How to get static information about page transition ended [duplicate] - jquery-mobile

Are there any events fired by an element to check whether a css3 transition has started or end?

W3C CSS Transitions Draft
The completion of a CSS Transition generates a corresponding DOM Event. An event is fired for each property that undergoes a transition. This allows a content developer to perform actions that synchronize with the completion of a transition.
To determine when a transition completes, set a JavaScript event listener function for the DOM event that is sent at the end of a transition. The event is an instance of WebKitTransitionEvent, and its type is webkitTransitionEnd.
box.addEventListener( 'webkitTransitionEnd',
function( event ) { alert( "Finished transition!" ); }, false );
There is a single event that is fired when transitions complete. In Firefox, the event is transitionend, in Opera, oTransitionEnd, and in WebKit it is webkitTransitionEnd.
There is one type of transition event
available. The oTransitionEnd event
occurs at the completion of the
Internet Explorer
The transitionend event occurs at the completion of the transition. If the transition is removed before completion, the event will not fire.
Stack Overflow: How do I normalize CSS3 Transition functions across browsers?

All modern browsers now support the unprefixed event:
element.addEventListener('transitionend', callback, false);
I was using the approach given by Pete, however I have now started using the following
$(".myClass").one('transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd otransitionend MSTransitionEnd',
function() {
//do something
Alternatively if you use bootstrap then you can simply do
function() {
//do something
This is becuase they include the following in bootstrap.js
+function ($) {
'use strict';
// ============================================================
function transitionEnd() {
var el = document.createElement('bootstrap')
var transEndEventNames = {
'WebkitTransition' : 'webkitTransitionEnd',
'MozTransition' : 'transitionend',
'OTransition' : 'oTransitionEnd otransitionend',
'transition' : 'transitionend'
for (var name in transEndEventNames) {
if ([name] !== undefined) {
return { end: transEndEventNames[name] }
return false // explicit for ie8 ( ._.)
$(function () {
$.support.transition = transitionEnd()
Note they also include an emulateTransitionEnd function which may be needed to ensure a callback always occurs.
$.fn.emulateTransitionEnd = function (duration) {
var called = false, $el = this
$(this).one($.support.transition.end, function () { called = true })
var callback = function () { if (!called) $($el).trigger($.support.transition.end) }
setTimeout(callback, duration)
return this
Be aware that sometimes this event doesn’t fire, usually in the case
when properties don’t change or a paint isn’t triggered. To ensure we
always get a callback, let’s set a timeout that’ll trigger the event

All modern browsers now support the unprefixed event:
element.addEventListener('transitionend', callback, false);
Works in the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox and Safari. Even IE10+.

In Opera 12 when you bind using the plain JavaScript, 'oTransitionEnd' will work:
document.addEventListener("oTransitionEnd", function(){
alert("Transition Ended");
however if you bind through jQuery, you need to use 'otransitionend'
$(document).bind("otransitionend", function(){
alert("Transition Ended");
In case you are using Modernizr or bootstrap-transition.js you can simply do a change:
var transEndEventNames = {
'WebkitTransition' : 'webkitTransitionEnd',
'MozTransition' : 'transitionend',
'OTransition' : 'oTransitionEnd otransitionend',
'msTransition' : 'MSTransitionEnd',
'transition' : 'transitionend'
transEndEventName = transEndEventNames[ Modernizr.prefixed('transition') ];
You can find some info here as well

Just for fun, don't do this!
$.fn.transitiondone = function () {
return this.each(function () {
var $this = $(this);
setTimeout(function () {
}, (parseFloat($this.css('transitionDelay')) + parseFloat($this.css('transitionDuration'))) * 1000);
$('div').on('mousedown', function (e) {
$('div').on('transitiondone', function () {

If you simply want to detect only a single transition end, without using any JS framework here's a little convenient utility function:
function once = function(object,event,callback){
var handle={};
var eventNames=event.split(" ");
var cbWrapper=function(){
object.removeEventListener(e,cbWrapper, false );
object.removeEventListener(e,cbWrapper, false );
return handle;
var handler = once(document.querySelector('#myElement'), 'transitionend', function(){
//do something
then if you wish to cancel at some point you can still do it with
It's good for other event usages as well :)


