ActiveRecord::Base Class Not Mutable? - ruby-on-rails

I have a class I've extended from ActiveRecord::Base...
class Profile < ActiveRecord::Base
and I collect the records from it like so...
records = #profile.all
which works fine, but it doesn't seem that I can successfully Update the attributes. I don't want to save them back to the database, just modify them before I export them as JSON. My question is, why can't I update these? I'm doing the following (converting date formats before exporting):
records.collect! { |record|
unless record.term_start_date.nil?
record.term_start_date = Date.parse(record.term_start_date.to_s).strftime('%Y,%m,%d')
unless record.term_end_date.nil?
record.term_end_date = Date.parse(record.term_end_date.to_s).strftime('%Y,%m,%d')
At first I had just been doing this in a do each loop, but tried collect! to see if it would fix things, but no difference. What am I missing?
P.S. - I tried this in irb on one record and got the same results.

I suggest a different way to solve the problem, that keeps the logic encapsulated in the class itself.
Override the as_json instance method in your Profile class.
def as_json(options={})
attrs = super(options)
unless attrs['term_start_date'].nil?
attrs['term_start_date'] = Date.parse(attrs['term_start_date'].to_s).strftime('%Y,%m,%d')
unless attrs['term_end_date'].nil?
attrs['term_end_date'] = Date.parse(attrs['term_end_date'].to_s).strftime('%Y,%m,%d')
Now when you render the records to json, they'll automatically use this logic to generate the intermediate hash. You also don't run the risk of accidentally saving the formatted dates to the database.
You can also set up your own custom option name in the case that you don't want the formatting logic.
This blog post explains in more detail.

Try to add! before record.
Actually, by using collect!, you just modifying records array, but to save modified record to database you should use save or save! (which raises exception if saving failed) on every record.


Use regular attribute assign and save or use update_attribute?

I recently 'discovered' the update_attribute method. So, I started changing sequences like
self.attribute = "foo"; save
in model or controller methods by
self.update_attribute(:attribute, "foo")
Now, the more I'm doing this, the more I'm wondering whether this is "good practice", and whether this method was intended to be used this way.
Any input from the "pro's" on this?
I would suggest using update_attribute for flags or any update operation that does not need validations since it does not fire validations. From rails documentation we can read:
Updates a single attribute and saves the record without going through
the normal validation procedure. This is especially useful for boolean
flags on existing records. The regular update_attribute method in Base
is replaced with this when the validations module is mixed in, which
it is by default.
Whereas update_attributes does:
Updates all the attributes from the passed-in Hash and saves the
record. If the object is invalid, the saving will fail and false will
be returned.
Let's look at the code now:
def update_attribute(name, value)
send(name.to_s + '=', value)
def update_attributes(attributes)
self.attributes = attributes
It's always better to use update_attribute, or update_attributes if you need to update a single instance with simple data, as you can read "UPDATE" and know that you are "UPDATING".
You must know also that there is a method called update_column, that does 'kinda' the same stuff, but, update_column does NOT update the updated_at timestamp on the database.
Also, if you need to edit a large amount of instances/rows in the database with the same value, you have a method called update_all. Here is an example
#instances = Instance.all
#instances.update_all(:attribute, value)
and that will update all the attributes of that table. You will find this usefull after doing werid migrations.
Besides all of this, you can always use the 'save' way, I strongly recomend this when you have to calculate a lot of data to update a single instance. Here is an example:
def updater_method
foo = Bar.first
foo.update_attributes(attr_one: some_calcule_method, attr_two: some_other_calcule_method, attr_three: some_more_calcule_method)
def saver_method
foo = Bar.first
foo.attr_one = some_calcule_method
foo.attr_two = some_other_calcule_method
foo.attr_three = some_more_calcule_method
This will help you in debbuging, so if any method fails, you can see it clearly, with the line number and all that stuff.
Regards, Lucas.

Is there a way to prevent serialized attributes in rails from getting updated even if there are not changes?

This is probably one of the things that all new users find out about Rails sooner or later. I just realized that rails is updating all fields with the serialize keyword, without checking if anything really changed inside. In a way that is the sensible thing to do for the generic framework.
But is there a way to override this behavior? If I can keep track of whether the values in a serialized fields have changed or not, is there a way to prevent it from being pushed in the update statement? I tried using "update_attributes" and limiting the hash to the fields of interest, but rails still updates all the serialized fields.
Here is a similar solution for Rails 3.1.3.
Put the following code in config/initializers/
ActiveRecord::Base.class_eval do
class_attribute :no_serialize_update
self.no_serialize_update = false
ActiveRecord::AttributeMethods::Dirty.class_eval do
def update(*)
if partial_updates?
if self.no_serialize_update
super(changed | (attributes.keys & self.class.serialized_attributes.keys))
Yes, that was bugging me too. This is what I did for Rails 2.3.14 (or lower):
# config/initializers/nopupdateserialize.rb
module ActiveRecord
class Base
class_attribute :no_serialize_update
self.no_serialize_update = false
module ActiveRecord2
module Dirty
def self.included(receiver)
receiver.alias_method_chain :update, :dirty2
def update_with_dirty2
if partial_updates?
if self.no_serialize_update
update_without_dirty(changed | (attributes.keys & self.class.serialized_attributes.keys))
ActiveRecord::Base.send :include, ActiveRecord2::Dirty
Then in your controller use:
model_item.no_serialize_update = true
model_item.update_attribute(:nonserializedfield => "update me")
Or define it in your model if you do not expect any changes to the serialized field once created (but update_attribute(:serialized_field => "update me" still works!)
class Model < ActiveRecord::Base
serialize :serialized_field
def no_serialize_update
I ran into this problem today and ended up hacking my own serializer together with a getter and setter. First I renamed the field to #{column}_raw and then used the following code in the model (for the media attribute in my case).
require 'json'
def media=(media)
self.media_raw = JSON.dump(media)
def media
JSON.parse(media_raw) if media_raw.present?
Now partial updates work great for me, and the field is only updated when the data is actually changed.
The problem with Joris' answer is that it hooks into the alias_method_chain chain, disabling all the chains done after (like update_with_callbacks which accounts for the problems of triggers not being called). I'll try to make a diagram to make it easier to understand.
You may start with a chain like this
update -> update_with_foo -> update_with_bar -> update_with_baz
Notice that update_without_foo points to update_with_bar and update_without_bar to update_with_baz
Since you can't directly modify update_with_bar per the inner workings of alias_method_chain you might try to hook into the chain by adding a new link (bar2) and calling update_without_bar, so:
alias_method_chain :update, :bar2
Unfortunately, this will get you the following chain:
update -> update_with_bar2 -> update_with_baz
So update_with_foo is gone!
So, knowing that alias_method_chain won't let you redefine _with methods my solution so far has been to redefine update_without_dirty and do the attribute selection there.
Not quite a solution but a good workaround in many cases for me was simply to move the serialized column(s) to an associated model - often this actually was a good fit semantically anyway.
There is also discussions in

