how to run actions on multiple sprites at the same time - memory

I'm new to cocos2d. I'm writing my first app. But I have a problem I can't solve it. The problem is that when I move multiple sprites, the others are OK except the last one. I want my sprites will run actions at the same time. But I don't know how to fix it. Any ideas or advice about promoting my code. Thanks.
Here's my code.
-(void) setHeadFace:(Face *)headFace moveFrom:(CGPoint)startPosition moveTo:(CGPoint)endPosition`
CCMoveTo *moveOut = [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:0.2f position:startPosition];
CCScaleTo *scaleTo = [CCScaleTo actionWithDuration:0.2f scale:0.0f];
CCSpawn *moveFrom = [CCSpawn actions:moveOut,scaleTo,nil];
CCMoveTo *moveTo = [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:0.0f position:endPosition];
CCSequence *headAction = [CCSequence actions:moveFrom,moveTo,nil];
[headFace.faceSprite runAction:headAction];
-(void) setMidlFace:(Face *)curtFace moveTo:(CGPoint)movePosition nextFace:(Face *)nextFace
CCMoveTo *moveTo = [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:0.2f position:movePosition];
CCSequence *moveAction = [CCSequence actions:moveTo,nil];
[curtFace.faceSprite runAction:moveAction];
nextFace.faceSprite = curtFace.faceSprite;
nextFace.faceType = curtFace.faceType;
[nextFace.faceSprite setPosition:movePosition];
-(void) setTailFace:(Face *)tailFace moveTo:(CGPoint)movePosition
byGuardSprite:(CCSprite *)guardSprite`
CCDelayTime *delay = [CCDelayTime actionWithDuration:0.2f];
CCMoveTo *moveIn = [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:0.2f position:movePosition];
CCScaleTo *scaleTo = [CCScaleTo actionWithDuration:0.2f scale:1.0f];
CCSpawn *moveTo = [CCSpawn actions:moveIn,scaleTo,nil];
CCCallBlock *touchBlock =[CCCallBlock actionWithBlock:^{
tailFace.faceSprite = guardSprite;
tailFace.faceType = guardSprite.tag;
tailFace.faceSprite.tag = -1;
isTouch = YES;
CCSequence *tailAction=[CCSequence actions:delay,moveTo,touchBlock,nil];
[guardSprite runAction:tailAction];
-(void) moveFaces:(Face *)face direction:(int)direction`
CCSprite *guardSprite = nil;
CGPoint movePosition;
CGPoint curtPosition;
CGPoint startPosition;
CGPoint endPosition;
int x = face.cdX;
int y = face.cdY;
CGFloat width = faceGrid[x][0].position.x;
CGFloat height = faceGrid[0][y].position.y;
switch (direction) {
CCLOG(#"move down:direction %d", direction);
movePosition = CGPointMake(width,faceGrid[x][0].position.y);
//move the first face out of the grid
startPosition = CGPointMake(width,faceGrid[x][0].position.y-GRID_OFFSET.y/2);
endPosition = CGPointMake(width,faceGrid[x][GRID_HEIGHT-1].position.y+GRID_OFFSET.y/2);
[self setHeadFace:faceGrid[x][0] moveFrom:startPosition moveTo:endPosition];
guardSprite = faceGrid[x][0].faceSprite;
guardSprite.tag = faceGrid[x][0].faceType;
for (int j=1; j<GRID_HEIGHT; j++)
//move the middle face to the next face
[self setMidlFace:faceGrid[x][j] moveTo:movePosition nextFace:faceGrid[x][j-1]];
movePosition = curtPosition;
//use the guard face to set the last face's move action
[self setTailFace:faceGrid[x][GRID_HEIGHT-1] moveTo:movePosition byGuardSprite:guardSprite];

I used tick function for same purpose.
[super onEnter];
self.isTouchEnabled = true;
[self schedule: #selector(tick:)];
-(void) tick: (ccTime) dt
CGPoint pos = head.position ;
head.position = ccp(pos.x+gameSpeed, pos.y);
pos = tail.position ;
tail.position = ccp(pos.x+gameSpeed, pos.y);