Angularjs: jquery selectable

i have created a directive to handle selectable provided by Jquery
mydirectives.directive('uiSelectable', function ($parse) {
return {
link: function (scope, element, attrs, ctrl) {
stop: function (evt, ui) {
var collection = scope.$eval(attrs.docArray)
var selected = element.find('div.parent.ui-selected').map(function () {
var idx = $(this).index();
return { document: collection[idx] }
scope.selectedItems = selected;
to use in html
<div class="margin-top-20px" ui-selectable doc-array="documents">
where documents is an array that get returned by server in ajax response.
its working fine i can select multiple items or single item
Issue: i want to clear selection on close button
i can write jquery in controller to remove .ui-selected class but its not recommended approach
can some one guide me whats the best practice to achieve these type of issue
i fixed the issue by broadcasting event on cancel and listening it on directive
$scope.clearSelection=function() {
$scope.selectedItems = [];
$timeout(function () {
$rootScope.$broadcast('clearselection', '');
}, 100);
and in directive
scope.$on('clearselection', function (event, document) {
is this the right way of doing it or what is the best practice to solve the issue.

Set Umbraco Property Editor Input to jQueryUI Datepicker

I'm close but still can't quite get this to work.
I have a new custom property editor that is loading correctly and is doing almost everything expected until I try to set the text field to be a jQuery UI element.
As soon as I add a directive in Angular for setting it to call the jQuery UI datepicker function, I get the following error suggesting it hasn't loaded the jQueryUI script library correctly:
TypeError: Object [object Object] has no method 'datepicker'
Trouble is, I can't see where I should be adding it as the logical places (to my mind, at least) seem to make no difference. Here is the code in full:
function MultipleDatePickerController($scope, assetsService) {
//tell the assetsService to load the markdown.editor libs from the markdown editors
//plugin folder
// .load([
// ""
// ])
// .then(function () {
// //this function will execute when all dependencies have loaded
// });
//load the seperat css for the editor to avoid it blocking our js loading
if (!$scope.model.value) {
$scope.model.value = [];
//add any fields that there isn't values for
//if ($scope.model.config.min > 0) {
if ($scope.model.value.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < $scope.model.value.length; i++) {
if ((i + 1) > $scope.model.value.length) {
$scope.model.value.push({ value: "" });
$scope.add = function () {
//if ($scope.model.config.max <= 0 || $scope.model.value.length < $scope.model.config.max) {
if ($scope.model.value.length <= 52) {
$scope.model.value.push({ value: "" });
$scope.remove = function (index) {
var remainder = [];
for (var x = 0; x < $scope.model.value.length; x++) {
if (x !== index) {
$scope.model.value = remainder;
var datePicker = angular.module("umbraco").controller("AcuIT.MultidateController", MultipleDatePickerController);
datePicker.directive('jqdatepicker', function () {
return {
restrict: 'A',
require: 'ngModel',
link: function (scope, element, attrs, ngModelCtrl) {
$(function () {
dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy',
onSelect: function (date) {
scope.$apply(function () {
I faced the same problem when adapting a jQuery Date Range Picker for my Date Range Picker package for Umbraco 7. It's frustrating! The problem (I think) is that Angular's ng-model listens for "input" changes to trigger events and so doesn't pick up on a jQuery triggered event.
The way around it I found was to force the input event of the element you wish to update to fire manually, using jQuery's .trigger() event.
For example, the date picker I was using had this code for when a date was changed:
updateInputText: function () {
if ('input')) {
this.element.val(this.startDate.format(this.format) + this.separator + this.endDate.format(this.format));
I just adapted it to force an input trigger by adding this.element.trigger('input') to the code block, so it now reads:
updateInputText: function () {
if ('input')) {
this.element.val(this.startDate.format(this.format) + this.separator + this.endDate.format(this.format));
This forces Angular to "see" the change and then ng-model is updated. There may well be a more elegant way (as I'm an Angular newbie), but I know this worked for me.
Got it. This is probably a bit of a hack, but it's simple and effective so it's a win nonetheless.
The assetsService call is the key, where I've put code into the deferred .then statement to call jQueryUI's datepicker on any item that has the "jqdp" CSS class:
//tell the assetsService to load the markdown.editor libs from the markdown editors
//plugin folder
.then(function () {
//this function will execute when all dependencies have loaded
$('.jqdp').datepicker({ dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy' });
I've then gone and added that class to my view:
<input type="text" jqdatepicker name="item_{{$index}}" ng-model="item.value" class="jqdp" id="dp-{{model.alias}}-{{$index}}" />
Finally, I've added a directive to ensure that dynamically-added items also display a datepicker:
datePicker.directive('jqdatepicker', function () {
return function (scope, element, attrs) {
scope.$watch("jqdatepicker", function () {
$(element).datepicker({ dateFormat: 'dd/mm/yy' });
As I said, this is possibly a bit hacky but it achieves the right result and seems like a simple solution.

