how to trim a property in createCriteria - grails

I am trying to trim a projection property but it does not let me do that.
def c = Book.createCriteria()
def books = c.list {
projections {
property ("title")
def now = new Date()
between('publishingDate', now-45, now+15)
I would like to trim the 'title' field in the criteria but it does not work. Any suggestions?

This will be possible in grails 2.2 using a sqlProjection:
projections {
sqlProjection 'trim(title) as title', ['title'], [java.sql.Types.VARCHAR]


Grails Criteria querying a list with ilike

I want to query a list in criteria like this:
def patterns = ["abc%", "cde%"]
def criteria = MyEntity.createCriteria();
def results = criteria.list {
and {
patterns.collect {
not { ilike(name, it) }
is this basically possible? What do I have to do to get this query working?
Instead of collecting which will create a collection of the contents you need to simply iterate.
def patterns = ["abc%", "cde%"]
def criteria = MyEntity.createCriteria();
def results = criteria.list {
and {
patterns.each {
not { ilike('name', it) }

How can I get a set of field values in groovy?

class Book {
String title
def book = new Book(title: 'title1')
def book = new Book(title: 'title2')
def book = new Book(title: 'title3')
How can I get the set of titles? Something like titleSet = ['title1', 'title2', 'title3']
I thought maybe something like def titleSet = Book.findTitles(); would work but I can't find anything like that.
I know I could do:
def books = Book.list()
def titleSet
for(def book : books)
But I'm looking for a groovier way.
This goes through all the books for their title and creates a Set instead of a List.
Book.all.title as Set
The above will fetch all Book instances which might be heavy if you only need title. You can also try using criteria or HQL to get only list of titles.
def titleSet = Book.createCriteria().listDistinct {
projections {
Set titleSet = books*.title
Set titleSet = books.collect { it.title }

Get domain class field names

I would like to get the field names of a class and maybe store it in a list. Can anyone help? Thanks.
You can try this to get field names of domain class.
YourClass.declaredFields.each {
if (!it.synthetic) {
You can use gormPersistentEntity for any domain object, this works with Grails 2.4.4 at least:
def names = Person.gormPersistentEntity.persistentPropertyNames
//returns ['firstName', 'lastName'...]
you can also get natural name using GrailsNameUtils like so:
def naturalNames = Person.gormPersistentEntity.persistentPropertyNames.collect {
//returns ['First Name', 'Last Name'...]
def capitilizedNames = Person.gormPersistentEntity.persistentProperties.collect{
//returns ['FirstName', 'LastName'...]
Just found it out, this one works:
def names = grailsApplication.getDomainClass('').persistentProperties.collect { }
You can iterate over the fields of a class like this.
YourClass.fields.each { println }
If you need to put them into a list you could use collect() or populate it within the each.

Grails query not inList

I'm writing a criteria to make a query, but I can't figure out how to negate an inList criteria...Is there a way to do something like:
def result = c {
not inList('id', ids)
Your criteria should like this...
def ids = [1, 2, 3];
def c = Foo.createCriteria();
def results = c.list {
not {'in'("id",ids)}
The documentation can be found here. I believe this was just added in grails 2.+

How to sort Domain-Objects with attribute with type JodaTime / DateTime in grails 1.3.7?

I'm working on a small event calendar and i want to sort the events by start time!
I'm using JodaTime Plugin in grails for the startTime attribute. ( )
So, how can i sort with this datatype? This does not work:
def sortedEvents = events.asList().sort({ a, b -> a.startTime <=> b.startTime } as Comparator)
I hope you can help me!
This is the code where i'm getting the events:
def getEventsNext(Location location) {
def events = { it.endTime >= new DateTime() }
def sortedEvents = events.sort{it.startTime}
System.out.println(sortedEvents); //test
return sortedEvents
In /event/list action everything works fine with g:sortableColumn (sorting by startTime):
Try this:
def sortedEvents = events.asList().sort{it.startTime}
To reverse the sorting order, use:
def sortedEvents = events.asList().sort{-it.startTime}
FYI, Groovy adds this sort() method to Collection so you can remove asList() from the code above if events is already a Collection.
Try overriding the compareTo method in your domain classes.
For example,
int compareTo(obj) {
Sort your events like so:
def sortedEvents = events.sort{e1,e2-> e1.startTime.compareTo(2.startTime)}
Or as suggested by #Don, the groovier equivalent
def sortedEvents = events.sort{e1,e2-> e1.startTime <=> e2.startTime}
def events = { it.endTime.isAfterNow() }
def sortedEvents = events.sort{it.startTime.toDate()}
JavaDoc for isAfterNow()
