Access notes app data - ios

i'm developing a notes app and I want to import all the notes stored in the default ios app into mine.
How should I do this?

There's no API to do this. 3rd party apps have no access to such data.


Tracking app installation and campaign details without Third-party APIs

For my iOS App, I am using Campaign Links from App Store Connect for advertisement purposes, and sometimes use Branch links.
Is it possible to get Campaign details inside app after installation is done natively without using any third party SDKs?
I would like to know from which campaign the installation came from with apple provided technology.
Is it possible to get the details inside the app programatically?
I have heard that In Android, they can achieve the functionality using InstallReferrerClient of the library
Do we have any similar option for iOS?
Please guide, Thank you.

Is there a way to get notes from iOS default note application programmatically? [duplicate]

i'm developing a notes app and I want to import all the notes stored in the default ios app into mine.
How should I do this?
There's no API to do this. 3rd party apps have no access to such data.

How to pass objects/data between my iOS applications

I have an existing iOS application on the app store, and I am building a new companion app to work with this existing app.
I need to pass objects/data from this new app to my existing app when a certain action is taken. The behaviour I'm looking for is very similar to AirDrop but the data is passed to another app on the same device.
The objects I want to pass locally between apps are simply NSObject's.
As per your comment you wants to share NSObjects between your iOS apps. The best approach would be "Custom URL Schemes". But in this approach you may need to add or re write some parts in your old iOS App as well.
checkout this SO Answer for more info on implementing custom url scheme and history of sharing data between ios apps.
Apple documentation for sharing data is also available.
If your app supports greater than iOS 8 you can also use the new feature called "App Group Functionality"

How to get notes (native notes app) details into my application [duplicate]

i'm developing a notes app and I want to import all the notes stored in the default ios app into mine.
How should I do this?
There's no API to do this. 3rd party apps have no access to such data.

Can my app access the Notes (Apple app) folder in iOS?

I'm writing an app that handles PDF files, and I want it to take the notes created by the Notes app then convert them to PDF then the app can work on that.
Is it possible for my app to access that folder containing the notes without jailbreaking the device?
(I would ask the same with the iBooks app file as well).
All applications are sandboxed so you can not access the Users notes that they created in the Notes Application. Apple provides no SDK methods which you can use without Jailbreaking and private methods.
A potential (but cumbersome) solution could be that Notes could be synced to a Users IMAP account. You could see if you could communicate with the IMAP Server by asking for the Login Credentials and then grabbing the Notes.
