ipad_Landscape_StartImage_problem - ipad

My application supports all orientation, but i have a default screen placed at the start while i fetch the data from web-service with activity indicator, it shows fine on portrait view(with default screen followed by the image i have added as sub view on the window) but when i start the app in Landscape mode the Default splash screen appears but the image i have added on the window does not rotate, it is added as if its in portrait. Have tried all solutions like making the window and image-view auto-flexible but its not working
Please Help
Thanks in advance...

I don't think so rotation was possible when we add the image on the window, so i decided to add it on the view and adjusted the size of the image as that of the splash screen so that there is no stretching of images horizontally and vertically. This i think is the simplest and easiest way to do it.


How to lock the portrait view even if screen rotate to landscape in ipad

I am new to iOS development. I am working on app which have an pdf view in which we can edit and fill the form. My problem is when i rotate the device in landscape mode i need my pdf view to be in center of the screen it should not be stretch with the size of the screen size. i need to give fix size to my pdf view as in portrait and want blank space in remaining area of screen. How to do that please guide me.
Thank you in advance.
It all depends on what versions of iOS your app is targeted for and how your view is being presented (UINavigationController or not). Can you provide these details?
Use this setting . Uncheck landscape option in setting section.

Launch screen image not displaying correctly

Working with the iOS launch screen and it's a very painful experience.
Finally got it to appear, but no matter what I do it won't align properly. It's either stretched too far, or in a weird position off the screen.
What values for mode and stretching should I use to display this image viewer in my .xib?
If you're using the Launch Screen.xib or Launch Screen.storyboard, you need to set the correct AutoLayout constraint in your IB file.
If you're not, you need to set the Launch Images Source in your project general settings page.

Identical splash screen after loading and before webview

So, i have a webview in which i load an ad everytime the app starts, this is the first viewController in the main navigation controller and its the one that launches the home viewController after the ad, the problem is, after the splash screen and before the ad is finish loading, the webview is hidden at first and when loaded then is visible, beneath the webview is an uiimage with constraints to fill the entire view. the image is the same as the splash screen (portrait or landscape), but when the transition from the splash intro to the first viewcontroller begin, the imageview looks offset in comparison to the ios splash image, so im guessing it has to do with the status bar at the top? i have tried many combination of constrains and sizes and i cant seem to find a way to achieve a non-jumpy transition from the splash to my first uiimageview filling the whole view.
this is what im trying to achieve.
the whole thing is already done the only problem is the jumpy not perfect transition from the intro splash screen to my uiimageview in the first viewcontroller, any ideas? has anybody faced the same issue, any suggestion is much appreciated. thanks for your time.
note: the uiimageview has constraints for top, bottom, left and right of the layout. i also tried with no constraints with no luck.
So the problem was the resolution of the image that ios was using in the splash screen.
from ipad2 and ipad mini, it should be the normal (768,1024) version of the splash, for ipad Air and retina displays the image for splash is the #2X version.

One splash screen for all display sizes

So, the question:
Is there any way to use a simple .xib or something like it, to have a splash screen with just a solid background extending the full width and height of the screen with a single, centered image?
I'm just learning iOS development and Objective-C.
I'm trying to find a simpler way of creating a splash screen for an app without using the traditional loading images.
In android development, I can use a fragment as a splash screen and place a single image at the center on a colored background. This will scale for ANY screen size, in ANY orientation.
In iOS development, they want me to create multiple image files for every orientation and screen size. This is not very scalable. If the logo or design changes, every one of these files has to be recreated and added again to the app.
You need to understand that the launch image Apple requires you to include is not for the purpose of being a splash screen. It is there to make the transition from the launchpad into the splash screen smooth. Yeah, it doesn't scale well, but it's just one image - you can handle it.
I don't know how to do it using auto layouts, but the old school way would be to place a UIImageView in the centre of the view set its autoresizingMask property to UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight. In Interface Builder it would look like this:

Splash screen runs then flashes the wrong random image before application starts

Not sure how to word this problem, but basically it lodes the flash screen for half a second (like I want - look at first image).
Then it flashes the splash screen upside down at the bottom of the screen just before loading the app. (look at second image).
How can I get rid of it displaying the second upside down image?
I am using Xcode 4.6.3 with Cordova 2.9.0.
I want to get rid of the image below from appearing:
Found a solution:
I needed the Initial interface orientation = Landscape (left home button) under the project info section.
I think it must have been loading the image for portrait then rotated it to try and make it match the landscape orientation therefore rotating the image.
