How to stop GADBannerView/MPAdView from getting ads? - ios

I am using the 2 mediation for ads.
When IAP is purchased, I want to remove the ad banner.
Right now I use removeFromSuperview to remove the views. However, the ads are still being refreshed. How do I stop getting more ads?

You also should probably release the GADBannerView as well as nil out your delegate. So if you do something like:
adBanner_.delegate = nil;
// Don't release if you're using ARC.
[adBanner_ release];
Of course this assumes you don't want to add the GADBannerView again at some point later in your application flow.

I guess its
[adBanner_ stopAutomaticallyRefreshingContents];
And I think its better to add the delegate nilling to (as RajPara suggested).


AdMob, Google Mobile Ad, switching from iAd, bannerView

iOS 9.3, Xcode 7.3, ARC enabled.
I am migrating away from iAd, and I have some general questions regarding best design patterns and how to properly use the Google Mobile Ads framework for banner style ads.
How do you control presentation on ad load and load failure?
My typical approach is to start with the banner view hidden, detect when the ad is loaded, then either animate the banner view in from the top or bottom, or fade in from a stand-in image.
I noticed that GADBannerView class, does not have some of the more convenient properties of an iAd banner, such as isLoaded.
a) Right now I take advantage of the two methods - (void)adViewDidReceiveAd:(GADBannerView *)bannerView and - (void)adView:(GADBannerView *)bannerView didFailToReceiveAdWithError:(GADRequestError *)error, set an instance variable bool for the view controller when either method gets a message, then use that variable for any additional UI changes else where. Is this a good design practice?
b) "deleted", animation works.
c) When the ad fails to load, what happens to the banner view? I notice that its alpha property is still 1.0 and that it is not hidden. In a production environment when an AdMob ad fails to load, is the banner clear? Or does it have a generic stand-in image? In other words, am I going to have to slide in an image to balance the view without the banner view there?
I've read from the basic AdMob tutorial that it doesn't really matter where the banner is, it can be in multiple view controllers, the framework will manage how these multiple banners will be filled. Could someone confirm this behavior? Say, I have two view controllers and I have two different banner views, I don't have to manage the ads? All I have to do is provide the banner view real estate?
Generally speaking, if I used to have iAd for ads and also in-app. purchases through iTunes, then what is the modern day trend? Am I supposed to have ads through AdMob and keep in-app. purchases as they are through Apple? Is that what people are doing now?
Thanks in advance for your answers. I know this maybe too general, but I really want some sort of a fundamental understanding where to head, before I submit anything to Apple.
Here is the code for animation I am using:
- (void)adViewDidReceiveAd:(GADBannerView *)bannerView
bannerDidLoad = true;
[UIView animateWithDuration:1.0 animations:^{
bannerView.alpha = 1.0;
bannerView.frame = CGRectMake(bannerView.frame.origin.x, bannerView.frame.size.height, bannerView.frame.size.width, bannerView.frame.size.height);
} completion:^(BOOL finished) {
You should really narrow your question down. It's kind of vague. Anyways, yes GADBannerView's will be clear if they fail to receive an ad. Using the delegate methods to know what state the GADBannerView is in is the standard. Animating the alpha property should not be an issue. Not really sure what that last question is asking. You can use any ad network you'd like. If you're using in app purchases already just continue using them and remove the GADBannerView instead of the ADBannerView.

Can you preload admob DFPBannerView on iOS

Can you preload admob DFPRequest on iOS? I know you can for interstitials, but was wondering about DFPBannerView
Create one GADBannerView and one request inapplicationDidFinishLaunching, listen to the GADBannerView's delegate method to know when it's loaded, and then present it on any view you desire. applicationDidFinishLaunching would be the earliest you could make your request. Check this example using an ADBannerView and Swift. The implementation would be the same.
No, you can't do it for banners. Once you call LoadAd() for a banner ad unit, your banner ad starts loading and refreshes after a set interval (what you've set on the dashboard, or the default), if any.
There is no way to preload admob banner ads like interstitial.

Should I only use canDisplayBannerAds. No ADBannerViews?

I want to implement iAds to my UITabBar application, and I discovered that if I use the canDisplayBannerAds property on each of my ViewControllers then the ads are displayed/hidden accordingly, resizing the view perfectly and it's so easy to implement (no ADBannerView added on Storyboard), but easy is almost never good.
Is there anything wrong with this? Do I need to add an ADBannerView either by code/storyboard?
There is no need to create an AdBannerView in code or the storyboard. I'm using canDisplayBannerAds in my apps and it is working fine. Apple does everything for you and you mustn't take care about memory leaks, rendering issues, error handling, ...
Is there anything wrong with this?
No, canDisplayBannerAds is easy to implement and requires no effort to manage. I usually suggest using canDisplayBannerAds when someone is placing advertisements into their application for the first time. It gets them familiar with advertisements and iAd.
Do I need to add an ADBannerView either by code/storyboard?
No, using canDisplayBannerAds does not require you to implement an ADBannerView. The moment you need an ADBannerView you'll know it. For example, you want to use another ad network for when iAd fails to receive an ad. Using canDisplayBannerAds you're not able to do this. You need the delegate methods you would inheret from using your own ADBannerView.

Flurry ads integration using SDK 6.0 creates performance issue app crashes

Hi I am using latest flurry SDK 6.0 in app. I need to show ads almost every where in my app. App is UINavigationControllerBased contains more viewControllers. I am using code given in flurry documentation.
I am using below code in each and every ViewController but some times I move fast just like push and pop before add received,so in that case callbacks are continuously receiving but that viewcontroller is not available in stack at that time app crash or recieve memory. I tried to set adDelegate to nil in viewWillDisappear but flurry documentation says don't set it as nil.
Anyone has any ideas regarading this?
[super viewDidAppear:animated];
if(self.adBanner == nil){
self.adBanner = [[FlurryAdBanner alloc] initWithSpace:#"Flurry Banner"] ;
self.adBanner.adDelegate = self;
[self.adBanner fetchAndDisplayAdInView:self.view viewControllerForPresentation:self];
Perhaps you should split the code in two?
Fetch the Ad using fetchAdForFrame. This prevents Flurry from using the view you passed.
Then inside the delegate, use displayAdInView. Only call this if you know the view is visible. So in viewWillAppear set a flag to say visible, in viewWillDisappear set a flag to say not visible. This should let you cut off the rendering part.
Seems odd an API like this would have no cancelFetchAd method!

Receiving Delegate Methods for iAd Banners iOS 7

In iOS 7, ADBannerView no longer needs to be created manually. Instead, they can be requested with a simple self.canDisplayBannerAds = YES;
Now, I cannot set my View Controller as the banner delegate because there is no banner for me to access (to my knowledge).
I need to know when the banner is tapped and when that action is dismissed so I can properly pause/start my Sprite Kit game.
How am I supposed to have these delegate methods called so I can properly respond to the user's actions?
AFAIK, there is nothing in the UIView Controller iAD Additions that explains how to set the delegate for the banners.
Do I need to create the banners manually, or is there a way to achieve this while still using the newer API's?
Unfortunately, if you want to use the delegate methods, you will need to set up your iAd Banner manually. Even if you make your vc the delegate, by just using self.canDisplayBannerAds = YES, will not call the methods you need. In my sprite kit game, I made all the banners manually so I could take care of pausing the game and going to the background. Making them give you the control you are looking for. Good luck.
