Can I use declare-const to eliminate the forall universal quantifier? - z3

I have some confusion of using universal quantifier and declare-const without using forall
(set-option :mbqi true)
(declare-fun f (Int Int) Int)
(declare-const a Int)
(declare-const b Int)
(assert (forall ((x Int)) (>= (f x x) (+ x a))))
I can write like this:
(declare-const x Int)
(assert (>= (f x x) (+ x a))))
with Z3 will explore all the possible values of type Int in this two cases. So what's the difference?
Can I really use the declare-const to eliminate the forall quantifier?

No, the statements are different. Constants in Z3 are nullary (0 arity) functions, so (declare-const a Int) is just syntactic sugar for (declare-fun a () Int), so these two statements are identical. Your second statement (assert (>= (f x x) (+ x a)))) implicitly asserts existence of x, instead of for all x as in your first statement (assert (forall ((x Int)) (>= (f x x) (+ x a)))). To be clear, note that in your second statement, only a single assignment for x needs to satisfy the assertion, not all possible assignments (also note the difference in the function f, and see this Z3#rise script: ).
Here's the text of that script:
(set-option :mbqi true)
(declare-fun f (Int Int) Int)
(declare-const a Int)
(declare-fun af () Int)
(declare-const b Int)
(declare-fun bf () Int)
(declare-const x Int)
(assert (>= (f x x) (+ x a)))
(check-sat) ; note the explicit model value for x: this only checks a single value of x, not all of them
(assert (forall ((x Int)) (>= (f x x) (+ x a))))
(get-model) ; no model for x since any model must satisfy assertion
Also, here's an example from the Z3 SMT guide ( from under the section "Uninterpreted functions and constants"):
(declare-fun f (Int) Int)
(declare-fun a () Int) ; a is a constant
(declare-const b Int) ; syntax sugar for (declare-fun b () Int)
(assert (> a 20))
(assert (> b a))
(assert (= (f 10) 1))

You can eliminate a top-level exists with a declare-const. Maybe this is the source of your confusion? The following two are equivalent:
(assert (exists ((x Int)) (> x 0)))
(declare-fun x () Int)
(assert (> x 0))
Note that this only applies to top-level existential quantifiers. If you have nested quantification of both universals (forall) and existentials (exists), then you can do skolemization to float the existentials to the top level. This process is more involved but rather straightforward from a logical point of view.
There is no general way of floating universal quantifiers to the top-level in this way, at least not in classical logic as embodied by SMT-Lib.