Latency issue with Primefaces overlayPanel - loads to lazy

I am using Primefaces 3.2 with jsf 2 and glassfish 3.1.2.
I have a p:dataTable of users containing avatars of the user. Whenever the user moves the mouse over the avatar a p:overlayPanel appears with more information (lazy loaded) on the user, and disappears when the user moves the cursor away - like this:
<p:overlayPanel for="avatar" dynamic="true" showEvent="mouseover" hideEvent="mouseout" ...>
This works very well - as long as the user is "slowhanded". Whenever an user moves the cursor fast above many avatars many of the overlayPanels stay visible.
For example when the user has the cursor over the position where user avatars are displayed and uses the scroll wheel of his mouse to scroll the usertable down or up.
I believe that the overlaypanel starts to load the information dynamically (dynamic="true") from the server when showEvent="mouseover" is dispatched and displays the overlaypanel after the response from the server arrives.
This way it is not possible to detect whether the cursor is already away when the overlaypanel becomes visible - so the hideEvent="mouseout" is never dispatched.
Is there a way to make the primefaces overlaypanel appear directly on mousover, showing a loading gif and update the content into the overlaypanel when the response comes from the server.
Is this a good appraoch or does anyone know any other way to solve this nasty problem?
Thanks Pete
As my first answer is already very long and contains valid information, I decided to open a new answer presenting my final approach.
Im now using Primefaces inheritance pattern making the code alot cleaner. Also I noticed that replacing/overwriting the whole bindEvents function isnt necessary, as we can remove the old event handlers. Finally this code fixs the latest issue experienced: A hide event before ajax arrival.
PrimeFaces.widget.OverlayPanel = PrimeFaces.widget.OverlayPanel
bindEvents : function() {
var showEvent = this.cfg.showEvent + '.ui-overlay', hideEvent = this.cfg.hideEvent
+ '.ui-overlay';
$(document).off(showEvent + ' ' + hideEvent, this.targetId).on(
showEvent, this.targetId, this, function(e) {
var _self =;
_self.timer = setTimeout(function() {
_self.hidden = false;;
}, 300);
}).on(hideEvent, this.targetId, this, function(e) {
var _self =;
_self.hidden = true;
_show : function() {
if (!this.cfg.dynamic || !this.hidden) {
Im sorry for the poor formatting: Eclipses fault ;)
Wow, finally after a long debuging session and testing various approaches i recognized that the problem isnt the ajax request but the event handlers itself:
.on(hideEvent, this.targetId, this, function(e) {
var _self =;
if(_self.isVisible()) {
As you can see, the widget is just hidden if its visible before. If your moving your mouse out too fast, now two things can happen:
The widget isnt visible at all
The animation is still going on
In this case the event is discarded and the panel stays visible. As animations are queued, one simply has to remove the if statement to fix the issue. I did this by replacing the whole bindEvents method:
PrimeFaces.widget.OverlayPanel.prototype.bindEvents = function() {
//mark target and descandants of target as a trigger for a primefaces overlay'primefaces-overlay-target','*').data('primefaces-overlay-target',;
//show and hide events for target
if(this.cfg.showEvent == this.cfg.hideEvent) {
var event = this.cfg.showEvent;
$(document).off(event, this.targetId).on(event, this.targetId, this, function(e) {;
else {
var showEvent = this.cfg.showEvent + '.ui-overlay',
hideEvent = this.cfg.hideEvent + '.ui-overlay';