Removing specific nodes in SpriteKit

Need some help as a beginner: I've got different nodes: 4 squares (sprite1) and 1 counter (counterLabel, counts the nodes, which have been removed). I want to remove the 4 squares by touching them. With the code below the squares can be removed, but also the counter. Strangely enough, because I tried to address the square nodes (sprite1) exclusively. Is there any possibility to remove the square nodes (sprite 1) exclusively?
#implementation GameScene {
BOOL updateLabel;
SKLabelNode *counterLabel;
int x;
int y;
int counter;
-(id)initWithSize:(CGSize)size {
if (self = [super initWithSize:size]){
self.backgroundColor = [SKColor /*colorWithRed:0.15 green:0.15 blue:0.3 alpha:1.0*/ whiteColor];
counter = 0;
updateLabel = false;
counterLabel = [SKLabelNode labelNodeWithFontNamed:#"Chalkduster"]; = #"myCounterLabel";
counterLabel.text = #"0";
counterLabel.fontSize = 48;
counterLabel.fontColor = [SKColor greenColor];
//counterLabel.horizontalAlignmentMode = SKLabelHorizontalAlignmentModeCenter;
//counterLabel.verticalAlignmentMode = SKLabelVerticalAlignmentModeBottom;
counterLabel.position = CGPointMake(50,50); // change x,y to location you want
//counterLabel.zPosition = 900;
[self addChild: counterLabel];
return self;
-(void) didMoveToView:(SKView *)view {
SKTexture *texture1 = [SKTexture textureWithImageNamed:#"square"];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
x = arc4random()%668;
y = arc4random()%924;
SKSpriteNode *sprite1 = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithTexture:texture1];
sprite1.position = CGPointMake(x, y); = #"square";
[self addChild:sprite1];
-(void)touchesBegan:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event {
UITouch *touch = [touches anyObject];
NSArray *nodes = [self nodesAtPoint: [touch locationInNode: self]];
for (SKNode *sprite1 in nodes) {
[sprite1 removeFromParent];
counter ++;
updateLabel = true;
-(void)update:(CFTimeInterval)currentTime {
if(updateLabel == true){
counterLabel.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%i",counter];
updateLabel = false;
you should use the property name of SKSpriteNode
in this case you can do:
for (SKNode *sprite1 in nodes) {
if(![ isEqualToString:#"myCounterLabel"]) {
[sprite1 removeFromParent];
counter ++;
updateLabel = true;
So if the SKNode name is different to the name of counterLabel, then removeFromParent.

how to remove sprite object when we create touch in cocos2d?

I am new in cocos2d. I have a problem when we create new sprite object. It's not remove onto the display. Sprite object are not delete when we add new lives.(add heart sprite).
//Here I create a live which in heart shape.
-(id) init {
if( (self=[super init]) ) {
hearthArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
lives = 4;
for(NSInteger ilive = 0; ilive<lives; ilive++){
CCSprite *hearth = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:#"hearth.png"];
hearth.position = ccp( ((ilive+1)*50), winSize.height - 50);
[hearthArray insertObject:hearth atIndex:ilive];
[self addChild:hearth];
return self;
//Below code into remove the heart.(decrease lives).
- (void) addMonster:(ccTime)dt {
//select a random monster from the _monsters Array
int selectedMonster = arc4random() % [_monsters count];
Monster *monster = [_monsters objectAtIndex:selectedMonster];
int m = [monster movement];
CCSprite *spriteMonster = [[CCSprite alloc] initWithFile:[monster monsterSprite]];
spriteMonster.tag = [monster tag];
CGSize winSize = [CCDirector sharedDirector].winSize;
int minX = spriteMonster.contentSize.width / 2;
int maxX = winSize.width - spriteMonster.contentSize.width/2;
int rangeX = maxX - minX;
int actualY = (arc4random() % rangeX) + minX;
//BLOCK 2 - Determine speed of the monster
int minDuration = [monster minVelocity];
int maxDuration = [monster maxVelocity];
int rangeDuration = maxDuration - minDuration;
int actualDuration = (arc4random() % rangeDuration) + minDuration;
if(m == 1){
spriteMonster.position = ccp( actualY,winSize.height + spriteMonster.contentSize.height/2);
[self addChild:spriteMonster];
//BLOCK 4 - Create the actions
CCMoveTo * actionMove = [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:actualDuration position:ccp( actualY,-spriteMonster.contentSize.height/2)];
CCCallBlockN * actionMoveDone = [CCCallBlockN actionWithBlock:^(CCNode *node) {
[_monstersOnScreen removeObject:node];
[node removeFromParentAndCleanup:YES];
// Remove lifes
// [[hearthArray lastObject] removeFromParentAndCleanup:YES];
[self removeChild:[hearthArray lastObject] cleanup:YES];
[hearthArray removeLastObject];
NSLog(#"m=1 when array : %#",hearthArray);
if(lives == 0)
[[CCDirector sharedDirector] replaceScene:[HelloWorldLayer scene]];
[spriteMonster runAction:[CCSequence actions:actionMove, actionMoveDone, nil]];
[_monstersOnScreen addObject:spriteMonster];
//Below into Add new lives using for loop.when touch particular object.
NSLog(#"lives is get when add live : %i",lives);
NSLog(#"hearthArray when toch coin: %#",hearthArray);
lives = lives+1;
NSLog(#"lives+1 : %i",lives);
for(NSInteger i = 0; i<lives; i++){
hearth = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:#"hearth.png"];
CGSize winSize = [CCDirector sharedDirector].winSize;
hearth.position = ccp( ((i+1)*50), winSize.height-50);
[hearthArray insertObject:hearth atIndex:i];
[self addChild:hearth];
NSLog(#"hearthArray out for loop: %#",hearthArray);
Please help me.Thanks in advance.
Your increaseliveswhentouch coin method should be like this..
CCSprite *hearth = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:#"hearth.png"];
CGSize winSize = [CCDirector sharedDirector].winSize;
hearth.position = ccp( ((lives+1)*50), winSize.height-50);
[hearthArray insertObject:hearth atIndex:lives];
[self addChild:hearth];
You have to add just one heart object .There is no need to create all objects again,if you want to create remove all the objects first..

