jQuery refresh of buttons that are multiple levels below accordion-set parent - jquery-mobile

I have multiple accordion-set's nested in side of each other, they make a types of multi-category sorted list. Anywhere from 3 to 5 steps into the accordion nests I can start having actual items (buttons), they are in reality stylized 'A' elements.
I'm able to get the nested accordion-sets to refresh on successful AJAX return, but can not seem to figure out how to get the buttons to refresh and take on the jQ mobile styling.
$('#main-market-list').find('div[data-role="collapsible-set"]').collapsibleset({refresh:true}); is what Im using for the accordion-sets, whats the button version of the same logic?

You could try $(".ui-page-active").trigger("create") to force JQM to restyle the entire page.So your buttons too will get styled along with accordion sets.
edit: you could try $('.button-class').button('refresh'); where button-class is the class name for the links which you would like to style.


Drag & Sort using Kendo UI

I want to implement similar functionality to the jQuery UI Draggable & Sortable, but using Kendo UI.
This should allow me to drag from a list of options and place them within a sortable list.
Here is the jQuery UI functionality: http://jqueryui.com/draggable/#sortable
I want 2 panels, one with items that can be dragged and the other containing the dragged items. The closest thing I could find on Kendo UI is: http://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/sortable/linkedlists, but the items in the first list (on the left) are sortable and this moves the item from the first list.
I have looked at all of the Kendo UI samples on Teleriks website, but I cannot see any examples of how to do this.
I am now part way there. I have 2 sortable lists and I have added code to stop the 'draggable' items from sortable. However, when I drag an item to the 'sortable' list, it disappears from the 'draggable' list.
Here's the code I'm using to stop the items being sortable:
start: function() {
$("#draggable li").each(function() {
Here is the fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/kgjertsen/r4xmLevq/
Anyone able to tell me how to stop the items from disappearing?
After a lot of investigation, it turns out that you cannot link draggable with sortable, as you can with jQuery. You need to drop the item into the container, then sort it from its default place, which is at the bottom.
Telerik justify this with a statement saying that they cannot implement this behaviour as the controls cannot know about each other, as this is bad practice.
Personally, I think this is terrible and the functionality would be a great addition to the Kendo UI library.

Unbinding Masonry

I'm currently working with KnockoutJS, jQuery UI's sortable and Masonry. I use Knockout to display a list of cards, Masonry to arrange the cards properly, and sortable for sorting the cards.
The cards are of similar size, but I'll be introducing different sizes later on so I surely need Masonry to help me arrange them.
I'm using a customized bindingHandler function for the sortable so that when the user sorts the cards, the item's position gets updated in the knockout observableArray.
Since the knockout sortable function removes the item from the last position and puts it back to a new position, Masonry messes up and somehow sortable also not functions properly. What I discovered was if I simply float left all the cards without using Masonry, sortable works fine.
I plan to undo Masonry at the start of the sortable, and put it back at the stop of the sortable. However I don't know how to unbind Masonry. Is there a way? Or at least a way to get it working.
Here's a prototype of what I'm trying to do:
you could use masonry's destroy to remove masonry. so it removes the Masonry functionality completely. This will return the element back to its pre-initialized state. and you could create masonry element when you needed by msnry = new Masonry( container );. Also you could use layout method.

Are jQuery tabs overkill in this case?

I'd like to create a content box with two tabs. Each tab is associated with a table which contain server-side data. My thought right now is just to load the page with 10 rows worth of data for each table and hide/display each table respectively to begin.
I was then going to toggle display of the tabbed content based on either click events on the tabs OR GET parameters relating to which tabbed content is being acted on (through pagination, for example).
Should I just handle this with UI tabs or is toggling display reasonable in this case? Since the user can update their data, I assume that caching via the tab UI isn't helpful in this case.
From what I understood, I don't think its going to be overkill. If you are worried about performance, ten rows for 2 tables is just 20, which is not much. Paginating will also get 10 more rows for each 'click' so it's still good there.
Do use tab activation through click events, but also use GET parameters to know in which page the user currently is, from which tab.
Regarding caching data that you know will change, it might be unnecessary (see my 1st paragraph). Caching can sometimes become unwieldy, so don't add an uneccesary layer of complexity.
As someone who suggests simplicity above all else, I'd discard the whole 'tab loading' thing but leaving the tabs per se (i.e. the interface elements that will be clicked) and when the user clicks each tab, it takes to another page with the tabs too, old-fashioned style.

jQuery Tabs - Adding reusable next/previous buttons

Im looking to extend the jquery tabs to add next and previous buttons - which i have done using the show event. The problem is that its a big chunk of code added to that event for each page that needs tabs and these buttons. How i go about making it a reusable component?
Write a jquery plugin to wire your tabs up by convention. Here's a tutorial: http://docs.jquery.com/Plugins/Authoring
Decorate your tab list with something like , then have your plugin pick up on ul's with class "scrollable". Write all your logic in there. You shouldn't need to call any function explicitly for each page.

Sorting multiple items at the same time using jQuery UI

I'm trying to setup a way to sort multiple items at the same time using jQuery UI's Sortable plugin. I have come up with a partial solution, where the checked items go with the drag, but I can't get them all to move positions. Here is what I have: http://jsbin.com/ecela
What do I need to add to ensure the items move to their new location and get removed when dragging starts.
Also, I'm wondering if there is a way to use selectable and sortable together. I'm guessing not because they both require you to click on the items to select and drag/sort them.
There's a jQuery plugin for that: multisortable.
They have a jsfiddle example there too. You select items with shift-click or command-click, then drag them around.
Seems like a good starting off point, at least!