$(document).off(showEvent + ' ' + hideEvent, this.targetId).on(showEvent, this.targetId, this, function(e) {
var _self =;
if(!_self.isVisible()) {;
.on(hideEvent, this.targetId, this, function(e) {
var _self =;
//enter key support for mousedown event
var _self = this;
//hide overlay when mousedown is at outside of overlay
$(document.body).bind('mousedown.ui-overlay', function (e) {
if(_self.jq.hasClass('ui-overlay-hidden')) {
//do nothing on target mousedown
var target = $(;
if(|| > 0) {
//hide overlay if mousedown is on outside
var offset = _self.jq.offset();
if(e.pageX < offset.left ||
e.pageX > offset.left + _self.jq.outerWidth() ||
e.pageY < ||
e.pageY > + _self.jq.outerHeight()) {
//Hide overlay on resize
var resizeNS = 'resize.' +;
$(window).unbind(resizeNS).bind(resizeNS, function() {
if(_self.jq.hasClass('ui-overlay-visible')) {
Execute this code on load and the issue should be gone.
As your replacing the js code nevertheless, you can use this oppurtunity to implement quite a nice feature. By using timeouts in the event handlers one can easily implement a little delay not just improving usability (no more thousands of popups appear) but also reducing network traffic:
$(document).off(showEvent + ' ' + hideEvent, this.targetId).on(showEvent, this.targetId, this, function(e) {
var _self =;
_self.timer = setTimeout( function(){
if(!_self.isVisible()) {;
}, 300);
.on(hideEvent, this.targetId, this, function(e) {
var _self =;
Ofcourse you can use a global variable to control the delay time. If you want a more flexible approach youll have to overwrite the encodeScript method in the OverlayPanelRender to transmit an additional property. You could access it then with _self.cfg.delay. Notice though that youll have to replace the component model OverlayPanel too providing it with an extra attribute.
At the same time I thank you for this brilliant solution I take the opportunity to update it for Primefaces 5.2. In our application the code broke after that upgrade.
Follows the updated code for Primefaces 5.2:
PrimeFaces.widget.OverlayPanel.prototype.bindTargetEvents = function() {
var $this = this;
//mark target and descandants of target as a trigger for a primefaces overlay'primefaces-overlay-target','*').data('primefaces-overlay-target',;
//show and hide events for target
if(this.cfg.showEvent === this.cfg.hideEvent) {
var event = this.cfg.showEvent;, function(e) {
else {
var showEvent = this.cfg.showEvent + '.ui-overlaypanel',
hideEvent = this.cfg.hideEvent + '.ui-overlaypanel';
.off(showEvent + ' ' + hideEvent)
.on(showEvent, function(e) {
$this.timer = setTimeout(function() {
$this.hidden = false;
}, 500);
.on(hideEvent, function(e) {
$this.timer = setTimeout(function() {
// don't hide if hovering overlay
if(! $":hover")) {
}, 100);
$'keydown.ui-overlaypanel keyup.ui-overlaypanel').on('keydown.ui-overlaypanel', function(e) {
var keyCode = $.ui.keyCode, key = e.which;
if(key === keyCode.ENTER||key === keyCode.NUMPAD_ENTER) {
.on('keyup.ui-overlaypanel', function(e) {
var keyCode = $.ui.keyCode, key = e.which;
if(key === keyCode.ENTER||key === keyCode.NUMPAD_ENTER) {
I also added an extra feature which allows the user to move the mouse over the overlay without hiding it. It should hide when you move the mouse out of it then which I accomplished through:
<p:overlayPanel .... onShow="onShowOverlayPanel(this)" ...>
function onShowOverlayPanel(ovr) {
ovr.jq.on("mouseleave", function(e) {
Hope you enjoy!
It's been a long time, but in case anyone bumps into this problem, a showDelay attribute was added to the overlayPanel to solve this problem starting from Primefaces 6.2. However, it is not in the official documentation for some reason.