how to capture the time a field is updated

I'm aware of updated_at and created_ate in rails.
But what I'm interested in is the ability to update a field within a model when another field is updated. Here's what I've tried:
in my model:
def update_email_sent_on_date
if self.send_to_changed?
self.date_email_delivered =
and in the one place in my code that updates the field in question:
the problem is, this doesn't seem to be doing anything to my db table at all. I even tried removed the check on "send_to" but still nothing.
what am I doing wrong?
You're not saving it after you make the change.
Change the method to this:
def update_email_sent_on_date
if send_to_changed?
self.date_email_delivered =
Or save the model after calling it like so:

Existing Rails model without fetching it from the database

Does anyone know if its possible to create a model instance and apply the ID and any other attributes without having to load it from the database? I tried doing this, but the associations are not fetched from the database :( Any ideas?
What I want to accomplish is simply this:
Fetch an existing record from the database.
Store as "hashed" output of the record into redis or some other memory store.
Next time when that record is fetched, fetch the cached store first and if it is not found then goto step 1.
If there is a cache hit, then load all the cached attributes into that model and make that model instance behave as if it were a model fetched from the database with a finite set of columns.
This is where I am stuck, what I've been doing is creating a object and setting each of the params manually. This works, but it treats the instantiated model object as a new record. There has got to be an intermediate subroutine in ActiveRecord that does the attribute setting.
I solved the problem by doing the following.
Create a new model class which extends the model class that I want to have cached into memory.
Set the table_name of the new class to the same one as the parent class.
Create a new initialize method, call the super method in it, and then allow a parameter of that method to allow for a hash variable containing all the properties of the parent class.
Overload the method new_record? and set that to false so that the associations work.
Here's my code:
class Session < User
self.table_name = 'users'
METHODS = [:id, :username] # all the columns that you wish to have in the memory hash
METHODS.each do |method|
attr_accessor method
def initialize(data)
if data.is_a?(User)
user = data
data = {}
METHODS.each do |key|
data[key] = user.send(key)
data = JSON.parse(data)
data.each do |key,value|
key = key.to_s
def new_record?
The memcached gem will allow you to shove arbitrary Ruby objects into it. This should all get handled for you transparently, if you're using it.
Otherwise, take a look at ActiveRecord::Base#instantiate to see how it's done normally. You're going to have to trace through a bunch of rails stack, but that's what you get for attempting such hackery!

How to setup default attributes in a ruby model

I have a model User and when I create one, I want to pragmatically setup some API keys and what not, specifically:
#user.apikey = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(BCrypt::Password.create("jibberish").to_s)
I want to be able to run User.create!(:email=>"") and have it create a user with a randomly generated API key, and secret.
I currently am doing this in the controller, but when I tried to add a default user to the seeds.rb file, I am getting an SQL error (saying my apikey is null).
I tried overriding the save definition, but that seemed to cause problems when I updated the model, because it would override the values. I tried overriding the initialize definition, but that is returning a nil:NilClass and breaking things.
Is there a better way to do this?
use callbacks and ||= ( = unless object is not nil ) :)
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
before_create :add_apikey #or before_save
def add_apikey
self.apikey ||= Digest::MD5.hexdigest(BCrypt::Password.create(self.password).to_s)
but you should definitely take a look at devise, authlogic or clearance gems
What if, in your save definition, you check if the apikey is nil, and if so, you set it?
Have a look at ActiveRecord::Callbacks & in particular before_validation.
class User
def self.create_user_with_digest(:options = { })
self.apikey = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(BCrypt::Password.create("jibberish").to_s)
return self
Then you can call User.create_user_with_digest(:name => "bob") and you'll get a digest created automatically and assigned to the user, You probably want to generate the api key with another library than MD5 such as SHA256 you should also probably put some user enterable field, a continuously increasing number (such as the current date-time) and a salt as well.
Hope this helps
I believe this works... just put the method in your model.
def apikey=(value)
self[:apikey] = Digest::MD5.hexdigest(BCrypt::Password.create("jibberish").to_s)