Set sprite using background position

I am new to cocos2d so please help me if u can
I have background moving from right to left, and the background contains small windows with 3 rows of windows
_spaceDust1 = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:#"bg_front_spacedust.png"];
_spaceDust2 = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:#"bg_front_spacedust.png"];
CGPoint dustSpeed = ccp(0.1 , 0.1);
CGPoint bgSpeed = ccp(0.05 , 0.05);
[_backgroundNode addChild:_spaceDust1 z:0 parallaxRatio:dustSpeed positionOffset:ccp(0,winSize.height / 2)];
[_backgroundNode addChild:_spaceDust2 z:0 parallaxRatio:dustSpeed positionOffset:ccp(_spaceDust1.contentSize.width , winSize.height / 2)];
Now add enemies wich also move from right to left with same speed
_robbers = [[CCArray alloc] initWithCapacity:kNumAstroids];
for (int i = 0; i < kNumAstroids; ++i) {
CCSprite *asteroid = [CCSprite spriteWithSpriteFrameName:#"robber.png"];
asteroid.visible = NO;
[_batchNode addChild:asteroid];
[_robbers addObject:asteroid];
in update method:
double curTime = CACurrentMediaTime();
if (curTime > _nextRunemanSpawn) {
float randSecs = [self randomValueBetween:0.20 andValue:1.0];
_nextRunemanSpawn = randSecs + curTime;
float randY = 80.0;
float randY1 = 185.0;
float randY2 = 293.0;
float randDuration = [self randomValueBetween:5.2 andValue:5.2];
float randDuration1 = [self randomValueBetween:1.0 andValue:1.0];
CCSprite *asteroid = [_robbers objectAtIndex:_nextRobber];
if (_nextRobber >= _robbers.count) {
_nextRobber = 0;
//[asteroid stopAllActions];
int winChoice = arc4random() % 3;
if (winChoice == 0) {
asteroid.position = ccp(winSize.width +asteroid.contentSize.width / 2 , randY);
asteroid.visible = YES;
else if(winChoice == 1){
asteroid.position = ccp(winSize.width +asteroid.contentSize.width / 2 , randY1);
asteroid.visible = YES;
}else {
asteroid.position = ccp(winSize.width +asteroid.contentSize.width / 2 , randY2);
asteroid.visible = YES;
[asteroid runAction:[CCSequence actions:[CCMoveBy actionWithDuration:randDuration position:ccp(-winSize.width-asteroid.contentSize.width, 0)],
[CCCallFuncN actionWithTarget:self selector:#selector(setInvisible:)],nil]];
All is going well but i want to set this enemies in to window and in random position
so how can i set x-argument of enemies so it can be fix in to window of the background?
For some reason I cannot comment so this is written as an answer. What exactly are you trying to do? I am a bit confused. It sounds like you want the X position to be set so that it is in one of 3 random positions, is that correct?

