Does anyone have a simple example of populating a Highchart with data from a MS SQL DB using DotNet.Highcarts?
I have the demo working with static data
Highcharts chart = new Highcharts("chart")
.SetCredits(new Credits { Enabled = false })
.InitChart(new Chart { DefaultSeriesType = ChartTypes.Column })
.SetTitle(new Title { Text = "Membership Overview" })
.SetXAxis(new XAxis { Categories = new[] { "Paid Members", "Active Members", "Retained Members", "New Members", "Lapsed Members" } })
.SetYAxis(new YAxis
Min = 0,
Title = new YAxisTitle { Text = "Total Members" }
.SetTooltip(new Tooltip { Formatter = "function() { return ''+ +': '+ this.y +''; }" })
.SetPlotOptions(new PlotOptions { Bar = new PlotOptionsBar { Stacking = Stackings.Normal } })
new Series { Name = "Total", Data = new Data(new object[] { 441, 441, 22, 30, 610 }) }
How can I change the Series to accept data from my DB?
Assuming I need to connect to DB like so:
var newcustomer = db.Customer;
Then do something like this:
new Series
Name = "Total",
Data = new Data(newcustomer.Select(x => ............
Any help would be appreciated!
For anyone else having a similar issue...
var paidmembers = (from c in db.Customer
where c.CustomerStatusID == 1
select c).Count();
var activemembers = (from c in db.Customer
where c.CustomerStatusID == 2
select c).Count();
new Series {
Name = "Category",
Data = new Data(new object[] {paidmembers, activemembers})
Im using dotnethighcharts and want the columns to have a pointwidth=20, but I cant get it to work with dotnethighcharts, any suggestions how to make that?
Highcharts chart;
chart = new Highcharts("chart")
.InitChart(new Chart { DefaultSeriesType = ChartTypes.Column })
.SetXAxis(new XAxis
Categories = new[] { "1", "2" },
Title = new XAxisTitle { Text = string.Empty }
.SetPlotOptions(new PlotOptions
Bar = new PlotOptionsBar
DataLabels = new PlotOptionsBarDataLabels { Enabled = true }
new Series {Name = "1", Data = new Data(new object[] {1})},
new Series {Name = "2", Data = new Data(new object[] {4})}
Here is an example how to us pointwidth
The answer - I was missing this
Column = new PlotOptionsColumn
PointPadding = 0.2,
PointWidth = 40,
BorderWidth = 0
Here is all code
Highcharts chart;
chart = new Highcharts("chart")
.InitChart(new Chart { DefaultSeriesType = ChartTypes.Column })
.SetXAxis(new XAxis
Categories = new[] { "1", "2" },
Title = new XAxisTitle { Text = string.Empty }
.SetPlotOptions(new PlotOptions
Column = new PlotOptionsColumn
PointPadding = 0.2,
PointWidth = 40,
BorderWidth = 0
Bar = new PlotOptionsBar
DataLabels = new PlotOptionsBarDataLabels { Enabled = true }
new Series {Name = "1", Data = new Data(new object[] {1})},
new Series {Name = "2", Data = new Data(new object[] {4})}
I have one column chart, representing two categories on X-axis - ARRIVALS and DEPARTURES. Then, I have 4 series representing different commodities, one commodity per each category. This will end up in having 8 columns draw on the chart.
What I'm trying to do, is to add a scatter chart, representing one point per each bar ( a total of 8 points), but unfortunately, I only can add one point per category. Can this be implemented?
Here is the code that I used for this (it is MVC .NET):
Highcharts barChartArrivalsDepartures = new Highcharts("ArrivalsDepartures")
.InitChart(new Chart
BorderColor = Color.Black,
BorderRadius = 0,
BorderWidth = 2
.SetTitle(new Title { Text = "Arrivals and Departures" })
.SetXAxis(new XAxis { Categories = new[] { "Arrivals", "Departures"} })
.SetYAxis(new YAxis
Min = 0,
Title = new YAxisTitle { Text = "Count [t]" }
.SetLegend(new Legend
Layout = Layouts.Vertical,
Align = HorizontalAligns.Left,
VerticalAlign = VerticalAligns.Top,
X = 290,
Y = 0,
Floating = true,
BackgroundColor = new BackColorOrGradient(new Gradient
LinearGradient = new[] { 0, 0, 0, 400 },
Stops = new object[,]
{ 0, Color.FromArgb(13, 255, 255, 255) },
{ 1, Color.FromArgb(13, 255, 255, 255) }
