Xcode change repositories - ios

Maybe anyone knows a way how to change repositories.
I have to continue a project made by other company, and they have their svn repository in their server. I'v created my own git repository, yet the files keep commiting to the old svn. Deleting the first repository in organizer does not help at all, if i try to commit file, it recreates...
So how do I switch between old svn to my new git repository ?

close XCode, go into the terminal and delete all the .svn directories from the folder hierarchy, issue "git init ." in the root directory and now restart XCode.


Why not appear the files in submodules added into my Xcode project?

I have a problem with my Xcode project. I'm using submodules of frameworks like alamofire. I added this following the github steps... running the following command:
$ git submodule add https://github.com/Alamofire/Alamofire.git
and then the next step like drop into project...
But my problem is then the commit and push. When I clone the project from git using sourcetree in other computer or I remove the repo and I download this, the folder of alamofire and others sdk are empty.
If I open the xcode project is red name, because haven't the files. But in my first local repository all work and if I try change to submodule in sourcetree the files are downloaded and appear.
But if I use:
git clone --recursive https://github.com/meme/myRepo.git FOLDER_NAME
with this command all files are downloaded.
I want get the content of those submodules when I clone my repo into a computer with sourcetree.
How can I solve this to then download the repo appear directly the sdks?
As illustrated in this thread:
There is a "Recurse submodules" option when cloning under "Advanced Options".
That should be enough for your original question.
nothing when pulling, checking out, or switching branched; and no manual recursive submodule update functionality.
The only way I know of updating submodules in SourceTree is to manually open each submodule (and recursively open each nested submodule) and look at the "Uncommitted changed" select only submodules that appear to have change and "Reset" the changes.

Remove svn repository associated with ios project in XCode

I'm a little bit confused with Xcode 5 Source Control options. I recently downloaded a project from Internet. That project had an svn repository associated and now I want to commit this project to one git repository hosted at bitbucket.
The problem is that I'm not able to see where is the option or what do I have to do to delete the association between the svn repository and the project. In the same way, I don't see where can I associate my bitbucket repository with the project.
I will answer myself. First of all I deleted the .svn folder inside my project, after that I opened a terminal, I went to my project folder and I entered:
git init
git add .
git commit -m "first commit"
After these steps I was able to upload the project to one bitbucket repo =)

Accidentally created a git submodule

So I was developing a API Client gem, which was working great, had it's own github repository and my team lead decided that he wanted me to move this client api into the api repository itself. So I copied the files over into it's own directory, removed the .git directory from the client's directory, and merged it into master. Worked great.
However, now when I try to create a branch off of master, the directory shows up a submodule on github, and isn't tracked in my local git. There is no .gitmodules folder, and no mention of submodules whatsoever. I can't create a new branch because it says that there are untracked files that will get overwritten (all the files in my client gem directory) but as far as I can tell there's no way for me to start tracking these files. I can access the directory just fine, but as soon as I modify a file, the change doesn't show up in the api projects git.
What do I do?
If there is no .git folder or file in that subfolder, all you need to do is git rm --cached [folder] followed by git add [folder]/*
Running git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch client then allowed me to git add client/

Merging two git repositories (accidentally downloaded .zip from github, need to merge back in)

Ok so I have an iOS project I'm tracking with git / github.
I downloaded a copy of the master branch (.zip format), and then accidentally started working on that xcode project. So I have
-- Original xCode project where I usually push/pull from github
-- downloaded xcode project that is one step ahead of my project on github.
Basically I want the downloaded/modified project to be my next commit in my original git repository.... but its a completely separate project now. Is there a way I can merge two separate git repositories / projects?
Simply copy the files over, then
git add -A
git commit
git push

Git not recognizing rails plugin

I installed the table_builder plugin from https://github.com/p8/table_builder, followed the directions at the bottom titled For a pre rails 3.0 table_builder: which works great.
The problem is since I checked out a branch of it, when I try to commit this to MY GIT repo, it doesnt think there are files even there.. git status diplays nothing, git add wont add the files..
Any suggestions as to how I can get this committed?
Maybe you cloned the plugin directly into your own repository and you now have the plugin repository within your repository?
A git repository will by default ignore any other repositories and their working directories that are located within it.
If so, you have (at least) two options:
Clone the plugin elsewhere, and then
copy the necessary files into your
Clone the plugin into your repository
and then delete the plugin's .git
There are other ways to manage this with git-submodule but I'm not an expert on that so I defer to someone with more knowledge.
Check the .gitignore file in your project root folder. If git status doesn't see the files and git add won't add them, it's most likely because they're being specifically ignored.