Z3 returns model not available

If possible I'd like a second opinion on my code.
The constraints of the problem are:
a,b,c,d,e,f are non-zero integers
s1 = [a,b,c] and s2 = [d,e,f] are sets
The sum s1_i + s2_j for i,j = 0..2 has to be a perfect square
I don't understand why but my code returns model not available. Moreover, when commenting out the following lines:
(assert (and (> sqrtx4 1) (= x4 (* sqrtx4 sqrtx4))))
(assert (and (> sqrtx5 1) (= x5 (* sqrtx5 sqrtx5))))
(assert (and (> sqrtx6 1) (= x6 (* sqrtx6 sqrtx6))))
(assert (and (> sqrtx7 1) (= x7 (* sqrtx7 sqrtx7))))
(assert (and (> sqrtx8 1) (= x8 (* sqrtx8 sqrtx8))))
(assert (and (> sqrtx9 1) (= x9 (* sqrtx9 sqrtx9))))
The values for d, e, f are negative. There is no constraint that requires them to do so. I'm wondering if perhaps there are some hidden constraints that sneaked in and mess up the model.
A valid expected solution would be:
a = 3
b = 168
c = 483
d = 1
e = 193
f = 673
Edit: inserting (assert (= a 3)) and (assert (= b 168)) results in the solver finding the correct values. This only puzzles me further.
Full code:
(declare-fun sqrtx1 () Int)
(declare-fun sqrtx2 () Int)
(declare-fun sqrtx3 () Int)
(declare-fun sqrtx4 () Int)
(declare-fun sqrtx5 () Int)
(declare-fun sqrtx6 () Int)
(declare-fun sqrtx7 () Int)
(declare-fun sqrtx8 () Int)
(declare-fun sqrtx9 () Int)
(declare-fun a () Int)
(declare-fun b () Int)
(declare-fun c () Int)
(declare-fun d () Int)
(declare-fun e () Int)
(declare-fun f () Int)
(declare-fun x1 () Int)
(declare-fun x2 () Int)
(declare-fun x3 () Int)
(declare-fun x4 () Int)
(declare-fun x5 () Int)
(declare-fun x6 () Int)
(declare-fun x7 () Int)
(declare-fun x8 () Int)
(declare-fun x9 () Int)
;all numbers are non-zero integers
(assert (not (= a 0)))
(assert (not (= b 0)))
(assert (not (= c 0)))
(assert (not (= d 0)))
(assert (not (= e 0)))
(assert (not (= f 0)))
;both arrays need to be sets
(assert (not (= a b)))
(assert (not (= a c)))
(assert (not (= b c)))
(assert (not (= d e)))
(assert (not (= d f)))
(assert (not (= e f)))
(assert (and (> sqrtx1 1) (= x1 (* sqrtx1 sqrtx1))))
(assert (and (> sqrtx2 1) (= x2 (* sqrtx2 sqrtx2))))
(assert (and (> sqrtx3 1) (= x3 (* sqrtx3 sqrtx3))))
(assert (and (> sqrtx4 1) (= x4 (* sqrtx4 sqrtx4))))
(assert (and (> sqrtx5 1) (= x5 (* sqrtx5 sqrtx5))))
(assert (and (> sqrtx6 1) (= x6 (* sqrtx6 sqrtx6))))
(assert (and (> sqrtx7 1) (= x7 (* sqrtx7 sqrtx7))))
(assert (and (> sqrtx8 1) (= x8 (* sqrtx8 sqrtx8))))
(assert (and (> sqrtx9 1) (= x9 (* sqrtx9 sqrtx9))))
;all combinations of sums need to be squared
(assert (= (+ a d) x1))
(assert (= (+ a e) x2))
(assert (= (+ a f) x3))
(assert (= (+ b d) x4))
(assert (= (+ b e) x5))
(assert (= (+ b f) x6))
(assert (= (+ c d) x7))
(assert (= (+ c e) x8))
(assert (= (+ c f) x9))
(check-sat-using (then simplify solve-eqs smt))
(get-value (a))
(get-value (b))
(get-value (c))
(get-value (d))
(get-value (e))
(get-value (f))
Nonlinear integer arithmetic is undecidable. This means that there is no decision procedure that can decide arbitrary non-linear integer constraints to be satisfiable. This is what z3 is telling you when it says "unknown" as the answer your query.
This, of course, does not mean that individual cases cannot be answered. Z3 has certain tactics it applies to solve such formulas, but it is inherently limited in what it can handle. Your problem falls into that category: One that Z3 is just not capable of solving.
Z3 has a dedicated NRA (non-linear real arithmetic) tactic that you can utilize. It essentially treats all variables as reals, solves the problem (nonlinear real arithmetic is decidable and z3 can find all algebraic real solutions), and then checks if the results are actually integer. If not, it tries another solution over the reals. Sometimes this tactic can handle non-linear integer problems, if you happen to hit the right solution. You can trigger it using:
(check-sat-using qfnra)
Unfortunately it doesn't solve your particular problem in the time I allowed it to run. (More than 10 minutes.) It's unlikely it'll ever hit the right solution.
You really don't have many options here. SMT solvers are just not a good fit for nonlinear integer problems. In fact, as I alluded to above, there is no tool that can handle arbitrary nonlinear integer problems due to undecidability; but some tools fare better than others depending on the algorithms they use.
When you tell z3 what a and b are, you are essentially taking away much of the non-linearity, and the rest becomes easy to handle. It is possible that you can find a sequence of tactics to apply that solves your original, but such tricks are very brittle in practice and not easily discovered; as you are essentially introducing heuristics into the search and you don't have much control over how that behaves.
Side note: Your script can be improved slightly. To express that a bunch of numbers are all different, use the distinct predicate:
(assert (distinct (a b c)))
(assert (distinct (d e f)))