Shadow = true
.SetTooltip(new Tooltip { Formatter = #"function() { return ''+ this.x +': '+ this.y +' tones'; }" })
new Series { Type = ChartTypes.Column, Name = "Coal", Data = new Data(new object[] { 49.9, 71.5 }), PlotOptionsColumn = new PlotOptionsColumn { PointPadding = 0.2, BorderWidth = 0 } },
new Series { Type = ChartTypes.Column, Name = "Magnetite", Data = new Data(new object[] { 48.9, 38.8 }) , PlotOptionsColumn = new PlotOptionsColumn { PointPadding = 0.2, BorderWidth = 0 } },
new Series { Type = ChartTypes.Column, Name = "Iron Ore", Data = new Data(new object[] { 83.6, 78.8 }) , PlotOptionsColumn = new PlotOptionsColumn { PointPadding = 0.2, BorderWidth = 0 } },
new Series { Type = ChartTypes.Column, Name = "Grain", Data = new Data(new object[] { 42.4, 33.2 }) , PlotOptionsColumn = new PlotOptionsColumn { PointPadding = 0.2, BorderWidth = 0 } },
new Series
Type = ChartTypes.Scatter,
Name = "Target Coal",
Color = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#FF0000"),
//Data = new Data(new object[] { new object[] {40}, new object[] {80}}),
Data = new Data(new object[] { 15, 50} ),
PlotOptionsScatter = new PlotOptionsScatter
Marker = new PlotOptionsScatterMarker
Symbol = "diamond",
Radius = 3
It's not solution in .net but general idea is to calculate x-value for each of scatter points, for example:
var chart = new Highcharts.Chart({
chart: {
renderTo: 'container',
type: 'column',
xAxis: {
categories: ['+', '-']
series: [{
data: [1,2],
id: 'first',
stack: 0
}, {
data: [3,5],
id: 'second',
stack: 0
}, {
data: [[-0.15,1],[0.85,2]],
linkedTo: 'first',
type: 'scatter'
}, {
data: [[0.15,3],[1.15,5]],
linkedTo: 'second',
type: 'scatter'
I m using dotnetHightcharts
public static Highcharts BasicColumnChart(Series[] Series, string[] Categories, string Title = "", string SubTitle = "", string XAxisTitle = "", string YAxisTitle = "", string ToolTipFormat = "", string YAxisLabel = "")
Highcharts chart = new Highcharts("chart")
.InitChart(new Chart { DefaultSeriesType = ChartTypes.Column, Height = 300 })
.SetTitle(new Title { Text = Title })
.SetSubtitle(new Subtitle { Text = SubTitle })
.SetXAxis(new XAxis { Categories = Categories })
.SetYAxis(new YAxis
Min = 0,
Title = new YAxisTitle { Text = YAxisTitle },
Labels = new YAxisLabels
Formatter = #"function() { return this.value +' " + YAxisLabel + "';}"
.SetLegend(new Legend
Layout = Layouts.Vertical,
VerticalAlign = VerticalAligns.Top,
Align = HorizontalAligns.Right,
Shadow = true,
BackgroundColor = ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#FFFFFF"),
Floating = true
.SetTooltip(new Tooltip { Formatter = #"function() { return ''+ this.x +' - '+ this.y +' " + ToolTipFormat + "'; }" })
.SetPlotOptions(new PlotOptions
Column = new PlotOptionsColumn
PointPadding = 0.2,
BorderWidth = 0
return chart;
I can set same tooltipFormat for every series with following line:
.SetTooltip(new Tooltip { Formatter = #"function() { return ''+ this.x +' - '+ this.y +' " + ToolTipFormat + "'; }" })
Above code output : date - value tooltipFormat
But I want to show different format for each series. Why do I want this, Because I want to show different data that has different unit, for example:
value[0] = 220 V //Volt
value[1] = 5 A //Ampere
value[15] = 1200 kW //Kilowatt
there are a lot of example about this topic but, these examples only change text. My data views like this:
Volt 220 V
Ampere 5 A
I want to change tooltipFormat for each series dynamicly. I want to add UNIT field dynamicly. How can I do this?
You can add custom attribute in series object:
and can access it in tooltip formatter function:
You can do this directly in a series:
For example, this is a series:
series: [{
data: [10, 20, 30],
type: "line",
name: "Percentage",
tooltip: { valueSuffix: "%", }
I have 4 entities and I show them for 4 days. But first and last days I cant see other 2 entities.In 3 August I cant see T0,T1. In 6 August I cant see T2,T3.
