Migrating from FBConnect to Facebook sdk - ios

I would like to migrate from fbconnect to facebook sdk. My application is already running on fbconnect. Can i simply delete just delete the fbconnect files(such as FB request, Facebook, FBDialog) files and simply add Facebook SDK framework in?
When I do that, i get errors like:
1)No Facebook.h, No FBDialog.h , NO FBRequest.h so on...
How to solve this?

simply replacing the framework with previous FBConnect files will not work. They are now using "FBSession" concept for logging in and changed posting methods also.
So it would be better for you to follow the document here.


Scringo twitter integration callback URL configuration

I have followed the directions to a tee from http://www.scringo.com/docs/android-guides/popular/connect-to-social-networks/ to integrate Twitter with Scringo.
I'm using a callback URL of the form (http://www.example.com). On Twitter, access is set to read only and "Allow this application to be used to Sign in with Twitter" is checked. Consumer key and secret are set in assets/scringo.properties file.
My error message is
01-30 17:25:53.937: E/Scringo(1067): Scringo Twitter error: Did you configure the Callback URL in your Twitter app settings page (dev.twitter.com)
I don't really think my code is the cause, because even the main Scringo samples from Scringo's site don't work with my properties file.
I think it's worth mentioning that I have successfully integrated Facebook into my Scringo application, so any considerations about network are a not an issue.
I think you are facing this issue because of a recent twitter change. mentioned here https://dev.twitter.com/discussions/24239
To fix this you need to change twitter4j lib version to 3.0.5 [Scringo libs folder will have twitter4j-core-3.0.4.jar]. I am able to resolve my app twitter integration issue with this change.

Twitter and Facebook for Socialize

I'm trying to get Twitter and Facebook to work on Socialize for my iOS app. I've followed the steps on Socialize's website up until the "Linking to existing credentials" area (Twitter: http://socialize.github.io/socialize-sdk-ios/twitter.html, Facebook: http://socialize.github.io/socialize-sdk-ios/facebook.html). When I run the app, it successfully builds but Facebook and Twitter still do not show up as options for sharing. I have a feeling there's some small part I'm missing but can't figure it out. Does anyone know if maybe there is something that Socialize does not mention in the guide that may need to be done or some other possible answer?
you have to put the following in the app delegate, or another place, follow the documentation:
[SZFacebookUtils setAppId:#"YOUR FB APP ID"];
[SZTwitterUtils setConsumerKey:#"YOUR_TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY" consumerSecret:#"YOUR_TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET"];

requesting access from Twitter on Sharekit?

I'm using Sharekit and it used to work perfectly without any pbm, since two days I still get this error message whenever I try to share something with Sharekit in my app
There was a problem requesting access from Twitter
Sharing with other services like Facebook or Email still working well.
Did you noticed a similar problem? any fixes?
For more info : when I try sharing somthing, It request all time my approval to the application, even I did that before.
It has been fixed, get the latest ShareKit version.

Facebook iOS SDK 3.0 post to wall

Is there a way to post to user's wall using the new Facebook iOS SDK through feed dialog (like it used to be possible in the old FBconnect)?
requestForPostStatusUpdate: requires permission for publishing to stream, which I don't want to ask users for.
Do a global search for FacebookSDK/FacebookSDK.h make sure you are not importing it anywhere. Tripped me up.
Facebook suggests using the older header files for posting an update. From facebook "To invoke Facebook dialogs, reference the Facebook deprecated headers. The headers can be found here ~Documents/FacebookSDK/FacebookSDK.framework/Versions/A/DeprecatedHeaders. Drag the whole DeprecatedHeaders folder and deselect the ''Copy items into destination group's folder (if needed)'' option to add the headers as a reference."

ASP.NET MVC: Facebook C# SDK 5.4.1 Logout

I know this seems like yet-another post on the subject but the other posts did not help me.
I'm trying to logout my facebook user from my webiste through c# SDK (version 5.4.1) but I can't find a single clue on how to do this. I only find how to do this with previous versions, or javascript logout (which I don't want).
I've also seen this post Cannot Logout of Facebook with Facebook C# SDK but I don't know how to get the access token through C# SDK and I even don't know if this method is indeed working.
Thanks in advance.
Navigate to https://www.facebook.com/logout.php?access_token=....&next=...
Make sure your next url is not any random url but the url which is part of the site url.