Delegate not working between HudLayer and GameLayer

I have created a HudLayer class which defines a protocol for when button presses happen.
-(id) init
if( (self=[super initWithColor:ccc4(255, 255, 0, 128)])) {
self.contentSize=CGSizeMake(480, 40);
scoreLabel=[CCLabelTTF labelWithString:#"0" fontName:#"Marker Felt" fontSize:24];
[self addChild:scoreLabel];
CCLabelTTF *textLabel=[CCLabelTTF labelWithString:#"Score:" fontName:#"Marker Felt" fontSize:24];
[self addChild:textLabel];
CCMenuItemImage * item = [CCMenuItemImage itemWithNormalImage:#"fire.png" selectedImage:#"fire.png" target:self selector:#selector(projectileButtonTapped:)];
CCMenu *menu = [CCMenu menuWithItems:item, nil];
menu.position = ccp(150, 20);
[self addChild:menu];
return self;
- (void)projectileButtonTapped:(id)sender
NSLog(#"projectileButtonTapped HudLayer");
[self.delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(projectileButtonTapped:)];
Then in my HelloWorldLayer class I implement the protocol and set myself as the delegate.
+(CCScene *) scene
// 'scene' is an autorelease object.
CCScene *scene = [CCScene node];
// 'layer' is an autorelease object.
HelloWorldLayer *layer = [HelloWorldLayer node];
// add layer as a child to scene
[scene addChild: layer];
//add another layer to the scene
// HudLayer *anotherLayer = [HudLayer node];
// anotherLayer.delegate = self;
// [scene addChild: anotherLayer];
// layer.hud=anotherLayer;
// return the scene
return scene;
-(id) init
if( (self=[super init]) ) {
_tileMap = [CCTMXTiledMap tiledMapWithTMXFile:#"GridWars#medium.tmx"];
_background = [_tileMap layerNamed:#"Background"];
_foreground = [_tileMap layerNamed:#"Foreground"];
_meta = [_tileMap layerNamed:#"Meta"];
_meta.visible = NO;
CCTMXObjectGroup *objectGroup = [_tileMap objectGroupNamed:#"Objects"];
NSAssert(objectGroup != nil, #"tile map has no objects object layer");
NSDictionary *spawnPoint = [objectGroup objectNamed:#"SpawnPoint"];
int x = [spawnPoint[#"x"] integerValue];
int y = [spawnPoint[#"y"] integerValue];
_wizardHero = [[WizardHero alloc]init];
_redEnemy = [[RedEnemy alloc]init];
_wizardHero.position = ccp(x,y);
[self addChild:_wizardHero];
[self setViewPointCenter:_wizardHero.position];
[self addChild:_tileMap z:-1];
self.touchEnabled = YES;
self.enemies = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
self.projectiles = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
[self schedule:#selector(testCollisions:)];
for (spawnPoint in [objectGroup objects]) {
if ([[spawnPoint valueForKey:#"Enemy"] intValue] == 1){
x = [[spawnPoint valueForKey:#"x"] intValue];
y = [[spawnPoint valueForKey:#"y"] intValue];
[self addEnemyAtX:x y:y];
_hud = [HudLayer node];
_hud.delegate = self;
[self addChild:_hud];
return self;
- (void)projectileButtonTapped:(id)sender
// Find where the touch is
// CGPoint touchLocation = [touch locationInView: [touch view]];
// touchLocation = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] convertToGL: touchLocation];
// touchLocation = [self convertToNodeSpace:touchLocation];
if (self.wizardHero.selectedTargets.count > 0) {
// Create a projectile and put it at the player's location
CCSprite *projectile = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:#"Projectile.png"];
projectile.position = _wizardHero.position;
[self addChild:projectile];
// Determine where we wish to shoot the projectile to
int realX;
// Are we shooting to the left or right?
CGPoint diff = ccpSub(self.redEnemy.position, self.wizardHero.position);
if (diff.x > 0)
realX = (_tileMap.mapSize.width * _tileMap.tileSize.width) +
} else {
realX = -(_tileMap.mapSize.width * _tileMap.tileSize.width) -
float ratio = (float) diff.y / (float) diff.x;
int realY = ((realX - projectile.position.x) * ratio) + projectile.position.y;
CGPoint realDest = ccp(realX, realY);
// Determine the length of how far we're shooting
int offRealX = realX - projectile.position.x;
int offRealY = realY - projectile.position.y;
float length = sqrtf((offRealX*offRealX) + (offRealY*offRealY));
float velocity = 480/1; // 480pixels/1sec
float realMoveDuration = length/velocity;
// Move projectile to actual endpoint
id actionMoveDone = [CCCallFuncN actionWithTarget:self
[projectile runAction:
[CCSequence actionOne:
[CCMoveTo actionWithDuration: realMoveDuration
position: realDest]
two: actionMoveDone]];
[self.projectiles addObject:projectile];
The problem is that only the projectileButtonTapped: in the HudLayer is called (ie. the delegate's method never gets called).
To save space I left out both .h files. But I assure you they are correct, with the #protocol used in HudLayer and that same protocol name put in <> within the HelloWorldLayer.
I think :
- (void)projectileButtonTapped:(id)sender
NSLog(#"projectileButtonTapped HudLayer");
if ([self.delegate respondsToSelector:#selector(projectileButtonTapped:)]) {
[self.delegate performSelector:#selector(projectileButtonTapped:) withObject:sender];