var evalledData = eval("(" + result.chartData + ")");
var ac = new google.visualization.ComboChart($("#chart_div_ay").get(0));
ac.draw(new google.visualization.DataTable(evalledData, 0.5), {
//title: 'Son 7 günlük sayaç okumalarının toplamı.',
width: '100%',
height: 300,
vAxis: { title: "kW" },
hAxis: { title: "Gün" },
seriesType: "bars",
series: { 5: { type: "line"} }
public ActionResult MusteriSayaclariOkumalariChartDataTable(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, int? musteri_id)
IEnumerable<TblSayacOkumalari> sayac_okumalari = entity.TblSayacOkumalari;
var sonuc = from s in sayac_okumalari
where s.TblSayaclar.musteri_id == musteri_id && s.okuma_tarihi.Value >= startDate && s.okuma_tarihi.Value <= endDate
group s by new { date = new DateTime(((DateTime)s.okuma_tarihi).Year, ((DateTime)s.okuma_tarihi).Month, ((DateTime)s.okuma_tarihi).Day) } into g
select new
okuma_tarihi = g.Key,
T1 = g.Sum(x => x.kullanim_T1) / 1000,
T2 = g.Sum(x => x.kullanim_T2) / 1000,
T3 = g.Sum(x => x.kullanim_T3) / 1000,
T4 = g.Sum(x => x.kullanim_T0) / 1000
//Get your data table from DB or other source
DataTable chartTable = new DataTable();
chartTable.Columns.Add("Tarih").DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.DateTime");
chartTable.Columns.Add("T1").DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.Double");
chartTable.Columns.Add("T2").DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.Double");
chartTable.Columns.Add("T3").DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.Double");
chartTable.Columns.Add("Toplam").DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.Double");
foreach (var item in sonuc)
chartTable.Rows.Add(, item.T1.Value, item.T2.Value, item.T3.Value, item.T4.Value);
//convert datetime value to google datetype, if your first column is date
//convert DataTable to GoogleDataTable
var googleDataTable =
new Bortosky.Google.Visualization.GoogleDataTable(chartTable);
//Pass the google datatable to UI as json string
return new JsonResult
Data = new
success = true,
chartData = googleDataTable.GetJson()
JsonRequestBehavior = JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet
This action return json as google examples custom data.
evalledData output:
Is there any option about this problem?
I recently had to build a chart like this. Please consider my code for your solution:
Put this in your Controller:
Function WeightAreaChartData() As JsonResult
Dim myData = db.Tbl_Weights.Where(Function(x) x.Weight_Employee_ID).OrderBy(Function(x) x.Weight_Create_Date)
Dim data = New List(Of Object)
data.Add(New Object() {"Date", "Your Weight"})
For Each i As Tbl_Weight In myData
data.Add(New Object() {DateTime.Parse(i.Weight_Create_Date).Day, i.Weight_Amount})
Return Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)
End Function
Put this in your view; changing the $.post() URL accordingly:
<script type="text/javascript">
google.load("visualization", "1", { packages: ["corechart"] });
function drawChart() {
$.post('/Weight/WeightAreaChartData', {},
function (data) {
var tdata = new google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(data);
var options = {
title: 'Weight Lost & Gained This Month',
hAxis: { title: 'Day of Month', titleTextStyle: { color: '#1E4A08'} },
vAxis: { title: 'Lbs.', titleTextStyle: { color: '#1E4A08'} },
chartArea: { left: 50, top: 30, width: "75%" },
colors: ['#FF8100']
var chart = new google.visualization.ColumnChart(document.getElementById('chart_div'));
chart.draw(tdata, options);
<div id="chart_div" style="width: 580px; height: 200px;"></div>
To fix your specific issue of the bars being cut off, I believe you can use this in your options:
hAxis: {
viewWindowMode: 'pretty'
Like this:
var options = {
title: 'Weight Lost & Gained This Month',
hAxis: { title: 'Day of Month', titleTextStyle: { color: '#1E4A08'} },
vAxis: { title: 'Lbs.', titleTextStyle: { color: '#1E4A08' } },
chartArea: { left: 50, top: 30, width: "75%" },
colors: ['#FF8100', 'blue'],
hAxis: {
viewWindowMode: 'pretty'
I'd like to make stacked&grouped histograms using HighCharts and ASP.NET MVC3.
I found this example on HighCharts' site:
I would use JSonResult in my controller.
In particular, in above example, graph series are pre-defined in javascript, while I would dynamically create them with JSON.
With DonNet.Highcharts you can easily create Highcharts only on the server side. There is example with the stacked and grouped column. Here is the server side code:
Highcharts chart = new Highcharts("chart")
.InitChart(new Chart { DefaultSeriesType = ChartTypes.Column })
.SetTitle(new Title { Text = "Total fruit consumtion, grouped by gender" })
.SetXAxis(new XAxis { Categories = new[] { "Apples", "Oranges", "Pears", "Grapes", "Bananas" } })
.SetYAxis(new YAxis
AllowDecimals = false,
Min = 0,
Title = new YAxisTitle { Text = "Number of fruits" }
.SetTooltip(new Tooltip { Formatter = "TooltipFormatter" })
.SetPlotOptions(new PlotOptions { Column = new PlotOptionsColumn { Stacking = Stackings.Normal } })
new Series
Name = "John",
Data = new Data(new object[] { 5, 3, 4, 7, 2 }),
Stack = "male"
new Series
Name = "Joe",
Data = new Data(new object[] { 3, 4, 4, 2, 5 }),
Stack = "male"
new Series
Name = "Jane",
Data = new Data(new object[] { 2, 5, 6, 2, 1 }),
Stack = "female"
new Series
Name = "Janet",
Data = new Data(new object[] { 3, 0, 4, 4, 3 }),
Stack = "female"
You can pass the data as you like.