Simulator/device UI differs from storyboard - ios

I am using Xcode 4.5.1 to create a very simple, single view iPhone app. I've laid out the view as you can see in the IB image. (UIViewController, UIView, UIButton, UITextView).
When I run the app in the simulator (or my phone) it looks like the second screen shot.
I don't understand why the simulator UI doesn't look like the one I created in IB.
What am I missing?

If you look you are using the iPhone 5 size layout in your storyboard file. To change the dimensions between iPhone 5 layout and the standard iPhone size
Click on the icon in the lower right hand corner of the storyboard:
Alternatively, if you want to see the layout in a iPhone 5 simulator. In the iOS simulator go to Hardware > Device > iPhone (Retina 4-inch). This is the iPhone 5 layout. However, if you do not have a retina displayed computer. The iPhone will look like a really big iPad.

It looks like you have an iPhone 5 sized layout in Xcode and a iphone 4 in simulator. Check the constraints on the dark grey vs bottom views and make sure that they'll resize how you want.

Hey so here is another method.
My Problem:
1.My Storyboard was showing a fat rectangle that didnt look anything like a iPhone. Then when I'd run the simulator all the element were cut off and not in the right position.
2.Simulator took up the whole screen.
1. Make sure you Storyboard is open and displayed, click on the frame so that it has a blue highlighted border. Then on the Utilities manager (on the right) click on "Show the Attributes menu". The very first item should be Simulated Metrics. Choose the size that best fits your screen/needs.
2.Follow Adjusting the XCode iPhone simulator scale and size I scaled it down to 33%


Xcode 8 AutoLayout/Constraints: Changing view to fit each Iphone screen size?

I am new to Xcode, and have been trying to figure out how to use AutoLayout and constraints. Long story short, after I hit 'add missing constraints' the Iphone 7 screen looks just as I intended, but both the Iphone 7 plus and Iphone SE screens look completely screwed up. What can I do to fix this so that every screen looks like the Iphone 7?
Iphone 7
Example Iphone SE (screwed up)
add missing constrains option means: adds the constraints needed to have a nonambiguous layout. may not work well for all iOS devices, and may not work well for device's rotation changes or view size changes, so, check view's constrains in size inspector panel
for more info:check Apple's auto layout guide

Simulated Metrics size for "iPhone 5.5-inch" doesn't show the interface correctly in iPhone 6 plus device

I'm using xcode 6.1.1 version and iPhone 6 plus as testing device. I simply add a button at the right side of my xcode user interface, selecting Simulated Metrics size for iPhone 5.5-inch like this :
But when I run this on device the button goes far away from the right edge. Like this (Snap shoot from my device):
But when I select Simulated Metrics size for iPhone 4.7-inch like this :
It shows accurately in my device. Like this (Snap shoot from my device):
I tried with selecting and un selecting Auto Layout & Size Classes but do not get any clue. My device is 5.5 inch iPhone 6 plus. I even recheck it from my iPhone's packet and by IMEI Number. My question is why it is acting like iPhone 6 interface?? Is it for any reason of retina display or non retina display??
Thanks a lot in advanced.
My button's Constraints:
Select the button/ view you want. Then simply use the shortcut ⌥⇧⌘=. This will Reset to Suggested Constraints.
For this to work successfully, try moving your button to the suggested areas, i.e. move the button/ view to the top right corner like you have till the dotted blue lines appear.
Once done it should show what you expect on the interface builder but to be sure test on the simulator and/ or Device.
You need to add the proper constraints. Using simulated metrics is only for setting things up in IB, it has no effect on what the view looks like at run time. You should leave that setting at inferred.
If you don't add constraints yourself, the system adds them for you, and it adds top, left, height, and width constraints; that is not what you want. You need to add constraints to the top and right side. If you do that, the button will appear with that spacing to the right side, no matter what size screen you're using.
I think you should use constraints to solve the problem but i don't know the exact cause of this
Ctrl + drag from the item to the border in the storyboard to add constraints