Guiding z3's proof search

I'm trying to get z3 to work (most of the time) for very simple non-linear integer arithmetic problems. Unfortunately, I've hit a bit of a wall with exponentiation. I want to be able handle problems like x^{a+b+2} = (x * x * x^{a} * x{b}). I only need to handle non-negative exponents.
I tried redefining exponentiation as a recursive function (so that it's just allowed to return 1 for any non-positive exponent) and using a pattern to facilitate z3 inferring that x^{a+b} = x^{a} * x^{b}, but it doesn't seem to work - I'm still timing out.
(define-fun-rec pow ((x!1 Int) (x!2 Int)) Int
(if (<= x!2 0) 1 (* x!1 (pow x!1 (- x!2 1)))))
; split +
(assert (forall ((a Int) (b Int) (c Int))
(! (=>
(and (>= b 0) (>= c 0))
(= (pow a (+ b c)) (* (pow a c) (pow a b))))
:pattern ((pow a (+ b c))))))
; small cases
(assert (forall ((a Int)) (= 1 (pow a 0))))
(assert (forall ((a Int)) (= a (pow a 1))))
(assert (forall ((a Int)) (= (* a a) (pow a 2))))
(assert (forall ((a Int)) (= (* a a a) (pow a 3))))
; Our problem
(declare-const x Int)
(declare-const i Int)
(assert (>= i 0))
; This should be provably unsat, by splitting and the small case for 2
(assert (not (= (* (* x x) (pow x i)) (pow x (+ i 2)))))
(check-sat) ;times out
Am I using patterns incorrectly, is there a way to give stronger hints to the proof search, or an easier way to do achieve what I want?
Pattern (also called triggers) may only contain uninterpreted functions. Since + is an interpreted function, you essentially provide an invalid pattern, in which case virtually anything can happen.
As a first step, I disabled Z3's auto-configuration feature and also MBQI-based quantifier instantiation:
(set-option :auto_config false)
(set-option :smt.mbqi false)
Next, I introduced an uninterpreted plus function and replaced each application of + by plus. That sufficed to make your assertion verify (i.e. yield unsat). You can of course also axiomatise plus in terms of +, i.e.
(declare-fun plus (Int Int) Int)
(assert (forall ((a Int) (b Int))
(! (= (plus a b) (+ a b))
:pattern ((plus a b)))))
but your assertion already verifies without the definitional axioms for plus.

Solving projection function equations using SMT in Z3

I'm trying to use Z3 to solve equations involving unknown projection functions, to find a valid interpretation of the functions that satisfy the equation. So for example for the equation: snd . f = g . fst a valid interpretation would be f = \(x,y) -> (y,x) and g = id. I know that Z3 isn't higher order so I've been trying to encode the problem in first order form. So for example for f = g.fst I use:
(declare-datatypes (T) ((Tree (leaf (value T)) (node (children TreeList)))
(TreeList nil (cons (head Tree) (tail TreeList)))))
(define-fun fst ((x (Tree Int))) (Tree Int) (head (children x)))
(define-fun snd ((x (Tree Int))) (Tree Int) (head (tail (children x))))
(declare-fun f ((Tree Int)) (Tree Int))
(declare-fun g ((Tree Int)) (Tree Int))
(assert (forall ((x (Tree Int))) (= (f x) (g (fst x)))))
Which sort of works returning:
(define-fun g ((x!1 (Tree Int))) (Tree Int)
(leaf 0))
(define-fun f ((x!1 (Tree Int))) (Tree Int)
(g (head (children x!1))))
However for snd . f = g . fst (I've simplified trees to pairs to try and help):
(declare-datatypes (T) ((Pair (leaf (value T)) (pair (fst Pair) (snd Pair)))))
(declare-fun f ((Pair Int)) (Pair Int))
(declare-fun g ((Pair Int)) (Pair Int))
(assert (forall ((x (Pair Int))) (= (snd (f x)) (g (fst x)))))
I get unknown.
I've also tried to encode a similar problem without the ADT just using booleans or ints as parameters, but then the model just assigns constant values to the functions. I've also tried to define a simple ADT for function constants, the identity function, and pairwise and sequential composition, and then define an "equals" function that can simplify expressions like = f, but this either involves a recursive function like:
(declare-datatypes () (
(Fun id
(fun (funnum Int))
(seq (after Fun) (before Fun))
(pair (fst Fun) (snd Fun)) )))
(define-fun eq ((x Fun) (y Fun)) Bool (or
(= x y)
(eq x (seq y id)) ; id neutral for seq
(eq x (seq id y))
(eq y (seq x id))
(eq y (seq id x))))
(declare-const f Fun)
(declare-const g Fun)
(assert (eq f (seq id g)))
Which is obviously invalid. Or if I use an uninterpretted function, it makes "eq" a constant function i.e.
(declare-fun eq (Fun Fun) Bool)
(assert (forall ((x Fun) (y Fun)) ; semantic equality
(= (eq x y) (or
(= x y) ; syntactic eq
(eq x (seq y id)) ; id neutral for seq
(eq x (seq id y))
(eq y (seq x id))
(eq y (seq id x))
(define-fun eq ((x!1 Fun) (x!2 Fun)) Bool
And similarly with equations involving functions with type Int -> Int, this returns constant functions for f and g:
(declare-fun f (Int) Int)
(declare-fun g (Int) Int)
(assert (forall ((x Int)) (= (+ (f x) 1) (+ (g x) 2)) ))
and adding these times out:
(assert (forall ((x Int) (y Int)) (=>
(not (= x y))
(not (= (g x) (g y))))))
(assert (forall ((x Int) (y Int)) (=>
(not (= x y))
(not (= (f x) (f y))))))
Any ideas how I can get this sort of thing to work?
Many thanks!
Z3 searches for essentially finite models so isn't well suited for solving functional equations directly. The main trick for finding models of these kinds is to strengthen the formulas by providing a finite set of alternative interpretations of functions that can be composed. For example, you can allow f(x) to be either identity, permutation, or repeat x or y, or return a constant value in one of the fields, This may be composed with functions that perform simple arithmetical operations. You will have to bound the number of compositions you are willing to admit. You assert a similar set of templates for g. So far this has worked best for bit-vectors.
The search space for such interpretations can easily get overwhelming. I tried your example with algebraic data-types and templates. Z3 is not able to find an interpretation in this case, at least not by stating the problem directly as a template search.