Backbone and JQuery Mobile: Unbind events after a page transition

I want to unbind all events when I change a page. I took this solution which extends the View's close function with this.unbind() call and I tried to combine it with JQM page transitions in a changePage function in the Router from here:
changePage: function(page){
$(page.el).attr("data-role", "page");
var transition = $.mobile.defaultPageTransition;
transition = "none",
this.firstPage = false;
$.mobile.changePage($(page.el), {changeHash: false, transition: transition});
Then changePage looks like this:
changePage: function(page){
if (this.currentView)
$(page.el).attr("data-role", "page");
this.currentView = page;
var transition = $.mobile.defaultPageTransition;
transition = "none",
this.firstPage = false;
$.mobile.changePage($(page.el), {changeHash: false, transition: transition});
But then I get the JQM error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method '_trigger' of undefined
I also have jqm-config.js which removes the page's DOM on pagehide event. Could I unbind all events here like: $(event.currentTarget).unbind(); ? But this doesn't work either.
$('div[data-role="page"]').live('pagehide', function (event, ui) {
I had the same problem. The JQM error occurs because you try to call this.remove() in close() backbone extended method, but the event "pagehide" has already removed the view from the DOM.
Backbone.View.prototype.close = function () {
if (this.beforeClose) {
If you comment this.remove() on close method, it works.
Another option is to comment $(event.currentTarget).remove(); on pagehide jqmobile event and doesn't comment this.remove() on close method.
You can't do both, you should choose one of the two options. I prefer the second option, but I think that it's similar to first option. I don't recommend call unbind() on pagehide event.
I was facing the same problem, for some reason the pagechange event was not being fired and the previous pages were not removed from the DOM. Once I removed the non-active pages the CSS was back in action.
So I added
$('div[data-role="page"]').bind('pagehide', function (event, ui) {
$(document).bind('pagechange', function() {
So my jqm-config.js looks like this
$(document).bind("mobileinit", function () {
$.mobile.ajaxEnabled = false;
$.mobile.linkBindingEnabled = false;
$.mobile.hashListeningEnabled = false;
$.mobile.pushStateEnabled = false;
//$.mobile.defaultPageTransition = "none";
$(document).bind('pagechange', function() {
$('div[data-role="page"]').bind('pagehide', function (event, ui) {
console.log("Removing page");
It took me a few hours and this SO thread to get to this. Hope this helps someone.

Getting JQuery UI's datepicker widget as a EmberJS Mixin to work

In this JsFiddle :
(copied and modified from
I try to create an Ember DatePicker based on JQuery's.
The first problem I run into is this line :
var ui = jQuery.ui[this.get('uiType')](options, this.get('element'));
jQuery.ui[this.get('uiType')] doesn't return a function, so I suppose that the solution
that I started with works for some jQueryUI widgets, but not all.
I would like a solution that will work for all JQuery-UI widgets,
and in particular JQueryUI's Datepicker.
If you look at the jqueryui code, you see that some of them are invoked as a function, others not. You can solve it using this:
var ui;
if (typeof jQuery.ui[this.get('uiType')] === 'function') {
ui = jQuery.ui[this.get('uiType')](options, this.get('element'));
} else {
ui = this.$()[this.get('uiType')](options);
working example:
One more thing about jQuery UI's datepicker widget as a EmberJS Mixin.
If you want to supply a callback function to handle the beforeShowDay event, you will raise this error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of undefined
even if your callback function (in your ember view) return an array, like it's specified in the jqueryui doc
beforeShowDay: function(date){
some code...
return [true, ''];
This happens because nothing is returned after the in the _gatherEvents function
_gatherEvents: function(options) {
var uiEvents = this.get('uiEvents') || [], self = this;
uiEvents.forEach(function(event) {
var callback = self[event];
if (callback) {
// You can register a handler for a jQuery UI event by passing
// it in along with the creation options. Update the options hash
// to include any event callbacks.
options[event] = function(event, ui) {, event, ui); };
I fix this by adding a return statement before the
_gatherEvents: function(options) {
var uiEvents = this.get('uiEvents') || [], self = this;
uiEvents.forEach(function(event) {
var callback = self[event];
if (callback) {
// You can register a handler for a jQuery UI event by passing
// it in along with the creation options. Update the options hash
// to include any event callbacks.
options[event] = function(event, ui) { return, event, ui); };
working example