Support of iPhone 4-inch screen by storyboard

I created a new project in XCode 5. And I run it on iPhone 5 (which has 4" screen) and a view doesn't cover all screen, but rather squeezed in 3.5" box (there are two black bars around my view)
I went to Main_iPhone.storyboard and checked that:
Use Autolayout is turned on on View Contoller
Use Autolayout is turned on on View
I tried Simulated Metrics, Size: Retina 4-inch Full Screen, Freeform and Inferred.
I tried to use button at the button to switch to Retina 4-inch form factor and 3.5-inch form factor.
Nothing makes a difference and it still shown as 3.5" (black bars around my view).
How can I make sure that iPhone storyboard occupies whole screen on iPhone 4-inch phone?
Update 1
None of solutions in this question: Xcode Storyboard displaying the new iPhone 5 screen size? solved my problem. BTW. That question was for pre XCode 5.
To enable your apps to work with iPhone 5, I suggest you to do two things.
First you need to add a retina version of the launcher image. It should be named Default-568h#2x.png.
And second use Auto Layout and make sure you have your autoresizing mask set up correctly for all your views.
I had the same problem, could not resolve it by any of the above methods. So what I did is copied the Content.json files from old project (where 4-inch was working) into the Images.xcassets Applcon.appiconset and LaunchImage.launchimage directories respectively. Then selected in the project setting in General under App Icon selected Source as AppIcon and in Launch Images in Source selected LaunchImage. It worked. Maybe useful to someone.

Displaying different images for iPhone 4 & 5

This seems to be an interesting problem that I'm getting. I'm developing an iPhone app for iOS 6+ devices and optimizing the images for both iPhone 4 & 5. Now I have implemented this into my project: Xcode 4.5 background image iPhone 4, 4s, 5
The problem is in interface builder I'm designing the UI with the iPhone 5 screen, so the UIImageView is 320x568. But when I test on iPhone 4, the image is being stretched and looks terrible. However, the specified image for the iPhone 4 screen is displaying, i just want its dimensions to be 320x480
Hope someone can help!
From the inspector view in the interface builder, you can edit the stretching behavior of the view when the size of the super view changes. You can click the red arrows inside the square to control that.
Also I suggest that you check UIView contentMode. You can edit that from the inspector view in the interface builder "third tab from the right.
In the UIImageView's inspector, try playing with the Mode property. The Aspect Fill or Aspect Fit may get what you're looking for to handle the different screen sizes.

How to make controls in view not overlap if built by Interface Builder for Xcode 4.5 and iPhone 5?

I am using Xcode 4.5 and iPhone 4 and 5 simulator, and the Interface Builder would add a UIButton in the top half of the screen with a top constraint, and add a UIButton in the bottom half of the screen with a bottom constraint.
It works fine on an iPhone 5 simulator, but on the iPhone 4 simulator, the buttons can overlap, or the bottom button may even get positioned above the top button.
I think it is due to the constraint, such as the bottom button "must be 250 points away from the bottom margin". I can't delete the constraint, and if I change it to "250 points or less", it won't work, if I change it to "250 points or more", it won't work either.
Is there a way to:
1) Make it have no constraint, but just position at absolute x and y? (or what about the spring in the past, so that everything is more spaced out in iPhone 5?)
2) Make the NIB into a one for iPhone 4 and 4S only, so that the app works well on iPhone 4 and 4S and just "black barred" on the iPhone 5.
3) Make it work well on iPhone 5 and work well on iPhone 4 as well?
If you know solutions to only (1), (2), or (3), above, please give it regardless, as it is still a viable solution for the transition period.
It is actually very easy to reproduce: Create a simple Single View app using Xcode 4.5, and drag one button just above the center point of the screen, and another one just below the center point of the screen. Then run it on the Simulator. On iPhone 5, it is:
And now stop the app, and change the Device in the Simulator to iPhone 4S (3.5 inch Retina). If you don't stop the app first, the Simulator can crash. Now run the app again, and the buttons will overlap:
I had the same problem, and it was due to a wrong settings for autosizing. To change the autosizing, click on the control in the interface builder, go to the size inspector.
Notice the bold red I's in the autosizing grid, they control placement when the screen is resized (like when going from iPhone 3GS to iPhone 5.
I think it will work best for you if you make your autosizing look like this:
I'm not sure, since I haven't used constraint-based layout (and won't until we drop support for iOS 5). Traditional NIB-based autoresizing will do absolute coordinates.
You can't do that for just one screen, as far as I know — you can disable it for your whole app by removing Default-568h#2x.png.
I'd go for programmatic layout, or if you want the easy way (which will be a pain to maintain), different nibs for different screen sizes. Note that you'll want to correctly handle the in-call status bar too...
EDIT: Put the two buttons in a container view and make the constraint center the container inside its parent? It won't adjust the spacing between buttons, but should look okay on both devices.
Select your buttons and add "vertical spacing" constraint for them. And set "less than" for top/bottom margins.