Z3 Solver outputting the satisfying model?

In Z3, if the input script is written in SMTLib format, is it possible to output the model (value assignments satisfying the model)? The get-model returns an interpretation satisfying the constraints. Is there any way to extract the concrete values from these interpretations. I am aware that we can use the python/C++ API to get model values.
You probably want to use get-value, here's a minimal example (rise4fun link: ):
(declare-fun x () Int)
(declare-fun y () Int)
(declare-fun z () Int)
(assert (>= (* 2 x) (+ y z)))
(declare-fun f (Int) Int)
(declare-fun g (Int Int) Int)
(assert (< (f x) (g x x)))
(assert (> (f y) (g x x)))
(check-sat) ; sat
(get-model) ; returns:
; (model
; (define-fun z () Int
; 0)
; (define-fun y () Int
; (- 38))
; (define-fun x () Int
; 0)
; (define-fun g ((x!1 Int) (x!2 Int)) Int
; (ite (and (= x!1 0) (= x!2 0)) 0
; 0))
; (define-fun f ((x!1 Int)) Int
; (ite (= x!1 0) (- 1)
; (ite (= x!1 (- 38)) 1
; (- 1))))
(get-value (x)) ; returns ((x 0))
(get-value ((f x))) ; returns (((f x) (- 1)))
You'd potentially then have to parse this depending on what you're trying to do, etc.
For more details, check out the SMT-LIB standard:
The latest version is:
You can see some examples of get-value on page 39 / figure 3.5.

Use Z3 and SMT-LIB to get a maximum of two values

How do I get the maximum of a formula using smt-lib2?
I want something like this:
(declare-fun x () Int)
(declare-fun y () Int)
(declare-fun z () Int)
(assert (= x 2))
(assert (= y 4))
(assert (= z (max x y))
Of course, 'max' is unknown to smtlibv2.
So, how can this be done?
In Z3, you can easily define a macro max and use it for getting maximum of two values:
(define-fun max ((x Int) (y Int)) Int
(ite (< x y) y x))
There is another trick to model max using uninterpreted functions, which will be helpful to use with Z3 API:
(declare-fun max (Int Int) Int)
(assert (forall ((x Int) (y Int))
(= (max x y) (ite (< x y) y x))))
Note that you have to set (set-option :macro-finder true), so Z3 is able to replace universal quantifiers with body of the function when checking satisfiability.
You've got abs, and per basic math max(a,b) = (a+b+abs(a-b))/2
