest way is to just write <script src="path/to/your/dart-compiler.js"></script> into the head.
The Dartium browser does support Dart natively, but it is not designed for common use. Wikipedia says:
In the Dartium Browser: The Dart SDK ships with a version of the Chromium web browser modified to include a Dart virtual machine. This browser can run Dart code directly without compilation to Javascript. It is currently not intended for general-purpose use, but rather as a development tool for Dart applications.[7] When embedding Dart code into web apps, the current recommended procedure is to load a bootstrap JavaScript file, "dart.js", which will detect the presence or absence of the Dart VM and load the corresponding Dart or compiled Javascript code, respectively,[8] therefore guaranteeing browser compatibility with or without the custom Dart VM.
If you want the ability to run Dart be dependent on the client machine rather than on the page, there are a few ways too.
One way is to include the compiler as a user-script. This will work in all both modern desktop browsers. However, I'm not sure if there's an existing way to add user-script support to Internet Explorer.
One way is to add a browser extension. All modern desktop browsers support extensions, and Internet Explorer has Browser Helper Objects.
All of these will require the extra Javascript step. If you want native interpretation that bypasses Javascript, you need a plugin. Plugins require a specific mime-type to run (not sure if the script type counts), but you can install an extension that will trigger the use of the plugin. However, DOM manipulation still needs the extra Javascript step. There is no way around it.
A desktop installer can definitely install a plugin into a browser. Indeed, this is the way plugins normally get installed. Installing extensions from a desktop installer might be possible as well, but I can't confirm or deny this last claim for now.
As far as I know there is no way to just simply install a plugin (like Flash) for Dart. For Internet Explorer one could install Chrome-frame, but I haven't seen something similar for Firefox and Safari.

Can Delphi VCL project be compiled to a browser plugin?

I have a Delphi VCL application which I'm using to show some pictures and I would like to know if there is any possibility to transform it into a browser plugin (like firefox, google chrome etc ) in order to load it remotely, like a java applet.
for all of them the answer is NO. even for IE it is sometimes difficult...VCL applications means win32/64 development in general, browsers are more 'related' to web development. you can reconsider and try to resolve this by using an already existing platform which can be easily integrated into web browsers like Shockwave (yeah, I don't like to give links to wikipedia...) or another similar tool.
You can use VirtualUI from CybeleSoft to run your Windows app in a browser. You still need to set up your backend server with database etc, and make sure that some operations are blocked - you don't want someone to browse through your server files ;-)
There are options:
ActiveX plugin (you might need to enable ActiveX support in browser or use a special plugin to enable it)
NPAPI plugin (will be deprecated in Chrome in late 2014). See question: How to embed Delphi VCL form into HTML page using NPAPI?
Take a look at the samples on Raudus. It might be what you are looking for. It will be interesting for you to read this about VCL compatible component set for the web.