How to move background images infinitely in iOS coco2d

I have to move background images in iOS Coco2d but I am having a few difficulties. I have tried some solutions provided on some websites but have not been successful in getting them to work properly. Below is the code I am currently working on:-
The background moves smoothly the first time but it is not working properly after that:-
Code in init function :-
bg1 = [CCSprite spriteWithFile: #"bg1.png"];
bg1.anchorPoint = CGPointZero;
[self addChild:bg1 z:-2];
bg2 = [CCSprite spriteWithFile: #"bg1.png"];
[self addChild:bg2 z:-3];
bg2.anchorPoint = CGPointMake(480, 0);
// schedule a repeating callback on every frame
[self schedule:#selector(nextFrame:) interval:.4f];
- (void) nextFrame:(ccTime)dt {
id actionMove = [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:.4 position:ccp(bg1.position.x - 100 * dt, bg1.position.y)]; //winSize.height/2)];
id actionMove1 = [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:.4 position:ccp(bg2.position.x - 100 * dt, bg2.position.y)]; //winSize.height/2)];
id actionMoveDone = [CCCallFuncN actionWithTarget:self selector:#selector(spriteMoveFinished:)];
[bg1 runAction:[CCSequence actions:actionMove,actionMoveDone, nil]];
[bg2 runAction:[CCSequence actions:actionMove1,actionMoveDone, nil]];
-(void)spriteMoveFinished:(id)sender {
CCSprite *sprite = (CCSprite *)sender;
if(sprite == bg1) {
if (bg1.position.x < -480) {
[self removeChild:bg1 cleanup:NO];
bg1.position = ccp( 480 , bg1.position.y );
[self addChild:bg1 z:-2];
else if(sprite == bg2)
if (bg2.position.x < -480) {
[self removeChild:bg2 cleanup:NO];
bg2.position = ccp( bg1.position.x+ 480 , bg1.position.y );
[self addChild:bg2 z:-3];
Try this, make sure you flip background 2.
#define IS_IPAD (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad)
#define MM_BG_SPEED_DUR       ( IS_IPAD ? (6.0f) : (2.0f) )
[super onEnter];
[self initBackground];
[self schedule: #selector(tick:)];
NSString *tex = #"BG/Background.png";//[self getThemeBG];
mBG1 = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:tex];
mBG1.position = ccp(s.width*0.5f,s.height*0.5f);
[self addChild:mBG1 z:LAYER_BACKGROUND];
mBG2 = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:tex];
mBG2.position = ccp(s.width+s.width*0.5f,s.height*0.5f);
mBG2.flipX = true;
[self addChild:mBG2 z:LAYER_BACKGROUND];
CGSize s = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] winSize];
CGPoint pos1 = mBG1.position;
CGPoint pos2 = mBG2.position;
pos1.x -= MM_BG_SPEED_DUR;
pos2.x -= MM_BG_SPEED_DUR;
if(pos1.x <=-(s.width*0.5f) )
pos1.x = pos2.x + s.width;
if(pos2.x <=-(s.width*0.5f) )
pos2.x = pos1.x + s.width;
mBG1.position = pos1;
mBG2.position = pos2;
[self scrollBackground:dt];
I think this way is a little simpler. You initialize the backgrounds in initand move them in update.
In the init method:
// position backgrounds
CCSprite *bg1 = [CCSprite spriteWithSpriteFrame:spriteFrame];
CCSprite *bg2 = [CCSprite spriteWithSpriteFrame:spriteFrame];
CCSprite *bg3 = [CCSprite spriteWithSpriteFrame:spriteFrame];
bg1.anchorPoint = ccp(0, 0);
bg1.position = ccp(0, 0);
bg2.anchorPoint = ccp(0, 0);
bg2.position = ccp(bg1.contentSize.width-1, 0);
bg3.anchorPoint = ccp(0, 0);
bg3.position = ccp(2*bg1.contentSize.width-1, 0);
_backgrounds = #[bg1, bg2, bg3];
[self addChild:bg1 z:INT_MIN];
[self addChild:bg2 z:INT_MIN];
[self addChild:bg3 z:INT_MIN];
In the update method:
// endless scrolling for backgrounds
for (CCSprite *bg in _backgrounds) {
bg.position = ccp(bg.position.x - 50 * delta, bg.position.y);
if (bg.position.x < -1 * (bg.contentSize.width)) {
bg.position = ccp(bg.position.x + (bg.contentSize.width*2)-2, 0);
Note: the code is for Cocos2d 3.0
