creating facebook style timeline in ios sdk - ios

I am trying to creating something similar to facebook timeline in facebook website. I tried searching for some examples I could not find any. Can anyone give me pointers on how to get started if I want to create one or an existing example would be great.

Not an answer, but a pointer, If you'd thinking to make something like here, then its kind of tough and really need presence of mind to make it. First of all, source code is only avail with Mark Zuckerburg so in case you can ask him for that. If he'll deny, you should go ahead and,
Think of it, design of it, and start making it.
You need to make mocktail of UITableView's, UIImageView's, extra UILabel's and UIButton's for garnishing and test, and a well looking design that says yes its timeline.
Once you done with above, you need some test data, with a date inside it, perform descending sort with NSSortDescriptor. Update your timeline with those data you've. You've to check for the kind of data you want, or you've included. Set the layout as per the data you want to show.
and you'll say, Whoa! I've own timeline.


Prevent Autocorretion of a Word in Swift

My client's chat app is autocorrected whenever it is mentioned in UITextViews within the app.
So if it's called XYZ (just making this up) whenever users type XYZ in a UITextView in the app, it tries to autocorrect it.
I know this is a small/petty thing, but he feels like it's embarrassing to see the app's name try to be changed for users of it, if that makes sense.
Any chance I could have that specific word ignored for the UITextView inside the actual app? Or does this require modifying the user's SwiftKey or something on a per-user basis to avoid?
Thanks for any help / direction anyone can provide!
A very well documented tutorial about UITextChecker given by NSHipster blog.
You should focus on the Learning a New word Section of the blog, which should give you answer
Just for the sake if people don't want to jump around links
Let’s assume that you want your users to be able to type "xyz"
exactly. Let your app know that by telling it to learn the word, using
the UITextChecker.learnWord(_:) class method:
let someNewWordTheAppNeedsToLearn = "xyz"
I believe you can create a wrapper class exclusively for making app learn words and call it in your app delegate.
Apple Documentation
You can use UITextChecker in the root view controller's viewDidLoad()

Displaying Data From Firebase in iOS in 'Flashcards'

I am developing an iOS app that displays certain words from a Firebase database. The difference, however, is that I want to display the search results in a 'Flashcard' style. I have attached an image to give you an idea of what I am trying to do. I also want it to act as a button (i.e perform some actions when tapped). It would be great if you could help me give me an idea about how I could get this done. Thanks a lot]1
1.) Create a custom collection view. (Guide:
2.) Get started with Firebase. (How to get started:
3.) Setup everything you need for the collection view (Code)
4.) Retrieve values from Firebase. (
At least this is a start where you should begin. There is hundred of guides how to perform something like that, if you're googling the correct way. Once you get started, you should edit your post and ask more specific what you need help with and there will be a lot of people here who will help you out. But like someone said in the comments, it's not a code service. We're not building it for you. We're here to help you get in the right direction. (I know it's a pain in the beginning, and you will get confused a hundred of times. But that's the best way of learning.)
Good luck!

Parse detecting db changes

I am using Parse in my iOS App and was wondering if it had a way for my app to get notified when a db change is made. I saw some outdated documentation that indicated there was a Parse.Cloud function but it does not seem to exist.
More recently I saw something about Parse.observeValue but cannot find any example of how to use it and I cannot seem to get it to work.
Does anyone in the Parse community know anything about this and maybe have a code snippet that shows how to perform such a function?
I have a table that keeps comments for users and I wanted to get notified when a comment is made. For example, if user 1 adds a comment on their device I was hoping that user 2 could get a notification so the the app for user 2 could reload any new comments.
Hope this makes sense... as usual any help is greatly appreciated!!
Parse provides afterSave triggers in cloud code. Those, in conjunction with push notifications would provide -- with a little latency -- a way to detect db change at the client.
If you really need this to work comprehensively and fast, I think the best alternative is google firebase.

Adding and deleting contacts as a singular object package (like in Facebook messenger)

The problem I have had with this is just being able to type what I mean in few enough words to find anything meaningful in the internet.
This is what I want (sorry for the low quality image):
Search through a list of contacts, when you click on they are added as a contact package instead of a long name string. If then we click delete next to it then the whole contact is removed. This is the system used by most chat and txting services for adding contacts.
I am hoping that there will be a good github library online or, failing that, that someone can suggest the best way to proceed coding it myself.
Having thought about it somewhat I would think that I would want to treat the object a bit like I would an emoticon. Although it looks like a much longer word we would allocate a string package to the user which when detected would look up their name and output their name in the bubble. If we delete any of the string package then the whole thing becomes void and is deleted.
This is all much easier said than done of course.
So this question is trying to ask two main questions:
What is this actually called (this would be a great start to enable me to get more than 0 search results)
Is there a good github or online library that deals with this, if not then any advice on how to do it manually would be great
Thanks :)
I looked through lots of different libraries which enabled this. The problem about git hub libraries is always that you have to compromise between the one which is the best and the ones which are getting updated and have recent activity.
The one which I settled with and is working out excellently can be found here and is called the VENTokenField
If this link is broken then just search in google for VenTokenField and it is the github library by venmo.
I found it very easy to use:
Add the delegate to your header file: VENTokenFieldDelegate
Create a property in the header file too:
#property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet VENTokenField * _tokenField;
I then found the easiest way to set it up was to add a UITextField to the XIB file and class it as a VenTokenField. (don't forget to set the constraints to enable the tokenField to get bigger so constrain the uitableview to the bottom of the field)
Then you just need to link in your search logic but as this is a question about the library and not the code I won't go into it here.
Hope this helps and comment if you are struggling and I'll try to update the answer to make it more comprehensive.

YouTube's search function in IOS
Hello, I am looking for some implementation tips for YouTube's search-function. I want to implement exactly the same thing but without the function "displaying tips based on the search-term".
With other words, I want a simpler version. How can I make the NavigatorBar disappear when the user clicks on the "search-button" and then make the NavigatorBar appear again after the user searched what they looked for? If you have seen the app its pretty clear what I am trying to explain.
Anyone know a good tutorial to implement something like this? What methods do this require? I am grateful for all tips. Thanx!
Concept you want to implement is quite hard to do, that is highly customized control. Instead of showing results in the same view, a new controller is pushed with results table.
However, you can start with UISearchDisplayController. See Apple's TableSearch example.
